What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 101 People’s support is available (please subscribe)

Dense barrages streaked across the sky.

Illuminating the corrupted building and exposing it to the world.

It is difficult to describe today's Drew District in human words.

There was black mist everywhere.

Everywhere grows strange plants that should not be born in the real world.

Humans who have lost their minds turn into beasts, wandering in the dark corners of those towering buildings.

Certain commercial activities are still maintained here.

But the things sold in these commercial activities are definitely beyond what most people can imagine.

Organs soaked in special liquid, ominous squirming flesh and blood, and blood-stained umbilical cord.

The skins skinned alive were sewn into clothing.

Live people were chopped into pieces and sold as piglets.

Every horrific atrocity imaginable by man can be found here.

The gang members active here are all more or less contaminated by the power of subspace.

All kinds of weird organs grew.

Most people's thoughts and cognitions have long been distorted.

Incompatible with normal society.

Of course, there are normal humans here too.

The war between the Qin government and the unification of Free City forced some unclean people to flee here.

In addition, there are human slaves in captivity and women who are used as reproductive machines.

The number of normal human groups also has a certain size.

But more of those scary monsters.

The arrival of the Empire was like water thrown into boiling oil.

After the first explosion, the entire Drew District boiled instantly.

Countless creatures crawled out of various dark buildings, with excitement and ecstasy on their faces.

They can't wait to have a full meal.

The news that the empire was going to attack the Drew District came in a few days ago.

There was also an unlucky guy who was instigated by the chaebol and went to the beast owner to tell him about it, but he was eaten in the end.

The creatures in Drew District have no fear of the invasion of the empire.

Just because they were already hungry.

Craving a delicious meal.

Dense red dots appeared on the small map of the helmet visor of the Imperial soldier.

There are more monsters in Drew District than you can imagine.

In addition to being cursed by flesh and blood, his body became extremely large, similar to a pig-headed man, a minotaur, and a two-headed man.

There are also all kinds of weird things.

A group of grunts with hunched waists, few hairs on their bodies, and wide eyes.

A female ghost with black hair sweeping the floor and wearing a strange red robe.

Every terrifying creature imaginable by humans can be found in Drew District.

The lower area is not a corrupt area,

But the level of terror is no less than that of the Corruption Zone.

The difference between the two is simply whether the curtain between reality and illusion has cracked.

Once the hole is opened, the physical attacks will be completely ineffective, and humans will not be able to survive. Even those corrupted gang members will have their minds completely contaminated, losing their last sanity and cognition.

Without a crack, humans can still survive, but they will be slowly transformed and their cognition will be slowly distorted.

Those weird things are rampant, but they haven't reached the point where they can't be eliminated.

Before subspace completely takes over reality.

If weird creatures want to interfere with reality, they must get a real body.

A subspace creature without a physical body as an anchor.

Aside from being scary, it's basically useless.

It is understandable that the chaebol failed to win the Drew District when they joined forces.

The appearance of those monsters makes one's scalp numb just by looking at them.

The number is terrifying.

No matter how advanced technology is, it can't stop so many terrifying monsters.

Coupled with the overt and covert struggles between the camps, cooperation is also full of contradictions.

And even if you take out all your wealth, you can just kill the monsters in Drew District.

The benefits they get are too small.

Totally not worth it.

It’s normal to have such a mentality that you can’t take it off.

Empire is different.

Profit is not Qin Zheng's priority.

The empire's slogan is to restore mankind's past glory.

This is the foundation of the Galactic Empire.

The capture of Drew District is a declaration to the world that the empire will never forget its mission.

"Intensify the artillery bombardment and cover the frontline troops with barrages fifty meters away."

Alex commanded the artillery group in the rear.

Following his order, many gunners began to adjust the range and ejection height of the rail plasma cannon.

With a burst of fire, the sizzling sound continued.

Huge plasma balls were thrown into the air like stones by the magnetic orbital force field, and then fell at high speed.

After landing, the plasma ball will completely vaporize everything within the coverage area.

Countless anti-matter missiles were launched under the control of the fire control system.

Dragging the tail flame towards the target.

When it fell, mushroom clouds wrapped in flames and shock waves also rose.

There are no shield projectors in Drew Zone.

But the black mist floating in Drew District can buffer most explosions, and can also absorb sound and bright light.

The barrage attack that was enough to destroy a city was mostly eliminated by the black mist.

But the black fog is also slowly fading under the crazy bombardment of artillery fire.

The bombers, protected by fighter jets, entered the battlefield.

A series of crazy bombings on the ground.

Places that might pose a threat to the large forces suffered devastating blows.

Shuttles and fighter jets skimmed the sky.

Lasers and missiles streaked across the gray-black sky at the same time, hitting the flying monsters and beasts.

The continuous explosions lit up the entire sky, and the firelight illuminated half of the sky.

As the first battle of the Galactic Empire.

The battle to regain the Drew District must be a perfect victory.

For this goal, Qin Zheng naturally took the lead and charged at the front line.

With tens of thousands of soldiers gathered, the Stormtroopers and Praetorian Guards entered the Dru District.

Forty guards guarded the emperor.

There is a clear distinction between the equipment of the guards and that of other troops.

On the battlefield, guards and ordinary soldiers can be clearly distinguished at a glance.

The guards' power armor is made of mica alloy.

The craftsmanship was also designed by Qin Zheng himself.

It can withstand extreme environments and has a stable life cycle system.

The surface of the armor is also engraved with complex subspace runes.

It allows them to hide their whereabouts.

As long as the eyes leave the guards, even the psychic senses cannot capture their figures.

In the future, if there are still psychics who want to assassinate Qin Zheng, Qin Zheng will basically not have to take action anymore.

The strength of these guards can easily kill those powerful psykers of eighth or ninth level who have crossed the threshold.

Virtual trials using the nervous system also allowed them to acquire extraordinary fighting skills.

His strength and fighting skills surpass those of Stormtroopers.

The weapons of the Praetorians and Stormtroopers are also different.

Stormtroopers are free to choose their weapons.

Swords, axes and hammers, as long as you like them, can be made by technical craftsmen and implanted with energy field devices for use.

On the guard's side, there were all halberds and a short sword.

Forty guards held halberds covered with dazzling electric arcs, guarding their monarch with Qin Zheng as the center.

The heavy halberds were flying up and down in their hands, and the enemy was like a target of betrayal.

There are very few enemies who can survive a single blow.

The guards' halberds are all covered with energy fields.

Can tear through steel and concrete with ease.

At its end, it can also stimulate a powerful melt beam to directly kill the enemy.

The Imperial Guards gathered around Qin Zheng, chopping and poking with their halberds.

From time to time, they would also line up in a queue, using their halberds to pour out their terrifying fury at the enemy.

Their attack methods are very rhythmic.

The incoming monsters were slaughtered by the guards with meticulous cooperation.

The monsters tried to fight back.

He wanted to completely break through the defense line of Qin Zheng's imperial guards.

But in front of the Imperial Guards, they were as weak and powerless as children learning to speak.

They could only watch as the blood-stained halberds covered with electric arcs pierced their bodies.

Pierce the abdomen of your companions and kill their leader and boss.

Blood spilled and flesh splattered.

The golden battle armor was also dyed red.

Occasionally there will be individual brave enemies.

Can open a gap.

But the crude weapons in their hands were useless against the thick golden armor.

Not even a trace was left.

In the end, he was killed by a guard holding a halberd.

Under the leadership of Qin Zheng, the forty imperial guards were like a spear.

Crushingly destroying any enemy that tries to block it, it kills towards the core of the enemy formation.

The target is very clear, it is the big monster in Drew District.

That is, the beast master.

Wang Ben witnessed the emperor of the empire leading the imperial guards into the depths of the monster group.

I also saw with my own eyes Qin Zheng's invincible appearance on the battlefield.

The flaming sword in Qin Zheng's hand turned into a brilliant sword.

What the sword pointed at was beyond the reach of the naked eye.

His figure flashed among the waves of enemies, leaping and leaping as fast as lightning.

That sacred sword tore through the enemy formation, and wherever it went, enemy remains were flying all over the sky.

Even the terrifying monsters blessed by the subspace were turned into ashes under Qin Zheng's sword.

Hundreds of monsters rushed towards Qin Zheng.

It turned into a terrifying wave of anger and rushed towards the emperor.

They are tall, terrifyingly powerful, and their eyes are full of cruelty and violence.

The roar resounded across the battlefield, unstoppable.

Qin Zheng swung his sword, and the dragon of flames roared out.

Those monsters were all slaughtered and turned into ashes and disappeared on the battlefield.

The Supreme Being of the Empire, the savior of mankind.

No one can compare with it.

Wang Ben and many storm warriors witnessed this scene.

The shock in my heart is indescribable.

Although they are powerful, compared with Qin Zheng, they are still as far apart as Yinghuo and Haori.

Watching the Imperial Guards and the Emperor deep into the enemy lines.

Wang Ben also felt that he could not lag behind.

He shouted out that new war cry, encouraging his subordinates to launch a new round of attacks.

"For the emperor, for unity."

The other stormtroopers shouted in response to the commander.

"For the emperor, for unity."

"For the emperor, for unity."

A monster with muscles all over its body and a lizard-like head rushed towards Wang Ben. .

The vital parts of the monster's body were covered with scales.

When running, it will stick out its tongue and hiss.

Those erect pupils.

Showing unspeakable cruelty.

Wang Ben blocked the opponent's slash.

With a sudden force, he forced the opponent back.

Swing your sword to deliver a low slash.

Cutting off the opponent's legs by the roots.

Then he strode forward and used his iron boots to trample the lizard head of the fallen monster into a puddle of filth.

Aliga and Yax surrounded Wang Ben.

The combat drone behind them released thick beams of light, cutting all the incoming monsters.

Other storm warriors slowly gathered together to form a wedge-shaped offensive, carving a path through the monster wave.

Wang Ben rushed to the front.

The weapon in his hand slashed the enemy's body, and the other hand clenched into a fist, hammering the monster's body like a piston.

The drone behind him kept roaring, spraying death barrages on the enemy.

Endless corrupted monsters emerged from various places in the Drew District, roaring in terror.

Wang Ben responded with the same roar.

Even facing such a hateful monster, he was fearless.

The monsters gnawed at his hard shield with their fangs and hacked at his pauldrons with their ancient weapons.

Wang Ben responded with the same brutality of killing.

His movements are consistent.

The long sword in his hand kept slashing.

As the energy sword screamed and the drone roared, the stinky blood of those monsters splashed on his body.

The iron boots trampled on countless wreckage and broken arms.

The fighting between the two sides became more and more fierce.

Those monsters have been blessed by the subspace and can withstand damage several times that of humans.

Even storm warriors cannot guarantee that they can survive the violent attacks of these monsters.

Occasionally a warrior's roar would be heard.

Then get overwhelmed by those monsters.

After a while, the runes representing the warrior lost their luster and turned gray.

The deaths of their comrades only fueled the Stormtroopers' rage.

They were like angry beasts, slashing their enemies even more crazily.

The enemy also has some ranged weapons produced by chaebols or corrupt factories.

When crossing a street intersection, crossfire came pouring out,

Bullets flew in all directions, leaving countless hot trails shining in the air.

A laser transmitter the size of a small car sprayed out several beams of light with a diameter of twenty centimeters in the direction where Wang Ben and others were.

A storm warrior accompanying Wang Ben was directly destroyed.

Even the energy shield activated by the opponent's power armor could not block the hot beam.

The remaining cuts on the body were like red-hot charcoal.

After killing a storm warrior, the beam of light struck Wang Ben like a knife.

The drone hovering above Wang Ben flew in front of him.

The body of the machine changes rapidly, forming the appearance of a heavy shield.

And allocate all energy to the energy shield in front.

The drone shield held on for a few seconds, then exploded with a final bang, and the beam continued to sweep across.

All the street lights along the way were cut off, and a glowing scorch mark was cut out of a building.

Wang Ben seized the opportunity created by the drone, hid in a pit, and watched the beam of light pass by.

"Destroy it." Aliga's voice came over the communication.

Three drones responsible for heavy firepower output executed the order.

They jumped into the sky, and then three bright lights flashed past.

All energy is channeled into the projector.

The three drones and the transmitter were connected by a twenty-meter-long blazing light strip.

Just for a moment.

The enemy's giant launcher turned into a raging and spreading scorching flame that enveloped the entire street.

Several monsters were knocked down by the shock wave of the explosion.

Several more enemies flew high into the sky with flames and landed on the stone steps like rag bags.

The three drones fell to the ground due to exhaustion of energy and became silent.

"Kill them all." Wang Ben roared as he got up.

Other storms also took the opportunity to rush out and rush towards the surviving monsters.

In the burning fire, the flaming banners of the Empire roared in the howling wind.

Stormtroopers charge at their enemies like demons.

Those monsters who once regarded their compatriots as weak ants are now dead souls.

No matter how they wail, how they run away, how they struggle.

They all have only one ending.

That is complete death.

Stormtroopers have no mercy.

Most of the Drew District was captured by the overwhelming army.

The fighting soon approached the central area of ​​Drew District, where the Animal Gang occupied.

Some slaves huddled in filthy cages.

Hearing the shouts of death and explosions outside, they were all frightened and their bodies were shaking.

Hiding in a dirty, pungent-smelling corral.

Despair awaits the judgment of fate.

The roaring explosion shook the ground.

Dust fell rustling down.

A scream was heard.

The slaves turned pale with fear.

They cuddled tightly together, their bodies shaking wildly.

Some of the younger ones even cried outright.

A few brave slaves scratched the cracks and took a look outside.

Found that the animal pen was under attack.

The former gang members were slaughtered by some tall monsters wearing iron armor and glowing red eyes.

There were explosions and murderous sounds everywhere.

Several of the lackeys of the supervisor in charge of the corral were also beheaded one after another.

The mutated head rolled on the ground.

That supervisor is an extremely cruel guy.

His men kept a terrifying monster in captivity.

If you provoke him, the lighter one will be beaten to death, and the worst one will be eaten alive in front of everyone or be bitten to death bit by bit by the captive monster.

Those people's screams and begging for mercy before they die are every slave in captivity's nightmare.

And this guy who was so brutal and terrifying before, eating people alive in front of their slaves' eyes, was now in a state of disgrace.

Rolling and crawling, crying for father and mother.

A tall figure, holding a long sword blazing with crimson flames, chased the corral master.

"Have you forgotten me??"

As the figure walked, chasing the rolling and crawling supervisor, he took off his mask, revealing that face.

It was Bai Qi who had undergone intensive surgery and participated in the battle to regain the Drew District.

The enhanced surgery gave him a body as strong as a Stormtrooper and speed that ordinary people could not possess.

But the face didn't change much.

Those who could identify him all looked horrified.

Even the slaves were stunned.

"Bai Qi." The supervisor shouted in horror.

How could he forget this face.

At first, he wanted to slice this bastard into thin slices.

Before, Bai Qi took advantage of the opportunity of trading to escape.

This aroused the anger of several senior members of the Animal Gang.

The slave who was in the same corral with Bai Qi was beaten to death and then thrown directly to the monsters raised by the Animal Gang to serve as food.

Even the corral supervisor was punished and had one of his hands chopped off. ,

This hand is still sewn on the hand of that terrifying doctor.

Who would have thought that Bai Qi would come back to kill him now.

He has changed so much and has the power to fight against himself.

What's even worse is that the other party also brought people back to destroy the entire animal gang.

"It seems that you are very impressed by me." Bai Qi showed a cruel smile, "I said that one day, I will kill you."

The supervisor also had animal marks on his body.

The body is covered with thick hair.

The ears are pointed and long.

The face is covered with black hair, the nose is high, the fangs are exposed, and the eyes are yellowish brown.

He looked like a werewolf.

Of course, it might also look like a dog.

The blessing of subspace gives these gang members greater power, and at the same time makes these people look extremely terrifying.

"Please, don't kill me. I apologize for what happened in the past."

The supervisor humbly begged for mercy.

Bai Qi cut off the opponent's arm with a sword.

Howls of pain echoed across the blood-soaked battlefield.

The second sword is the opponent's other hand.

The third and fourth swords also cut off the opponent's legs.

Cut into human sticks.

Supervisors have great vitality.

His limbs were cut off, an injury that would be fatal to ordinary people, but he could survive for a while.

Bai Qi had no intention of cutting off the other person's head. He couldn't let the other person die like this.

He looked at the human slaves in the corral.

They were all terribly frightened.

These people were born as food reserves.

Only qualified people can become gang members.

Those who fail to pass the test will basically be eaten and quartered.

Once upon a time, Bai Qi was also a member of the corral.

But now, everything is different.

Bai Qi waved the reshaped vampire fang in his hand.

The flaming sword cut through the steel easily.

"Everyone come out and hang up all the guys who are still alive, using those chains and hooks."

The slaves looked horrified.

How dare they do such a thing! !

But under the threat of Bai Qi's blood-stained sword, they still came out and hung the supervisor up.

The chains and hooks were rusty from being soaked in blood for many years.

When it penetrates the human body, it is extremely painful.

It was a favorite punishment when gang members tortured slaves.

Now, it's their turn to enjoy.

The alienated supervisor possesses terrifying vitality.

This was originally a blessing.

But once he is hung up, the strong vitality will only make him suffer more torture.

It became a painful curse.

All living members of the Animal Gang were hung up.

The sounds of pain echoed one after another.

Bai Qi showed a smile as if he was getting revenge.

After listening to the screams of those guys, Bai Qi arranged for people to resettle the slaves and release the women who were used as reproductive machines.

Some humans who had been tortured to the point of insanity were gathered together alone.

Waiting for Qin Zheng's order.

There is a high probability that the outcome will be mercy.

They have lost the ability to live a normal human life, their minds have collapsed, and death is the best outcome.

Under the guard of the imperial guards, Qin Zheng entered the core area of ​​​​Drew District.

Those monsters have no ability to fight back.

Even if they were blessed by the Warp, it would be of no avail.

In front of the halberd of the imperial guard, one must also drink hatred.

Thousands of monsters fell down.

Wherever Qin Zheng and others passed by, there were all wrecks and broken arms.

Forty imperial guards, like bloody demons, followed their lord to the core area of ​​Drew District.

Qin Zheng passed several guards and walked to the front to face the terrifying beast master.

The opponent looked like a hell demon sitting on his throne of bones.

There were white bones all under his feet.

The beast master has a head like a giant rock.

Centered on his two eyes, red cracks spread all over his face like spider webs.

The giant tusk-like tusks and chisel-like sharp teeth are clearly visible even through the steel helmet.

Those red eyes were full of evil and cunning.

The guards surrounding Qin Zheng looked at this terrifying monster, their eyes widened and they forgot to breathe.

Its absurdity and weirdness are beyond words and far beyond the scope of what the human mind can describe.

Except for the powerful body obtained from the blessing of subspace.

When the opponent stood up, his huge size reached six meters, and he was covered in skeletal armor full of bone spurs.

Except for the pair of strong arms holding a saw blade.

The huge body is also implanted with four mechanical prosthetics mixed with flesh and blood.

Each prosthetic limb is embedded with a lethal weapon.

Comes with claws, hammers, axes with energy fields, and launchers capable of shooting melta beams.

This is an existence that no ordinary person can resist.

The beast master's eyes revealed evil and cruelty.

A ferocious smile appeared on that twisted face.

He stood up, his body like a majestic mountain.

He raised his beloved serrated blade in front of him.

The handle of the serrated blade has become integrated with his prosthetic limb.

Logically speaking, such a weapon should have been scrapped long ago and could no longer be used.

However, an amazing scene occurred.

The surface of the serrated blade crackled.

The energy field quickly covered the blade.

The weapons embedded in the Beast Master's other robotic arms were also activated.

Creatures blessed by subspace cannot be judged by the rules of reality.

Qin Zheng slowly raised the long sword in his hand, and the flames rose and crackled.

"Kill them."

The beast master waved his serrated blade and issued an order.

Those monsters that were even bigger than the storm warriors howled and rushed towards the guards with weapons.

The forty guards also roared one after another, and then rushed towards the enemy.

King versus king.

Soldier against soldier.

The beast owner took heavy steps and rushed towards Qin Zheng.

His speed is extremely inconsistent with his bloated body.

The serrated blade and the sacred sword collided.

A huge shock wave swept out.

The two of them didn't move at all.

The beast master launched a violent storm of attacks.

Two flesh-and-blood arms and four mechanical prosthetics mixed with flesh-and-blood mutations launched an attack together.

Sharp claws, a huge hammer head, a thick battle ax, and a mechanical arm that can emit hot melt rays.

The intensive attacks all hit Qin Zheng.

The speed was extremely fast.

Qin Zheng gave up the strength competition with the opponent, withdrew his sword, and blocked the opponent's continuous offensive.

The Beast Master is definitely the strongest opponent Qin Zheng has ever faced.

Not even a point or two better than the psychic who crossed the threshold.

The blessing of technology and the blessing of subspace form an effect of 1+1\u003e2.

Shock waves came one after another.

The scattered flames fell to the ground and soon began to burn along the flesh and corrupted floor.

There is a special power in the beast master.

The rising flames were burning brightly, but where the beast master passed by, they were strangely extinguished.

That power blocked Qin Zheng's flames.

"So strong!!"

Qin Zheng was also a little shocked.

This was the first time he faced such a powerful individual.

You can't win by overwhelming advantage.

I'm afraid it's not that simple for these freaks to be blessed by the subspace! !

He must work hard to grow the empire.

Only in this way can it not be so difficult when facing these monsters.

The beast master roared.

His attacks became more and more crazy.

Except for melee attacks.

The hot melt light on the prosthetic limb will also seize the opportunity to shoot towards Qin Zheng.

For a while, the two sides fought, and it was difficult to tell the winner.

Suddenly, the opponent's claws scratched in front of Qin Zheng's chest.

Several deep cuts were made in the solid armor in an instant.

The claws were cursed, hurting the nerves where armor and flesh met.

It brought bursts of irritating pain.

Qin Zheng was a little lucky.

If he were wearing a combat uniform, his heart would be broken.

The beast owner showed a fanatical expression.

"Death, intruder."

Qin Zheng took a deep breath and calmed himself down again.

The beast master roared and rushed forward.

A blast of hot liquid hit his head directly.

Deflecting his charge.


The one who shot the hot liquid was a guard who had just executed his opponent.

Qin Zheng seized this opportunity.

He bowed to gather strength, then jumped up and swung his sword.

The flames expanded, and Qin Zheng struck at the opponent's neck with his sword.

It was pure coup de grace.

The sword blade scratched the opponent's neck.

Blood and fire burst out from the opponent's neck.

Even a brave beast owner would have difficulty surviving without his head.

"Total destruction."

Qin Zheng gathered unimaginable power.

Terrifying light burst out from the emperor's body from the inside out.

It was so intense that everyone present had to cover their eyes with their hands to avoid being hurt.

The terrifying power was released in the form of flames.

Completely reduce the beast master's body to ashes.

Completely obliterate the opponent from the concept.

Flesh and blood turned into ashes.

The soul returns to nothingness.

It is absolutely impossible to be resurrected again.

After this battle, the memory of the Beast Master will also be blurred.

He will only remember the existence of this creature, but not the specific appearance of the other person.

The beast owner was killed.

The war will also come to an end.

What's left is just a one-sided massacre.

The demon hunters led by Dante also entered the battlefield.

The army can deal with monsters with flesh and blood, but it is difficult to deal with those weird creatures that have no form and are immune to physical attacks.

The chaos between those strange creatures will continue to weaken the curtain between reality and illusion.

They need to be cleared away so that the curtain between reality and illusion can slowly return to normal.

Weapons such as electromagnetic guns can slow down and paralyze those soul creatures, but cannot completely eliminate them.

Can only be solved by witchers and psykers

"The scene was a little too bloody."

A demon hunting boy looked at the broken limbs and broken arms all over the place, feeling a little sad in his heart.

"When you step on it, it's full of blood."

"Look here, there's a head."

The others also spoke without saying a word.

The rank-and-file soldiers have left.

Leave this area to them.

No one likes to be around the soulless.

Even if they are part of the empire.

"Okay, let's carry out the mission." Dante said: "The higher ups didn't let us come here to play."

As soon as these words came out, these teenagers became quiet.

Following Dante's order, the demon-hunting boys quickly dispersed.

To deal with the strange remnants left on the battlefield.

Dante also walked alone into a building where reports claimed that there was something strange like a soul.

As soon as he walked in, Dante saw the billowing black fog under the flickering lumen lamp.

The building has an eerie feel to it.

There were several severely decomposed monster corpses lying inside the building.

It can be judged from the wreckage scattered on the ground that they were blasted by powerful blaster beams.

Dante walked past the corpse fragments and walked deeper into the building.

The compass equipped by the witcher points him to the source of strange things.

Xu Fu taught them how to make compasses used by ancient occultists to detect supernatural powers.

Bartmos embedded the compass into their combat uniforms and displayed the relevant data of the compass in their helmets.

That way, there would be no need to carry a compass when fighting.

It is another perfect combination of mysticism and technology.


Weird laughter came from deep within the building.

In the rolling black fog, a pair of bleeding eyes stared at Dante as he entered the building.

Reveals malice and greed.

There were too many army soldiers who came in before, and they also carried electromagnetic weapons, so it had no way of taking action.

The opponent's electromagnetic bomb is like free of charge.

Hit it and make it fly everywhere.

Now, there are still people who dare to come in alone.

Isn’t this giving it food? !

The black mist rolled closer to Dante, and even more than a dozen arms condensed in it, trying to grab Dante, tear him apart alive, and taste the delicious pain and death.

The beeps of Dante's battle suit became more and more urgent, warning that the enemy was approaching.

"Welcome to hell."

The monster in the black mist made a menacing sound.


Dante took out a silver revolver that he had forged not long ago.

He fired directly at the black mist.

This is a weapon suitable for the soulless.

The primer uses strong gunpowder.

The projectiles fired are specially designed to carry the power of the Soulless and cause damage to subspace creatures.

Black Mist let out a strange cry of pain.

Rolling around constantly, showing pain.

Depend on! !

There's something wrong with this guy.

The black mist rolled and wanted to escape.

Dante took out the sealed artifact-A9927 given to him by Qin Zheng and read out the weird syllables.

After being restrained by an invisible force, Black Mist was suddenly pulled into the book.

A new illustration page appears in the book.

【Black Mist Soul Monster】

[Low-level soul life in the dark world obeys instinctive actions and can be damaged and driven away by magnetic field weapons. 】

Dante looked at it and put the sealed object away.

When you get back, have someone copy it.

A rich database of strange creatures.

"Mission accomplished, let's look at the next mission."

Dante pulled up his own data prompt interface on his helmet and submitted the relevant mission information.

Wait for the Ministry of Justice to send someone to check and confirm that there is no problem.

This will be handed over to other departments.

The Drew District will soon see a redevelopment.

The battle to retake Drew District came to an end three hours after it began.

The rest are just some finishing touches and can no longer affect the overall situation.

The entire Drew District was almost bombed into rubble.

Those monsters were all beheaded and their heads were piled together.

The beast master, who received the blessing of subspace and was regarded as a semi-god-level existence, was killed by the emperor of the empire with a single sword.

Human slaves were freed from captivity.

The women in the fertility factories were also released.

Qin Zheng ordered people to take pictures and prepare them for publicity.

First, promote the legitimacy of the Galactic Empire.

Secondly, it also allows the world to see clearly how many people were harmed by the incompetence of the chaebol enterprises.

Qin Zheng has always attached great importance to publicity.

Popular support is an important foundation for an empire.

It is also the source of his strength.

Only when sentient beings serve as fuel can the fire grow stronger.

Being able to play is very important, and letting others know that you can play well is even more important.

Qin Zheng first asked people to release all the war footage.

Coordinate with the news of the empire's first victory in the battle and promote it together.

As soon as those photos were circulated, the public opinion in Liberty City was boiling.

The scene of the imperial army sweeping away the monsters made many people's blood boil.

With artillery fire as the background, the soldiers marched on the monster's corpse.

That scene was extremely shocking.

"I made a big mistake."

"So handsome. From now on, I will be the emperor's fanatic. If anyone dares to say bad things, don't blame me for falling out."

"When empires rise, humanity rises."

"Go join the army today and follow the emperor to conquer the world."

"After defeating the lower areas, defeating the plutocrats, and those who block the rise of the empire, kill them."

Many people shouted about the might of the empire.

He screamed that he was going to join the army.

The lower class Drew District has been around for a long time.

But the puppet governments supported by the plutocrats have never been able to solve this problem.

Later, he just pretended to be deaf and dumb.

Instead, they secretly traded with gangs in lower-class areas, exchanging large amounts of supplies for taboo items.

As soon as the empire was established, the lower areas were solved.

The difference between the two is evident.

The residents of Liberty City suddenly felt a sense of belonging to the empire.

When the people were discussing the victory in the battle of Drew District, Qin Zhengcai made the crimes of Drew District public.

They also made deals with some chaebol companies and gangs in lower-class areas, and some of the slaves they actively sold to them recorded individual videos, asking them to accuse the chaebol companies of their evil deeds.

Such publicity makes people who were originally excited become extremely angry.

There was overwhelming propaganda against the chaebol.

"Those beasts are so damn inhuman. We are all of the same race, why would we do such a thing!!"

"Look, this is what those chaebol guys did."

"You betray your compatriots and act arrogantly."

"The crimes are too numerous to describe."

"Those monsters must die, and so must those beasts."

"Brothers, unite and ask the Emperor to send troops to declare war. We must not let those guys live anymore."

"Letting those beasts live is laying the foundation for disaster for us and even future generations."

Just through the staggered reporting of the two events, the public's anger has already aroused.

Angry people soon took to the streets, unfurling banners.

"Send troops to attack the plutocrats."

"History should not be forgotten, and the criminals should not be let go. They must be severely punished."

"They have to be punished."

The situation escalated at an extremely fast speed.

People from all districts gritted their teeth with hatred when they saw the atrocities in Drew District and the secret collusion between chaebol companies and those gangs.

They originally hate chaebol companies and core families.

This incident was like lighting a powder keg, triggering their anger.

They want the big guys who were once on top dead.

The bleaker the death, the happier they will be.

"what to do?"

As the head of the Ministry of Interior, Juba naturally knew the seriousness of the situation from various channels.

If it continues, it may get out of control.

"The people's support is at your disposal. Get ready. I want to speak to them."

Qin Zheng had no worries.

This was all what he wanted.

It's all part of the plan.

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