"What?" Li Xian looked at Luo Meiqi in disbelief. He was not sure whether such lewd words were spoken by a young girl or whether he had heard it wrongly. Luo Meiqi, who had already decided to put aside all her dignity, did not care about her dignity at this time. She looked at Li Xian seriously and repeated, "Senior, can you support me?" Li Xian looked around and remembered that he was in a small private room. No one would notice Luo Meiqi's shocking speech, and Li Xian felt much more at ease. "Hey, why are you so... Your life has just begun, and it's really not good to take these shortcuts. We all have a bright future..." "No!" Luo Meiqi clenched her hands tightly and interrupted Li Xian's words that he wanted to enlighten. "I can't see my future anymore. I... I'm almost suffocated. I... I'm really tired."

Luo Meiqi's eyes were red and her gaze was as firm as a rock. She seemed to have made up her mind and would not back down.

However, under her determined gaze, a string of tears fell silently. They flickered under the light, like lonely meteors in the dark night, crossing her face and finally falling into the bowl of steaming rice.

Looking at Luo Meiqi's pitiful appearance, Li Xian didn't know how to start for a while.

He could only change the subject.

"Let's eat first, and talk after we finish, okay?"

The action just now seemed to have consumed all of Luo Meiqi's courage. She kept silent, lowered her head, and picked up the rice in the bowl mouthful by mouthful.

Every chew was so resolute, as if the pressure of life had not knocked her down. Her lips were tightly closed, not letting herself choke a single sob, but her tears betrayed her strength, one drop after another, ruthlessly revealing the waves in her heart.

The world around her seemed to be still for her, only she and the bowl of rice, and the tears that kept dripping.

The hustle and bustle around her seemed to be isolated in another world by her. At this moment, she seemed to be on an island with only herself and the bowl of rice. Her fingers tightly grasped the chopsticks, and every action of picking up rice revealed an unyielding strength. Although tears had blurred her vision, and although saliva and tears mixed together, making every bite of rice taste salty and astringent, she still did not stop.

"Hey." Li Xian put down his bowl and chopsticks. What happened to this girl?

He stretched out his hand to hold Luo Meiqi's hand, but he retracted his hand just halfway up.

What should I do if she misunderstood me? I don't seem to have the determination to support others.

I just want to have a relationship and live a daily life as a rich man.

Luo Meiqi was still crying silently, and her bloodless face was even paler.

Thinking of her weak body, Li Xian was a little worried that she would faint again in the next second.

But Luo Meiqi was very strong at this moment. She did not faint, nor did she stop eating. She swallowed every grain of rice, even though she could not feel the taste at this time.

Finally, she sent all the rice into her mouth, but she ate it too fast, and her mouth was still bulging with rice that she could not swallow in time.

She gently wiped the tears from her face with the back of her hand, and Li Xian hurriedly handed her a napkin.

In this way, Luo Meiqi swallowed the rice and wiped her tears.

Finally, she took a deep breath and tried to calm her emotions. Although there were still tears in her eyes, she was no longer confused and fragile. She looked at Li Xian and forced a smile, although there was a bit of bitterness in that smile.

"I'm sorry, I embarrassed you." Her voice was very soft, but it was particularly clear in this private room.

Li Xian shook his head, and he looked at Luo Meiqi with gentle eyes, "Everyone has sad times. If possible, can you tell me about it?"

Luo Meiqi smiled slightly, and she felt Li Xian's kindness. For a moment, she suddenly felt that maybe it wouldn't be a bad thing to talk about it.

But thinking about what she was going to do, if he didn't support her, then what was the point of saying those things?

She suddenly grabbed Li Xian's hand and put it on her heart, "Is what I just said okay?"

Feeling the warmth coming from his palm, Li Xian was a little embarrassed, because he found that he was a straight man and had normal phenomena.

He quickly pulled back his hand and put it on the table.

Li Xian only felt that his palm was still

There is a warmth and fragrance.

Illusion, definitely an illusion.

Noticing Li Xian's embarrassment, Luo Meiqi burst into laughter. "Then, just pretend I didn't say anything. Sorry, senior, I bothered you."

Luo Meiqi decided to go find her roommate. Her suggestion is actually acceptable, isn't it?

It's just a pity that the light that I desperately want to catch already belongs to someone else.

Will the bright future come one day in the future?

Luo Meiqi's hand just touched the door handle of the private room, and Li Xian's voice came from behind.

"I can accept your suggestion, but you have to tell me why, right?"

The light, it seems that you haven't given up on yourself?

Luo Meiqi turned her head and looked at Li Xian in disbelief, trying to see the reason from his face.

"Are you sure? Senior, your girlfriend..."

Li Xian interrupted Luo Meiqi with a big wave of his hand and pulled her back to sit on the chair.

"I'm sure, so now you can tell me why?"

Luo Meiqi didn't answer Li Xian, her red eyes still looked at Li Xian firmly.

The two looked at each other for a long time, and Luo Meiqi finally spoke.

"Then, what's the proof, senior?"


"Yes, prove your determination to support me?"

Li Xian woke up, took out his mobile phone, and wanted to transfer money to Luo Meiqi.

But at this moment, Luo Meiqi held his hand.

The two looked at each other again.

Luo Meiqi hugged Li Xian's right hand tightly with both hands, and gently put the mobile phone in it on the table. Pull Li Xian's hand and send it to the heart.

No, this!

Li Xian widened his eyes and looked at Luo Meiqi in disbelief.

Just now it was just across the clothes, now!!!

"Senior, this is to prove your determination."

Luo Meiqi's face was a little red, but she looked at Li Xian seriously.

"Senior, won't you move for a while?"

"Senior, how about going back to the car and checking the packaging? I promise that I have never touched any man, including my first kiss?"

Li Xiang wanted to refuse, but at this time Luo Meiqi was like the last straw that a drowned person grabbed, like a devil that broke into the world, whispering and tempting humans.


In the underground parking lot of Huiyuetai, the brain filled with hormones began to cool down.

Li Xian reached out and touched Luo Meiqi's head. The latter opened the corners of her mouth slightly and smiled. You can see the "spit" of the brush.

Seeing this, Li Xian found a bottle of water in the car, unscrewed it and handed it to Luo Meiqi.

The latter drank the water, completely ignoring the spring light that was leaked.

"You should tidy up your clothes first."

Luo Meiqi was a little stunned. She hadn't eaten the main course yet, so how... But with her shallow physiological knowledge, she knew that men usually enter a weak state after an outburst.

And Luo Meiqi thought that Li Xian had entered this state.

Luo Meiqi was tidying up her clothes as if no one was around. Seeing this, Li Xian could only pretend to look at the scenery outside the window.

Following the direction of Li Xian's eyes, Luo Meiqi only felt a ray of light shining on her face.

But this light was a little yellow.

The lights in the underground parking lot are all this dark yellow, aren't they?

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