The new online store has not been scheduled yet, and some other problems are facing Li Xian.

If you open an online store in school, the school will be closed during the winter and summer vacations. Will their online store also stop shipping at that time?

It is already the end of October, and their school is only about two and a half months away from the winter vacation.

But Li Xian estimated that they can still make money for another week, and then go back to celebrate the New Year, which is the maximum profit.

It doesn't matter to me, but making more money is great for others.

It won't cut off their relief food during the winter vacation.

And Han Cuiting also mentioned a problem. In the wholesale market, they have some very good models, but now they are out of stock, and they can't find new substitutes for the time being.

Li Xian wanted to go to the factory with them to get the goods directly.

But now the scale is small, squeezing too much goods is not a good thing, and the school will not allow them to store so many goods, which involves the problem of fire safety hazards.

The best result is to rent an office and warehouse outside the school.

But a new problem is in front of them. If they work normally, then there is no problem for the eight of them.

But now they are still students, and their studies are still the first priority.

It is easy to recruit people to work in school. Students are the group that lacks money the most, and labor is the cheapest.

If you open a store outside, you need to recruit formal employees. The expenditure of one formal employee is estimated to be equal to four or five college students.

The cost is high, and if you don’t invest money, you will lose development, but if you invest money, it is unnecessary.

The original intention was to cultivate your own team, not to support them.

Now the store traffic has also improved, and some orders have begun to come in one after another.

Li Xian also talked to them about this problem.

Finally, several people discussed a plan. They would use the weekend to visit the surrounding cities to see if there were any good sources of goods.

Or they could just find some nice clothing patterns and order them directly from the manufacturer.

Li Xian hadn't had a good sleep in the past two days. He was very excited. I don't know if it was the effect of the body strengthening rewarded by the system.

He touched his stomach. The abdominal muscles on his stomach had already taken shape, and there were already eight blocks.

The sign-in in the past two days also scared Li Xian. The rewards were exaggerated and outrageous.

The consequence was that Li Xian's spirit was in an extremely excited state. Even in class, he had no mind to listen.

When running these two days, Yi Taiying followed him.

As a result, Li Xian jumped up and screamed after receiving the reward on Wednesday.

The shouting on the spot scared Yi Taiying so much that she trembled all over.

When Li Xian calmed down, he was so embarrassed that he wanted to pick his feet, but he couldn't say why he was so happy, so he just found a reason to cover it up.

As a result, he signed in the next day and received another luxurious reward. Although Li Xian restrained himself.

But Yi Taiying also keenly felt that Li Xian's situation was very wrong, but when she asked him, Li Xian did not explain.

Although the two of them were almost stuck together these days, their relationship was still more than friends, but less than lovers.

Yi Taiying was already a little uneasy. What was going on with Li Xian?

Did he not like her? He even looked at his phone.

Did the girl he liked confess to him? I was so disappointed. Was I rejected?

If she obviously didn't like me, why did she run with me?

Yi Taiying fell into internal friction. She didn't pay much attention to Li Xian all day on Thursday.


Li Xian was immersed in the system's rewards.

Because after signing in after running on Wednesday, the system's sign-in reward was 4.9% Maotai stock! ! !

Li Xian remembered that he had just finished running at that time, and Yi Taiying was talking on the side. He just couldn't wait, so he just silently signed in.

Unexpectedly, the reward was so generous, 4.9% of the stock. With trembling hands, he took out his mobile phone and started to check the stock.

The price of Moutai that day was about 54 yuan, and Li Xian remembered that in 21 years, the price of Moutai was more than 2,000! ! !

Even with the current market value of Moutai, the stock in his hands is worth more than 6 billion! ! !

By 21 years, that will be more than 140 billion! ! !

In other words, if he did nothing in the past few years, he could become a 100 billionaire!

After Li Xian finally calmed down, he looked at Yi

When she saw Yi Taiying, her face was just a little unnatural, but Li Xian didn't notice it at all.

The next day, at the same time and in the same situation, Li Xian signed in and got 6.5% of Penguin's shares.

Li Xian jumped up excitedly again, but fortunately, with the Moutai yesterday as a guarantee, he quickly calmed down.

He didn't know how much Penguin was worth, but when it was about 21 years old, it would be worth hundreds of billions, right? Even if it was less than tens of billions, it would definitely be worth it.

It was a piece of cake, what scene had he not seen.

Li Xian quickly calmed himself down.

But Yi Taiying on the side was really angry.

It was okay yesterday, why was it like this today? If there was anything he was dissatisfied with, he could have said it directly, instead of pretending to be a monkey in front of him and being startled.

Angry Yi Taiying didn't look at Li Xian straight in the eye all day.

And Li Xian was thinking all day about how to deal with these stocks when the time comes, should he sell them to be financially free? Or keep them for dividends?

It's better to take the dividends, anyway, I don't lack money.


The two people's thoughts are not on the same channel, and the misunderstanding has not been resolved.

On Friday morning, Li Xian, who was still in high spirits, got up early.

At 6 o'clock, he had already arrived at the playground.

The simplest warm-up, Li Xian couldn't wait to run.

He ran at the fastest speed he could run.

1 lap

2 laps

He ran very fast, but he got tired very quickly.

He could run 30 laps in one breath without breathing normally, but now he felt tired after running two laps.

Li Xian didn't look at the time, he just felt that he was running very fast, and the scenery in his sight was retreating, then repeating, and retreating again.

After drinking a sip of water, Li Xian walked half a lap and started jogging.

The two laps just now became his warm-up exercise.

Li Xian emptied his mind and started running at a constant speed.

The system actually has a statistical function, as long as Li Xian runs, it will calculate the distance.

Usually, Li Xian would open the system panel after running a few laps.

But he didn't today, he was emptying himself.

10 laps, 20 laps, 30 laps.

"Hu~Hu~" Li Xian's breathing became rapid, and his heartbeat accelerated, as if it was about to jump out of his chest. His legs felt as heavy as if they were filled with lead, and every step required great effort.

His lungs seemed to be about to explode, and every breath was like air squeezed out from his teeth.

Li Xian felt that he could no longer run, so he stopped.

"Hu~" Li Xian put his hands on his waist and looked up at the sky. At this time, the sun's rays had just pierced through the clouds, and the fiery red sky dyed the gray clouds in the morning red.

Sweat dripped down his forehead and soaked his clothes. But Li Xian didn't care, still looking at the sky, in a daze.

"Li Xian?"

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