What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 29 Artificial Psychic (Please collect and read)

"Don't let us split. He has a problem with the Ross family, and he just wants to use our help to stumble the Ross family."

The fat black man tried his best to calm down his mood and prevent himself from swearing.

"Well, as long as you don't take money, it won't matter at all. You can find a few more big shots like this to help. The more, the better."

Qin Zheng's tone, which was half gangster and half scoundrel, gave the fat man the urge to vomit blood.

Think of those big shots who dare to fight against the Ross family as just weeds on the roadside, there are as many as you want! !

Fatty Hei also built up an image of Qin Zheng in his mind.

I didn’t have deep contact with it before, so I didn’t have much experience with it.

Now that we have cooperated in depth, we have discovered that this guy is a shameless person who is obsessed with profit.

That's it! !

It is destined to be no big achievement.

The frog at the bottom of the well does not know the vastness of the world.

He didn't want to waste any more time talking nonsense.

"You guys prepare well, I will go there with the big shot, behave a little better, maybe there will be a surprise."

"rest assured."

Qin Zheng responded casually.

When the fat black man closed the communication, his completely dark eyes revealed a hint of disgust.

Qin Zheng didn't know what kind of whirlpool was surging in Liberty City today.

But he could feel Fat Black Man wanting to take advantage of him.

The big shot of the Qing Group behind the opponent is very likely to be one of the so-called chess players.

Ignorant people always feel that everything in this world is in their hands.

"What did he say?"

David came over and also lit a cigarette, holding it between two mechanical fingers.

"Someone big shot is interested in trash like us."

David was stunned for a moment when he heard this, and then he also laughed.

"Who is so short-sighted?! He really doesn't have any discernment to be able to take a fancy to us."

"The person who says he is from the Qing family must be someone with some status."

Qin Zheng didn't take this matter seriously.

Big shot.

Bullshit big shot! !

Just fool those guys with weak legs.

For the sake of his own future, Qin Zheng will definitely pull up his own team when he gets his first pot of gold.

When the time comes, he will compete with those big shots for food.

After all, the pie in Liberty City is so big.

If you want to support a team, you have to stand firm, and you must reach out to those with vested interests.

We can't let him wander in the wilderness and start farming from scratch! !

That would be too slow a development.

Grab what's available, come fast.

"Qing, I know a little bit about the situation."

Another voice came.

Buttermoss, who had messy hair and had been busy reprogramming robots in the basement, came up for air.

"Isn't it just like other giant companies?! It relies on controlling basic people's livelihood, monopolizing major industries, and maintaining its huge scale." David said without concealing his disgust.

No one likes big businesses.

Those behemoths make many people live like garbage.

Those guys have such a firm grip on everything that it's hard for people to break away even if they want to.

There used to be some people with lofty ideals who wanted to get rid of those giant companies and encouraged people to give up the cheap products of giant companies, rebuild their own production industries, and increase local employment rates.

In the end, these people either disappeared inexplicably or were detained by the public government.

Those behemoths are like an octopus with countless tentacles, trying their best to grab anything they can.

The powerful and the elite don't care at all about the high unemployment rate.

I even feel that they use cheap goods to feed those white-eyed wolves who don’t know anything in return.

"The operations of every large enterprise are similar. The only difference lies in their focus. In addition to controlling the basic livelihood facilities in Sheng'an District, the Qing Group also controls the sales of mechanical prostheses and genetic drugs. If you guys If you observe carefully, you will find that the advertising of the Qing Group around us far exceeds that of other companies."

Bartmos is very familiar with businesses in Liberty City and other cities around the world.

It is precisely because of his understanding that he hates those companies and governments so much, viewing them as vampires and cancers lurking in human society.

"The Qing Group's psychotropic drugs are very famous, with low prices and high quality. They are the first choice of many drug addicts. I have also seen some secret archives. The Qing Group is secretly promoting the plan of artificial psychics."

"Artificial psyker? Can this thing be artificial?"

David was immediately interested.

"I don't know, I only know about this. Do you still remember the Xinku District that suddenly disappeared a few years ago?"

Bartmos took the cigarette from David's hand.

David blocked the wind and lit a cigarette for Butmos while asking about things in the Xinku District.

He had heard a little bit about it, but he didn't know much.

Bartmos took a deep breath before continuing to talk about the Xinku District.

"Xinku District was originally a relatively well-developed area. There was a giant food processing factory in the area, and the economy and employment were pretty good. Although it is not an upper-class district, the public security is much better than the average middle-class district. But just a few years ago Before, this area suddenly changed from green to black, and later the relevant map information and introduction were deleted, which means that area is no longer a civilized area of ​​mankind, but a chaotic area where order has collapsed. The reason for this is that the Qing family The artificial psyker project promoted by the Group."

"Psychics are born with the ability to connect to the subspace and possess extraordinary powers that ordinary people do not have. However, this power is powerful, but it can easily get out of control. Various companies, families, and even the government itself have been trying to have their own controllable extraordinary organizations. The Qing family recruited many psychics who could stably control themselves and established a special department - Shadow. This department is used to deal with extraordinary events in various districts that threaten their own companies. But they are not satisfied with this and want to Use psykers to achieve greater goals, and even explore the so-called path to immortality and godhood.”

"This is how artificial psykers were born. However, errors occurred during the execution of this plan, which resulted in the world being out of control. Large-scale corruption occurred in the originally good Xinku District, and many strange and taboo beings were able to walk normally. In the real world, the fragile order of Xinku District completely collapsed within five days, which was even worse than that of the Lower District. Except for a small number of company employees and elites who were able to leave, the survivors were all left there. In order to cover up In order to prevent their own scandal and prevent the corruption in the Xinku District from expanding, the Qing Group used the protective wall that was supposed to protect humans from infringement to seal off the entire area, leaving the living people inside to wait for death."

Buttermos blew out a smoke ring.

His eyes showed disgust.

"They just let those people wait for death in the Corruption Zone?"

David knew that those giant corporations were not human beings, but this kind of thing was too terrifying! !

A middle-level district can have a population of at least a million, and even a population of tens of millions.

Xinku District is a well-developed middle-class district with a population of more than five million.

Even if it encounters a large number of weird out-of-control and corrupt events, there are still many survivors.

The Qing Group's direct blockade would undoubtedly want those people to die.

"Otherwise, what do you think?? The experiment is out of control, corruption incidents have increased, the entire area has been distorted, and the rules of reality have completely failed. To solve this matter, the Qing family must pay a huge price. It is better to hide it and list it. Confidential documents and then sealing off the entire area will cause much less damage than forceful control."

"They don't care about the lives of those at the bottom at all. Even if they die, so what! They have preserved the genetic technology left over from the glorious era of mankind, and can use culture chambers to reproduce humans on a large scale."

Bartmos's words were very calm, but there was a chilling coldness and horror in them.

In the eyes of the people at the top, the humans at the bottom are just consumables that can be produced at will.

No matter how they fight, it doesn't mean much to those people.

Even if they are all extinct and die, they can still use the laboratory to reproduce humans.

It is absolutely not cost-effective to consume your own cards and resources for those consumables.

Buttermos blew out his last puff of smoke.

Sometimes, ignorance is bliss.

Otherwise, when you see the darkness of this world and your own powerlessness, you will feel unparalleled pain.

Able to break through the protective systems of those top groups, Bartmos is undoubtedly a genius with a high IQ.

Such people are qualified to gain a foothold in the upper class.

But he chose to perish.

Hang out in St. Ann's District and be a bad person.

Because he cannot be like those so-called big shots, who can sit calmly in a skyscraper and enjoy top-quality native steak and red wine after learning all the truth.

Nor can we use a condescending tone to comment and ridicule those poor people who can't even afford the protein blocks made by giant cockroaches, who hesitate to eat a meal of ant beef, and who use all means just to survive.

"There's no point in talking about this. They are bad people in disguise." Qin Zheng took a last puff and flicked the cigarette butt out, "And we are bad people on the surface. By the way, Bartmos, I I want you to investigate a person here."

"Who?" Buttmos asked.

"A person who is ready to die." Qin Zheng said lightly.

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