What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 87 The Immortal (Please subscribe)

"Then we should go back. The wilderness is really a place that can purify the soul."

Juba was heard.

Qin Zheng no longer misses the scenery of the wilderness.

He turned across Juba and headed down the hill.

The alloy boots of the battle suit crushed those small stones, crushing them directly and making a crisp sound of stones.

Several thumb-sized mutant reptiles were frightened by the sounds and fled into the dark and damp stone crevices.

Zhuba looked in the direction of Qin Zheng just now.

A terrifying electromagnetic storm is coming.

Covering the sky and blocking out the sun.

It seems to swallow everything.

A series of golden question marks appeared on Juba's forehead.

How can this thing purify the soul?

It's quite purifying.

If any unlucky guy is not careful, he will definitely be eaten clean by those biochemical beasts.

Shrugging, Zhuba also turned around and followed Qin Zheng down the hill.

At the bottom of the mountain is an abandoned town.

The towns were completely deserted.

Many houses have been mostly buried by wind and sand.

But it can be vaguely seen that the former residents of this town were a group of people who were far away from the city and longed for tranquility.

Many houses have solar power and individual air and water filtration systems.

Irrigation probes that have not been completely buried can still be seen on some desolate yellow sands.

Apparently, towns at that time were self-sufficient and not controlled by chaebol corporations.

Urban life during the Human Alliance should be quite comfortable.

Everyone has their own land, and they don’t have to worry about medical care or anything like that.

In our free time, we get together to drink and organize some activities.

It's a pity that such a beautiful and comfortable life has long had nothing to do with today's human beings.

Nowadays, this town has long been empty of people.

There are only a few bones and skeletons left by wanderers.

Due to the widespread war, radiation readings near towns were seriously excessive.

The air in the wilderness is thin.

Moreover, most of them are toxic gases and cannot block all kinds of harmful cosmic radiation.

What makes people even more desperate is the hot and cold temperatures in the wilderness.

Without the heat preservation function of the atmosphere, the temperature in the wilderness can drop to hundreds of degrees below zero at night, but can rise to hundreds of degrees below zero during the day.

The difference is more than two hundred degrees.

To describe the wilderness as hell is really not an exaggeration.

The terrible temperature difference between day and night makes survival in the wilderness extremely difficult.

What's terrible is that there are various mutant beasts near the town.

Right now, outside the desolate town, there is the body of a desert stalking insect.

It was a terrifying insect beast that was blasted and killed from within by the Storm Warriors led by Qin Zheng.

The length of that insect beast alone was more than three hundred meters.

The body surface is covered with thick biological carapace.

Can withstand damage from laser, plasma and artillery shells.

A suspended tank can be easily overturned or even crushed directly.

It has evolved to an extremely terrifying level.

Humans are as insignificant in front of that insect beast as ants are in front of humans.

The most shocking thing is that there is not just one such giant insect beast.

There are countless such terrifying beasts hidden in the endless wilderness.

They mutate due to various radiation and biochemical agents.

It is huge and invulnerable. Eating a nuclear bomb is like eating a lollipop from Uncle Wang's house next door. Except for a little dizziness, there is no other feeling.

Some giant beasts even possess supernatural powers.

Some extraordinary forces also divided these giant beasts into different levels.

What C, D, B, A, S, etc. levels.

The stalking insect that Qin Zheng hunted would have been ranked A at least according to the ranking of those people.

These giant beasts are just one of the reasons why the wilderness is terrifying.

Those out-of-control AI creations released because of the war have not yet been completely destroyed by time.

It’s all because our ancestors’ technology was so awesome.

Those robots have nanometer self-healing capabilities and core energy that runs for a long time. What's even more terrible is that they are smart and know how to find supplies in the wilderness, and even hunt exotic beasts to replenish their energy.

Even if they are exposed to wind and sun, those mechanical creations can still be alive and kicking, but they just refuse to rust and fall down.

Those AI creations that lost themselves in the killing still linger in the wilderness.

Hating the humans who created them.

Once encountered, they will be hunted by any means necessary.

Even if the residents of the town could survive the previous wars, it would be difficult for them to continue to live in the town.

Either choose to enter the hive city and take advantage of the city's protection.

Or choose to become a nomad and move every once in a while.

Staying in one place for a long time may cause more than just wilderness crises.

There are also mercenary armies of chaebol corporations.

They don't give you warmth.

Usually they come to capture test subjects or clean up homeless camps.

They would not allow a strong, stable, self-sufficient homeless camp to continue alone in the wilderness.

Qin Zheng walked to the town.

People on the train were lining up to board gunships and various flying vehicles.

Considering the possible raids by the enemy, Qin Zheng had no intention of taking the train directly back to Liberty City.

That would be too dangerous. If the opponent discovers it, even if they can't take it back, they will just open fire and destroy it.

He decided to first place these trains somewhere in the wilderness and hide them using invisible shielding devices.

The Zaibatsu can only barely maintain the backbone of the gravity track between various hives.

Many branch tracks have been abandoned by them.

Qin Zheng used the abandoned branch track to drive the train to this abandoned town.

As weeks passed, the situation became more chaotic.

The Mishima Hive was unable to continue searching for them.

Qin Zheng brought people over again and took the train back to Liberty City.

In addition to wanting to avoid possible searches, Qin Zheng, who could foresee the future, also saw other possibilities.

If you're lucky enough.

Maybe you can use these goods to catch a big fish.

Let his power further expand, even to the wilderness.

Human beings in the wilderness are tough and wild.

The harsh environment of the wilderness has tempered him into perfect warriors.

Not afraid of death, pursuing honor and sacrifice.

But humans in the wilderness have long abandoned the laws and regulations of social order.

They even think that the humans in the hive are too cowardly and dare not even go out into the wilderness, treating them as weak.

It is very difficult to regain them for your own use.

Many chaebols cannot do this.

Even if they promise a large amount of materials and a good life, the other party is not willing to work for the chaebol.

It is worth mentioning that the wanderers in the wilderness are not really ignorant, they are primitive people who only know how to use stones and sticks.

It's just that their social structure tends to be barbaric and they like to use force to resolve all disputes.

What determines a leader is never his bloodline or parents, but his fists.

Only the strongest person who wins the duel is worthy of becoming the leader of the wanderer group.

They will also trade with the hive city in exchange for various energy firearms and melee weapons with oscillating force fields.

Some groups of wanderers in the wilderness even preserve rare high-tech knowledge and have holy places where knowledge can be passed on.

This kind of holy place is usually a base that is lost but still functioning.

Or some research institute left over from ancient times.

Possessing neural machines that can instill knowledge directly into human brains.

In terms of cultural level, the wanderers are no worse than the bottom of the hive.

These goods may be an opportunity for him to pry open the wandering groups in the wilderness.

Qin Zheng glanced at the disguised train and walked towards the gunboat assigned to him.

The gunboat's engines roared.

The drones were fixed to the sides of the gunboat.

When you walk up, you can still feel a faint vibration.

Wang Ben and another storm warrior were already in the cabin.

Even when sitting, their huge bodies give people a huge sense of oppression.

No other vehicle can make these big guys sit comfortably.

Only gunboats can accommodate these big guys.

Also in the cabin were Buttermos and several others.

Basically, they can be regarded as the old people around Qin Zheng, and they have a certain say.

Juba followed suit.

Amidst the roar of the hydraulic device, the boarding ladder slowly rose and retracted into the cabin.

The thick armored hatch closed, and the roar of the engine increased.

A slight tremor passed over the gunship.

Numerous gunboats and flying vehicles slowly took off and entered the invisible state one by one.

The tail of the engine spurted out blue flames, and the huge thrust pushed the gunboat forward.

boom! boom! boom!

The sonic booms continued.

Many flying vehicles only left air waves formed by sonic booms in place, enveloping waves of smoke and dust.

The electromagnetic storm in the distance is also approaching quickly.

More than half an hour later.

The storm, filled with dark clouds and dust that covered the sky and sparkling with arc lightning, submerged the entire town.

By the time the storm, which lasted for several hours, passed, there was no trace of anyone coming to the town.

Qin Zheng, who was on his way back, received news from the Havana Hive before he arrived at Liberty City.

Sent by Vladi who stayed in the Havana Hive.


Vladi's excited voice came from the other side of the communication.

Qin Zheng smiled.

"Thank you so much, Frady. Give the communication device to the person next to you."

Hearing this, Frati was stunned for a moment.

"How did you know there was someone next to me, boss."

"Not only do I know there is someone next to you, I also know what they want to do!!"

Qin Zheng has a fire, a light group, and the ability to predict.

He knew exactly why Vladi initiated this communication.

When he took Frati to the Havana Hive, he foresaw that Frati might become an important factor in the success of his mission to build a new base.

Predicting the future is like this. If the prophet wants a certain result, he must find a way to maintain the future he wants.

"You won't blame me!!" Vladi asked with some anxiety.

"How could it be! The reason for leaving you there is to deal with such a situation. Give them the communication equipment. If you want to return to the base in the future, I will give you a credit. If you don't want to return, you can His contribution will never be forgotten.”


Hearing this, Frati almost shouted like a love brain above.

How could he not return to base! !

Although the conditions at the base are not that good and the living standard is very poor, it is much happier than staying here.

No need to see so many dirty things.

There is no need to see so many disgusting people and things.

There is no need to be judged by the children of those families like a commodity, waiting to be married off one day.

After shouting two words, Vladi noticed her father next to her, and she swallowed the remaining words she was about to blurt out.

In order to cover up her embarrassment, she laughed twice and transferred the communication interface to Alice, the CEO of Umbrella Corporation.

"Is it Mr. Qin Zheng?? I am the CEO of Umbrella. You can call me Alice."

Alice's voice was very seductive.

After all, how can a woman who can climb to this height convince those guys without some special means! !

Although she is old enough to be Qin Zheng's grandmother.

But she still maintains her girlish figure and appearance.

After all, at her level, she can use various life-extending and beauty techniques at will.

"It's a good name, but you probably don't want to flirt with me because you like me. Let's get down to business."

"Flirting is not necessary. I heard that Mr. Qin Zheng was very romantic before. I would like to give it a try."

"It's very romantic now, but I still suggest you get down to business."

Qin Zheng naturally knew the details of the person communicating with him.

Alice has lived for hundreds of years.

Like John Ross who relies heavily on life extension.

It is estimated that there are not even a few drops of blood in the blood. It is all artificial blood and biological agents.

Thinking that the other party is a piece of old bacon that has been marinated for hundreds of years.

Qin Zheng really wasn't interested at all.

"What a charming person." Alice smiled on the other end: "We already know what you are doing in Mishima's nest, and we want to get you out of Qinghuan and work for us."

"Are you thinking too much?"

Qin Zheng's words made Alice and the top figures next to her look cold.

Could it be that Qin Zheng wants to be Qing Huan's die-hard loyalist! !

It's really a penalty for not eating the toast.

Several big shots have already sketched out various vicious methods in their minds, planning to let Qin Zheng know what thunder means are.

But the other person's next words silenced them all.

"I'm not Qing Huan's subordinate. Why should I leave him? I'm just a mercenary. I'll work for whoever pays the highest price."

Alice was speechless for a moment.

When Qin Zheng emerged, they had already investigated the other party thoroughly.

Before he became famous, Qin Zheng was indeed a little mercenary who liked to hang out in bars and bring dancers home.

There is also a man named David who talks about becoming a legend in Liberty City all day long.

Both of them came to live in St. Ann District because they were chased by gangs in other districts.

Alice anticipated Qin Zheng's various reactions and prepared corresponding words.

I just didn't expect the other party to say such things.

They originally thought that Qin Zheng would be loyal to Qinghuan after being appreciated by Qinghuan, otherwise how could he carry out such a dangerous mission! !

Who would have thought that the other party was there for the reward.

Qingshen and others communicated in a low voice and changed the results of the previous discussion before allowing Alice to continue talking.

"If that's the case!! Qing Huan shouldn't have paid you in advance!! In other words, you will do this task based on your own resources. Mr. Qin Zheng, now I want to negotiate a deal with you, A deal that will make you more money.”

"What kind of deal??"

"No matter how much Qinghuan gives, we will give it three times. We support you in establishing one, no, three new bases. But you have to admit that we hired you to do this task, not Qinghuan."

Alice, Qingshen and others originally just wanted to poach people.

Now there is an unexpected gain.

Not only can he poach people, but he can also step on Qing Huan.

If it really happened.

Qinghuan would probably cry to death in bed.

I'd probably regret it enough to slap myself in the mouth.

He is so smart that he can do such stupid things! !

Great credit for people to cut off Hu.

Not to mention the total loss of face, he would probably become a laughing stock.

"What if Qinghuan takes revenge on me??"

"We will provide you with all the protection we can to prevent you from being retaliated by those who are interested, Qin Zheng. The base you established will never be embarrassed or attacked by our camp. Of course, this must be based on the fact that you are ours. On this basis.”

"That sounds like a pretty good deal."

"This is just the beginning, and you will soon find that we are more generous than your original employer."

Qin Zheng, who was sitting on the gunboat, thought for a moment.

I agreed immediately.

"Okay, I will publicize this to the outside world as a task that you hired me to complete. Then when will your supplies arrive??"

"The first batch of rewards will be delivered to you soon, and you will soon prepare to establish a new base."

"I like this speed. I wish us a happy cooperation."

“A pleasure to work with.”

Communication was hung up.

Alice, Qingshen, and several other top figures all smiled.

They are already the top group of people in the alliance camp, and the next step is to become the helmsman of the family.

By then, except for those old antiques, they can ignore everyone else.

Qin Zheng's unified transaction gave them more confidence.

Maybe he can use Qin Zheng to break the deadlock and completely establish his successor.

"Medel, you really have found a good daughter. If it weren't for her, we probably wouldn't have been able to contact each other right away, let alone humiliate Qinghuan in this matter."

When the two camps were in a stalemate, such a big result was achieved.

They will definitely have a huge advantage in the next few actions.

Squeeze your competitors little by little and let them out.

Medel was also unusually happy.

The pinnacle of the power pyramid in this world is the core family.

Then there are the various families attached to them.

Below are those who have been promoted to the middle and senior levels.

At the bottom are those at the bottom that are considered a human mine.

If this group can take over the power of the alliance camp in the future, the Millij family will also benefit and their status will rise.

He looked at his daughter with an increasingly kind look.

Sure enough, young people still have to suffer some losses and go out more to experience.

Maybe one day I will bring back a surprise.

Alice, Qingshen and others were happy and immediately summoned the propaganda media.

Package this action as your own merit and publicize it.

When Qinghuan heard the news, he was so angry that he cursed the shameless villain.

Eyes widened.

The pupils were all bloodshot. It's like eating people.

When he learned that the people left by Qin Zheng were taken to his competitor, he was as anxious as an ant on a hot pot.

But if the other party doesn't cooperate, he can't directly use violence against the Millij family members.

He could only continue to let the fat man find a way to contact Qin Zheng.

The plan is to use Qin Zheng to slap Qin Zheng hard in the face, so that the other party can prove that the credit for the raid on the Three Islands Nest City belongs to him, not to the group of people who stole the fruit.

Unfortunately, I have been unable to contact you.

It wasn't until Qin Zheng returned to Liberty City that he contacted Fatty Hei.

Fatty Hei hurriedly contacted Qinghuan and opened a remote video call for them.

Qing Huancai contacted Qin Zheng.

However, it was too late. Qin Zheng had already accepted the mission reward from Alice, Qingshen and others.

Alice used her power to ask the mercenaries of Umbrella Enterprises who stayed in Liberty City to allocate some supplies to Qin Zheng.

The speed was so fast that Qin Zheng didn't have the slightest regret.

"You must come to Havana Hive immediately to clarify this matter and tell them the truth, otherwise you will not get any reward, and don't think about building any base."

Qinghuan took advantage of Qin Zheng's weakness and made a threat.

The other party came to him just to establish a base.

The condition he gave was that if the other party could raid the Mishima Nest and destroy the Mikami Group's production base, he would provide assistance.

"Sorry, this can't be done."

Qin Zheng refused.

He originally wanted to seize the wool of Qinghuan's camp.

It’s not like he’s really working hard, just being a licking dog.

Whoever gives money is God.

Qinghuan almost fainted from anger when he heard Qin Zheng's words.

"Don't forget who you are working for, Qin Zheng."

Qinghuan looked at Qin Zheng on the projection screen and spoke through gritted teeth.

"Mr. Qinghuan, how could I forget this?! Of course I serve my employer."

Qin Zheng said with a somewhat innocent face.

"Then why did you say those guys were the ones who hired you!!"

Qinghuan slammed the table, furious.

After learning that Qin Zheng raided the three island nests and robbed a lot of supplies.

He immediately realized that his chance to make a comeback had come.

Make good use of this publicity to make the old guys above trust him again.

Who would have thought that all the credit would be taken away by the small team of Alice and Qingshen.

Qin Zheng also admitted that he was assigned by them.

This is his credit! !

What a credit to him! !

How dare Qin Zheng, how dare he do that! !

This traitorous behavior is simply unforgivable.

"They are my employers." Qin Zheng spread his hands, "I have negotiated with them."

"You obviously talked to me." Qinghuan asked, "They didn't pay attention to you at all before. Your employer is obviously me, and you violated the rules."

"Then did you give me a deposit??" Qin Zheng said calmly, "You ask the fat black man what the rules are for mercenaries in Liberty City?? You didn't even give me a commission, how can you say you are my employer??"

This sentence made Qing Huan, who was originally so angry that he wanted to strangle the other person alive, stunned for a moment.

this! !

this! !

"So what if I didn't give you a deposit!! If you weren't still a transparent person now, you would be a waste living in Liberty City waiting to die. Don't be ungrateful, Qin Zheng."

Qinghuan didn't want to dwell on this issue.

Even if he didn't give a deposit or support Qin Zheng.

He didn't even care whether Qin Zheng would do this! !

The credit for this is his.

Because it was him whom Qin Zheng was talking to at the beginning.

Not those people.

Liberty City's mercenary code is rubbish.

His rules are the rules.

"I am a mercenary." Qin Zheng said calmly: "I only work for money. If your help is so useful, you can help your men do this. Why do you care who I work for?"

One sentence made Qinghuan want to vomit blood.

This is a roundabout way of scolding him.

The fat black man stood aside.

I dare not say a word.

He knew this day would definitely come.

I just didn't expect it to be so soon.

When he first met Qin Zheng, the fat black man was not as humble as he is now.

He sat on the sofa and looked at Qin Zheng and David, two little-known thieves who stole cars in Sheng'an District, with a murderous look on their faces.

To say they are mercenaries is a bit flattering.

He doesn't speak.

These two guys didn't even dare to sit down first.

Qing Huan is a super big shot that they can't get in touch with.

In just a few months, everything has changed.

Qin Zheng no longer took Qing Huan seriously.

When he first came here, Qin Zheng wanted to talk to Qing Huan on an equal footing, which made him very unhappy.

At that time, Qinghuan could still handle the other party and not take him seriously.

Now Qin Zheng has become very popular, but Qing Huan is being manipulated and is no longer taken seriously by the other party.

"You will regret it, Qin Zheng. Anyone who betrays me will not have any good consequences!!"

Qinghuan roared.

"I am a mercenary, whoever gives me the money is God. Didn't anyone tell you that poor people should not imitate others and show off!!"

After saying this, Qin Zheng hung up the communication.

Looking at the closed communication window.

Qing Huan was about to collapse and almost cried from anger.

That bastard puts the credit on his competitors.

He also mocked himself as a poor man who couldn't give a price.

who is he? ?

He is Qing Huan, who is said to be almost as intelligent as a demon.

A direct descendant of the Qing family.

He was born on the top of a mountain.

It is his prerogative to have everything he wants.

This world exists just to welcome people like him.

Everyone else is just a green leaf, a foil.

How can you say he is a poor man! !

How dare that bastard! !

You must make this guy's life worse than death, and let him know that angering him will be the most regretful thing in his life.

"I want him dead."

Qing Huan's eyes widened with anger, and he was extremely angry.

No one in this world can humiliate him.

Qin Zheng must die.

Qin Zheng's new base chose the junction of Haiqing District and Xinku District.

Right where the train came and went for trading.

The garrison on the separation wall was also conquered by Qin Zheng.

After the war began, the Liberty City government collapsed.

The garrison can either choose a camp to join and join the war. Either be neutral and only be responsible for guarding the wall.

If they are neutral, the two camps will not attack these garrisons because of the corrupted area.

However, weapons, equipment and resources will not continue to be provided.

Without resources, the treatment of the troops stationed at the separation wall plummeted.

With no security and poor treatment, many soldiers took part-time jobs as thugs.

He would rob and kill when he had nothing to do.

With such low moral standards, it is naturally not difficult to bribe them! !

Several senior military officers originally disagreed.

He fantasizes about controlling the army and being able to survive in the ruins of Liberty City.

But after Qin Zheng sent storm warriors to have a friendly conversation with them and cut the heavy tanks into scrap metal in front of them.

All these people changed their minds.

He believes that he should contribute to the prosperity of Free City, dedicate himself to death, worry about the world's worries first, and be happy after the world's happiness, and become a servant of the people of Free City, not a thug with moral turpitude, let alone There should be a wrong idea of ​​using the military to do whatever you want.

They knelt in front of Qin Zheng.

She cried bitterly and thanked him for purifying her soul.

Let them sublimate from low-level happiness to high-level happiness.

Let them understand that only by sacrificing for others in this world can their life be considered in vain.

Seeing how sensible these people were, Qin Zheng asked the Storm Warriors to turn off all activated weapons.

With the help of these remaining garrison troops, Qin Zheng's new base was constructed very quickly.

The layout was mostly completed in a few days.

The main thing is to build energy shield projectors to protect against air attacks.

Various protective measures that can weaken radiation and biological and chemical gases.

In addition to the base, Qin Zheng also designated a large area to accommodate refugees who were willing to follow him to ensure that they could survive.

This move made his strength skyrocket.

The refugees gathered near the trading area all chose to follow Qin Zheng, causing his original power to skyrocket.

The fire in the dream received a lot of fuel.

The flames suddenly swelled up.

Lights up more areas.

"At this rate, it won't be a problem to capture Liberty City within one year."

Looking at the long queue of registered refugees, Juba could not suppress the smile on his face.

These refugees will be divided into workers and soldiers according to their abilities.

The soldiers will receive training from the previous batch of veterans and be ready for battle.

Workers are responsible for building new bases, restarting food factories and energy reactors that were damaged during the war, and restoring normal production order.

Now in the entire Haiqing District, they are the ones with the biggest fists.

It can be said that the entire Haiqing District belongs to them.

If we capture Haiqing District now, we can capture the entire Liberty City in a while.

Taking over Liberty City, which covers an area of ​​thousands of kilometers in diameter, is equivalent to taking over a big country in the industrial era.

When the time comes, gather your troops to sweep away the remnants of both camps.

Unifying the world is not a dream.

Qin Zheng's decision was indeed extremely correct.

First parasitize, then become independent. Once the foundation is laid, subsequent development will be able to slowly accelerate.

Qin Zheng didn't pay attention to Zhuba's words.

He just looked at the refugees.

I thought of the emaciated girl who died and her body was dismembered by the hungry refugees.

I thought of the woman who threw away all propriety, justice and shame for food, just to survive.

Thinking of the man who exchanged his children and cooked meat for the remaining children, crying loudly.

If Qin Zheng had this strength at that time.

Maybe that child wouldn't have to die, maybe she would have a not-so-good, but still happy time.

That poor woman could get enough respect.

It would not be so painful for a man to trade his youngest child so that his other children and family could live.

Those refugees might not have to do those terrible things.

After all, I still haven’t done enough.

It's still not rising fast enough.

Maybe it should be accelerated.

Only when he is powerful enough to change the entire era will those tragedies be reduced.

"Recruit enough workers and soldiers from the refugees. No food is allowed to feed the idle. Those who cannot contribute are left to die."

Qin Zheng's words were cold and ruthless.

The foundation has been laid, and all that is left is to snowball. The faster it rolls, the faster the strength will grow.

Saving useless people will only slow things down.

If you want to rise quickly, you must give up all useless things.

Benevolence, righteousness, morality, etc., can be temporarily abandoned.

The faster it rises, the more humans will benefit from it.

Juba nodded.

"I will convey your message to everyone."

Qin Zheng said nothing. He turned and left, no longer paying attention to the affairs of the refugees.

The new base is almost complete.

We need to discuss with Charles the rapid expansion of Stormtroopers.

The Stormtroopers had already proven their worth in their first battle.

Qin Zheng needs enough Storm Warriors to ensure his military advantage.

When the Stormtroopers expand to a certain extent, it is time for him to launch the Unification War.

Those who suffer will benefit from his rise.

Xinku District.

This corrupted area is considered a forbidden area for humans.

But something incredible happened.

In addition to the people in the base, there are actually living people active in Xinku District.

The base established by Qin Zheng is protected by the Geller force field and has demon hunters hunting strange creatures, so that it can exist stably in the Xinku area.

I originally thought that there would be no more living people in the entire Xinku District.

But during an operation to lure a strange creature, Dante accidentally discovered that someone was peeping at him.

He decisively planned an action with Bai Qi.

Trapping the opponent during an operation and escorting him back to the base.

That was a very young man.

He looked like he was in his twenties.

After screening, Bai Qi and others were sure that the other party was not from the base.

It's impossible for refugees from outside to come in! !

Xinku District is called hell for a reason! !

Strange creatures are everywhere and can devour any ignorant human being.

It is impossible for the refugees to run into Xinku District and spy on them.

Men are full of mysteries.

It made Bai Qi and others realize that there might be something else besides those weird creatures in Xinku District.

A temporary interrogation room at the base.

The man's hands and feet were tied and he was hung up.

Several demon-hunting teenagers leaned around the interrogation room with weapons in hand.

As long as a man makes the slightest move, they will kill each other without hesitation.

"who are you??"

Bai Qi punched the opponent in the stomach.

The man groaned in pain.

Face flushed.

"My name is Yuvraj. I have said it several times. Can you please stop hitting me?"

"Then why are you wandering around Xinku District??"

"I need to take a walk after eating."

Yuvraj responded to Bai Qi's questions very cooperatively, but it was this answer that made many people feel that he was provoking them.

"Are you very humorous?"

Bai Qi looked into the other person's eyes and spoke word by word.

"But I don't like humorous people."

"Really! That's a pity. Humor helps prolong life." Yuvraj tried his best to put on a smiling face.

"Do you know where I grew up?? Drew District, a lower-class district, was regarded as a reserve food by the Beast Gang since I was born. Those guys are a bunch of bastards, but they taught me a lot of things, including How to make a person unable to live without wanting to die."

Bai Qi went to the side and picked up a lancet as thin as a cicada's wings, put it in his hand and played with it.

"When I separate the tendons in your hands one by one, I hope you can continue to be so humorous."

Bai Qi looked at the two soldiers on the side and carried a fixed device over.

One of Yuvraj's hands was placed on the fixture, and Bai Qi began to apply disinfectant on his hand.

This liquid not only disinfects, but also helps others better see the tendons and blood vessels where it was applied.

"Damn, you can't really do that!!"

Yuvraj looked at Bai Qi's serious look and suddenly felt something was wrong. He could still bear the beatings with fists and small leather whips.

He couldn't stand it if it really cramped one by one.

Bai Qi didn't reply to his words.

The thin lancet sliced ​​off the surface of the skin on the hand with ease, and then sprayed a transparent coagulation agent to prevent the blood from gushing out.

Bai Qi put on a high-precision surgical helmet, injected the opponent with a sensitivity-enhancing potion and a probe for stretching, and prepared to extract the opponent's tendons one by one.

Yuvraj originally wanted to hold on, but when the first tendon was caught by the probe and pulled out.

Yuvraj screamed in pain.

Bai Qi stopped.

"Damn, I said it, I said it all. I am from Xinku District and I have always lived here??"

"Living here? Didn't those weird creatures eat you? Or are you already some kind of weird creature?"

"I am a human being, a living human being."

"Then how did you avoid being hunted by those weird things?"

"I have a talisman in my pocket. As long as I stay a little away, those things can't see me. As long as I'm careful enough not to get too close to them, I can walk safely in Xinku District."

Dante took out something like a stone tablet from the opponent's clothes.

Various complex runes are carved on it.


Those runes seemed to be alive.

It will continue to change and distort when you look at it.

It's as if words from the four-dimensional world were forcibly written on objects in the three-dimensional world.

“Who gave you this??”

Dante asked with a frown as he looked at the stone plaque.

"My master. A few years ago, there was a corruption incident in Xinku District. He saved me and gave me this thing to let me do things for him."

Yuvraj showed the shame of betraying his master.

But he really couldn't bear that kind of torture.

"Who is your master?" Bai Qi took off his helmet and asked.

"He only asked me to call him master, and never told me his name. He said that it would not do any good for a short-lived person like me to know the name of an eternal person, and it would only make my future life miserable. Be even more unfortunate."

"The Eternal One??"

Dante looked at Bai Qi, who also showed confusion in his eyes.

Obviously, he could not understand the meaning of the word immortal.

Are there really so-called immortals in the human world? ?

"I feel like there's something behind this matter that's not that simple. I need to report it to the boss immediately!!"

Bai Qi stood up and asked the people next to him to bandage Yuvraj's wound.

He walked toward the cell door.

Before leaving, he turned back to Dante and said.

"You watch him here personally to prevent him from doing any psychic tricks."

Dante nodded.

"I see."

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