What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 58 I will make the whole world burn (please collect and read)

"Underground palace?"

A trace of confusion appeared on Qin Zheng's face.

"A laboratory hidden underground that belongs to a period of more than 50,000 years in the New Calendar. At that time, mankind had just encountered a crisis, and was not as decayed and ignorant as it is now. Some knowledgeable people were looking for humans to fight against the Eternal Night Era. To combat frequent subspace storms, they have set up research bases around the world. According to some secret information, there is research in the underground palace that can allow humans to return to the stars."

The fat black man didn't know much.

They all found out from Qinghuan's confidants after holding him on his lap.

People like him don't even care about what happened fifty years ago.

What's more, it happened thousands of years ago, or even more than 10,000 years ago.

He just repeated what those people said.

Qin Zheng silently kept these in mind.

He also knew that Fat Black didn't know much, so he had no intention of continuing to dwell on this issue.

He clapped his hands.

David and Bai Qi came out of the darkness.

At Qin Zheng's signal, he walked towards the civilian transport suspension vehicle parked on the roadside.

They put signal jammers on the cars to prevent the cars or the goods inside from being located.

Qinghuan and Fatty Hei are allies.

But it’s always right to be careful.

After the signal jammer took effect, the two of them got into a civilian transport hover vehicle and drove it away.

Amidst the roar of the anti-gravity engine, the civilian transport vehicle rushed into the ruined building shrouded in darkness.

After more than ten seconds, Fatty Hei and the others lost track of the car.

"This is 20 million. I need some manpower. I can recruit as many people as I can. Tramps, veterans, or any kind of gangsters are good. People who can work. It would be better if they have some professional ability. Don't think about playing tricks. , if I find a problem then, don’t blame me for falling out.”

"In addition to people, buy another batch of supplies. Find people and prepare the goods. In five days, I will give you the location and time of delivery."

Qin Zheng just gave three cards back to Fatty Black.

After the previous few times, Qin Zheng had figured out everything about the fire.

Having minions makes the fire grow.

As the fire grows, his various physical statistics will also increase.

If you want to stay in the Xinku District for a long time, you must also rely on the fire's ability to block subspace creatures and darkness.

He had to increase his strength as much as possible.

Only in this way can we ensure that everything is safe in Xinku District.

The fat black man nodded.

"I will help you do it, but remember your promise."

"Don't worry, I never lie to people." Qin Zheng also slowly retreated into the darkness and disappeared.

A few seconds later, a confidant came over and said in Fat Hei's ear, "He disappeared from the detection radar."

"Don't worry, let's go back."

Return to the hidden factory.

Qin Zheng led everyone to inspect the weapons and equipment received.

Same as before.

This batch of weapons and equipment has all had their model identifications erased, and their internal structures and drivers have been changed.

Even if it falls into the hands of the enemy, the source cannot be traced.

The weapons and equipment provided by Qinghuan are very complete.

Large signal jammers, shoulder-resistant missile launchers, miniature pollution-free nuclear bombs, high-energy magnetic blast bombs, etc.

More than enough to rob a bank.

Qin Zheng has never forgotten his original intention.

After finishing this job, if there is still a chance to come out, no matter what, I will plan to rob a bank.

In a few days, he was Liberty City's most wanted man.

It will also become a thorn in the side and flesh of the giant plutocrats who belong to the same camp as the Ross family.

Carrying a few more bank robbery charges is nothing.

"After you check it out, I'll go out to get some air and relax."

Qin Zheng ordered everyone to debug the equipment.

He walked out alone, cleared his mind, and prepared to fully review the robbery plan to ensure that it was foolproof.

Juba checked the heavy sniper gun in his hand, then he looked in the direction where Qin Zheng walked out, hesitated for a moment, put down the gun, and followed the direction in which Qin Zheng walked out.

Qin Zheng leaned on the balcony of a corridor, lit a cigarette, and prepared to relax his mind before reviewing the entire plan.

Just took two puffs.

A boss call came over.

Qin Zheng turned around and saw that it was Zhuba.

Juba is a very typical Mongolian man.

He has a strong build and his hair is tied into braids.

A mechanical prosthesis is installed in the position of the eye.

"What's wrong??" Qin Zheng exhaled a puff of smoke and asked casually.

He didn't use his powers.

Just chat like normal people.

"You just said you were recruiting people."

Qin Zheng looked up at Juba and nodded.

"I have some buddies, all good guys, and they'll be here quickly if you need them."

“The remnants of the resistance??”

Juba nodded.

"When the resistance was wiped out, we scattered in all directions, but we still had some contact and looked after each other."

“You want to lend my hand to rebuild the resistance??”

Qin Zheng's dark eyes looked at Juba like that.

"No, I don't have that ability. But I think you do, boss. I feel like you can solve everything with ease, plus you have strong abilities and charm. Boss, you are strong, smart, and charming. You can get people excited with just one sentence. Seriously, you have all the qualities to be a leader."

"Some of my companions are proficient in mechanical maintenance, some are proficient in agricultural cultivation, and some are warriors who have experienced hundreds of battles. As long as we bring them with us, we will soon make the base self-sufficient without relying too much on external supplies. Plus, they are all idealists and don’t value money.”

Qin Zheng smiled and looked at Juba.

"Then you think I'm an idealist??"

"You are not, but you will never be willing to serve the government and those plutocrats. That is enough." Juba said: "Sooner or later you will face those guys. When the benefits they provide cannot meet your expansion needs, You will not hesitate to tear up the cooperation contract and devour those forces as your own nourishment."

"It's enough to be able to do this. It doesn't matter even if you are not an idealist. Such a chaotic situation cannot continue any longer. The major chaebols continue to consume each other's strength in internal fighting. According to several rebels, Based on the deductions of knowledgeable people, it is very likely that humanity on this planet will be completely wiped out within two to three hundred years.”

"The base is a natural advantage. We can take the initiative to attack, but they cannot enter and eliminate us once and for all. Your chance of success is much greater than that of the rebels. As long as you raise the banner of resistance, many people will follow you. "

Juba sounded a little excited.

The practice of establishing a base in a thoroughly corrupted area.

Others can't think of it, let alone can't do it.

Qin Zheng was born in an invincible position.

"It's not that simple, Juba." Qin Zheng flew the cigarette in his hand. "All resources are controlled by those plutocrats. It is too difficult to resist them. No matter how many people are willing to follow me, it doesn't matter. What's the use?? There are no individual mechas, no energy shields, and no combat uniforms. They only need a concentrated nuclear bomb to wipe them out. In front of those military mechas, a group of rabble is just a matter of turning the muzzle a few more times. That’s all.”

"I will not fly the banner of the rebels, at least not for a long time, nor will I implement any resistance spirit. If your friends are willing, they can come and help me, but your ideals have nothing to do with me. I Things will only be done at my pace, either you accept this or don’t come.”

There are many people in Liberty City who are dissatisfied with the government and plutocrats.

But so what! !

The will and courage to resist that an ordinary person can possess.

It is very powerless in the face of various advanced weapons and equipment.

Only those who are crushed.

The remaining backbone of the resistance army are naturally talented people.

He has experienced the baptism of fire and has rich experience in struggle.

Qin Zheng wanted it very much.

But he won't change his ways for these people.

There must be some very extreme and extreme people among these people.

These people must be filtered out.

Qin Zheng doesn't want to discuss cooperation with the Qing Group and develop backdoor development.

Several people ran out and shouted.

"You betrayed the original intention of the resistance, you shameless traitor, get out, we don't need your leadership."

"You are a lackey of the plutocrats, a betrayer of the spirit of rebellion, a coward who kneels to the rotten old world, get out."

After scolding, he gathered a group of people to vote and kicked Qin Zheng out.

Just thinking about it makes me realize how terrible that scene must have been.

Definitely more disgusting than eating flies alive.

When the time comes, either you can get out of here.

The foundation we worked so hard to build is gone! !

Either we must violently suppress them, alienate them from them, and make them fear themselves.

Juba was silent for a moment before nodding.

"I'll explain that to them."

"If they want, let them contact Fatty Hei. Just say it's my wish. Then we'll rob the Ross family's cargo train and we'll take them back to Xinku District."

Qin Zheng looked at Zhuba and nodded, and then asked curiously.

"You are so enthusiastic about the cause of the resistance. Is there anyone in your family? Or do they all support you?"

The question brought a flash of pain to Juba's face.

"My wife died. The implantation of prosthetic eyes caused cranial nerve disorders and affected normal brain function. The medical center refused to admit that it was their problem and was unwilling to provide rehabilitation treatment for my wife."

"I brought my son to the door to ask for an explanation, but they refused to negotiate with a bad attitude and told me that my wife deserved it and had nothing to do with the medical center."

"When I publicized this incident, in order to reduce the negative impact, they asked the officials to arrest me for disrupting normal operations and imprisoned me for three years. When I came out, my wife was dead. My son was He continued to live and became a street gangster. He hated me so much that he thought it was my irresponsible husband who killed his mother."

"That time, we had a big argument, and at the end, the child said, I don't have a cowardly and incompetent father like you, and turned around and left the house. I didn't dare to ask for his forgiveness, because I really didn't have anyone to protect me. wife."

"This world is a cannibal world, and we are the ones being eaten. They cover our mouths, tie our hands and feet, and then eat us bit by bit. We are not allowed to speak out to condemn, nor are we allowed to resist."

"The description is very apt." Qin Zheng said.

"Later I joined the resistance. I didn't care whether I died or not. I just wanted to let this decaying world burn. Either completely destroy it or rebirth from the ashes. Unfortunately, the resistance still failed. The technology and military power they mastered were really It’s too strong, so strong that it makes people despair.”

"That's because your fire is not big enough and the temperature is not high enough to burn it."

As Qin Zheng said this, he turned and walked towards the factory, preparing to discuss his robbery plan with other team members.

Zhuba stared at Qin Zheng's back.

"Then will you light the fire that can burn the world??"

"If you have the ability? Why not? The education I received from childhood told me not to be afraid and succumb to the injustice and darkness of the world, to let everyone stand up and not to live like slaves. Wait until the time is right , I will make the whole world burn.”

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