The two of them were so busy that they had to wait for the next meeting.

"I'll deal with you when I get home tonight!" Huang Lixia glared at Li Xian, then reached out to Li Dafu. "Give me your phone!"

Li Dafu awkwardly handed over his phone, and the latter took it and operated it.

Disabled Li Dafu's WeChat friend scanning code setting.

But just a moment later, Li Dafu's friend request had reached 99+.

Clicking it casually, Huang Lixia blushed.

The avatars of those who added Li Dafu as friends were all those coquettish female avatars, or anime avatars of unknown gender.

"I want to throw you and your father into the Pearl River right now!!!"

At this time, Li Xian and his father could only act like ostriches, lowering their heads and not daring to look at their mother.

And then, Huang Lixia was about to break down.

Several beautiful women in cool clothes started dancing in front of their booth.

The ambiguous dance moves were shaking like thunder.

Huang Lixia felt like she was going to eat someone.

"Can you remove it!!!" Huang Lixia scolded the staff.

When she saw her husband wanting to see but not daring to, she got even angrier.

The staff in charge of delivering the wine was also a little confused.

This was the first time they had encountered this, ordering wine but not wanting these atmosphere groups.

No, when those CEOs, such as Mr. Zhu and Mr. Huang, came over and ordered a set meal, didn't the more girls the better?

Even the happier CEOs would dance with the dancing girls.

Why did the woman next to Mr. Li scold them to leave?

They looked at Li Dafu for help.

The meaning is very clear, you ordered the wine, we will listen to you.

Li Xian saw this and waved his hand and said, "Everyone, leave, leave, we ordered it to liven up the atmosphere, now, it's not needed."

Atmosphere? Now the atmosphere of my mother killing people is quite enough.

When Li Xian and the others were embarrassed and didn't know what to say, suddenly a voice called out from behind them.

"Dafu? Is it you?!!"

Hearing someone calling him, Li Dafu turned his head and found a middle-aged man wearing yellow moccasins, ripped jeans, casual loose clothes, and only a tuft of shit-yellow hair standing behind their booth.

It felt very familiar, Li Dafu thought about it carefully, and was secretly surprised.

Why is he here? !

After confirming that it was Li Dafu, whom he knew, the middle-aged man hurriedly came over and sat in the booth in a very familiar manner. He first glanced at Li Xian and the others, and felt that they looked a bit like Li Dafu, so he smiled and said, "Hey, Brother Li. Are you bringing your family out to play? Is this your sister-in-law? Hello, hello."

Li Zongda was actually not sure whether it was Li Dafu's wife, but seeing Huang Lixia hugging Li Dafu's arm, whether it was or not, he felt that he would not be wrong to call her like that.

"Li Zongda, why are you here?" Li Dafu stretched out his hand and held the hand in front of his wife.

Li Dafu looked at Li Zong unhappily. It was the first time he saw the protective look on his father's face.

"Haha, I'm the person in charge here." Li Zong explained with a smile. "Why, don't you introduce them to me?"

Li Zongda looked at Li Xian's three siblings.

Li Dafu looked at Li Zongda with disdain and said casually, "My children, Jiaxin, Jiaxuan and Li Xian."

"Oh, oh, oh~ Hello!" Li Zongda didn't care whether Li Dafu disliked him or not, he stretched out his hand to shake hands with Li Xian and the others. "I'm Li Zongda, and I'm from the same generation as your father. According to seniority, you can call me Fourteenth Father."

"Just call him by his name!" Li Dafu seemed very reluctant to be with Li Zongda. He directly scolded his children, looked him up and down, and said, "How can someone like you be the person in charge of this bar! Can we have you?"

Li Zongda smiled bitterly and said, "Hey, I'm lucky. I met some people when I worked for someone. After I got out, I made a living in bars and KTVs here. I looked at your WeChat profile picture and felt familiar, so I came to see you. I didn't expect it was really you."

"Hehe~" Li Dafu was dismissive of Li Zongda's explanation. "I thought you followed your boss to work down there. Your boss is probably in his twenties now. How come you are fine?"

Li Zongda seemed to know everything. He smiled and said, "Hey, I'm lucky. I was just a little brother back then. I just watched the scene and never touched that little powder. After the profound transformation of the motherland, I just want to be a good person now!"


Dafu looked at the tattoos on Li Zongda's arm and the strange clothes with disdain.

"With you like this, I don't believe you have learned it well."

Li Zongda was a little embarrassed and licked his dry lips with his tongue. "Don't say that. We are from the same village after all. You haven't been back to your hometown for more than ten years. You should go back and have a look. We are from the same village after all."

Li Dafu was so angry that he stood up and pointed at Li Zongda and said, "You are talking without any pain. Are you going back to the toilet in your hometown? When I went to your father, the old village chief, to argue with him, he said that I was a scumbag if I mixed with you. I ruined the reputation of the village and I was not qualified to have land. He also said that the toilet-sized space next to the ancestral house was reserved for my grave! What, you don't remember when you said that?!"

Li Zongda touched his half bald head and said awkwardly, "Why am I so stupid? I was still receiving education there at that time."

After being scolded by Li Dafu, Li Zongda finally understood why Li Dafu didn't go back to his hometown. If he was scolded like this, he might have done something even more excessive.

Li Xian's three siblings looked at each other in bewilderment. It seemed that their father had not returned to his hometown, and there was this relationship in it.

Originally, they just wanted to use the village's affairs to get closer to Li Dafu, but they didn't expect to step on the biggest thunder instead.

At this time, Li Zongda just wanted to give himself a big slap.

For so many years, he couldn't speak and lost many opportunities for promotion.

Oh, no, it's a good thing that I can't speak, otherwise I would have eaten peanuts twenty years ago.

Li Zongda silently used the idiom he learned to use, "A blessing in disguise" to comfort himself.

"I was wrong about this matter, I should be punished, I will punish myself with a bottle of beer." After saying that, Li Zongda picked up a bottle of beer and drank it in three gulps.

After drinking, he looked at Li Dafu and was about to speak.

Li replied first, "This beer was bought by my son, and he didn't say he would treat you. Give me the money back!!!"

"Okay, okay, I'll give it to me." Li Zongda looked constipated and took out his mobile phone to scan the code.

"No need, let's go!" Li Dafu stood up and walked out. Li Xian and the others were also very perceptive. They said nothing and followed their father out of the bar.

Li Zongda saw this and did not stop him. He said directly, "Jack, save the unopened wine. Does your brother Li know this?"


After getting the reply from his subordinate, Li Zongda hurriedly followed.

As soon as the elevator came, Li Zongda hurriedly followed.

"You are still here? What do you want to do with me?!"

Li Zongda touched his bald head again and said, "My father passed away a few years ago. At that time, he said that he did something wrong. He drove you out of the village and wanted me to find you back."

Li Dafu, who originally wanted to push Li Zongda out, also withdrew his hand.

"I followed Li Gui back then, and my father thought I was a good person, but you led me astray."

At this point, Li Zongda noticed that Li Dafu's face was not right, so he quickly said, "Later I said, it was me who led you astray! I swear!!"

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