What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 75 The gears of fate begin to turn (please subscribe)

Born into the Millij family.

Frati, who graduated first in the police academy, gracefully stepped down from the hovercar.

She stood in front of the Wood District police building.

There was an unprecedented relaxed smile on her young and pure face.

Her excellent results at the Police Academy freed her from the shackles of her family.

She also got rid of the fate of women from other families who could only be reduced to the product of marriage.

With her excellent performance, she successfully obtained the status of senior police inspector in Wood District.

Of course, part of it is because of the Millij family.

Although the Millij family is not as good as those wealthy families.

But it is considered the top family in Liberty City.

There is no trace of mechanical prosthetic implants on Vladi's body.

The main value of a woman from a family is marriage with other families.

Mechanical prosthetics are a minus in the eyes of upper-class men.

Even Vladi, who longs for independence, has only undergone genetic correction surgery.

"I will definitely uphold justice and defend the sanctity of the law. All crimes will eventually be brought to justice."

Young Vladi secretly made a vow.

Her dreams are beautiful.

Unfortunately, the reality is so cold that it makes people shiver.

The police building is thousands of meters high.

It covers a large area and the structure inside is intricate.

Without navigation guidance, even experienced employees would get lost.

The police building is also a building from the glory days.

Those ancient people always liked grand and powerful things.

Everything is built grandly to show its powerful technology and productivity.

Different departments are on different floors.

Police hover vehicles used for patrols take off and land on the apron on each floor.

The roar of the engine is endless.

Swarms of drones flew in and out.

Deftly dodge cumbersome police vehicles.

The hanging detector flashed scarlet light.

Frati's office is on the seventy-eighth floor of the police building.

Just go through the onboarding procedures on the first floor on your first day of employment.

From now on, she can drive the hover car to the apron on the seventy-eighth floor without going up from the first floor.

"Welcome to the Wood District Police Enforcement Agency."

The staff member responsible for handling Frady's entry formalities said a greeting in a routine manner, then sat down again and buried his head in the pile of heavy paperwork.

Vladi originally wanted to ask some basic information.

Seeing the other party's attitude, he could only shake his head.

Instruction arrows appeared on the projection interface suspended in front of her.

Follow the arrows and enter the elevator.

The interior of the elevator is very spacious, and one side is transparent.

This ingenious design turns the elevator into a viewing platform where you can see the city scenery outside.

As the elevator rose, Vladi's field of vision gradually broadened.

It was still early morning.

The sky was gray with a hint of scarlet.

The sun struggled to rise wrapped in a layer of red mist.

The residential tower buildings in the distance look very hazy.

Their design styles vary.

The only thing they have in common is that they are big enough.

There are hundreds of small windows in the walls.

Behind every small window is a family.

Human beings are like ants, crowded into pigeon cages.

Frady could not imagine such a quality of life.

Coming from a metropolitan area, she could not imagine the hardships in other areas.

In order to save money and improve living expenses, the precarious lower class tend to live together.

Apart from anything else, it is much more convenient to recover fresh corpses immediately.

A ding sounded.

Vladi withdrew her gaze, looking forward to what kind of welcome ceremony she would receive.

But what disappointed her was that there was no welcome ceremony and no one stood at the elevator entrance to welcome her.

It was as if no one knew she was coming.

This made her a little disappointed as she wanted to use her fists and help justice.

But after a moment, she still walked out of the elevator firmly.

No matter what, she is here to uphold justice and the law, not a puppy wagging its tail looking for praise.

Vladi walked towards her office under the arrow instructions on the projection interface.

The police officers who were originally working saw the new faces and subconsciously took a few more glances.

Frati, who was born in a metropolitan area, has a perfect figure, slender waist and exquisite facial features.

The most amazing thing is the surging mountains.

It was heavy, as if two watermelons were stuffed into my chest.

The senior inspector's uniform and the combat uniform worn underneath were bulging.

It's very worrying whether it will collapse in the next second.

Frady was a little happy to receive everyone's attention.

But hearing what these guys were talking about made her a little unhappy again.

"Another family member is here!!"

"Old Hader has been working for twenty-five years. He needs merit, qualifications, and experience, but he still can't get into the position of a senior inspector."

"Where you are born determines what kind of life you will have!!"

"How many days do you think she will be working??"

"Absolutely no more than three days, just a gilded name, just a stupid class!!"

"It's nice to have a good background."

"She's quite good-looking."

"Hey, no matter where you are from, you have been throwing money at me since you were a child. Genetic correction surgery is as simple as drinking water and eating."

Frady was so angry that she sat in the office.

She got this position based on her ability.

These bastards don't know anything.

Although she comes from a top family and has had no worries about food and clothing since she was a child, she also works very hard.

Thinking of this, Frati became extremely angry.

The majestic figure in front of him swayed up and down with his rising and falling chest.

It makes people very worried about the quality of the clothes.

There's a reason these assholes never get promoted.

"I am by no means a marriage vase. I, Vladi Milij, will definitely impress everyone."

The sound of footsteps came.

A female clerk came in.

She also held a stack of paper documents and data pads in her hands.

"Inspector, this is the closing report of several recent disappearances. Please sign."

"Have these cases been solved? Just sign." Frati straightened her body and tried her best to show a dignified look.

"So many things have happened recently!! The police force is completely insufficient. The people below hope that these irrelevant cases will not be investigated, which is a waste of police force."

Hearing this, Vladi slammed the table.

His handsome face was filled with anger.

The watermelon on the chest also started to sway.

"As police officers in Liberty City, protecting the law and arresting criminals are our sacred responsibilities that cannot be desecrated. How can we let those villains go unpunished because of difficulties?? These disappearances must be investigated to the end, no matter what No matter what, I will get a result. I don’t care about other people, anyway, justice here will never be blasphemed."

"But we really don't have any extra police force!! There were three shootings in the past hour alone. We need manpower to investigate the identity of the deceased and maintain public order on the streets."

The clerk said carefully. "If you don't sign the case closure notice and no one investigates these cases for a long time, the system will automatically close the cases."

Vladi looked incredibly shocked on her first day at work.

She had heard about the incompetence of police agencies, but she didn't expect it to be so exaggerated! !

The case will be automatically closed if no one investigates! !

It was like a knife stabbing me in the navel - it opened my eyes! !

"I will personally investigate this case." Frati said firmly: "Within my jurisdiction, law and justice must not be blasphemed in the slightest."

"I don't recommend you do this!!" The female clerk looked embarrassed. "It's easy to encounter danger outside. Those thugs outside are not easy to get along with."

"Danger!!" Vladi pinched her waist with both hands, "I am the nemesis of evil, and I have settled this case."

She is the police academy's all-year shooting competition champion and all-year fighting champion. She is proficient in a variety of mechanical maintenance and has multiple advanced degrees.

He is an all-round compound talent.

What do mere criminals have to be afraid of! !

Justice will always defeat evil! !

after one day.

Hot-blooded and full of a sense of justice, Vladi fantasizes that she can change the world, and her hands and feet are bound by strong magnetic shackles.

He was also locked in a narrow iron cage that could not be extended at all. A piece of cloth was also stuffed into the mouth.

She regretted not listening to the female clerk and insisting on investigating some case.

Now it’s fine, I was caught directly! !

Vladi originally wanted to use this disappearance case to make herself famous and show her strength to those who were secretly laughing at her.

She got rid of the annoying bodyguard early in the morning, followed the clues she found last night, and entered the civilian neighborhood.

Not long after the investigation, he was knocked down from behind with a powerful stun gun in a remote alleyway.

Fight! !

shooting! !

Sorry, no use at all! !

Those damn criminals don’t have any martial ethics at all! !

When I saw someone investigating them, I immediately set up a sneak attack! !

She was careless and lost it.

Fortunately, she had learned disguise and knew how to use instruments to change her appearance and physique.

In order to better complete the reconnaissance mission, she disguised herself as a muscular man before setting off.

It was the only way to hide her majestic heights.

This trick has proven to be useful.

The other party just stunned her, fixed her hands and feet, and threw her into the iron cage. They didn't do anything excessive.

Vladi woke up when she was thrown into the cage.

He saw that his attackers were two muscular men.

After the other party threw her into the cage, they walked and chatted

"This bastard seems to be investigating us!! What should we do? Kill him, cut him into pieces or something like that!!"

Hearing this, Vladi was immediately frightened to tears.

Kill someone and dismember the body! !

These guys are too cruel! !

"Don't kill him. The superiors said they still wanted someone, and they also gave a price. When the time comes, we can send it to those people together, and we can make some extra money or something."

"Then I'll listen to you and sell this big guy."

Hearing that the two men were not going to kill him, but were just going to buy her, Frady was still devastated.

What these people are doing is human trafficking.

I heard that some human traffickers collude with cultists and specialize in abducting those people as sacrifices.

Some unlucky ones will be disemboweled by cultists, drained of blood and skinned to please the so-called gods.

Just thinking about it makes my hair stand on end.

Even if it is not sold to cultists but to ordinary slave traders, the outcome will not be much better.

If the buyer finds out that he is such a beautiful girl with a great figure and noble birth.

Horrible things such as bondage play, slave play, tentacle play, evil depravity play, etc. will happen to her.

Think of the tragic fate that may befall you.

Vladi shed tears of regret.

Her only hope now is that her family will realize that something happened to her.

Being able to find her as soon as possible based on the chip on her body that has not been turned off.

A big thing happened to Vladi when she just disappeared.

Her family is plunged into a crisis that could destroy it.

It was so serious that even her parents couldn't care about their rebellious daughter.

"Depend on!!"

Makoto also shouted in annoyance.

The shrill siren echoed in the cabin.

The nerve cables connected to the spine input real-time data streams, making Seijiya's back feel a little itchy.

The auxiliary brain even issued warning sounds that it was about to be overloaded.

The data flow transmitted in just a few seconds is extremely huge, and hundreds of calculation models are simultaneously calculating to lock the body's artillery and look for life.

If it weren't for the help of the auxiliary brain, I'm afraid the brain would be burned out immediately.

The overwhelming laser beams, missiles, anti-aircraft cannons, magnetic field cannons, and cryocannons formed an airtight firepower network.

Cheng Zhi also controlled the shuttle, dodging the lasers, artillery, and

Avoid the magnetic field swamp formed to avoid falling into it.

Once trapped in the magnetic field swamp formed by the magnetic field cannon, the shuttle will be slowed down as if it were stuck in a quagmire.

Intense gunfire will tear the shuttle into pieces in an instant.

In pursuit of speed, he had turned off the shuttle's protective shield.

As long as he hits it, he will be buried directly in the sky.

Turning on the shield will slow down your speed and make you die faster.

Fortunately, he eventually escaped from the metropolitan area to inform other chaebols.

He knew the timing of his escape very accurately.

Because not long after he left, the regional protective shield in Dadu District was fully activated.

Three-dimensional defense systems such as anti-aircraft artillery, laser arrays, cannon artillery, freezing rays, magnetic field beams, tractor beams, and drone swarms are all activated.

Unauthorized aircraft cannot penetrate the shield.

There is also the risk of being shot down.

In other words, the only person who knew the ins and outs of the matter and escaped from the metropolitan area was Makoto.

Those who wanted to rush out to report the news were all stopped.

The alliance formed by the Qing Group, Umbrella Group, Black Mountain Technology Enterprises, CEC United Mining Company, Mukoff Group, Shinra Company, and Mobius Group launched a war against other companies and forces.

They paralyzed the communication network and cut off all connections between the metropolitan area and the outside world.

And assassinate key figures.

Trying to seize the entire metropolitan area with lightning speed.

Once this plan succeeds, these giant chaebol companies will carry out the final cleaning work.

At that time, the remaining companies and forces will have only two paths to take.

Either become cannon fodder for this alliance in exchange for a way to survive.

Or die with companies such as Arasaka Group, Aperture Technology or Titan Corporation.

The Metropolis has the best energy shield on the entire planet.

It was created during the glorious period of the Alliance of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and is very stable.

As long as the energy reactors and pipelines are not destroyed.

Enough to withstand star-destroying attacks.

Even saturation bombing cannot cause any damage to the protective shield area.

The popular explanation is that the entire planet was blown apart.

The area where the shield is located will also be preserved intact.

Once they capture the metropolitan area, they can use various restricted weapons to carry out crazy attacks on other forces and quickly end the war.

The price is naturally the complete destruction of the entire Free City and even all the settlements in the entire world.

The entire planet's landscape will be reshaped by those exterminating weapons.

All normal creatures will die.

Only those lower regions and corrupted areas that have been eroded by the warp and ignore the laws of physics have the possibility of avoiding destruction.

The death of countless lives may also increase the corruption of the planet.

Ke Qinghuan and others didn't care about that.

War is so cruel.

What does it matter if you sacrifice the lives of others in order to win! !

As long as you can win, everything is just.

In addition, they are mentally prepared to evacuate the planet.

Clean out the hostile camp and then develop the things in the underground palace.

They will choose to walk towards the stars without hesitation and stay away from this world that is about to be destroyed.

No matter what, the fall and corruption of this world are irreversible.

A problem that the Alliance of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind has not been able to solve.

They have no solution.

Even if this war is not launched, it is already doomed that the world will eventually slide into the abyss.

People's resistance only delays the end.

Eternal night will eventually swallow everything.

As for whether the enemy will jump over the wall and destroy the underground palace directly.

There is absolutely no need to worry about this.

Several chaebol companies have already conducted tests.

The underground palace was built during the glorious period of the Human Community Alliance, and the shield technology used was truly amazing.

Many technologists can't even understand how those machines work.

The gap between the scientific researchers at the peak of the Alliance of a Community with a Shared Future for Mankind and the scientific researchers of this era is wider than the gap between humans and dogs.

Even if a high-yield nuclear bomb is detonated in the underground palace, its explosive power will be transferred to the subspace by those protective machines.

The half-life of lethal radiation, which lasted tens of thousands of years, was shortened to just a few minutes.

The giant cannon, which is enough to level several cities, can only make faint ripples appear in the protective shield of the underground palace.

Even if those people were desperate and jumped over the wall in a hurry, they still couldn't blow up the underground palace.

As long as the Dadu District is captured, the victory of Qing Huan and others is already destined.

In order to be foolproof, Qinghuan considered many variables.

When designing specific action plans, enough redundancy was reserved.

He is very confident and will accomplish his goal in one battle.

Let the world know how great he is.

Let those old guys know that their time has passed and now is his time to celebrate.

He is the leader who strategizes and stands at the forefront of the times.

This era is the era of Qinghuan.

However, when the plan was officially launched, various unexpected situations frequently occurred.

First, members of the special mobile team escaped from the metropolitan area.

The enemy, who was supposed to be successfully eliminated, escaped pursuit and organized a resistance.

The perfect plan turned out to be full of mistakes.

It was as if a big hand had pulled out several big holes in the originally tight net.

Many of the enemies who were supposed to be wiped out in one fell swoop escaped.

Fortunately, they still took control of the border wall in the metropolitan area as planned and activated the shield and defense mechanism.

In addition, four-fifths of the metropolitan area is already under their control.

The airport completely fell into the hands of Qinghuan and others.

Some high-level personnel from the hostile camp became their prisoners.

The special mobile team was completely destroyed.

The survivors defended the remaining one-fifth of the territory with all their strength.

But they are already the turtle in the urn.

As long as they are destroyed quickly enough, they can achieve a perfect victory as originally envisioned.


The area where the Extraordinary Special Emergency Department is located.

Nan Xi stood thousands of meters above the ground, overlooking the burning metropolitan area.

Giant light masks protect the entire building complex.

The armies of the two camps were fighting around those light masks.

Fighter planes flew across the sky, making sonic booms incessantly.

The harsh laser beam pierced the air, emitting a faint stench of electric ions.

The alliance army composed of several giant companies wants to completely control the entire metropolitan area at all costs.

There are large-scale drones and heavily armed gunboats and fighter jets suspended in the sky above the metropolitan area.

"Are we just going to watch like this??"

Nan Xi looked at her teacher.

"Yes." Mr. Shu leaned on his crutches, "Corporate wars are not something we are qualified to participate in."

"It's really irritating. Isn't our slogan to save mankind?! Why are they killing each other, but we turn a blind eye and pretend not to see them."

Nan Xi said unhappily.

Her teacher shook his head.

"Things in this world are not as simple as you think. No matter how good the slogan is, what's the use!! It is impossible to implement it."

The Liberty City government is the product of a compromise between the two camps.

Most people complain that the military and law enforcement agencies in Liberty City work for the chaebol and ignore their interests and demands.

Complaints that high-level positions in the Liberty City government are highly monopolized by plutocratic families, leaving them with no prospects for advancement.

Little did they know that the entire official government of Liberty City was originally the private property of those plutocrats.

The planetary government originally established by the Alliance for a Community of Shared Future for Mankind had been completely destroyed in previous wars.

The official government is other people's private property, so how can they let others climb to their position?

Whether it is the military, government affairs, or taxation, it is actually the people from the chaebol family who control everything.

An intricate network of kinship relationships was formed.

The only official government in Liberty City that has more autonomy is the extraordinary emergency department.

The birth of psykers is random.

So far, the major chaebols do not have complete control over the birth patterns of psykers.

There is a small chance that two ordinary people will give birth to a psychic.

There is a high probability that two psykers will give birth to an ordinary person.

There are also some people who have an unremarkable first half of their lives and look like ordinary people.

Suddenly, one awakens, gains power and becomes a psyker.

There is absolutely no way to control the birth of a psyker.

No matter how many resources the chaebol family has.

There is no guarantee that their descendants will be outstanding psykers.

The extraordinary emergency department also has many strong people who have climbed up from the bottom step by step.

Therefore, it is not monopolized by chaebol families.

Other official departments are completely solidified.

Those at the bottom have no chance of climbing to the top.

Being able to become a middle-level person in a certain district is already the limit.

"If you don't watch, what can you do??" Nan Xi's teacher, Mr. Shu, said helplessly: "Do you think they are not prepared for us?? Once we intervene, the entire extraordinary emergency department will be regarded as the enemy. Do you think What can we do!!"

"You are an elder-level being, don't you have enough weight?" Nan Xi asked in confusion.

Mr. Shu showed a hint of bitterness.

He stretched out a hand and pointed to a gunboat not far away.

"Use your mind to sense what is there."

Nan Xi looked puzzled, but she still released her telepathy according to her master's request and gained a special spiritual vision.

The scene inside the gunboat kept changing, and finally it settled on a blond man.

The other person is very handsome, and his only shortcoming is that he is too cold.

He was as cold as if he were carved from marble, with no trace of gentleness or humanity.

Wearing a black combat uniform with white shoulder pads.

The gloves were made of fine metal chains intertwined, exuding a touch of spiritual energy, and were obviously a sealed object.

Beside the man, there is a long knife in a scabbard.

Even if the knife was not drawn out, Nan Xi, who was watching, still felt a stab of pain in her soul.

He should also have special powers.

The man originally had his eyes closed.

But when Nan Xi observed him, the other person suddenly opened his eyes.

There was an unspeakable domineering look in his eyes.

It gave her a feeling of fear as if facing a natural enemy, and she was so frightened that she hurriedly cut off contact.

Nan Xi, who exited the telepathy perspective, looked frightened.

"Who is that?" Nan Xi looked at her master, unable to suppress the panic in her tone.

"A Shinra warrior trained by Shinra Corporation and a member of the Shadow Organization. Known as the strongest psyker under the threshold, Saphiro."

Same as Special Mobile Team.

The camps composed of chaebol companies such as the Qing Group and Shinra Corporation also have their own special forces.

That is the shadow organization.

This organization is not like a special mobile team, nor does it select members from the outside like the official extraordinary special handling department.

The screening of film organization members is done internally and will not be made public.

There is no training base for them in the airport.

Few people know exactly the structure and size of the shadow organization.

Because they never appear in any official news reports.

To ordinary people, they don't exist.

Only when you reach a certain height can you know their existence.

When Qinghuan was considering seizing the metropolitan area, he had already taken the extraordinary special emergency department into consideration.

Regarding the practices of other official departments, Qinghuan always assassinates or bribes relevant personnel of the hostile camp, and uses the manpower already deployed to control them.

The Extraordinary Special Emergency Department is a bit special.

Neither camp has deployed any manpower.

After all, this department performs the most dangerous jobs.

Each year to resolve special events in Free City and other hive cities.

The number of dead and injured members was too many to count.

Even those in power have to go to the front lines to die from time to time.

If you put people in, the gains outweigh the losses.

This is also one of the reasons why the extraordinary special emergency department is relatively independent! !

In addition, the extraordinary special emergency department is just a subsidiary department.

As long as you control the official government of Liberty City, you can control this department.

Let these psychics continue to work.

After all, working for the officials of Liberty City, which is controlled by the two camps, is to sacrifice one's life.

Working for the Liberty City official who is supported by a faction is also selling your life.

Nothing different.

A high-ranking member of the Shadow Organization - Saphiro appears here.

Just to warn the big bosses of the special paranormal emergency department.

Thinking that you are a person, before you want to take action to change the situation, think about how the special mobile team was destroyed.

No matter how strong the extraordinary person is, can he withstand destructive weapons such as anti-matter missiles and melt beams?

Even if the strongest ones can withstand it, there are still powerful psychics of the same level to deal with it.

Nan Xi stopped talking.

She understood her teacher immediately.

In this era, even the strong men who possess extraordinary power are just waves swept away by the times.

Thinking of using his extraordinary power to change the trend of an era, Chun Chun just dreamed and never woke up.

The junction of Haiqing District and Xinku District is also the section of protective wall that Qin Zheng passed through before he robbed and escaped into Xinku District.

A large number of corporate mercenaries and part of the Free City official army guard here.

The official army of Liberty City is also divided into camps, with some leaning towards the camp of the Qing Group, and some leaning towards the camp of the Ross Family, Titan Company, Aperture Technology and other companies.

The official Liberty City army and the corporate mercenaries stationed at the protective wall are basically from the same camp.

After escaping from the metropolitan area, under the instructions of the mysterious voice, Chengzhi also went straight here to report the news.

"You have to take responsibility for what you say."

Pierre, the senior military director of Titan Company, examined the man in front of him.

"Yes, I am responsible. We must return to rescue the metropolitan area as soon as possible. Otherwise, the entire area will fall into the hands of the other party, and all corporate executives will become prisoners in the hands of the other party."

Cheng Zhi also said.

These words made Pierre hesitate.

He glanced at the desolate Xinku District, where Qin Zheng was hiding.

Hiding in Xinku District, which many big shots regard as hell.

If we evacuate now and return to defend Xinku District, we will most likely give the opponent a chance to escape.

Seeing the other party's hesitation, Cheng Zhi was almost furious.

Your boss is about to be fucked to pieces, and you’re still hesitant! !

Even if every boss is heinous and should be hanged on a street lamp and used to light sky lanterns, he still has to go back and save people now.

"Maybe we should ask for permission!!" Pierre said hesitantly.

"It will be over if you wait any longer. Once the metropolitan area falls, they will require all forces to be loyal to them, otherwise they will use devastating strikes." Cheng Zhi also said anxiously. "By then, there will really be no chance at all."

If he can turn the tide, he will definitely be favored by the superiors, and he can even go one step further, gain more power, obtain more resources, and become stronger.

With his own strength increased and the help of the mysterious voice, it shouldn't be difficult to defeat Qin Zheng.

When the time comes, he will step on that bastard Qin Zheng's head and let him know what will happen if he offends the wrong person! !

Then he would cramp and skin him to vent his hatred.

But if the rescue is not timely, the Qing Group's camp will win.

There are only two options left for him in the future, either to become a dog for the Shadow Organization, or to die along with those unlucky people.

As for seeking revenge from Qin Zheng, it is impossible.

Maybe Qin Zheng is from Qinghuan's group.

A uniformed officer came over and whispered something in Pierre's ear.

The hesitant Pierre made up his mind.

He looked at Cheng Shiya with a sinister tone in his tone.

"There is indeed no reply at all from the Dadu District. If you, bastard, lie to me, I will kill you first before I am unlucky."

This is a big gamble! !

Qin Zheng's assassinations and robberies caused several major chaebol companies to lose face.

It was only this time that troops were gathered at major border walls.

The big guys all pounded the table and wanted to arrest Qin Zheng.

Even if Qin Zheng cannot be caught, he must be blocked in Xinku District.

Once Pierre returns to the metropolitan area, there will be a gap in the original containment.

If Qin Zheng took advantage of this opportunity and ran away, Pierre would definitely end up miserable.

If it's true, it's true.

That Pierre made a fortune at level nine.

Pierre could imagine that when his reinforcements came from the sky, the eyes of those once aloof adults showed excitement, shock, and admiration for him as the savior.

At that time, even if he wants to join the crazy party of conquering the ladies of various families, those plutocrats will definitely be very happy to accept him as a member of the same group.

Power, status, and wealth will all be at your fingertips.

"I guarantee it with my life." Chengzhi also vowed.

"Notify other departments and we will return to the metropolitan area." Pierre said to his adjutant.


A fire swayed on the high platform.

Qin Zheng's face was illuminated by the fire.

After the daily operations of the base are on track.

Qin Zheng spent most of his time in dreams.

The light group is the only channel through which he can interfere with the outside world.

Qinghuan's perfect plan must fail.

The two camps have to enter a protracted war.

Until he extracts enough benefit from it and rises up.

Through Seijiya's eyes, Qin Zheng saw the ground troops stationed on the border wall evacuating using the suspended train, and smiled.

This is the first time he has used the ability of the light group to control the battle situation.

He finally understood why Qing Huan always looked down on everyone! !

Manipulating behind the scenes really gives people the feeling of toying with everyone and crushing the IQ of those idiots in all aspects.

These people can use the suspended train to return to the metropolitan area in less than an hour.

At that time, all the truth will be clear.

The battle in the metropolitan area will definitely not end within an hour.

At that time, it will be a protracted battle between the two camps.

He can also benefit from this war.

"We have to open a way for them."

Qin Zheng, who cut off contact, stared at the ball of light in front of him and murmured to himself.

He took out the human skin book he had obtained from the cultists before.

A bright smile appeared on his face.

Before getting down to business, he looked up at the big eyes in the sky.

The other party is still embedded in the gradually expanding crack.

Twisted tentacles like mountains stretched out in all directions, trying to grab those huge bloody structures.

Hey! Hey!

Qin Zheng decided to severely train the other party's believers in front of the other party.

He also had to trick the other party into working for him and open the way for the reinforcements that Chengzhi also brought back.

Let this unknown god feel the shame and sorrow and anger that my husband is currently committing.

Metropolitan area.

The fat black man was wearing heavy armor.

Like an armed beast, rampaging.

An astonishingly large remelt cannon hung on his shoulder, and he controlled the handle with both hands.

As long as the enemy appears, he will bombard him wildly.

His mission is to seize a key core control hub.

There were many flaws in Qinghuan's plan.

Let the people who were supposed to die escape and gather together.

Use the remaining one-fifth of the area that has not yet been controlled to confront Qing Huan's camp.

They activated energy shields to withstand laser cannons, melta cannons and nuclear bombs.

It also blocked drones, fighter planes, etc. outside the shield.

Within the protection of the shield, they only have to fight ground forces.

Weakened the advantages of Fatty Hei and others.

They also established crude defense lines, hoping to delay as much time as possible until rescue.

This is a fight that should never have happened.

According to Qinghuan's plan, Fatty Hei and others only need to kill the target cleanly, and they can easily control the metropolitan area.

But now it has turned into a high-intensity offensive and defensive battle.

Neither side was prepared.

The defense line established by the defender in a short period of time was completely unorganized.

Weapons, equipment, and manpower are both woefully short.

The party responsible for the attack did not carry heavy weapons, and did not mobilize gunboats, mechas, etc.

There is no unified command and coordination.

The people in both camps are a mess, and they all rely on human lives to fill the gap.

The fat black man charged towards an enemy position with his henchmen.

It went smoothly at first, and we were about to capture the core control hub.

As a result, in the last few hundred meters, two five-meter-high mechas stepped out of the enemy's defense line.

They stepped out with an energy shield facing forward.

Fatty Black's men shot wildly.

The dense beam of light was blocked by the mecha's energy shield.

Can't even break through the defense.

The laser cannons and miniguns carried by the mechas were like the scythes of death, rapidly harvesting the lives of those people.

Battlefield combat is not like gang fights.

Fatty Hei led his men to charge several times, hoping to take down the two mechas with more people.

The street was called a Shura field, with rotten meat and corpses that exuded a burning stench everywhere.

The fat black man was also shot several times.

But he had an oscillating shield on his body, and it only hurt a little, but it was nothing serious.

The Oscillating Shield is a type of individual soldier phase equipment.

Able to form a special protective field.

Only objects below a certain speed are allowed to pass.

Can defend against high-speed lasers, artillery shells and other kinetic energy weapons.

The disadvantage is that it cannot withstand the impact of melee weapons, shells, and the burning of the air associated with high-temperature beams.

The fat black man spent a lot of money to buy this piece of equipment that was said to be produced in a certain ruins.

Just to survive as much as possible.

Another charge failed, leaving a dozen corpses behind.

Fatty Hei and others were forced back by the mecha again.

Qing Huan's furious voice sounded from the communicator.

"Are you trash?? Hurry up and capture that area!!"

The fat black man looked at the mecha walking towards them.

My heart also felt numb! !

If he didn't have to rely on the other party and couldn't quarrel with each other, Fatty Hei would have wanted to greet Qinghuan's whole family now.

A lot of people died on his side, and the other party didn't want to mobilize those heavy weapons troops, so why bother calling here! !

Back then, I drank tea and played chess every day, looking like a master watching the storm with a smile.

I thought he was a capable person who strategized, and while talking and laughing, his boats and oars were reduced to ashes.

The result is this level! !

Playing tricks is pretty passable.

This strategic ability is simply a piece of shit.

He's almost as smart as a demon! !

If it weren't for Qin Zheng and he returned to the metropolitan area, I wouldn't be able to eat shit like you, a fool! !

With resentment in his heart, the fat man still gave the order to charge again.

"Brothers, take down those big guys. At the celebration banquet, women can choose whatever they want, and I'll pay for them."

Metropolitan area.

Airport core building.

When he first started taking action, he sat in the garden as always, looking at the beautiful scenery outside, drinking tea and playing chess, waiting for the good news with a calm look.

The first time I learned that someone had escaped assassination and gathered strength to resist.

He chuckled and said: "A bunch of idiots think they can change anything!! It's too late!!"

I learned that there were still people who escaped in the metropolitan area without a complete lockdown.

He was a little out of breath.

When I learned that a group of destined targets were not dead, but had escaped to their control area and established a resistance line of defense.

He was a little dumbfounded.

It was learned that troops were returning to the metropolitan area.

His heart skipped a beat and he realized something was wrong.

What made him most desperate was that the cultists lurking in the metropolitan area suddenly became active for some unknown reason.

Each one transformed into a fanatic who was not afraid of death.

Shouting for their Lord Demon Eye, they launched a suicide attack.

That means strapping a bomb to your body, or driving a hover car full of explosives into the army.

There is a tendency to involve the entire Holy Eye Society and never let the Qinghuan plan succeed.

For a time, the entire metropolitan area was in chaos.

Qinghuan originally mobilized other troops who had already controlled the situation to support him immediately, preparing to completely control the metropolitan area in one go.

But it turned out to be a mess by those cultists.

"Could it be that the god behind the Holy Eye Society is targeting me!!"

Qinghuan immediately thought of this possibility.

His plan was so perfect.

Only he and a few old guys know the full plan.

It is impossible to leak the secret.

The only possibility is that the gods of the opposing camp are deliberately sabotaging their plans.

All the major chaebol families are entangled with those secret churches or some kind of worship organizations.

Qing Huan is one of the top few people in the world.

Know more.

Worshiping those things does lead to some kind of blessing.

The more pious you are, the more blessings you will receive.

Such as gaining knowledge, becoming lucky, recovering from serious illness, etc.

Could it be that some pious guy was blessed by that magic eye?

Qinghuan felt the urge to vomit blood.

If this continues, his plan will be completely ruined.

The big words he once said would turn into cold slaps on his face.

However, whatever Qing Huan is most afraid of will come to him! !

The cultists launched a suicide attack on an energy hub, successfully paralyzing a shield and exposing a flaw.

The time was precise, just in time for the arrival of Pierre's troops.

Taking advantage of this gap, Pierre's troops invaded the metropolitan area.

When he heard the news, Qinghuan collapsed on the ground and foamed at the ground like a poor child who had been toyed with for a day and a night and had lost his mind.

The perfect plan to conquer the metropolitan area in three days and conquer the world in one month went bankrupt.

A long, long war began.

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