Qin Zheng exerted force suddenly.

The cultist wasn't done yet.

The dagger was stabbed through the eye.

The cultist let out a shrill scream.

When the dagger penetrated, there was a crackling sound.

It was obvious that an electronic component inside the skull had been stabbed.

Dark red blood mixed with dark engine oil flowed out.

"It was perfect. No one warned us. Our infiltration was flawless." Qin Zheng looked at David and said.

David: "."

At least you can let someone finish talking! !

People say that they are thrown away halfway, and it is easy to become full of resentment and become a ghost.

Those cultists were just an insignificant sideshow.

The two continued to go deeper, searching for the target person according to the coordinates provided by the data pad.

Qin Zheng and David heard the roar of machinery and saw the light coming from deep inside the building.

It seems that members of the Evil Eye organization have repaired the generator in this abandoned industrial area.

The dim light makes the darkness fade away.

Walking into the range of those lights, Qin Zheng also witnessed the terrifying and blasphemous side of the Evil Eye Sect.

Some human corpses were hung from the high ceiling by sharp chains.

The eyes were gouged out, the tongues and noses were cut off, and all the skin on the hands was peeled off.

Various twisted runes are carved in every corner with blood and unknown liquid.

Some of the people who were hanged were not dead yet, and their bleeding mouths made audible sounds, and their faces showed a painful look of longing for death.

They twisted their scarred bodies, longing for ultimate relief.

That horrific scene was difficult for even a veteran mercenary like David to accept.

Fanatic and twisted beliefs turn humans into things even more terrifying than monsters.

Going a little deeper, there is a huge hall connected by long corridors.

Solid steel and cement pillars support the masonry dome.

Metal cast pipe structures are connected vertically and horizontally near the dome, like a spider web.

Bright argon lamps illuminated the entire space and the cult members gathered there.

Qin Zheng, who was hiding in the dark, took a glance and judged the opponent's strength.

The number of people present is expected to be around four hundred.

All wearing robes with weird eyes tattooed on them.

They surrounded a high platform.

On the high platform stands a sculpture of a huge eye.

In front of the sculpture are several believers also wearing black robes.

The old man in black robes whom he had seen in the prophecy scene was standing among the believers.

His eyes were all white and he was holding a weird scepter.

An unconscious woman was fixed on the altar in front of the old man. The flesh and blood had been cut open and blood was being slowly bled out.

There were armed patrols around to maintain order.

A fire point was set up on a railing.

A twin large-caliber laser rapid-fire cannon is placed there.

Judging from the shape, it should be the old Mark II laser rapid-fire cannon, with a caliber of about 25 mm.

If connected to a high-power power supply, it can fire two thousand lasers per second.

Most of the armed men held laser guns, and a few held automatic rifles.

Live ammunition weapons and energy weapons each have their own advantages.

Live ammunition weapons are low-cost, simple to maintain, and are not affected by the environment.

After hitting, it is very likely to cause cavity damage to the human body, making people even more afraid.

Energy weapon with high accuracy and easy to carry ammunition.

After hitting, it will generally cause penetration and burning, and the wound will not look very big.

But when the laser penetrates the body, it will burn the flesh and blood tissue near the wound, making it more difficult to treat than a live bullet.

For ordinary people, being hit, whether it is a laser or a live ammunition, is not a good thing.

Qin Zheng gestured to David in sign language: "Go and take down the rapid-fire cannon above, and leave the scattered ones to me."

David looked at the rapid-fire cannon controlled by only one person and nodded.

Qin Zheng looked again and determined the location of the target.

Hold the laser pistol and dagger tightly in your hands, adjust your breathing, and prepare to attack.

When David touched the back of the cult member who controlled the rapid-fire cannon, Qin Zheng took action.

He sprang from his hiding place like a cheetah ready to pounce on its prey.

He continued to pull the trigger of the pulse laser pistol, and the scarlet laser beam ripped through the air and made a harsh sound.

It hit the steel and the wall, making a sizzling sound of high temperature.

The sudden movement stunned all the cult members at the gathering.

The two cultists with guns were knocked down immediately.

Qin Zheng was as fast as a ghost and his movements were vigorous.

Screams kept ringing in the dark and narrow hall, and the cultists were in chaos. Some people were looking for a place to hide in a panic, and some were shouting and rushing towards Qin Zheng for Lord Demon Eye.

After the armed men with weapons reacted, they immediately raised their guns in the direction of Qin Zheng.

Qin Zheng used the obstacles in the hall and the panic cultists to escape.

After killing two armed men again and slicing several rushing cultists with a dagger, Qin Zheng was penetrated by a beam of light.

The burning pain made him dazed for a while, but he still subconsciously hid behind an abandoned machine.

The laser shines on the machine, burning the rusty steel and giving the air the smell of iron slag.

The laser rapid-fire cannon at the top turned its muzzle, just about to shock the intruders with a wave of firepower.

Let them feel how terrifying the great Lord Demon Eye is.

The next second.

The armed man was knocked down by David, and a dagger easily cut his throat.

"You son of a bitch, let's all die." David smiled evilly, pointed the rapid-fire cannon at the other cultists, and pulled the trigger of the rapid-fire cannon.

The rate of fire of two thousand laser beams per second is undoubtedly a massacre for cultists without protective shields.

Panic screams, the sound of laser cutting through the air, the sound of flesh and blood being penetrated, and the sound of corpses falling to the ground were all mixed together.

Thirty seconds later, all sounds disappeared.

When Qin Zheng walked out from behind the machine where he was hiding, he saw the cultists lying on the ground in front of him.

They all turned into black-robed corpses that exuded a burning smell.

His wound was squirming, necrotic flesh and blood fell off, and new flesh and blood was healing the wound.

Qin Zheng has not tested the limits of his self-healing ability.

He didn't want to risk his life for this.

"Have you stopped?"

"Go out and have a look."

The other party spoke very softly, but Qin Zheng's hearing was sharper than those advanced mechanical prosthetics, and he locked onto the other party immediately.

A head poked out, but before he could see anything, the laser penetrated the other person's head.

The old man and the few remaining cultists hiding on the other side of the altar watched in horror as the corpse with a steaming head fell in front of them.

"Listen guys over there, you have been surrounded. Put down your weapons and surrender now. There is still a way to survive." Qin Zheng shouted while raising his gun.

David, who was high up, also turned his direction, pointed his rapid-fire cannon at the place where those people were hiding, and fired two symbolic shots.

The place where it was hit exploded, and rubble flew everywhere with a burning breath.

"Interrupting the sacrifices and killing believers. Are you disrespectful and blasphemous to the gods? Aren't you afraid of being punished by the gods?" came an old and decrepit voice, full of anger.

"That ugly thing, I'm afraid of divine punishment." Qin Zheng said contemptuously: "I'll count to three seconds. If you don't surrender, I will give you divine punishment."

These blasphemous words obviously irritated the few remaining believers.

They rushed out screaming.

"Blasphemy, go to hell."

The old man with all white eyes released a shock wave like an air wave.

Qin Zheng turned over and hid behind an obstacle to avoid being blown away.

David controlled the rapid-fire cannon to fire, and dense lasers streaked through the air with a harsh sound.

Those ordinary cultists were directly penetrated and turned into corpses.

An invisible barrier appeared in front of the old man.

Block all laser beams that can penetrate steel.

"Death to the blasphemer." The old man raised his head, and a strange light could be vaguely seen in his white eyes.

The air suddenly turned cold and the temperature dropped to an uncomfortable level.

In the dull abandoned building, a strong wind that did not belong to reality blew.

"Damn, it's a psychic." David's words were filled with fear.

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