What? You say His Majesty is a war criminal!!

Chapter 96 Rebuilding Liberty City (please subscribe)

This will be an unprecedented victory.

It will completely change the structure of the two camps.

It will also become an important historical turning point for the world.

Before the crisis completely broke out, every Allied general who stepped into the Salona Nest thought this way.

They earned this victory.

After capturing the Salona Hive, the enemy camp will lose an important hub.

A gap opened up in the complex network of tracks.

The enemy's strength will be slowly weakened.

They will fail step by step.

The commander in charge of coordinating and commanding all armies of the Alliance camp in the Battle of Salona Hive was Winick.

Winick is a military genius from the core family.

In addition to relying on his own family background.

His ability is also obvious to all.

Many members of the core family are good-for-nothing losers.

But there are also amazing talents.

Winick is one of them.

When the first gap appeared in the city wall of Salona Hive.

The goddess of victory had already lifted her skirt.

All that's left is to fight with your eyes closed.

He showed amazing military talent since he was a child.

While his peers were still immersed in childish games, he had learned to use war games to deduce.

There is an obvious benefit to being born into a family that is wealthy and does not need to think about the future.

That means you can do what you like.

Winick's parents realized their child's talent and began to gradually pave the way for him.

He has already become famous at a young age.

Later, Winick graduated from the Military Academy with honors and began to gain experience in the military.

His strong family background and superb personal skills allowed him to rise through the ranks.

Finally got to this position.

The commander of the main attack this time was determined through multi-party meetings and discussions.

Winick is favored by everyone with an absolute advantage.

Of course, he's also great.

He coordinated this large-scale army and allowed it to seize the opportunity created by Qin Zheng and break through the wall of the Salona nest in one fell swoop.

When Winick walked into the Salona nest with the support of his own soldiers.

The war is nearing its end.

The enemy has lost most of its area of ​​control.

Lost a lot of ground

Many enemy soldiers were wiped out.

The Allies received a large amount of weapons and equipment.

The anti-aircraft artillery positions and shield projectors everywhere have basically been controlled.

The air superiority was also taken away by them.

The remaining enemies either fight guerrillas in the city, or use the fortifications built previously to fight stubbornly.

According to the reports from the frontline officers, it is estimated that it will take a few days to completely clear the city of enemies in order to truly and completely control the Salona Hive.

Winick only urged the front line not to slack off, and did not give a time limit to force them to attack hard.

The advantage now lies with him, there is no need to buy a little time with his life.

Besides, the more urgent it is, the more funds it needs.

Playing money before battle is a characteristic of this era.

If you want soldiers to rush quickly, funds must be available quickly.

Winick thinks this model is quite good.

Once you make a transaction, you don’t have to worry about what happens next.

Keeping those soldiers would be a test for the finances of various companies.

Although there is no shortage of money, the wasted money is just scattered to those bastards, which is a huge loss.

"It's so stupid. No matter how much money you get, if you can't survive, what's the use!!"

Once again it was rewarded by the front line.

After learning that the enemy had repelled their attack again, Winick shook his head.

He couldn't understand why the enemy resisted to the end.

Even though people have made money, they still have to survive.

"Give me the order to continue the onslaught and don't give them a chance to breathe."

The enemy is very tenacious, but compared to their powerful offensive, it is still not enough.

Winick didn't believe it.

These people can keep going.

The officer in charge of communications nodded and trotted off to deliver the order.

The more sophisticated the equipment, the more susceptible it is to external interference and collapse.

Various weapons on the battlefield can cause high-energy harmful radiation.

This radiation will not only harm the human body, but also interfere with communications.

In order to ensure stable communications, military equipment is generally purpose-built and heavy.

It won't be as convenient and beautiful as the civilian ones.

Specialized communications troops and communications departments are generally equipped.

Specifically contact the military at all levels and issue instructions.

Watching the correspondent leave, Winick looked at the projection sand table on his desk with a thoughtful expression.

Everything was going well now, but he was still a little uneasy.

The battle was not as fierce and without heavy casualties as he had expected.

The enemy does not seem to have devoted all its forces here.

The importance of Salona Hive should be worth investing more troops in its defense.

Could it be that he has mastered other routes? ?

As the intelligence said, those people put their hopes on subspace.

Winick felt a headache and soon put the incident behind him.

His mission is to win this battle.

Put other things aside for now.

The overall strategy is decided by the people above.

It would be fine if he obeyed.

"Have you investigated those symbols clearly? What did Master Li say?"

Winick asked the staff officer on the side.

Every building in the Salona Hive is engraved with a large number of blasphemous and filthy runes.

Winick didn't understand what these runes were for.

He has asked the senior psykers who accompanied the army this time to investigate the matter.

It is not unusual for psychics to participate in large-scale wars.

After all, psykers have so many destructive tricks.

Curse, cast spells from a distance, summon ghosts and more.

In this era, extraordinary power can no longer determine the final direction of a frontal battle.

But their methods also threaten officers and rank-and-file soldiers.

For example, casting a curse on officers, or creating fog and summoning ghosts to interfere with the army.

Winick is a cautious person.

There was no way he wouldn't care about such an abnormal thing.

The staff officer nodded.

"I just received the report from Master Li. It is initially judged that it is a sacrificial rune unique to the Holy Eye Society. The threat level is very low. Maybe there are cultists of the Holy Eye Society hiding in the dark and seizing the opportunity to perform the sacrificial ritual. But overall the threat is not big, it’s just a small problem.”

"They also surveyed the Salona nest and found no psychic riots. The initial guess is that war is coming, and those cultists took this opportunity to gather believers and promote eschatology."

Winick thought there would be some conspiracy.

But the psyker masters accompanying the army bluntly stated that there was no threat.

Winick also chose to believe it.

After all, in the extraordinary field, the other party is a professional.

And Mr. Zhao absolutely supports the alliance camp.

Master Li has absolutely no motive to collude with the enemy or harm them.

Winick ordered the last troops to enter the Salona Hive, and at the same time let the engineering and technical teams begin to restore the operation of the energy reactor.

As long as the enemies in the city are annihilated and the shield is raised, this hive city will belong to the alliance camp.

When all the troops entered the Salona nest, an unexpected situation broke out.

When the last soldier from the alliance camp crossed the dividing line between the hive and the wilderness, violent psychic energy exploded instantly.

The runes smeared on the walls of the building were all distorted.

Winick and others experienced a twisted and nauseated feeling.

It's like the whole world has been turned upside down.

When the nauseating feeling subsided, Winick realized something was wrong.

The originally bright Salona nest became gray.

The sky was also very gray, as if it was obscured by endless dark clouds.

When you look at the sky, you will catch a blur, as if it is a chaotic area that has not yet been constructed.

Those buildings also instantly became full of historical deposits.

Smelly mold even appeared in some places.

Many places became pitch black, making it difficult to see clearly.

Communication problems, which had been relatively stable, also appeared.

Sometimes I can hear the sound, sometimes not.

There are even different, weird sounds mixed in.

The projection in front of him flickered for a few times and then went out.

The mechanical indicator light flashed a few times and then fell silent.

The military tent where Winick was sitting fell into darkness.

The soldiers around Winick are all private soldiers raised by the family.

They are loyal and will protect Winick with their lives.

After the mutation occurred, many electronic devices malfunctioned.

They quickly obtained chemical lamps.

There are no electronic components in this lamp.

Just hold the opening and twist.

With a few clicks, the chemical lamp turned on, and the dark surroundings suddenly became brighter.

This kind of lamp relies on internal chemical reactions and does not require external energy supply.

"what happened??"

Winick looked at the house that had become mottled and smelled of mold, showing confusion.

Everything was fine originally, why did it suddenly become like this?

Just when Winick was confused.

A staff officer came running over.

"Commander, Master Li wants to see you."

"Let him come over."

Winick frowned.

He urgently needs someone to answer what's going on! !

An old man in combat uniform walked to Winick's side escorted by several soldiers.

The person who came was one of the extraordinary people who accompanied the army this time, and was called Master Li.

He is also one of Mr. Zhao’s three capable men.

A master of extraordinary masters who is also known as Mr. Shu.

Master Li has been practicing all his life, and his strength has reached the peak of level nine, and he is only one step away from crossing the threshold of demigod.

He is one of the most powerful psychics in the world.

He has many disciples.

He can also be regarded as a leading figure in the spiritual world.

This time, Master Li took his disciples with him to attack the Sorona nest.

The plan is to confront the psykers of the opposing faction.

The psykers in the army are not only Master Li and his disciples, but also members of the Shadow Organization sent by the major families with unanimous consent.

It can be said that a comprehensive consideration has been made.

This ensures that enemies cannot use the subspace to trap them.

A master in the extraordinary world like Master Li is even more powerful.

He has spent his whole life trying to explore the secrets of subspace.

The understanding of the Warp is far beyond what ordinary psykers can imagine.

However, even such a master stumbled this time.

Obviously after several investigations, there were no problems.

Now something like this has happened.

"What's going on?" Winick asked hurriedly when he saw Master Li's arrival.

"The situation is not good."

Master Li is also very old.

Although he gets stronger with age, he is still old after all.

A few strands of white hair appeared on the forehead.

"We were pulled into a place in the warp called the Mirror Realm."

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of several officers beside him suddenly changed.

They don't know what the Mirror World is.

After all, they are not psykers, and they do not do research on death.

But even a three-year-old child knows the name of subspace.

Even if they are not psykers, they know the horrors of the Warp.

It was an absolute hell.

Most of the reasons why many places have been corrupted are because a hole has been torn open, allowing the power of the subspace to pour in.

Thus distorting the line between reality and fiction.

Now they are pulled into the warp, the home of those strange creatures.

Just think about it with your toes and you will know what will happen! !

That's sheep falling into a pride of hungry lions.

Winick's face also turned ugly, and he asked in confusion: "How did we get pulled in here? Didn't we check it before coming in? There are no subspace psychic fluctuations beyond the normal level!!"

The alliance camp has long received information that the enemy camp wants to use the help of subspace to win the war.

We also took precautions early.

This time so many psychics were sent out to guard against this.

Who would have thought that he would still be trapped.

"I don't know either, everything is obviously normal."

Master Li's face also showed rare fear, "As soon as I came in, I asked people to detect the runes carved on the building. After several database comparisons, I was sure that they were just Holy Eye cultists. The sacrifice rune cannot have such power. And this world has never pulled all the creatures in the hive into the subspace."

"You said that all the creatures in the hive were pulled into the subspace??"

"Yes, everyone has been pulled into the subspace, and the Salona Nest is an out-and-out trap."

Master Li was trembling when he said this.

Winick hurriedly asked: "Then can you take us out."

"It can't be done." Master Li said bitterly: "We have never physically entered the subspace!! This is an absolute taboo! The only possibility is to wait for the rules of reality to be repaired and bring us back to reality."

"How long will it take??" Winick asked.

"The time flow rate in reality and subspace is different. In reality, only a few hours may have passed, but here it may be several days. Everyone must be warned and asked to gather together. Only in this way, Only then can we hope to survive.”

Winick swallowed.

Trapped in subspace for a few days! !

He didn't even dare to think further.

This is the rhythm that will destroy the entire army! !

Winick's expression changed several times, and finally he seemed to have made up his mind.

"Ask your disciples to inform other troops, and you stay with me. Have the other two ninth-level psykers come closer to me, gather officers at all levels along the way, and build a defense line with our unit as the center."

Master Li was stunned for a moment.

But he nodded.

"I see."

Winick looked at the dark, dark city of Salona.

For a moment, I could see the endless gloom.

This time it's over.

We can only preserve our vitality as much as possible.

Winick is not a loser.

He made the wisest decision the first time.

But in the face of the fangs that are about to be exposed in subspace, no matter how wise the decision is, it is useless.

"Damn it, why did everything change all of a sudden!!"

Jinya, who was in a gang but was forced to join the army, looked around.

The originally bright sky suddenly became gloomy.

Those buildings have mottled and dim traces of decay visible to the naked eye.

"I also think there are some problems."

The thin man in the team also scratched his head.

"Something seems to be wrong. The communicator can't contact other people either!!"

"I remember there is another team on the street next to it. Let's go over and meet them. With more people, the situation may be better."

Jin Ya was still calm.

The team members who had the backbone did not panic.

They walked to another street.

At this time, a cold wind blew on the street.

There is quite a bleak feeling.

The wind carries sounds.

It doesn't sound real enough.

It makes people feel very permeable.

It was as if someone was blowing cold wind behind him and talking softly.

“I’ve heard some things, saying that some cultists will look for some special people and torture them to death. After these people die, their strong resentment will be connected with the subspace, thus forming a special realm of terror. "

Walter, the veteran in the team, whispered some rumors he had learned.

"Those realms are without exception a reflection of reality. The layout of the buildings inside the realm is exactly the same as the building layout outside the realm, but there are no people and everywhere is empty. Some monsters will hide in dark places, waiting. Those unfortunate enough to be pulled in, it devours them or drags them into the abyss of madness.”

Walt's description fits exactly what the team is currently experiencing.

The team members suddenly felt a little frightened.

There was uncontrollable fear on his face.

"Can you say a few words less, Old Walter, and don't force me to beat you."

Jin Ya lowered his voice and sounded angry.

In this case, you still say those things because you feel that the people in the team are not scared enough! !

Old Walter saw Gold Tooth's threatening eyes.

He could only smile to hide his embarrassment.

He stopped talking and followed the team forward silently.

The members of the team are basically wearing combat uniforms and helmets.

This is the basic standard equipment for soldiers in this world.

Helmets generally integrate multiple functions.

Dynamic visual capture, multi-target tracking, strong light filtering and other functions.

For this kind of basic equipment, the technologies of major chaebol companies are very mature.

It can ensure the normal operation of various helmet systems even in various extreme environments.

But now, there are frequent noises in the helmet's communication.

They have been unable to contact the main force, and they have no way to access the main communication network.

But there were faint whispers coming from every channel.

It made them feel a little scared.

Seriously, anyone can realize that something is wrong.

Paranormal events are not hidden secrets.

Publicity and rumors about strange creatures can be found with a little care.

This is a chaotic time.

What lies beneath technology and reason cannot be understood.

After walking through the street, Jinya didn't see the friendly team.

While several people were confused, screams came from inside a building.

Everyone in the team hurriedly rushed towards the building with their guns in hand.

The interior of the building was shrouded in darkness.

Even the helmet detection module cannot provide thermal imaging and low-light vision.

They rushed into the lobby on the first floor.

When I saw the flashing lights and the walls that peeled off quickly, revealing bloody flesh, I didn't dare to rush forward.

Everything looked so weird.

I really don’t have the courage to go deeper.

A soldier ran out from the end of the corridor.

His helmet was not fully enclosed.

The protective mask has been opened.

The young face was full of fear.

He ran and screamed in terror.

Jinya wanted to meet him.

See if you can ask anything.

Before he could take action.

Tentacles with human faces also swept out from the end of the corridor.

The faces opened their mouths and emitted weird laughter.

This scene really challenges people's nerves.

"Help me," the soldier shouted.

But Jin Ya and others turned around and ran away immediately.

That ugly thing took away all their courage.

Everyone was scrambling to get out of the way.

As Jinya escaped from the building, he looked back.

The soldier was eventually caught.

Tentacles that looked slimy and disgusting grabbed him.

Dragging him back to the end of the corridor.

The soldier cried out in pain.

His hands were desperately scratching on the ground, trying to grab something.

But in the end, he didn't catch anything and was pulled directly back to the end of the corridor.

Jinya was frightened.

Even when he was fifteen years old, and the gang boss hacked an unlucky guy to death in front of him, he had never felt such fear.

Those things are so weird.

The team members escaped from the building.

Several people opened their masks and gasped for air.

Fear seemed etched on their faces.

Even after escaping, there is no sign of fading away.

Old Walter also opened his mask, his mouth trembling.

"We're screwed, this isn't the real world at all."

"What do you know?" Jinya asked.

"I don't know, but I've heard about it. Some people will be pulled into some special weird realms, where a lot of horrible things live. Those people who are pulled in are the food of those things."

Old Walter liked to study strange things.

Use this as your own talking point.

He also knows a little more than others.

"You mean we were pulled into a special area!!" A team member whispered: "It's still the kind with weird creatures!!"

"It's impossible." Jinya shook his head, "We didn't do anything, how could we be dragged in here."

"I think Old Walter is overthinking. Maybe the other party has released a large-scale neurotoxin."

"I think you should stop arguing. Is there something over there?"

The thin man in the line pointed to one side of the street.

A bloated black figure stood somewhere somewhere.

"Hey, who are you!!"

Jinya picked up the gun and pointed it at the monster.

The same goes for other team members.

The laser gun's indicator light changed from green to red, indicating that it entered the charging state.

The figure slowly turned around.

The team members almost staggered in fright when they saw the opponent's appearance.

That figure could probably still recognize the appearance of a human being.

It's just horribly bloated, and the whole face is deformed.

The mouth became super big, and so did the eyes.

These two organs squeeze the position of other organs.

Make it look very weird.

Seeing Jin Ya and others, the monster's scarlet eyes showed excitement.

Saliva flowed from the mouth that could not be closed.



“Lots of food.”

The monster screamed and ran towards them.

Jin Ya and others opened fire.

But the monster swallowed their attacks forcefully and did not fall down. It was just much slower.

ah! !

Some team members collapsed and ran away.

Soon everyone started running.

Strange creatures also appeared in other parts of the street.

The panicked team members fled into a house and blocked the door.

"Is it safe?"

"Stay away from the windows, they might get in."

"It's too scary, what should we do next!!"

"Ask old Walter, he knows better."

"Old Walter, why are your eyes so wide?"

Someone saw Old Walter's eyes widening and his body shaking violently.

Subconsciously, he followed the other person's gaze and let out a scream.

A thick network of flesh and blood formed on the ceiling of the room.

A monster with a swollen abdomen, a stretched neck, a head similar to that of a human, but a body that looks a bit like a spider is entrenched in the flesh and blood network.

Those eyes betrayed a thirst for blood and soul.

The monster jumped down.

There were screams and the sound of shots being fired.

Blood splattered on the grime-covered walls and windows.

Things like this happen everywhere.

The monsters quickly harvested the lives of those living people.

Countless nightmare monsters born from the most feared creatures in real life formed a killing wave.

Screams came and went.

There was also the sound of gunfire.

However, death, fear, and despair are like the smell of rotting corpses, attracting more monsters.

They are extremely crazy and attack the fully armed humans.

In the real world, the Allies might still have room to resist.

But in this world, they are destined to be the only ones to be slaughtered.

"Quick, retreat over there."

an officer shouted.

A team of hundreds of people walked down the street with frightened faces, trying to get to the designated location.

But the next second, with a bang, everyone exploded.

The entire street became a shura field, with flesh and blood and broken limbs everywhere.

A dark monster appeared in the center of the street.

A strange cry was made.

Greedily collecting flesh and soul.

The pilot of the mecha driving the mecha let out a wail of pain.

Countless voices were exploding in his head.

The monster is eating his soul, his memories, his thoughts.

Moments later, he was dead.

The corpse became the shell of a monster.

The huge mecha turned its muzzle to attack friendly forces.

There are also some people who were originally dead who got up again and deceived others into walking into the trap.

In just a few hours, the Confederate army collapsed.

Venia was only able to survive under the protection of several high-level psykers.

But the army collapsed.

No one dared to trust others anymore.

However, as time goes by.

Even psykers can't protect themselves from the crazy waves of monsters.

Countless monsters swarmed.

No matter how hard they kill, they can't finish them off.

Even if it is killed, it will appear again in just a few minutes.

They are endless.

Fortunately, when the group of monsters was ready to completely overwhelm them.

Invisible power appears in every survivor, pulling them back to the real world.

All the dead people and weapons and equipment were also pulled back.

Millions of troops were lost.

Countless pieces of equipment were stained with blood and fell to the ground.

"It's over!!"

Winick looked at the enemy appearing in the distance and muttered to himself.

No one knows how those people did it! !

But this is how they deceived the millions of troops in the alliance camp.

Master Li also saw the enemy in the distance.

He had no intention of leading Winick out of the encirclement.

Even a ninth-level psyker wouldn't be able to do this.

He left alone with his disciples.

Unfortunately, his head was brought back soon.

Makoto, the leader of the special mobile team who came to the Salona Hive with Pierre, also led his men and intercepted the psyker and all the opponent's disciples.

There were also members of the Shadow Organization who couldn't escape either.

Not one of the millions of troops, plus the three ninth-level psykers accompanying them, escaped.

The Confederates suffered heavy losses and few escaped.

There were too many dead in the Hive of Salona, ​​causing a massive warp storm.

Several subspace cracks appeared.

The entire nest has become a nest for those weird creatures.

Pierre, who won, eventually chose to evacuate.

Both sides won, but neither side won.

The alliance camp successfully destroyed the Salona hive and paralyzed the enemy camp's gravity orbit network.

For a long time to come, the flow of supplies between the enemy camps will slow down, making it difficult to launch large-scale battles.

The hostile camp to which Pierre belonged lost the Salona nest, but caused the opponent to lose millions of troops and countless weapons and equipment.

Even if we increase horsepower production now, it will take a long time to make up for those losses.

When the news reached the capital of Havana, the big shots who originally mocked Qin Zheng were dumbfounded.

Qingshen, who had always been calm and confident, slumped in his seat.

"It's over, it's all over."

So does everyone else.

What was originally thought to be a sure win ended up destroying the entire camp's vitality.

In the future, or even for a long time, they will be unable to continue to attack.

What's worse is the loss of three ninth-level psykers, and a large number of key combatants.

If the other party uses some unconventional means to attack them.

They will inevitably fall into passivity.

The alliance camp, which had been preparing to hold a celebration banquet, looked gloomy, and every big shot's face became extremely ugly.

Qinghuan was happy when he heard the news.

Such a victory is indeed a bit tasteless.

He hasn't completely lost his competitiveness yet.

Qing Shen and the other guys are not qualified to be the helmsmen of the Qing family.

This is the Three Islands Nest City.

Pierre again received commendations and promotions.

After all, even the old antiques at the top didn't even think about guarding the Salona Nest.

They all pinned their hopes on the plan to seek help from the subspace.

I don't really care about the loss of Salona's nest.

Pierre abandoned Hive Salona to be corrupted by the Warp.

But he also severely damaged the alliance camp and greatly weakened the opponent's effective strength.

This is enough for him to get more attention from the old antiques above.

Qin Zheng paid attention to this matter from beginning to end.

He controlled the reactions on both sides.

After making sure that things develop as you thought.

Qin Zheng summoned all his capable men.

David, Bai Qi, Bartmos, Brian, Johnny, Wang Ben, Xu Fu and so on.

"This is the best opportunity."

Qin Zheng didn't waste any time and directly explained to them the key points of interest.

"After the Battle of Salona, ​​both camps will be unable to organize a large-scale attack for a long time. In the shortest possible time, we must take down the entire Liberty City by any means necessary. We must recover from both camps. Before we come, put Liberty City under our control.”

"As long as gang members are willing to surrender to us, preferential treatment will be given. Soldiers who are willing to take up arms again to fight for us will not be held responsible for any past crimes. Those who resist us for any reason will be suppressed first. No mercy, Don’t be cowardly. Prioritize the unification of Free City. The faster we go, the greater our advantage will be.”

Large-scale military operations soon began.

Various factories in Haiqing District have been ordered to operate around the clock.

All men and women of working age either chose to work in factories or were drafted into the army.

Rations and water were rationed until the end of the military campaign.


There are many gangs in Liberty City.

The war destroyed the lives of civilians, but allowed the gangs that controlled resources to grow rapidly.

Fat Hei followed Qinghuan and left Liberty City.

But the Tiger Claws didn't disband.

Instead, it became a huge force.

Not only does it control resources, but it also has the support of alliances behind it.

Jotaro from Bart District, a neighboring district of Kaiqing District, is one of the current leaders of the Tiger Claw Gang.

Fatty Black is the nominal leader of the Tiger Claw Gang.

After taking office, Jotaro and those who had supported him before were also promoted.

After the war broke out, the Tiger Claw Gang, which was scattered in various districts, quickly took control of resources and grew rapidly.

Jotaro also took advantage of this opportunity to gather the members of the Tiger Claw Gang whose boss had died, and gained a large area of ​​territory.

He instantly became Fatty Black's most effective general.

After the leader of the Tiger Claw Gang in Haiqing District was killed, the escaped members were also gathered under his command.

Jotaro was very angry that Qin Zheng's men drove away the Tiger Claw gang members and did not allow the Tiger Claw Gang to do business in what is now Haiqing District.

I thought I would find an opportunity in the future and lead people into Haiqing District to let the other party know the consequences of provoking the Tiger Claw Gang.

But before he could do that, Qin Zheng's gang came to the door.

A three-day deadline was given.

Either surrender unconditionally, hand over all weapons and equipment, and break up the gang members into Qin Zheng's troops.

Or, they go on the offensive.

When Jotaro heard this, he wondered if he had heard it wrong! !

It’s okay if Qin Zheng monopolizes Haiqing District.

Are you still reaching out to them? ?

I really thought I was nothing! !

He beat the guy who sent the message severely, chopped off one of his legs, and asked him to go back and tell Qin Zheng and his gang.

Let alone three days, even three years, he, Jotaro, would never surrender.

Qin Zheng is nothing but a stick.

After sending the messenger, Jotaro gathered the gang members and gave them weapons.

He also tried to find a way to contact the fat man in Havana's nest to report the matter.

Contacted the troops of the Alliance camp who are still active in Liberty City.

It also joined forces with other gangs that were also threatened.

Jotaro originally thought that the other party would have some scruples.

At least we'll talk about it again.

Three days passed quickly.

Wait until noon.

There were bursts of roaring sounds in the sky.

Hundreds of fighter jets roared into view.

Throw bombs at various gang settlements and conduct bombings.

After several rounds of bombing.

Dozens of transport boats appeared.

They landed not far from the Tiger Claw gang's settlement.

Thousands of heavily armed soldiers carrying flaming flags emerged from the transport boats.

Their weapons and equipment are superior.

Heavy tanks, various types of mechas, suspended weapon platforms, missile boats, etc.

It is comparable to that of the regular army.

Walking at the front was the huge Storm Warrior wearing heavy power armor.

The Tiger Claw gang members put up a vigorous resistance.

But they are just gang members after all.

The troops under Qin Zheng's command were trained according to the regular army.

Weapons and equipment are also equipped according to the regular army.

Plus there are Stormtroopers.

The two are not the same concept at all.

Jotaro's men were quickly beaten to the point of collapse.

Those soldiers were also very cruel.

They never stormed any houses or tall buildings.

As long as they find gang members hiding in houses and trying to defend themselves, they will give three warnings to make them surrender.

If you haven't dropped your weapon after three times, just call for long-range bombing, or go in with a flamethrower to spray.

When you get to the back, there are either corpses everywhere or piles of barbecued meat.

After Jotaro realized that he was no match, he hurriedly tried to escape.

However, he was caught and hanged in public as a warning to other gangs.

Most of the gang members who resisted were not left alive.

Surrendered gang members were asked to take up arms again and be on the front line.

It took only two days for the Water District to be completely controlled.

Gang members who roamed among them either surrendered or were killed.

With this approach, Qin Zheng's power grew like a snowball.

Unify the long-destroyed Liberty City.

It's not a difficult thing.

Most of Liberty City's factories have been paralyzed.

Gang members active in the ruins either control factories that are still intact or control water resources.

The people under Qin Zheng only need to take away their water resources and food factories, and they themselves will collapse.

The armies left here by the two camps are also small.

There is no way to fight against the forces under Qin Zheng.

In less than a month, most areas of Liberty City have been controlled by Qin Zheng.

At least the factories that were still functioning in Liberty City basically fell into the hands of Qin Zheng, and the large-scale gang organizations were also broken up.

Qin Zheng gave Juba the task of integrating those resources.

He led people to restore energy reactors and shield projectors throughout Liberty City.

The shield is a top priority. Only by restarting the shield can we avoid being bombed again.

For some machines that were not seriously damaged, Qin Zheng handed over the responsibility to the temporarily formed engineering and technical team.

He was personally responsible for the severely damaged core machines.

When they first learned that Qin Zheng wanted to control Liberty City, both camps ignored him.

What's there to care about in a city that has long been reduced to ruins in a war?

But when Qin Zheng led people, he continued to repair the energy reactors and shield projectors in various districts of Liberty City.

They couldn't sit still.

With the energy reactor, the factory only needs to be repaired and production can be restarted.

Shield projectors are also great for getting bombed.

Three months later.

The metropolitan area was paralyzed, and the destroyed energy reactors and shield projectors were restarted with Qin Zheng's efforts.

"We hope Mr. Qin Zheng can merge his forces into the alliance camp."

The envoy from the alliance camp who was sent to Liberty City tactfully conveyed to Qin Zheng the results of the discussions between several big figures in the alliance camp.

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