What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 60 The Prototype of the Demon Hunter Plan (Please collect and read)

“What is a soulless person??”

Morgan asked confused.

He has been in Liberty City for so long and has never heard of the existence of this group.

"To put it in layman's terms, a soulless person is a demon hunter, a natural demon hunter. He is born with a special physique that can suppress spiritual energy, and the aura on his body can suppress all extraordinary things."

"The subspace is the sea of ​​souls, the realm of fantasy for all living things. Psionic energy is produced by the interaction between the soul and the subspace. It is a power that does not need to follow the laws of reality and is a power similar to myth. Every one of us Individuals are connected to the subspace, and our dreams, our imaginations, our pain, and our happiness will all echo in the subspace, no matter how small the echo is."

"The Soulless One is another special existence. According to some information left by humans in the past, the Soulless One looks like a black hole in the subspace. The Soulless One will continue to swallow the souls and echoes nearby. No. People know how the Soulless were born, but they only know that the existence of the Soulless has been throughout the entire history of mankind. In the past, they were called demon hunters and wizard killers."

"It's a pity that many of the inheritance of demon hunters have been lost in the long history. No one on this planet knows how to train and strengthen the soulless ones. The Ross family and their allies are collecting these children everywhere and trying various methods to bring them back. The training of these children to become powerful demon hunters seems to have failed. These people are probably the Ross family's experiments and were sent to the metropolitan area as strategic materials."

"Can they be used as strategic materials?" Johnny looked at the skinny children. He could knock ten of them away with one slap.

Can these children serve as strategic materials? ?

Buttermos' laughter sounded on the other end of the communication.

There was a hint of madness and hatred in the laughter.

"You are too kind after all. The darkness and cruelty of those plutocrats are far beyond your imagination. The blood and pain of the soulless people can make the caster crazy. They cannot train these soulless people, but they can use the blood and pain of these children To fight the psykers."

Bartmos's words revealed a cruel truth.

The major families use these soulless people in extremely dark ways.

"Boss, what should we do with these children?" Johnny looked at Qin Zheng.

"Let them stay for now. Let's seize the control room first. As long as the train is moved away, these children will naturally not fall into the hands of those people."

Upon hearing the characteristics of the soulless ones, Qin Zheng instantly thought of their use.

If these kids could be trained, they would definitely be a formidable force.

The innate soulless characteristic brings with it a silent intimidation, which can effectively suppress other creatures, and can also effectively counter psykers and demons, as well as various extraordinary creatures.

Qin Zheng decided to accept these children and train them to become his own people.

Now he and Qing Huan of the Qing Group are on the same front.

But the cooperation between the two parties is destined to end in falling out.

Qin Zheng needs more fuel and light.

Qinghuan would not allow the knife in his hand to be big enough to bite him back.

The contradiction between the two sides is irreconcilable.

Qin Zheng must accumulate enough trump cards to resist the opponent when the time comes.

He would use his abilities to figure out how to train these kids.

Build them into powerful demon hunters and use them as your trump card.

Qin Zheng and others continued to move forward.

According to the results of the scan, we can reach the control room in two more carriages.

The control room of the gravity levitation train is not at the front of the train.

For safety reasons, the Ross family would randomly place the control room cars anywhere on the train.

But Qin Zheng and others have already studied it clearly.

They used virtual reality equipment combined with the intelligence provided by Qinghuan to simulate every position in the carriage.

Corresponding plans have been made for the defense and firepower deployment of each location.

They are familiar with the road.

It's like coming home.

The security soldiers in the remaining carriages were quickly killed.

Bodies with a burning stench lay scattered on the ground.

"A life form was detected behind the door." Victor, who was holding the instrument, said, "The amplitude of the life characteristics is much stronger than that of ordinary people. It is very likely that it is a genetically modified person."

"Whatever it is, my baby will send them to hell."

Morgan held a large-caliber laser gun and stroked the smooth body of the gun with his thick palm, which was extremely gentle.

That affectionate look is like that of a passionate prodigal.

The muzzle of the gun was almost the size of a fist. Once the gun was fired, there would be at least a hole the size of a basketball in the target hit.

"I hope what you said makes sense." Brian shrugged, and he stepped forward and stuck a directional explosive bomb on the hatch.

The others retreated and took cover.

There was a violent explosion.

The huge impact force was restrained by the armor on both sides of the car body, and could only be poured forward and backward.

The entire carriage is like a cannon. If anyone stands in the middle of the carriage, it will be fired along the body of the carriage like a cannonball until it hits a certain hatch and is smashed into a ball of rotten flesh with no intact bones.

When the shock wave dissipated, David stuck his head out and looked at the smoke-filled car body.

The thermal imaging function of the electronic prosthetic eye allows him to see big things inside the smoke.

"Those guys are like giants." David's eyes outlined the thermal image of the target. He was at least four to five meters tall, much taller than normal people.

Heavy footsteps sounded, and a huge figure walked out of the smoke, revealing its huge size.

"Oh my god." Morgan, an old mercenary who has been in Liberty City for many years, was shocked when he saw the true appearance of those guys.

The enemy was wearing full-body armor styled like ancient heavy armor.

The muscles strengthened by hormones and genetic technology are terrifying to the extreme.

Just one arm is thicker than the bodies of Qin Zheng and others.

He is bulky and bulky, with bulging muscles, and his body is even more exaggerated than the Hulk.

Although we can still find the connection between these behemoths and humans in some aspects.

But there is no doubt that they have deviated from the evolutionary path.

It's more like a monster that came out of mythology, the frost giant in ancient Norse mythology.

The divine residence of the Yaris Esoteric Cult in the pre-Dark Ages.

All his features were swollen and distorted.

There is an aura of killing in the weirdness.

Those eyes showed the desire to kill.

They held heavy shields and held giant weapons covered with electric arcs.

Step by step towards Qin Zheng and others.

David opened fire, and the laser gun in his hand fired continuously, but was blocked by the opponent's energy shield and thick armor, making it impossible to break through the defense.

These big guys have to mobilize heavy artillery before they can be defeated.

They don't move very fast, but they are firm and powerful.

Even if Qin Zheng and others kept firing, it would be difficult to hurt them.

Brian even threw an electromagnetic high-explosive grenade.

There was an explosion.

Electric arcs danced and crackled in the air.

Those huge transformed humans didn't move at all.

Their attacks are like tickling.

Brian said while stepping back to replace the energy battery: "Our guns can't hit these guys at all."

Two-b rushed forward, holding a sword in hand, and slashed in the small space with his flexible body.

Her blade can break through the gleaming energy shields and thick shields of the armored giants.

The knife sank into the opponent's body with one stroke.

Those big guys are just like normal people.

Not even a cry came out.

He also knocked Two-B away with his backhand and hit the cabin with a loud bang.

"They've had their pain nerves blocked," Morgan shouted, "and their vitality has been enhanced."

Johnny and David took out their plasma pistols at the same time.

The high-speed rotating plasma magnetic circle made a sharp whine.

A bright light flashed at the muzzle of the gun.

Two plasma light balls flew out with a screaming sound.

Two bright arcs were drawn in the air and hit the shields of those behemoths.

Free arcs of energy splashed everywhere and were offset by the opponent's armor.

"Damn, I can't beat him at all!!" David growled unwillingly.

These behemoths moved forward resolutely.

He holds a weapon of astonishing size in his hand, and can dent the steel with a single blow.

Even if you are wearing a combat uniform that can offset the impact, if you are hit, your bones and tendons will be broken, and you will be turned into a piece of rotten flesh.

Everyone had to keep moving back.

They tried many methods, including throwing grenades and setting up laser traps, but they could not break through the opponent's defense.

Watching high-explosive grenades explode at the feet of those giants, the huge shock wave dented the steel armored vehicles on both sides.

Those behemoths still acted like nothing happened.

Everyone suddenly fell into despair.

This won't kill you.

This mission is probably going to fail because of these guys.

"I'll do it."

Qin Zheng's voice sounded.

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