What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 1 I am a responsible man

"It's so bloated. I don't want it anymore. I give up. I give up."

"I can't do it anymore, please let me go, you are so powerful."

Inside a lobby booth in the corner of the bar.

The two women fell into Qin Zheng's arms, one on the left and the other on the right.

There were more than a dozen wine bottles scattered on the table in front.

They were all left over from their drinking session just now.

The drinking session just now made both women's bellies visibly grow.

The face is also flushed and looks very pink, making people want to take a bite.

The two women spoke coyly and punched Qin Zheng on the chest with small fists, calling him a bad guy.

"I hate it. I really can't stand it. Look, my skirt is all wet!!"

A woman's black silk skirt was spilled with drink.

A large area was visibly wet, making the snow-white skin even whiter and more attractive under the light.

Qin Zheng laughed loudly and reached out to take the other person into his arms again.

"It's just a dress. Buy a new one and continue drinking."

"No, boss, I'm already drunk."

"It doesn't matter if you have a big belly, it's mine. I'm a responsible man."

Qin Zheng touched the woman's bulging belly and said jokingly.

"Hate, why do you say such things!!"

The deafening music made my ears hurt.

Men and women exuding hormones squirmed on the dance floor shrouded in red and green lights.

On the high platform, a group of dancers with hot bodies and prosthetic limbs were wearing clothes similar to strips of cloth.

They twisted their waists, stuck out their tongues and licked their red lips, extremely seductive.

The customers in the audience were all shaking their heads, twisting their bodies with exposed metal joints, immersed in the excitement brought by alcohol and music.

Qin Zheng also indulged himself unscrupulously.

He wouldn't stop until he had spent all the credits in his pocket and was so drunk that he didn't even know where the door was.

By the time Qin Zheng regained consciousness, it was already the next morning.

The slightly scarlet sunlight shines in from behind the faded and stained curtains, providing a little light to the dim room.

The creaking exhaust fan blew in the slightly smelly fresh air from the outside world.

Qin Zheng stared at the ceiling, feeling nauseous like a drunken hangover.

He kicked the woman beside him, who hummed twice, turned over and continued to sleep.

Judging from the pinch marks on the other party's skin and the marks on the bed, a very fierce "battle" took place after he drank the cut last night.

Bang! Bang!

The huge knock on the door made the door, which had been in disrepair for a long time, tremble and groan in pain, as if it was going to die in the next second.

"Zheng? Are you dead?"

Qin Zheng's eyes were covered with sleep, and he replied angrily, "You're the one who died."

"You still have a breath? What a bastard, get up from that woman's belly quickly, we have to do a big deal today."

Hearing the sounds outside, Qin Zheng rolled his eyes.

"Which car have you chosen again? Do you have any ambition for your big business? When are we going to rob a bank? Petty theft will not make you a legend in Liberty City." Qin Zheng turned over and got up.

The strong and well-proportioned body looked as perfect as a classical sculpture under the dim sunlight.

Taking a breath, the turbid air was sucked into his chest, and the curling breath seemed to have the power of a tide.

The blood flowed violently through his body, majestic and powerful.

He walked naked to the shower room, reached out and twisted the switch that had completely peeled off the paint and turned into iron gray.

The overhead shower sprayed water.

The water was cold, as if it had just been drawn from a deep well.

Pour it on your skin and make your skin crawl.

Qin Zheng enjoyed this feeling very much.

This is proof that he is alive.

Only living people can feel this coldness and feel the tightness caused by the contraction of pores.

The dead scream only with vengeance.

There is a mirror in the shower.

Qin Zheng stretched out his hand to wipe away the mist.

A strong man appeared in the mirror.

The muscles on his body were tangled, like snakes and pythons swimming around.

She has short black hair and an unruly temperament.

His eyes were completely dark, with no white at all.

In this era full of subspace curses and genetic mutations, these eyes would not look special among the crowd.

Qin Zheng stared at this perfect body and sighed.

There are thousands of thoughts in my mind, chaotic and disorderly.

In fact, he has an unknown secret, that is, he is not from this era.

After experiencing unimaginable glory, human civilization fell into decline due to some terrible reasons.

The collapse and decline of civilization resulted in the loss of many historical records.

Much of the past history is unknown and has been lost to time.

The only thing we know for sure is the current year.

New calendar year 62023.

The brilliance of reason and technology has disappeared into the boundless void.

What replaced it was unspeakable darkness, unspeakable terror and hysterical religious fanaticism.

The dead are active outside the city, screaming and hungry for the flesh of the living.

Twisted monsters are entrenched in the deep caves, waiting to devour any creature that dares to enter their territory.

Ghosts full of malice and curses linger in the dark corners of the city, feeding off the flesh and pain of the fallen.

This is the most terrifying era. Reason has collapsed and the once powerful interstellar civilization has been shattered.

These are the darkest times, and everything has become unreasonable.

Destiny is like a little girl who was abandoned by Qin Zheng after playing with her body and mind, full of resentment.

Otherwise, why would he be sent to such an extremely fucked-up era and place?

Qin Zheng turned off the switch, took out a towel, and wiped his body.

The woman on the bed finally woke up.

With sleepy eyes, he glanced at Qin Zheng who had just taken a shower, and then at his naked self, his eyes showing confusion.

It was obvious that she herself had stopped drinking.

The woman looks quite pretty.

The figure is well shaped, with a bulging front and a curved back, a slender waist, and an even more astonishing mountain of chest.

She has long, soft golden hair and three-dimensional facial features, which makes her particularly attractive.

The woman stretched her hands and moved her sore muscles.

Traces of mechanical pistons can be clearly seen at the shoulders and elbows.

If you want to cover the joints with simulated flesh and blood, the price is ridiculously high.

It is normal for a dancer who hangs out in a bar to not be able to use her.

"I'm going out now. When I come back, I don't want to see you still here." Qin Zheng gave the woman all the credit coins he had.

"How heartless." The woman was not polite at all. After accepting the credit coins, she smiled and said: "After all, you have been gentle all night, and you don't even want to say your name? You are really a complete scumbag."

"Hahaha, I'll just take it as a compliment. There's no need. Maybe I'll be dead on the street today." Qin Zheng said with a smile on his face, "Don't you think it's bad luck to know the name of a dead person?" Something about that!!”

"That's right." The woman shrugged, "My name is Evelyn, and I'm often at the Ritz Bar."

"What do you mean by telling me your name?" Qin Zheng looked at the other party and said.

"If you don't kill yourself on the street today, you can come to me at night. Your thing is very good." Evelin looked at the naked Qin Zheng without shyness, her eyes were like a tiger looking at a cute little pig, I can't wait to eat it in one bite, "And he looks handsome. I like it very much."

Qin Zheng raised his brows slightly and stretched out a hand to lift up the other person's flawless chin.

"If I hadn't died, I would have come to find you."

After saying that, he put on his clothes and walked out.

Qin Zheng opened the almost broken door.

A man with a bald head and dark silver electromagnetic lines on the back of his head was wearing a leather jacket and leaning on the cement railing of the apartment, smoking a cigarette.

"David." Qin Zheng greeted the man.

A year ago, Qin Zheng suddenly appeared in this world.

There were also clashes with some gang members.

The other party wanted to capture Qin Zheng as a slave.

Qin Zheng naturally refused.

He killed several members of the opponent and ran away, which led to the gang chasing him.

It was David who rescued him and took him to St. Ann's District to work as a mercenary to earn a living.

The city they live in is called Liberty City, and it is a giant hive city covering a vast area.

The distance between the top wealthy area in the central area and the outer city area where homeless people gather is more than a thousand kilometers in diameter. It is a super giant city left over from the glory days of mankind.

Many people have never stepped outside the confines of this hive city, or even their own area, let alone see the outside world.

Liberty City is divided into many areas.

Each area is very huge, much larger than the cities of the era when Qin Zheng lived.

Some areas are very stable and are divided into upper-class areas, usually where government officials, wealthy factory owners or some high-ranking families live.

Some areas are chaotic and decayed, full of gangs and cultists, and are divided into lower-class areas. Deaths every day are a normal thing.

The Sheng'an District where Qin Zheng and David live has gangs, but it's not that chaotic and can barely be considered a middle-class district.

The dark silver lines on the back of David's head are the interfaces left by the implantation of mechanical prosthetics.

More than 80% of his body's organs have been replaced by machines.

Heart, spleen, lungs, etc.

There are many applications of mechanical prosthetics in this world.

You can find several prosthetists in any dark corner of the street.

As long as the price is right, any kind of prosthetic limb is available.

As long as the money is in place, the 40-centimeter golden cannon can be installed casually.

David flicked the cigarette ashes and turned to look at Qin Zheng.

"I thought you were going to die on a woman's belly. It's time for you to restrain yourself. What will you do in the future?"

"Stop being funny, David. How can people like us have a future?" Qin Zheng smiled and said, "Tell me, what kind of deal is this? Is it stealing a car for some big shot again?"

David smiled.

"No, this time, we are going to kill someone."

Just as Qin Zheng was about to speak, his mind fell into a trance.

Countless images flooded into his mind like a tide.

PS: After eating the recommendations, I will post updates and strive to reach one million words as soon as possible, complete the unification of the planet, and enter the starry sky. I hope you will support me a lot.

New book, please collect it

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