What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 68 The prototype of power (please collect and read)

The fat black man was stunned for a moment, not understanding what Qing Huan meant by these words.

Qinghuan put down the book in his hand and walked to the huge floor-to-ceiling window.

Take a panoramic view of the vast and prosperous metropolitan area.

There was a touch of pride on his face.

Everything is under his control.

Everyone is controlled like chess pieces in his hands.

Although the fat black man has some value and ability, in the end he is just a sparrow who cannot stand on the stage and does not know the vastness of the world.

When Qinghuan planned to assist Qin Zheng, he had already anticipated a series of changes in the situation when the goods were robbed.

Behemoths such as the Ross Family, Arasaka Group, Aperture Technology, and Titan Corporation have formed a huge alliance.

Qing Group, CEC United Mining Company, Shinra Company, Mobius Company and other companies formed another camp.

The two camps have been fighting openly and secretly, hoping to completely eliminate each other and devour each other's resources.

This kind of fight is not the product of the Evernight Catastrophe.

It goes back to the glory days of mankind.

The Alliance for a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind adopts a parliamentary system.

Every congressman is a representative of one force.

These forces are complex and carve up the entire galaxy.

Different forces need to unite to form a balance of power in the parliament and gain the right to speak in the galaxy.

In fact, these chaebols were not the only ones who retreated to this planet.

The weak chaebols were completely purged in the previous wars.

Only the two most powerful camps were left.

And this time will be the last shuffle.

Even if the world is completely destroyed, they will not hesitate.

After all, the things in the underground palace really make everyone excited.

Those who win the underground palace will have the opportunity to return to the stars and rebuild their former glory.

He even became the savior of mankind.

No matter how bad things get, you can still find a new home among the stars.

"Come on, be more violent. Only the worst storm can change the game."

The corners of Qing Huan's mouth raised slightly, and his eyes were full of expectation. The coming chaos would be his best chance to rise up and become the helmsman of the Qing family.

When the fat black man heard this, his expression did not change.

There were some guesses in my mind.

Qin Zheng's actions this time are likely to become the trigger for a new round of war.

The train stopped slowly.

It stopped less than a hundred meters away from the base.

If a normal person ran, it would not take a minute to cross the protective wall formed by the Geller force field and enter the base.

During the announcement, Alexander got off the train.

When he saw the scene outside the fully enclosed train, he was dumbfounded.

The air smelled of blood.

The building was covered with bloated flesh and blood, things like organs shrank and expanded, and the flow of blood could be seen through transparent blood vessels.

If you stare at those buildings for too long, you will still have hallucinations.

The building melted and turned into a bloody ocean with no end in sight.

Huge waves rolled in the ocean, and crazy laughter came from the depths.

"I'm really crazy, why did I come to this place??"

"I didn't make it clear during the recruitment process that we are going to this hellish place??"

“We will die if we work in a place like this??”

"We're not being used as experimental subjects, are we?"

Everyone who got off the train was frightened out of their wits when they saw the horrifying scene.

Even if they have been hanging out at the bottom of Liberty City for many years, they never want to have anything to do with these monsters.

When a monster with a body like melted chocolate and blood flowing all over his body appeared nearby.

Their fear reached its peak.

If Qin Zheng hadn't been nearby, such delicious fear would have definitely attracted a bunch of monsters.

Many people screamed subconsciously, scared out of their wits.

The fear originating from the genetic level and from the depths of their blood gave them the urge to turn around and run away.

The monster let out a scream of excitement.

The melted lower body squirmed and ran towards the human.

It smells of delicious fear and fresh soul.

Rotting, sunken eyes betraying longing.

Alexander had heard of many strange and supernatural happenings.

Those wandering ghosts and women crying in the streets.

There are also all kinds of weird monsters with tentacles and fangs.

But hearing something and seeing it with your own eyes, or even facing it directly, are two different things.

It was the first time to face a strange creature at such a close distance.

The weirdness of its appearance surpassed all his previous imagination.

He was so frightened that he collapsed to the ground.

His mind desperately told him to run away, but his legs refused to obey him.

He could only watch helplessly as the monster got closer to him.

Watching the other person open his mouth full of fangs and make excited sounds.

Alexander thought he was going to die.

It turns out that he thought too much.

Qin Zheng, who stepped out of the train, rushed up and killed the wandering monster with one sword.

The other party's rotting body burst into flames, and he let out a scream of pain.

Qin Zheng withdrew the vampire fang captured from the members of the special mobile team and looked at the frightened guys.

"Those monsters will smell the fear in you, and they regard your soul, flesh, and emotions as the most delicious food. I don't want to threaten you, but you'd better be quick. This job does not guarantee life safety. Unload the cargo and send it to the base over there, and you’ll be safe.”

"If you think you can challenge me, you can do it now. That would be a relief."

Qin Zheng's words were cold and ruthless.

There was no mercy at all.

He stood there, but no one dared to challenge him.

He had instantly killed the members of the special mobile team before, and now he had killed a terrifying monster with one sword strike.

Anyone who is not a fool can see Qin Zheng's strength.

In addition, even if the challenge is successful and they are asked to leave, they will not be able to go anywhere.

If you can't go far, you will be swallowed up by this terrible world.

Everyone looked at each other and saw the helplessness and despair among each other.

A few smart people immediately drove the transport truck, loaded the goods, and prepared to go to the base.

No matter what, survive first.

Someone took the first lead, and soon there was a second, and then a third.

The train security and staff who were forced to surrender to Qin Zheng, as well as the group of people who were deceived by the black fat man, could only move the goods.

Qin Zheng simply divided these people into groups and asked the rescued soulless children to follow them.

Psykers, supernatural beings, strange beings, or warp daemons do not like to be near the soulless.

These children can provide some shelter.

The goods were delivered to the base smoothly without any accidents.

If the monsters that had besieged the Geller force field had not dispersed yet, they would probably be a big trouble.

However, after those weird monsters launched an attack, there was no movement again.

After all, the distance is less than a hundred meters.

No matter how much goods there are, it won’t take much time.

Alexander and a group of terrified men were responsible for delivering the final cargo.

After sorting the goods, use transport vehicles to deliver them to the base.

At the same time, others followed the transport truck.

As we walked out of the confines of the station, we saw a wall of light rising from the ground.

The light wall curved like a bar of soap.

But it can block the damage from those monsters.

As long as they get inside, they can survive safely in this dangerous place.

Walking through the Geller Field is a very special feeling.

It's like a soul torn apart by two different worlds.

The pain goes as quickly as it comes.

After the soul-rending pain disappeared.

Alexander entered the base.

He saw a crowd gathering on the wide tarmac and walked over.

People gathered together in small groups.

He was talking about the monster just now with some trepidation, still a little shaken.

Some complained bitterly that the guys didn't tell them the truth during recruiting.

"You will have a new beginning." Qin Zheng, who was standing on a floating car, changed his previous indifference and spoke with a hint of kindness.

"Fart, you almost killed us. When recruiting, they didn't say we were going to enter the Corruption Zone."

"Yes, this is deception, naked deception,"

When someone saw Qin Zheng changing his attitude, he immediately shouted angrily.

It attracted everyone's agreement.

"You don't have to worry about safety issues. That layer of light mask is projected by a Geller force field device that cannot be created with today's technology. It can establish a relatively safe barrier area in this area."

Qin Zheng said in a soothing tone.

"Here, you are safe. As long as you complete your mission well, I promise you will all have a bright future."

"Why should we believe you?? Are you a liar?? You will kill us."

a man yelled.

"You have so many opinions, why don't you die now." Seeing this guy tearing down his boss, Johnny put the rifle in his hand against his head.

He saw the gun pointed at his head.

The man's attitude changed 180 degrees.

"In fact, we should also listen to what Mr. Qin Zheng said. He is a hero who dares to resist the plutocrats and the government. What he said makes sense. Anyone who works for him is a job. Are those plutocrats really any better than those monsters? ??We must work hard under the leadership of Mr. Qin Zheng to create our bright future."

After hearing this, Johnny lowered his weapon.

There was also much less commotion and chatter among the crowd.

"In order to facilitate management, we will make a simple grouping of everyone. Those who have received military training and are interested in picking up weapons again can join our armed forces. If you want a stable life, you can choose our worker team. Those who have skills People can talk about their own advantages, and don’t worry, I will never treat you badly.”

Qin Zheng spent some time to appease these people.

Let Johnny, Bartmos, and Juba divide them into different teams to achieve division of labor and cooperation.

Qin Zheng is not satisfied with just being the leader of a small violent team.

He will take this opportunity to rise.

Maximize your own strength.

By strengthening your strength, you can obtain more resources and manpower.

After obtaining resources and manpower, we can then increase our strength.

Form a virtuous cycle.

The power he can control is snowballing.

The fire will become stronger and stronger, allowing him to calmly face those who want his life.

After explaining these things, Qin Zheng hurried to the medical room.

Brian was injured, and David had his mechanical prosthesis broken off.

Both were sent to the medical room, where Victor treated them.

Qin Zhenggang walked into the medical room.

I saw the indicator lights of the medical equipment that had just been installed flashing.

Brian and David each lay on a bed, receiving treatment from Victor.

"How is the situation?" Qin Zheng asked.

"David's condition is fine. I've treated Brian's wounds. After a while, I will transplant a robotic arm to him."

Victor briefly reported on the situation of the two of them.

"It seems you have to learn to wipe your butt with your other hand first." David looked at Brian, whose broken arm had stopped bleeding, and smiled.

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