What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 48 I think you are ugly (please collect and read)

"Don't forget it. When did you figure out your speed?!" Juba pushed David's shoulder and teased.

David raised a shiny mechanical middle finger towards Juba.

Then he buried his head and continued to calculate how many generations of his ancestors should have been 3,600 years ago.

"It's been so long since we got the last interstellar news, what about the people in other places??"

There was also some sighing look on Morgan's face.

Although he has been around Liberty City for many years, he rarely cares about these past events.

Little did I know that human beings have had so many twists and turns in the past.

Those things are too far away from people at the bottom like them.

More than three thousand years! !

If we put it in the agricultural period of mankind, it would have been the time for more than ten dynasties to change.

"No one knows what happened to the other colonies!! They may have long been extinct, or they may be struggling just like us, heading towards decline and decline. Of course, it is not ruled out that there are some lucky ones who still maintain a high level of technology level."

Bartmos shook his head and expressed his guess.

No one really knows what happened to the humans in other interstellar colonies.

The Warp Storm continues to rage to this day.

All attempts at super-light speed and super-time and space communication will fail.

None of the boats that went out came back.

"See that building, the core energy is piled underneath, and the Geller force field device should be on top of it. If it is not destroyed, just restart it." Qin Zheng pointed to a certain place in the base, "We Stop at this location, then rush into the building, restart the core energy reactor in the energy control room, and then turn on the Geller force field, and you will get a safer stronghold in the Xinku area. Check your weapons and ammunition, and do Be prepared. You can’t tell what’s going on in the building complex, so be careful.”




The rest of the team nodded, took out energy batteries and grenades, and set the parameters of the helmet.

At this time, Butmos opened a private communication with Qin Zheng.

"Boss, the robot's program coverage is completed. Do you want to restart it now?"

"Let's talk after we land." Qin Zheng replied calmly.

The heavily armored hover vehicle slowly stopped on the flat apron with the roar of its anti-gravity engine.

The closed heavy door slowly opened with the hiss of the hydraulic device.

Brian and others were scattered around with weapons, warning of possible crises.

Qin Zheng and Butmos walked towards the hover car at the end.

The Night Blade No. 2 Type B robot was placed there.

Even if he ran away, Qin Zheng did not abandon her.

This is such a precious and never-ending feeling! !

If she didn't commit herself to him, she would be sorry for this precious relationship.

Bartmos entered the password on the control panel and opened the back door of the heavily armored hover vehicle.

The Night Blade Type 2 B robot was fixed on the stretcher bed, with hundreds of data cables connected to the perfect female body.

Several computing devices are fixed on both sides of the car body, and the indicator lights are flashing at high frequency.

The projection screen in the middle shows a 100% progress bar and the words that the overwriting process has been completed.

"Do you want to activate it? Boss?" Bartmos asked.

"Wait a minute, check it out."

Qin Zheng opened his palms.

Light flames appeared on his hands.

After the light group appeared, the original flame also changed its appearance.

Place your palm on the robot's lower abdomen.

The light flames penetrated the robot's body and traveled along every nerve bundle and gear.

An ensemble piece appeared in Qin Zheng's mind.

This is a mechanical sound.

Only perfect machinery can produce perfect music.

As the team builds and its reputation expands.

Qin Zheng could feel that his abilities had become stronger.

A useless ability that once seemed to consume a lot of money can now be used at will without worrying about mental exhaustion and excessive brain burden.

The flames of light sank into the robot's body, and the mechanical chime echoed in Qin Zheng's mind.

He heard some noise.

It's like the music suddenly rises and falls or suddenly inserts an uncoordinated tone, which makes people feel uncomfortable.

"There are some problems." Qin Zheng whispered: "She is not perfect enough."

The flames covered the entire robot's body, shrouding her in light.

Qin Zheng adjusted the internal structure of the machine and sorted out the intricate codes.

It wasn't until the ensemble that sounded in my mind couldn't find any flaws that I could stop.

The light flame followed his palm and returned to his body.

In an instant, the bright flames rolled back and disappeared.

Bartmos saw the data changing on the data pad.

The data shows that the performance of Night Blade No. 2 Type B has been improved by 50%.

The strength is greatly improved.

Bartmos really wanted to ask Qin Zheng.

Boss, are you a follower of some unknown mechanical god with such a buggy ability?

"Activate her."

Qin Zheng looked at Butmos.

Buttermos nodded subconsciously.

The active command was entered on the data pad.

A green stream of light showed on the eye mask.

Night Blade Type 2 B robot moved its fingers and then sat up.

The delicate, shiny cherry mouth opened slightly and made a gentle sound.

[System initialization completed, please name it. 】

"Two-B." Qin Zheng directly chose a name that he was familiar with.

Night Blade No. 2 B-type robot is also a beauty.

Isn’t this the real-life version of Miss 2B! !

Just use this name.

In the future, when I have resources, I can build an A2 girl, and it will be fun to play with collectible cards.

When the mood strikes, it’s not impossible to create a team of beautiful robots.

[Two-B officially takes effect, the voice command system is activated, and you can choose to turn on the hosting mode. In this mode, Two-B will use the built-in chip to perform independent calculations, automatically follow, automatically identify threat targets and launch attacks, and automatically establish the best It is an excellent combat model and can also detect dangers in nearby areas on its own. 】

Qin Zheng nodded.

The content of the speech is very weak, but it can be summarized in one sentence.

After turning on the autonomous mode, Two-B will know how to think for itself and respond to the surrounding environment like a normal person.

"Enable autonomous mode."

[The command takes effect and the autonomous mode is turned on. If there is no command, it will act according to the plan given by the built-in chip. 】

Two-B stood up.

He reached out and picked up the tachi placed aside.

Put it in the equipment folder on your back.

She got out of the car and stood in front of Qin Zheng.

"Boss." Two-B looked at Qin Zheng and said.

"Very good." Qin Zheng looked at Butmos and praised him.

"Of course, I rewrote a human-like intelligent AI system for her, which is no different from a real person. As the data increases, she will even be born out of my personality. Boss, you can treat her as a real partner .”

Buttermos sounded proud.

Qin Zheng patted Butmos, then turned and walked towards the base building.

"Let's go, we have to go in and restart the core energy reactor."

Buttermos and Two-B in autonomous mode followed suit.

The interior of the building has been completely swallowed up by darkness.

Even if the lighting equipment is turned on, its light will not spread far before it is swallowed up by the darkness.

There is no way to see things in such an environment without reinforcement.

Bartmos releases a fleet of miniature levitating probes.

These detectors will use electromagnetic and radar waves to scan the structure of the building and transmit relevant data to the controller in Butmos' hand.

Bartmos then used the returned data to construct a three-dimensional model of the entire building.

At this time, he was holding a data pad in his hand, which contained the building's data model.

Its edges are still being sketched out quickly and are not yet fully modeled.

The miniature levitation probe is fast, but the scale of this base is truly staggering.

It is very likely that it was left over from the glory days of mankind, and was later inherited and occupied by Aperture Technology.

In the data board, the eleven green dots representing them were moving quickly in a long corridor.

The micro-detector did not detect any enemies.

This does not mean there are no enemies.

Many enemies cannot be detected using means such as radar waves and electromagnetic waves.

They can only be discovered with the naked eye or some kind of special psychic detector.

"The corruption here is very serious and many things have changed."

Brian turned on the lighting flashlight hanging under the muzzle of the gun and shined it on the wall.

The stimulation of the bright light made the flesh and blood on the wall squirm.

The clearly visible blood vessels flowed with blood like red wine.

Something like a human organ is contracting and expanding, pushing the blood forward.

"A few years are enough for those monsters to change everything." Qin Zheng said: "Don't waste time and continue to move towards the core energy control room. The energy piles in this place are left over from ancient times and are highly reliable. Even if they are not available for a long time, Maintenance can also be used normally.”

In today's era, ancient technological creations often represent reliability and advancement.

A group of people walked along the corridor.

Drones probed ahead of them.

When they turned a corner, a burst of crying came.

A woman wearing a white research coat squatted in a corridor and cried.

Has long black shawl hair.

The bodies are hugged together, looking very petite.

Just from the back, she looks very cute.

David, Brian and others did not feel any sympathy in their hearts, but felt a little numb.

In this strange place, a woman is crying! !

Who would think that she is a weak and helpless beauty who needs help? ?

What explanation could there be other than the incarnations of those monsters? ?

"The Weeper." Buttermos's voice sounded in the communication. "It is said that the Weeper is the embodiment of resentment and jealousy. They always cry because of resentment and jealousy of those who have good things in their hearts."

Bai Qi subconsciously took a step back.

He was born with psychic powers and had a special vision since he was a child.

This kind of vision cannot see the future, but it can see some special things that should not exist in the real world.

Some people would call it spiritual awareness or spiritual vision.

What Bai Qi saw was not a crying woman.

Instead, it was a black shadow that was roaring and screaming.

All kinds of twisted malice turned into spikes and tentacles that pierced everything around them crazily.

The weeping woman is not a real creature, but an entity of resentful nightmares, synonymous with horror.

Qin Zheng stood at the front of the team. He reached out and grabbed the sword on Two-B's back, and gave the other party the laser gun in his hand.

He took the sword and walked towards the woman squatting on the ground.

"Stranger, are you here to see me? Do you think I'm beautiful?"

The long black hair parted automatically, revealing a rotten face dripping with a black viscous liquid like tar.

"Boss, don't answer her questions head-on." Bartmos shouted in the communication: "Otherwise she will attack you immediately."

Qin Zheng looked at the face of the cryer, with a faint smile on his face.

Said word by word.

"To be honest, I think you are ugly."

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