What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 65 Escape (please collect and read)

"Son of a bitch!! What did you do??"

Cheng Nao also roared angrily.

He was furious.

These are real people.

They are his teammates who get along day and night.

It's his family.

How could this damn bastard do such a thing! !

How could he kill these people! !

How could you do such a heinous thing? ?

Jojiya's eyes were burning with terrible anger, as if he was about to burn the world down.

He rushed forward.

However, Qin Zheng kicked him away and fell heavily to the ground.

I can't even get up.

Qin Zheng killed the member of the special mobile team who was wearing armed armor and responsible for long-range attacks in front of Seijiya.

Cut off the opponent's head and throw it in front of him.

This scene made Cheng Zhi completely crazy.

He howled angrily.

The sound was terrifying, like a mad beast.

Their mobile team has been together for five or six years.

We have already developed feelings after being together for a long time.

Now Qin Zheng killed his best team members in front of him.

Chengzhi also got up and rushed over with red eyes.

Qin Zheng kicked him over again.

Makoto also got up once.

Qin Zheng defeated him once.

I went back and forth seven or eight times.

Ke Cheng is also like an invincible little strong, no matter how injured he is, he will get back up again.

The endless anger in his heart left him with only one belief, which was to avenge his teammates.

However, after being knocked down for the ninth time, the game was over.

Qin Zheng walked up to Cheng Naoya and stepped on his body as he tried to get up.

"What a waste."

Qin Zheng exerted a little force and Cheng Shiya's face was pressed against the roof of the car again.

Chengzhi also tried his best to resist.

However, the opponent's strength was as terrifying as if it were being pressed down by a super-large hydraulic press.

The hand with the robotic arm implanted broke directly under the brute force.

Sizzling electric sparks and black engine oil burst out.

"Asshole." Cheng Naoya pressed his face against the carriage, roaring with shame and grief from his throat.

Qin Zheng stepped on the opponent's spine and kicked him out of the train.

Killing this guy doesn't do much good.

But if he lives with hatred, it will be of some benefit to Qin Zheng.

The seemingly inconspicuous idle chess will become the key to determining a certain victory one day in the future.

"One day, I will definitely kill you." Cheng Naoya's spine was broken and he couldn't get up even if he wanted to.

He fell to the side of the track, roaring in despair.

Qin Zheng smiled.

The other person's eyes showed such pure hatred.

That strong chest burned with the flame of revenge.

The illusion brought about by his precognitive ability allowed Qin Zheng to see where this man fit into his future plans.

He will die at the right time.

Become a stepping stone to a nascent empire.

Qin Zheng easily defeated the enemies who besieged him.

David, Brian and others were not so lucky.

The members of the special mobile team are far from being able to deal with them.

The opponent's mechanical prosthetic limbs can increase body functions by more than 50%.

Coupled with genetic enhancement and psychic powers, as well as teamwork.

The combat power is far beyond what people like them who are at the bottom can match.

To be honest, if Qin Zheng hadn't been in charge.

They were unable to break into the cargo compartment.

Each team member has to face more than two enemies at the same time.

If only Buttermos hadn't been manning the killer bee matrix and drones to help them.

I'm afraid that as soon as they fight, they will be killed by the opponent.

David fights two young teenagers.

The opponent has been implanted with various sophisticated mechanical prostheses, and their speed and strength are far superior to his.

Before two rounds, he was knocked to the ground by his opponent.

All the mechanical prostheses in his body were broken off by the opponent.

He could only fall to the ground and gasp like a lamb waiting to be slaughtered.

Brian's hand holding the gun was cut off directly, and bright red blood was scattered in the car.

The only one left to watch is Tsubaki, the ninja.

He relied on his flexible position to avoid the fierce attacks of several enemies.

Morgan looked even more embarrassed.

The members of the special mobile team are more terrifying than those security personnel.

It was so strong that every shot he fired missed accurately.

A red-haired woman wearing a large trench coat and having undergone profound mechanical transformations all over her body rushed towards Morgan.

The robotic arms loaded with both hands turned into two shiny and smooth conical thorns.

She rushed towards Morgan.

Those electronic prosthetic eyes were cold and emotionless.

Morgan fell to the ground and stopped breathing.

His eyes focused into a small point as the opponent rushed towards him.

His mind kept encouraging him to escape, but his body couldn't keep up.

He could only watch helplessly as the round thorn in the opponent's hand stabbed towards him.

A clanging sound sounded.

A long sword with scarlet flames blocked the cone.

Then the sword edge turned and slashed at the woman's neck.

The speed is so fast that even a high-level mechanical prosthesis cannot react.

The vampire's fangs, blessed with the dual blessing of a molecular oscillation force field and a subspace curse, easily sliced ​​through the mechanical implant in the woman's neck.

The head with the beautiful face flew out.

Electric sparks, black engine oil and blood shot out from the incision.

Qin Zheng ignored Morgan who fell on the ground and rushed towards the next enemy.

"Second time!!"

Morgan said to himself.

This is the second time Qin Zheng saves him.

The first time was at the base in Xinku District.

He was almost killed by those eyeball monsters, but it was Qin Zheng who saved him.

The members of the special mobile team that besieged David, Brian and others were not of high levels, they were all in the range of level three to level five.

For Qin Zheng, there is actually no difference whether it is level six to eight or level three to five. It is just a matter of one sword.

Qin Zheng cut off the young man who wanted to kill David with one sword, and pierced the chest of another enemy who wanted to plot against him.

He kills very quickly, like chopping melons and vegetables.

I wanted to eliminate those people in one go.

But Moss's words forced him to give up.

"The enemy's reinforcements are coming, boss."

Rob the Ross family's van and massacre the other party's security personnel and people on the van.

There is no doubt that this is a blatant provocation to a top family that has existed in the glorious era of mankind until now and has a history of tens of thousands of years.

The official forces of Liberty City, which turned to the Ross family and formed a camp composed of the Black Mountain military group, issued the highest-level military action order as soon as they got the news.

On the horizon, the engine lights of several fighter formations could be clearly seen.

Qin Zheng could only suppress his murderous intention, let Butmos start the train, let everyone get on the train, and let the members of the mobile team escape.

The arriving support troops launched an attack on the train.

Qin Zheng and others fled all the way.

Both sides chased and escaped.

The chase didn't stop until the supporting troops saw Qin Zheng and others rushing into the Xinku area along the opened gravity track.

Several senior generals were so angry that they almost killed the person in charge of the protective wall.

Why was the closed gravity orbit opened? ?

The person in charge knew nothing about this and could only kneel on the ground begging for mercy and another chance.

However, no matter how these senior generals vent their anger, it is meaningless.

Qin Zheng had already plundered the goods and fled into Xinku District.

It's already too late.

"Something big is going to happen." A general in Liberty City muttered to himself as he looked at the desolate and dilapidated Xinku District.

The fugitives are inside.

But they had no choice but to watch from the outside.

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