What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 34 We will be famous in the world (please collect and read)

All the members gathered in the hall.

Everyone found a place to sit down.

The lights in the hall have been dimmed and the curtains have been drawn.

There is a projector in the center of the room, already connected to the power supply.

A buzzing sound of electricity came from the main core component.

Rotating machinery also makes a slight gear sound.

The projected light takes shape on the living room table.

Shows the structural diagram of the Black Ice Military Group's branch building and the various streets of St. Ann's District.

Data streams flow through it.

A faint glow enveloped the members of the team.

"Everyone is here, let's start." Qin Zheng walked to the side of the projection table, stretched out his hand and clicked a few times in the air.

A dozen projections only twenty centimeters high appeared in the sky.

"Hunting these people is a task given by Mr. Qinghuan, and the reward is one million credit coins per person. Of course, it also means testing our team. I also think it is a good opportunity, after all, the action will be taken at that time It’s crucial, and I don’t want anything to go wrong. This hunting operation is the best opportunity for us to hone our skills.”

Qin Zheng rotated the projection.

He also enlarged the area of ​​the branch building of the Black Ice Military Group.

Show its structure clearly.

"According to Qinghuan's information, there will be a dance at the Black Ice branch building tomorrow night, and the senior military officials and Black Ice supervisors from St. Ann District will be invited to attend. They usually bring their wives and will not wear armor or carry weapons. This This is our best chance. Because the purpose of this dance is to search for us, once Kim Tae-joo gets the support of these people, they will be able to turn St. Ann District upside down, and no one can hide."

"We didn't mess with them, it's just your own trouble."

Morgan, who was tall and wore a large cloak and looked like a bear, said in a deep voice.

"You joined my team, so this is your problem too."

"I just do things for money." Morgan said with some disdain.

Qin Zheng looked at Morgan, who looked at him without giving in.

His eyes were full of provocation.

As a well-known mercenary in Liberty City, Morgan would not be intimidated by a young man.

Qin Zheng walked towards Morgan.

Under the gaze of many team members.

He punched out violently, reaching the extreme speed.

Before Morgan could react, he was punched and fell to the ground.

There was a dent in the metal face of the implanted machine.

Black engine oil and bright red blood flowed from the corners of his mouth.

Morgan roared like an angry lion.

His eyes were filled with rage.

He wanted to get up and teach this young man a lesson.

Blackhand Morgan will not suffer such a loss.

This bastard who can't understand how much he weighs will pay the price for his actions.

When Morgan roared and tried to get up, Qin Zheng stepped down suddenly.

Even if the opponent had a mechanical arm, he was pressed to the ground by this foot.

No matter how hard Morgan tried, he couldn't move.

Qin Zheng took out a plasma pistol and pointed it at Morgan's head.

The sizzling sound of electricity sounded.

The light from the muzzle is condensing, and the energy storage indicator light is glowing.

"This is the first warning, and also the last." Qin Zheng looked around the room, "I have the final say on this team. If you don't want to do it, just tell me, and I will delete your memories until this matter is over. I will let you go. But if anyone goes against me and thinks I am not qualified to lead this team, this will be the end."

After saying this, Qin Zheng leaned down and put the muzzle of his gun on Morgan's head.

"Now, tell me, is this trouble mine? Or ours?"

Morgan struggled to push himself up.

But Qin Zheng's feet were like a majestic mountain, pressing him tightly, preventing him from moving.

The electromagnetic coil of the plasma pistol was heard rotating at high speed, and the smell of ion arc filled the air.

As long as Morgan answers wrongly, Qin Zheng will shoot without hesitation.

Blast the mercenary's head into powder.

Morgan was not recruited by Qin Zheng personally.

It was from the fat black man's side.

Even if he is killed, Qin Zheng's plan will not have the slightest impact.

The fat black man must either find an obedient one, or find one himself.

Morgan recognized the reality and softened his tone.

"You're the boss, and your troubles are all of our troubles."

"Next time, don't cause trouble. Otherwise I will really kill you."

Qin Zheng turned off the energy storage of the plasma gun and terminated the launch.

The plasma pistol buzzed silently.

"Stand up and continue to listen to the plan below."

Qin Zheng stood up and returned to the holographic projection table.

Morgan also stood up, fiddled with his messy hair, and looked at Qin Zheng, with a trace of panic still in his eyes.

Qin Zheng ignored the other party.

But he swore in his heart that as long as he saw any problem with the other party during the operation, he would kill the other party directly.

As a ninja, Tsubaki watched all this.

He suppressed a trace of fear in his heart.

Blackhand Morgan is well known in Liberty City.

Considered one of the top mercenaries.

In Qin Zheng's hands, he had no power to fight back.

What's even worse is that the mechanical prostheses he installed increase his speed.

But Qin Zheng's punch just now was so fast that even her electronic prosthetic eyes implanted specifically to adapt to high-speed vision couldn't catch it.

If she and Qin Zheng took action, it would be even worse than Morgan.

The other team members didn't react much.

They were all directly recruited by Qin Zheng, and they were considered a group of people who knew everything about them.

Before joining, they had already negotiated with Qin Zheng.

Naturally, he would not challenge the authority of Qin Zheng under such circumstances.

Blackhand Morgan became a lot more honest after being beaten.

The look he looked at Qin Zheng was no longer as arrogant as before.

Qin Zheng continued to introduce the situation of the Black Ice Group branch building and how to sneak into and kill the target.

After Qin Zheng finished speaking, Brian spoke.

"What about our escape route? How to deal with the subsequent pursuers? Those are all respectable people, not gangsters on the street. Those companies and families will definitely bite us to protect their reputation and status. "

"We can escape to the wilderness. The St. Ann District and the border wall are separated by three areas. I can plant a virus into the system of the regional protective wall in advance. When we arrive, we will enter their control center and open the door to let us go." Bartmore Si put forward his own opinion.

"They will chase them into the wilderness." Johnny Silverhand shook his head, "And outside the city, they may use all kinds of destructive weapons unscrupulously. You don't want to know what those gunboats will shoot when they fire at full power. The laser beams and blaster beams are so thick. They may even use nuclear bombs and other weapons of mass destruction. Plus, those things in the wilderness are also hostile to us."

"We are not going out of the city, we are going here." Qin Zheng pointed to an area in the projection that had no markings or information.

"Zheng, you're crazy. That's the Xinku District." David was stunned for a moment: "I heard that it's scarier than the Lower District. Even those companies don't dare to send people in."

"It is precisely because it is scarier than the lower area that they dare not go in, so we have to go in." Qin Zheng said in a low voice: "I am 80% sure that you can pass through the Xinku District safely. And have you ever thought about it? There has been such an incident, that is, we robbed the Ross family’s goods, where should we go to avoid the limelight??”

"With the monsters and out-of-control technological creations roaming in the wilderness, coupled with the pursuit of the Rose family, we can't escape far at all. We will either die at the hands of those monsters in the wilderness, or be hunted to death by the Rose family."

"When I took over the robbery mission of Fatty Hei, my plan was that after completing this task, we would enter a certain lower-level area. Because in the lower-level area, the chaebol and the Liberty City government have almost no control. Just like Germany In the Lu District, they have absolutely no way to regain control, and they have no way to erase the other party, they can only allow the other party to exist."

"But the lower district is not the best choice. We may have to share the profits with the local gangs who are chaotic and dehumanized, and maybe they will be regarded as hostile targets by those lunatics. Later, I set my sights on the Xinku District. The situation there is worse than in the lower area. According to the information I collected, it is very likely that the Xinku area is no longer in the real dimension, but has been pulled into the gap between reality and illusion."

"In that case, even if someone can survive, the number will be very small. They can't threaten us. In this way, in the Xinku District, there is only one crisis we need to face, and that is monsters and subspace belts Because of the corruption, you don’t have to face the local chaotic gangs, nor do you have to face the pursuit of the plutocrats.”

"Moreover, I have investigated several areas bordering Xinku District, including Haiqing District." Qin Zheng's hand slid on the projection a few times, and a new data interface appeared.

"It is an area controlled by the camp of the Qing Group. We can get rewards for completing the hunting target here, and we can also get assistance from Qing Huan through this place. If it works well, we can even get material assistance from their entire camp. .At that time, after we have finished the robbery, we will be able to retreat to Xinku District and avoid the crisis."

"That one crisis is enough to put us in danger. Even through the protective wall, the corrupting influence of the lower area is enough to make an adult slowly collapse and even transform into a monster. If we go deep into the Xinku District, there is a chance we can come out alive. Sex is low.”

Bartmos lives in the Pas neighborhood, which is separated from Drew by a wall.

Occasionally, I dream about some scary things, and I even see weak-willed people being tortured to the point of madness.

He knew how terrible those things really were.

There is no difference between entering Xinku District and committing suicide.

"I can protect you so that you won't hear those weird sounds or have nightmares. Apart from being killed by those monsters, Xinku District can't affect you in any other way. The only premise is that you can't be too far away from me. Far away. I also have the ability to foresee and avoid danger to the greatest extent. Our probability of success is very high."

At first he and David went to kill the believers with big eyes.

Destroy the other party's sacrificial ceremony.

David, who was traveling with him, was not affected at all from beginning to end.

Only Qin Zheng was stared at by the big eyes and appeared in that special dream.

This is Qin Zheng's special ability.

He can protect others from the gaze of other evil gods or evil beings.

"What if you fail to protect us?" Tsubaki, who had been silent and dressed as a ninja, asked.

"If we fail, then we will have no choice but to die together inside. If we succeed, we will take the absolute initiative. From now on, those plutocrats and the Liberty City government will have nothing to do with us, and we will have the opportunity to become a leader who can challenge the current situation. With the existence of the system, our names will be known to everyone. Power and wealth will be at our fingertips."

"At this moment, I am still willing to give you the right to choose freely. You can still choose to quit. If you continue, we may all die. If you retreat, you can live, maybe for a while, or maybe for many years."

"But in this chaotic era, are you really willing to do so? When you lie in bed dying or are stabbed through the heart and thrown into the stinking ditch, will you think of today? Will you use yourself The years of living in vain are exchanged for a chance to start over again. Burn one's life in order to exchange for a chance to shine brightly. Instead of living a mediocre life and finally becoming the raw material of a smelly ditch or a food processing factory."

"Life is precious, but a mediocre life is worthless. If the fireworks don't burn, what's the point of leaving them to rot?"

Qin Zheng's plan was crazy, and he was just gambling on his life.

But his words were very confusing.

Or rise slowly and become a bright star.

Or just die and never be heard again.

"Did you really see our success through your extraordinary abilities?" Blackhand Morgan couldn't help but ask.

Qin Zheng smiled and said, "I also foresee our deaths. The future is always in my own hands. The prophecy only allows me to see the results of different choices."

The hall was silent for a long time, but no one said anything about opting out.

Even the gangster Morgan, who had just had a conflict, didn't say anything.

Qin Zheng looked around.

"Since no one said they were quitting, let's start assigning operational tasks now."

Bartmos is responsible for logistical and technical support, planting viruses at checkpoints along the way to ensure an escape route.

At the same time, he also controls killer bees to assassinate targets that may hinder the mission.

Juba is responsible for long-range sniping, while the others form a commando team and are responsible for frontal firefights.

"This is what the plan is? Do you understand?" Qin Zheng looked at everyone after introducing the deployment arrangements of the entire operation.

Everyone nodded to show that they understood.

"Then let's prepare separately. Brothers, the night after tomorrow will be the beginning of an era. We will become famous, and everyone in St. Ann District, and even Liberty City will know our names. One day, even the stars will Our names will all echo.”

Qin Zheng said to everyone.

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