The transportation work was completed quickly with the help of classmates.

In order to thank the classmates for their help, Li Xian also found a restaurant near the school and invited them to dinner.

And Li Xian also planned to take this opportunity to see if he could chat with the counselor and ask her to come over to help.

Most of the people who came this time were male classmates. The female classmates and counselors just made up one table, which added up to four tables.

When the boys got together, they would naturally drink some beer or something. Li Xian didn't give them the opportunity to drink more. Each table had five bottles, and there were seven or eight people at a table, so they were just a little drunk. Some students came from provinces with good alcohol tolerance, which was to quench their thirst.

While eating, a classmate shouted, "Li Xian, is your e-commerce profitable? Should I join you?"

When Li Xian heard someone calling him, he looked and found that it was Zhu Guli. Li Xian smiled and said, "Old Zhu, how can you guarantee to make money in business? If you want to do it, just apply for an online store. If you want to get the goods, just follow us to the wholesale market. Haha."

After hearing this, Zhu Guli did not agree at once, but just raised his glass and drank with Li Xian.

Li Xian also took this opportunity to come to the girl's table and pretended to tease, "Today is still thanks to your help, counselor. Counselor, do you want to come to work in our company?"

"Puchi, hahaha." Chen Xueruo was successfully amused by Li Xian. She looked at Li Xian teasingly.

"Oh my, you are poaching people from the school. I am your counselor. Do you need me as a big Buddha in your small shop?"

Chen Xueruo said very clearly. Her status is here. If she really goes there, you may not be used to it.

And she helped Li Xian and others because the school asked, and at the same time, she cared for the students.

"I don't have that ability. If I really go there, I may not do as well as you."

Li Xian heard it and said nonchalantly, "Hey, anyway, we are starting from scratch. We are all in a state of learning. What's the difference?"

Paused and glanced at Chen Xueruo. Seeing that she didn't react, Li Xian changed the topic and continued.

"The main thing is that we have classes from Monday to Friday, and we will definitely recruit formal employees at that time. When we are in class, we may need your help to look at it."

"Oh~" Chen Xueruo glanced at Li Xian meaningfully. "Li Xian, you are so good, you are plotting against the counselor, right? You asked me to take a leave, but you really want me to look after your shop."

Li Xian smiled and just looked at Chen Xueruo without saying anything.

Taking advantage of the slight intoxication, Chen Xueruo thought about it and agreed immediately, "Okay, I will help you take a look, and I may not be able to help you with the rest. If you really work, oh."

Seeing Chen Xueruo agreed, Li Xian's hanging heart was relieved. "Thank you for your hard work, counselor, come on, let's go!"

"Go to hell~ I can't drink much, I can't drink any more."

After a fight, the dinner ended tonight.

After paying the bill, Li Xian looked at the prices on the menu and was secretly shocked.

Originally, they went to eat hot pot for economical reasons.

Calculated, on average, a boy can eat a plate of beef, as well as other meat and vegetable dishes.

When Li Xian finally paid the bill, the total cost was 5,000 yuan.

This price is much more expensive than hiring temporary workers.

Li Xian didn't mind the money, he could afford it even if the price was ten times higher, but he just sighed that people of this age can really eat.

It may also be that the food in the canteen is really not nourishing, you can eat enough, but not well.

After eating and drinking, Mo Fan was requisitioned by Chen Xueruo again, because Mo Fan didn't drink, but Chen Xueruo did.

Mo Fan was a little helpless, why did you, a counselor, drink alcohol, and do hard labor yourself.

After returning to the dormitory, Huang Fucai finally said the question in his heart. "Li Xian, do you really want them to open an online store with us? I'm a little worried that they will steal our business."

Li Xian smiled, "I hope they can succeed."

"Huh? Why?" Even Xu Junjie looked at Li Xian a little strangely.

You know, the most feared thing for businessmen is that someone follows the trend. They haven't made any money yet, but they let people get involved. This is the most annoying thing for businessmen.

As a result, Li Xian directly let his classmates enter the factory. Isn’t this inviting a wolf into the house?

At this time, Mo Fan also came back.

"Just right, everyone is here. It's easier to talk together."

Li Xian adjusted his seat and said, "First of all, the e-commerce industry is really too big. It's so big that even if I can bring thousands of people from the whole school into it, there won't be any splashes. The market is huge, but we have very few people. If they enter, they will not occupy our market, but can make profits for us."

"Profit? How to make profits?"

"It's easier to get things done with more people." Li Xian said with a smile, "The market is huge, but we have only been in the market for a short time. Think about it again, how did we get so many orders?"

"Is it because of the Weibo run by Ye Dairu?"

"That's right." Li Xian raised his thumb and gave Xu Junjie a thumbs up. "It's the end of 2013 now. The road of e-commerce is actually the physical store moving to the Internet, but now this track is crowded with people. Countless online stores are opened and closed every day."

"And how can we make profits from the crowd? That is to open up a new track. And now, the new track is right in front of us."

Li Xian took out his mobile phone, opened Weibo, pulled out Ye Dairu's account, pointed to the content inside and said,

"Experts bring goods! This popular Weibo has consumed more than half of our inventory from last week to this week. It is not only the styles of the nine pictures in it, but also other clothes in the store. Han Cuiting gave a number today. Do you know how much we made?"

"Mr. Duo?"

Li Xian stretched out two fingers and said proudly, "200,000!"

"Hiss~" Several people took a deep breath. Although they were either packing clothes or on the way to get goods during this period. I knew that I made some money, but I didn't expect to make so much!

Xu Junjie was a little confused, "Didn't you deduct the cost?"

"Haha~" Seeing that he was exposed, Li Xian was not embarrassed, but said happily, "Hahaha, of course. But hasn't our store been open for less than a month? And there are many models that Taobao didn't return to us. Anyway, if you really calculate it, we actually made 200,000 yuan."

"Since it is so easy to make money, then we shouldn't bring those classmates with us? When the profit is taken away, we will make less money."

"No, no, no, we have to open up the pattern. With them, we will make more money."

"The store is our foundation, and their joining is just to become our foundation. The experts are the stage we want to build."

What Li Xian envisioned was exactly the routine of e-commerce sales in the future.

After seeing the ability of e-commerce sales, a factory on the verge of bankruptcy can be revitalized in minutes.

Seeing that his roommates were somewhat convinced, Li Xian continued to add fuel to the fire and said, "Mo Fan, do you want to try the Taobao store for power leveling?"

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