The new year is coming, but the new year is coming.

As the president of the University of Finance and Economics, Fu Guohua is young, just a 50-year-old middle-aged man, and it has only been two and a half years since he was appointed as the president.

Last night, when he was about to go to bed, he unexpectedly got a message that his students wanted to donate 10 million to the school.

Hearing this news, he lost all sleep.

Putting aside the fact that they are not short of funds, there is no reason to refuse if someone gives money.

What's more, the people below reported that the money donated by this student is the cost of repairing and installing equipment for the school.

10 million, he can replace the plastic track that he just built two and a half years ago.

Ahem, of course he won't waste it so much. But some of the older toilets, classrooms and office air conditioners can be replaced.

Well, some student dormitories can also be repainted.

Since the students have donated, is it because the dormitories are uncomfortable to sleep in? Or should the beds in the dormitories be replaced?

By the way, the female toilets on the third and fourth floors of the teaching building should also be repaired. They seem to have reported to the school that the toilets there are not running water.

And, recently, those garbage notes with various loan information have been posted in the toilets.

We need to mobilize people to clean them, and we need to let the security guards supervise them, so we have to calculate overtime pay with them.

Hiss, so calculated. It seems that the 10 million has been spent almost? !

As he calculated, Fu Guohua began to suffer from insomnia. Why does the money seem to be a little insufficient?

Or, should he apply for funds from his superiors?

The next day, Fu Guohua came to the school early. As soon as he arrived at the office, he saw the director of the Finance Department and a young girl sitting in the office waiting for him.

He still had some impression of the Mediterranean head of the Finance Department, Yang Xuelin.

He glanced at the young woman next to Yang Xuelin, who immediately noticed the inquiry in his eyes and stood up immediately, "Principal, this is Chen Xueruo, the counselor of Class 2 of the Finance Department of the School of Economics and Trade. She was the one who reported that her student wanted to donate."

Fu Guohua nodded calmly, and after looking at Chen Xueruo, "What's the name of your student? Have you learned about his family situation?"

Although I know that the information that can be reported to me must have been screened to a certain extent. There will be no fraud to make fun of the school. But I still have to ask about the situation.

Chen Xueruo sat upright, and she was still a little scared of her boss's boss. "My student is called Li Xian, Muzi Li, leisurely. I just received his message last night saying that he would donate hundreds to ten million. He also specially video-called me to prove his financial strength."

At this point, Chen Xueruo felt a little embarrassed. Because she didn't see the logos of the cars she saw yesterday, she only knew that there were a few sports cars and so on.

She could only bite the bullet and say that there were a few sports cars, but the parking lot was too dark to see clearly, and simply described the cars as yellow and black.

After hearing Chen Xueruo's answer, Fu Guohua was a little speechless. What's the difference between this description and the location given by his wife when she asked him to pick someone up, and the location was the third banyan tree under the sun?

Well, for sports cars, the price is at least a little guaranteed, and it seems that there are also entry-level sports cars worth hundreds of thousands.

"By the way, he said that his home is in Huiyuetai, and he can see the waist. It seems to be a duplex, and he also said that the left one is his home, and the right one is also his home."

Fu Guohua's hand trembled slightly, and the water for pouring tea accidentally spilled out.

He was a little embarrassed, but he reacted immediately, and washed the cup again with the hand holding the teapot, and then clamped the teacup with a clip and handed it to Chen Xueruo and the others.

Then he said calmly, "Scald the cup with tea water, disinfect it repeatedly, and the tea in the cup will be more fragrant."

Yang Xuelin looked like he had learned something. "So that's why I always feel the fragrance of tea every time I come to your place. I tried it several times at home, but it never worked. It seems that there is such a little trick in it."

Fu Guohua smiled. He was also very pleased with Yang Xuelin's flattery. At the same time, he estimated in his mind.

He knew about the house in Huiyuetai. One of the bosses he knew also bought one. It is said that he spent tens of millions.

Is it Li? This is a common surname. There are also several people he knows with the surname Li. It is not worth referring to.

When he wanted to learn more about it, Chen Xueruo's phone rang.

Get up.

Seeing that the caller ID was Li Xian, Chen Xueruo explained and picked up the phone to go out to answer the call.

Fu Guohua indicated that he could just call here.

Chen Xueruo did not act pretentiously and picked up the phone to answer it.

After a while, Chen Xueruo hung up the phone and looked at Fu Guohua awkwardly and said, "Uh, Li Xian said he has brought the bank manager here."

Fu Guohua:?

No, even if it is a donation. Shouldn't you get together and talk first, and then report the places in the school that need repairs and money. As a result, you brought the bank staff to the door. Do you want to donate directly?

This process is not right?

Although he was confused, he still stood up and went down with Yang Xuelin and others to wait for Li Xian's arrival.

When Li Xian got up in the morning, in order to avoid trouble, he directly told Liang Dahai that he would donate 10 million to the school and bring the staff to the school to transfer the money directly without running back and forth.

Liang Dahai felt so sad when he heard that 10 million yuan was to be donated.

Although Li Xian had tens of millions more in his card during this period, reaching 77 million yuan in deposits, and another 10 million yuan was transferred in last night.

He was very happy, but the 10 million yuan had not even warmed up yet and was about to be transferred out.

If he stayed for another week, his performance might have been even better.

Although he was very reluctant, he could still make up his mind and immediately decided that he would handle it.

He thought about it and decided to take Ke Hongchang and Chen Yafang back with him. After all, they were both from this school, so he could take them to do a favor.

Although he was a student, it was the first time he met the president of a university. He usually saw this little old man in photos.

Originally, Fu Guohua still had doubts about Li Xian's financial strength, but when he saw that Liang Dahai was standing next to Li Xian, he felt relieved.

Others may not know him, but Liang Dahai knows him. He usually cooperates with their school.

After he relaxed, Fu Guohua did not test Li Xian too much. He just simply understood how he made money, how much he donated, and how he planned to use it.

Li Xian was simple. He directly said that he would install air conditioners, and the rest would be arranged by the school.

So, the dormitory does not need to be decorated?

"It's like this, principal. I usually have to deal with some business matters. Sometimes I can't go to class, and I can't go back at night, so I live at home. But the end of the semester is coming soon, and the usual score accounts for 40 points..."

Oh~ That's it.

After listening to Li Xian's words, Fu Guohua suddenly realized.

No wonder the dormitory does not need to be decorated. It seems that you want to live outside the school. "Hey, Li Xian, what you said is true. Full marks, you must get full marks in your usual scores! However, as a student, you should not fall behind in your studies. Remember to arrange time to come back for the final exam. When you are free, I... I will ask counselor Xiao Chen to bring the test paper to you."

Fuck, there is such a good thing? What do you mean by wait for me to be free? They can take the exam after they have finished the exam and then take the exam when they are free? What's the difference between that and open-book exam?

Li Xian was happy and immediately held Fu Guohua's hand tightly. The two looked at each other.

Hehehe~ laughed.

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