The old man was very busy, and the old man was very busy.

"Open a supermarket?" Huang Lixia looked at her son in surprise.

The latter nodded, "Yes, open a supermarket. Go back to the old business."

"You are not asking us to open a supermarket here in Yangcheng?"

"What else? Go back to my hometown and continue to open it? It must be opened in Yangcheng."

Li Dafu waved his hand and said, "No, no, the rent here in Yangcheng is too expensive, we can't get back our investment."

"Then why not buy a floor to open a supermarket."

Li Xian said it as a matter of course, and now it was Li Dafu and the others' turn to be speechless.

To be honest, they still have no way to estimate their son's financial strength.

After a few days, they bought some luxury goods, after a few days, they said they had acquired some industries, and after a few days, they announced which company's stocks they owned.

Their hearts are like stocks in a bull market, rising up.

After rising too much, they became numb. But their thoughts have not changed for a while.

Just kidding, you have hundreds of thousands of savings from your family, and after a few days, your son suddenly gives you 5 million and says it is this month's living expenses.

If it were you, your mentality would not change.

Even now, when they go out for tea, they still habitually bring their own tissues, and they are reluctant to buy those two yuan tissues.

The couple looked at each other and felt that what their son said seemed to make sense. With his family property, there must be no problem in opening a supermarket in Yangcheng, right?

Li Dafu smiled awkwardly.

This son, not to mention the distant past, just say that in the past two months, he asked me for living expenses. Now it's my turn to ask my son for money to open a supermarket, and in Yangcheng, wouldn't it cost millions to open it?

"Hey, son." Li Dafu rubbed his palms and laughed a little embarrassedly. "How much does the investment cost?"

Li Xian thought for a while and said, "Invest 10 or 20 million yuan in the early stage to test the water. If you lose, you lose. Just treat it as tuition. Dad, don't feel burdened, understand?"

"Oh no, that won't work." Hearing that the initial investment was so large, Li Dafu didn't dare to do it.

I have never seen so much money since I was a child. I can't control it if I invest so much at once.

"Son, this is too much. We may not be able to manage it."

According to Huang Lixia's experience, the small supermarket she opened in her hometown before was opened with a loan of more than 100,000 yuan. Now the investment is so large at once, and there are so many employees under her. How can she manage it? And there is too much money. Guangzhou is different from her hometown.

In her hometown, she can call familiar people to support the scene when she just opened the business and give them some internal discounts. In Guangzhou, this model doesn't work.

"Mom and Dad, you need to change your mindset. Although we are nouveau riche now, we also need to improve our consumption habits. We can be nouveau riche, but we can't always look at the world with the mentality of nouveau riche."

"Yeah~" Li Jiaxuan nodded in agreementヾ(❀^ω^)ノ゙.

"Now I give you a task, that is to learn to spend money first. Think about it, I give you 5 million living expenses every month. The supermarket lost money in the early stage, and it only lost four months of living expenses."

Li Xian counted on his fingers and continued to calculate for his parents, "Think about it again, how much living expenses did you give to grandma every month before?"

"6...600?" Huang Lixia recalled and said.

"Isn't that it? Four six, twenty four. Four months is only two thousand four, is that a lot? It's not much, right?"

Huang Lixia thought about it and slowly said, "It's really not a lot. But..."

"That's it, now I'll give you a task. Go around and choose a location to open a supermarket."

After saying that, Li Xian saw that his parents were still thinking, and he spoke again,

"Is it okay? Do you have confidence?"

"Okay... probably okay~·"

Li Xian posed for a photo with his hands and said, "Very good, it's right to have confidence, you guys do your best."

"Good boy, you almost fooled me!" Li Dafu suddenly realized, slapped the table hard, and raised his voice.

"You are changing the concept here. The living expenses for your grandmother are a few hundred yuan, and the living expenses for us are millions. Can they be the same?"

Tsk~ So annoying. Business people are not so easy to fool.

Li Xian looked helplessly at his father who pretended to be angry, thought about it, and decided to change his mindset.

"It's a loss, it's a loss. We can't afford it.

There are 37 floors below, 74 houses. If you lose 100 million yuan a year, you can lose money for 50 to 60 years. What's more, the housing prices are still rising. To be honest, I am not worried about your losses. "

Then Li Xian took out the Graf Illusion and Charm he had just taken.

"These two watches, each is more than 300 million yuan. You lose a watch in a year, so you are not afraid."

Looking at the watch that the elder brother put on the table, Li Jiaxuan couldn't move his eyes away.

"Damn, elder brother! You are my god, is this watch so expensive?"

Li Xian pointed to the diamond on the watch and said, "Look at this, the key words are Graf and diamond. So~"

"Just two, one for me and you."

Pushing the watch in front of them, the casual look, as if these two watches were children's watches.

Li Jiaxin's face collapsed rarely, and the corners of her mouth twitched slightly. "No, you have more money to buy this thing? Give it back to us?"

"Yes. "Li Xian stretched out his hand and counted. "The gifts for you, dad, sister, and younger sister. All are watches. Mom seems to... um"

"Give mom a house?"

Huang Lixia nodded with satisfaction.

But Li Xian was very dissatisfied. The pocket watch he gave to dad was worth millions, and his sister and younger sister had more. The house he gave to mom was actually for everyone to live in.

Seeing Li Xian's embarrassment, Huang Lixia comforted her son. "Such a big house, I saw it, it's worth hundreds of millions. It's better than yours."

Li Xian didn't care about his mother, he went to the next door and took out another watch.

"Hehehe, fortunately I still have a fourth watch, Patek Philippe Platinum World."

Give the watch in his hand to his mother, "Hey, everyone has it, and mom must have it too. Although it's not very expensive, it's a collection, probably worth a few million. Huhu, but..."

Huang Lixia took the watch, her eyes full of joy, but soon she said with a stern face, "Although our country is safe, I don't allow you to wear these watches outside."

"Why?" Hearing that they couldn't wear them outside, the two sisters were still a little disappointed, but thinking of the price of these watches, they were ridiculously expensive, so they didn't have much resistance in their hearts.

"Hehe, don't think that there are no criminals now that society is safe. If others knew the price of your watch, their hands would be chopped off in a minute. Do you believe it?"

"Ah? Not... not that bad, right?"

"Not that bad!"

As a mother, Huang Lixia still had some dignity, and quickly took back the watches from her two daughters and handed them to Li Xian.

"What are you giving them to me?"

"Keep them and use them as dowry when they get married."

Huang Lixia said it very decisively, and Li Xian didn't resist at all.

Is this the suppression of blood?

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