The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meal.

"So you're going out on a date with Yi Taiying tomorrow?"

Several people in Li Xian's dormitory just woke up and heard such explosive news.

"Hey, you guys finally got married." Xu Junjie didn't even brush his teeth, he just picked up a bun and stuffed it into his mouth.

"Fuck, you didn't brush your teeth."

"It's the same if you brush your teeth after eating, it's actually a very healthy behavior."

Several roommates quarreled with each other, and then looked at Li Xian.

"So where are you going to date tomorrow?"

After the quarrel, the roommate turned around and looked at Li Xian.

Li Xian thought for a while, "Let's go shopping or something? Or go to the top of Xiaomanyao to have a look. I think the scenery is pretty good."

Xu Junjie patted Li Xian's shoulder with an expression that said he was a child who could not be taught.

"Hey, you, just remember to bring your ID card. I can't control the rest."

"You have to take good measures, otherwise you will become a father. I still have a few boxes, I'll give you one."

Huang Fucai rummaged through the boxes and soon took out a few boxes of unopened family planning products.

"Fuck, you didn't tell me about this good stuff?!" Seeing this, Xu Junjie took a box while Huang Fucai was not paying attention.

"Ah, you all want it, I want it too."

Mo Fan saw Xu Junjie took it, so he also reached out and grabbed a box.

Huang Fucai was so angry. He was not paying attention just now and Xu Junjie snatched a box. You, Mo Fan, dare to snatch it?

"You two single guys! What's the use of this thing? Just go online and buy a holy grail and use it yourself!"

Mo Fan retracted his claws somewhat embarrassedly, and said awkwardly, "Hey, I'm used to it. I really don't need this thing. I'll take it next time when I have something else."

Huang Fucai glanced at Xu Junjie again, and the meaning was obvious, that is, to return it.

As a result, the latter was very thick-skinned, and raised his head and said proudly, "Just because Mo Fan can't use it doesn't mean I can't use it."

"You can't use it! No woman will like you!"

"Nonsense, how can there be no one. I'm chatting with a girl now!"

"Oh~ Chatting very well." Huang Fucai and the other two looked at Xu Junjie in unison.

The latter was stunned, and instantly realized that this was a trap set by his roommate to get his secrets out.

"Brother Jie, tell me who it is? You have taken Brother Cai's thing, are you going to get it?"

Mo Fan approached Xu Junjie with an expectant look, eager to know his next news.

"Damn it, get out of here."

"Oh, you're still hiding it. What secret is this? That girl is a 40-year-old lady? Could she be our instructor? Although the instructor is pretty, she won't be attracted to you."

凸(艹皿艹 )!

Xu Junjie just gave them an international gesture, but his mouth was as hard as the door of a safe, and he couldn't pry it open.

They were always happy on Fridays.

In addition to the upcoming weekend, there were only two classes on Fridays.

During this period, Li Xian also received a call from Penguin.

Since his shares exceeded 5%, he had already disclosed the information.

The people from Penguin also contacted him as soon as possible, and the caller was still Lao Ma.

After chatting with Lao Ma for a long time, Li Xian was a little annoyed. In the end, he repeatedly assured that these stocks were investment behaviors, and if they were really sold, he would contact him.

Finally, he made an appointment for a meal with him, and Ma Huateng was relieved and hung up the phone.

Li Xian was also a little helpless.

It was a good weekend. I had an appointment with Lei Jun on Saturday and Lao Ma on Sunday.

Why did it feel like my weekend was taken up like this?

Damn it, why are my days off different from those super rich people?

They either go to girls or bars. I haven't been to a bar once until now!

Damn it, how about giving it a try tonight?

But it's too boring for a grown man to go to a bar. Should I call Yi Taiying?

After thinking about it, Li Xian still shook his head.

He felt that bars were not suitable for him. He had been to a bar once in his previous life, and he went with his colleagues.

They went to a large bar, the kind of bar in novels that would have a dragon set meal.

I can only say that in there, as long as you have money, the service will be very good.

When you go to the toilet, someone will hand you a hot towel.

The service is thoughtful, 30 yuan per time.

That was a bar in a small city like theirs. If it were a big city, the price would be much higher.

Don't you want to fly to the sky?

In Li Xian's eyes, the bar is a place to spend money. As long as you have money, you will have fun and feel comfortable.

But Li Xian just can't like it.

From childhood to adulthood, Li Dafu can be said to be very tolerant of the three siblings.

Li Dafu only lost his temper twice in front of them.

Once was when the elder sister said she wanted to get a tattoo to cover a birthmark on her arm, and the second time was when the younger sister wanted to go to the bar with her classmates after graduating from the college entrance examination.

Li Dafu taught them not to do this since they were young, but the elder sister and the younger sister both violated this bottom line, and his father was very angry at that time.

Well, just recently, when the younger sister wanted to go to the bar a few months ago, she almost ate pork stewed with rattan sticks.

At that time, the younger sister was quite aggrieved. She didn't go to the bar with her classmates, and she didn't even go to the final graduation party.

The relationship with her father was very tense at one time.

But later I heard that the girl in their class who went to the bar had an accident and couldn't even go to college.

Their relationship eased.

In the previous life, it was not until 23 years later that my mother told them during the Chinese New Year why my father was so resistant to these things.

It was because my father was a scoundrel when he was young.

Li Dafu was originally from Diancheng, and his hometown was by the sea.

The atmosphere at the seaside was quite fierce, and my father wanted to keep up with the trend at that time. At the age of 15, he followed a formal worker from the same village and worked for a few days. He didn’t get paid, but just looked impressive.

Under the guidance of that villager, he went in and out of many places.

And my father’s colleagues not only had tattoos, but also tattooed dragons, tigers, and Guan Gong, which looked domineering. Even the women had roses on their bodies.

Their "company" boss liked to take them to the bar after get off work.

When they were having fun, they would give some people a small bag of things.

Then some colleagues went to get those small powders and went to play happily on the side, even ignoring the beauties around them.

Fortunately, Li Dafu was only a teenager at that time. He just learned to smoke and didn't dare to touch those things for the time being.

The colleagues looked at him in a somewhat ambiguous way, but they didn't force him.

As a result, they were busted by the police a week after Li Dafu "joined the company".

His boss and several colleagues had peanut meal in June. Li Dafu was scared at that time and thought he would also eat peanuts.

As a result, he hid at home for many days. Only a few policemen came to ask him what he had done, took some notes, and then ignored him after a lecture.

After that, Li Dafu went to high school in his hometown for two years and then went to Pengcheng to work.

After that, he met Huang Lixia. There was not much land in his hometown. When the family was divided, he was too young. His family's land was divided up by several brothers. The only small piece was next to the ancestral house, which was only as big as a toilet.

After struggling in Pengcheng for a few years, he also saved some money. At that time, he had already got married with Huang Lixia.

With no place to stay in his hometown, Li Dafu gritted his teeth and finally ran to Yicheng to live with Huang Lixia.

So his father was very resistant to people with tattoos and people who went to bars.

And Li Xian was thinking, is it possible to take both parents to the bar? Let his sister see it and dispel some of the filters in her mind about bars.

And also improve their father-daughter relationship?

Oh, as the eldest brother, I am really too hard-working, is it no more than a perfect eldest brother?

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