What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 62 Special Mobile Team (Please collect and read)

Qin Zheng and others walked out of the control room.

To deal with the security personnel who arrived.

A slightly obese man with mechanical prosthetics on his body and a black robe glanced around with his mouse-like eyes.

After confirming that all the robbers had left, he hurriedly stood up.

"Quick, lock the door. Support is on the way. These robbers are dead."

But none of the staff squatting on the ground dared to move.

They looked at Wang Ben holding a gun in fear.

Wang Ben's physique is extremely strong.

He is tall and muscular.

Just standing there gives people a huge sense of oppression.

What's even worse is that he still has a gun in his hand.

A fully automatic pulse laser pistol.

The energy battery installed in the handle supports continuous firing of 200 laser rounds.

This means that he can easily massacre all the staff in the entire control room.

"Wang Ben, what are you pretending to be here?! Go to the door and watch. If you don't hurry up, those guys might come back again."

The man looked at Wang Ben with a somewhat calm and confident temperament.

He should be a person of high status, pampered and accustomed to giving orders, so he has such majesty and magnanimity.

Wang Ben looked at the chattering man, raised his hand and shot him in the leg.

The dark wounds caused by the laser gave off a burning smell.

The man screamed in pain.

He collapsed on the ground, his face turned blue in pain, and he was sweating.

He stretched out a finger and pointed tremblingly at Wang Ben.

"Are you crazy??"

"I'm fed up with the noise of you bunch of losers. You people are born to think that the world should revolve around you upper-class people, and treat us as garbage and beasts that can recycle themselves." Wang Bi said word by word. , the hand holding the gun slowly raised and pointed it at the man's head, "I just want to tell you, go to hell, you bastard."

The trigger was pulled.

The laser beam pierced the man's forehead, and the disgusting smell filled the control room.

The body lay limply in the carriage.

Wang Ben looked at the staff.

There was cruelty in his eyes.

"Either drive to the place my boss said or die."

After threatening the staff, Wang Ben walked towards a man squatting on the ground with his head in his hands, and pulled him up.

"Adjust the weapon array to lock on the Ross family's aircraft."

Seeing the gun pressed against his forehead, the man could only follow Wang Ben's request.

On the weapon operation interface, the red lasso aperture representing death locked all surviving escort aircraft.

Just press a confirmation button to destroy them.

"Press it down." Wang Ben said coldly.

The man who heard this showed a look of fear.

"No, if I do that, the Ross family will definitely kill me if I'm held accountable afterwards."

"Or you die now."

Wang Ben's words were full of threats.

He didn't mind killing one more person at all.

The man closed his eyes and pressed the confirm button.

The weapons originally used to deal with the marauders were all aimed at the escort aircraft, shooting it down.

Those poor pilots and soldiers may never have thought until their death that a train would take action against them.

"Very good, now we are our own people. If you don't want to be skinned by the Ross family, just keep an eye on them and kill anyone who causes trouble."

Wang Ben looked at the kill report on the screen and smiled.

He pointed his gun at the others.

The man had a deathly gray face and was slumped in a chair.

He was dragged down like this.

In order to transport this cargo to the metropolitan area.

The Ross family used a lot of security personnel.

Some military personnel were also seconded.

All are well-trained and experienced hands.

But at this moment, they were being slaughtered like chickens.

Qin Zheng relied on his ability to predict and the assistance of his team members to kill through each carriage along the way.

Tiny killer bees scurry through the car.

Many security personnel were poisoned to death for no apparent reason or were infected with viruses, their prosthetic limbs were overloaded, and they fell to the ground convulsing.

Except for some more troublesome genetically enhanced or modified people, the others can only be said to be minor troubles.

Some security personnel are paid to work.

Seeing that something was wrong, he directly shot the people next to him and used their lives as a proxy.

In more than half an hour, Qin Zheng and others completed the task of eliminating all enemies on the train in accordance with Qinghuan's request.

The train also completed its turn during this time and accelerated towards Xinku District.

The entire route is prepared.

Even the protective wall that had been closed to prevent strange objects from entering other areas along the track has been reopened.

They just need to take the car directly back.

The base is not far from the gravity orbit.

When the gravity track was originally designed, the base already existed.

Naturally, the base will be taken into consideration and the tracks will pass through the base to facilitate the transportation of goods.

After entering the Xinku area, the only thing the enemy can do is become incompetent and furious.

Juba and Bartmos, who were in charge of sniping, also boarded the train on the Vulture Hover Motorcycle.

Others were responsible for carving special runes into various parts of the carriage.

Those runes possess a certain power to ward off evil and protect.

Even with Qin Zheng's protection, multiple preparations must be made to avoid accidents to the greatest extent possible.

In subspace, the Geller Field can provide absolute protection.

Demons or other supernatural beings cannot pose a threat to the creatures protected by the Geller force field.

Unfortunately, they didn't have the technology to create a portable Geller force field shield.

Those soulless ones might be useful.

Qin Zheng asked people to release the children and assign them to different carriages, intending to use the characteristics of the soulless to drive away demons or some strange creatures with malicious intentions.

Those security personnel who killed their colleagues and chose to join Qin Zheng and others in order to survive were responsible for throwing all the bodies outside the train.

"Send a message to Fatty Black and ask the recruits to prepare to get on the bus."

Qin Zheng said to Butmos.


The sky is like a blue gem.

The scarlet sun is set in the middle of the jade.

The high temperature caused the air to distort slightly.

Dust swirled in the hot ruins of the buildings.

Several high-speed shuttles flew across the sky at extremely fast speeds, so fast that only afterimages could be seen.

The shuttle has a needle-like appearance, with a huge thrust engine behind it, pushing the shuttle to fly at high speeds in the air.

Its speed is far beyond supersonic speed.

These shuttles all belong to special mobile units.

This mobile unit is a special unit dedicated to the Black Ice Military Group, the Ross Family and other camps.

It is a team built to cope with the increasingly harsh living environment and frequent extraordinary events.

There are psykers, cyborgs, etc. in the team.

The combat power is terrifying.

It was established specifically to solve some special problems, and has similar functions to the official special extraordinary department of Liberty City.

"That wanted criminal is extremely arrogant."

"Quickly, he knew he was wrong."

"It would be unlucky for him to encounter our special mobile team."

"Kill him, rip out his intestines and wrap them around his neck. I want to watch him suffocate."

"Can you stop being such a pervert, Jack."

"My nickname is Jack the Ripper. Only a pervert fits my personality."

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