"Alas, this kid is a good seedling. Although I entered his sea of consciousness and absorbed his cultivation, I never touched his foundation, let alone absorbed any of his vitality."

The little turtle knew that since Ye Mochen could come here to help Su Wuhen, he must have some connection with Su Wuhen.

With the size of the Su family, it is impossible to ask such a person to take action, and ordinary people can't find its existence.

From the beginning, it felt that Ye Mochen was unfathomable. It has lived for millions of years, and there are very few people who can't see through it.

Although Su Wuhen's talent is not weak, it is not worth the help of someone like Ye Mochen.

Such people are either those with ulterior motives, or they have practiced some taboos, which require the lives of various talented young people to be sacrificed.

But it looks at Ye Mochen, and he doesn't look like an evil person, but you can know a person's face but not his heart.

After all, he had been absorbing spiritual energy from Su Wuhen's sea of consciousness day and night. This kid had no merits but had worked hard. He was not a heartless person, so he naturally could not watch Su Wuhen step into the abyss.

Ye Mochen didn't know that the little turtle had imagined himself as an unforgivable person. He just felt that the little turtle's heart was not bad, and he was quite impressed.

"You don't need to worry too much about this. Since I have taken action, it must be for his own good. I am his master!"

"It turns out to be his master. Fine, I believe you and I am willing to recognize you as my master!"

The little turtle no longer hesitated and immediately recognized the master, thinking that after the injury recovered, he must teach Ye Mochen a lesson.

「Ding! Congratulations to the host for receiving the Black Shadow Turtle!

The reward of the Eleven Peaks of Tianxuan has been automatically generated for the host!"

Before Ye Mochen could wonder what the Eleven Peaks of Tianxuan were, he felt that something had changed inside the Tianxuan Sect.

At the end of the Tianxuan Sect Square, majestic peaks rose from the ground and floated in the sky.

Looking around, the peak in the middle was the largest, and it was the main peak. Five peaks on each side were lined up in order, for a total of eleven peaks.

Feeling it carefully, the spiritual energy in each peak was a thousand times richer than that in the outside world!

Silently feeling the changes in the sect, Ye Mochen had to put aside his doubts.

"What's your name?" Ye Mochen looked at the black shadow turtle.

""Master, I don't remember my name anymore." The black shadow turtle thought for a moment and shook its head.

It had lived for too long, so long that it had forgotten its own name. Its memories of the past were already blurred.

Ye Mochen thought for a moment after hearing this, and then his evil taste was aroused.

"In that case, you will be called Kameda from now on!" Ye Mochen smiled evilly

"Kameda?"When Xuanyinggui heard the name, he felt something was wrong, but he couldn't tell what was wrong, so he shook his head.

""Master, can I not call you by this name?" said the black shadow turtle cautiously.

"Are you dissatisfied with this name?"Ye Mochen looked at the black shadow turtle with a stern look in his eyes.

When the black shadow turtle saw the momentum exuded by Ye Mochen, how could he dare to be dissatisfied?

"Hello Kameda! Wonderful Kameda!"

"Master, your talent is as bright as the stars, and your wisdom is like the mystery of the universe, which is breathtaking!"

"In front of you, I realize how insignificant I am. Your talent is what I will always pursue!"

"The name Kameda is very clever, I will be called Kameda from now on!"

Xuanyinggui flattered Ye Mochen with a flattering face.

Ye Mochen was quite pleased and continued to deceive

"Do you know where the name Kameda comes from?"

Kameta was very cooperative and immediately shook his head.

"I don't know about Kameda, please teach me."

Ye Mochen's aura was stern, his brows slightly wrinkled, and his eyes became focused and sharp.

The originally relaxed expression gradually disappeared, replaced by a serious look, as if thinking about something.

After a moment, Ye Mochen said slowly

"In the ancient times, the world was in chaos, and Pangu created the world."

"When Pangu split the chaos with his giant axe and the heaven and earth were separated, his body turned into mountains, rivers, plants, birds, animals and other things in the world."

"And his soul ascended into the unknown realm, becoming a being praised by the world."

"As time went by, the spiritual energy between heaven and earth gradually gathered together to form a mysterious existence."

"This being possesses infinite wisdom and power. He is called the Supreme Lord by the world.

Kameda was shocked when he heard this. Although it has existed since ancient times, it is far behind the ancient times.

During the ancient times, it had only heard a few words, and many of its previous memories were already blurred.

The master actually knew it so clearly. What on earth had he experienced?

Ye Mochen continued to deceive seriously.

"The Supreme Lord possessed unparalleled wisdom and power, and he soon became the master of this world."

"He created all things, established the laws of heaven and earth, and taught all living beings the way of cultivation."

"The appearance of the Supreme Lord marks the beginning of the establishment of order between heaven and earth."

"He uses his wisdom and strength to guide the growth and development of all things, making the world full of vitality and vigor."

"However, as time went by, Taishangjun gradually felt lonely."

"He began to think about the meaning of life and the value of existence."

"So, he decided to leave this world and look for a higher level of existence."

"From then on, the world never saw the Supreme Lord again. They only knew his name as Kameda, so the world called him……"


Kameda was amazed when he heard this, and expressed deep respect for such a great power.

He couldn't help but say the name with awe.

""Kameta - Supreme Lord!"

What a powerful name! I didn't expect that the name given to me by my master would have such a great origin. Kameda was worried that he could not live up to the name Kameda and bring shame to this name.

Ye Mochen saw that Kameda was stunned by his trick and laughed secretly.

After calming down a little, he said seriously:

"Although you are far less mysterious and powerful than the Supreme Lord, I believe that you will not bring shame to this name."

"You are definitely not as good as him, but you can also"

"One day, I believe that you will be one-tenth or one-twelfth as good as the Supreme Lord, and it will not be a disgrace to the name of Kameda."


Kameda's eyes widened, his heartbeat quickened, his breathing became rapid, and he called out this name. Kameda was ecstatic, dancing with excitement.

The master was really too terrifying, not only did he know so many secrets of the ancient times, but he also gave himself such an awesome name, Kameda Taijun, just hearing it made me feel awesome!

"Thank you for the name, Master! I will definitely live up to your high expectations!"

Kameta raised his two short tortoise claws and bowed to Ye Mochen.

Ye Mochen smiled secretly, cleared his throat, and said seriously

"Ahem, there is no need to do that. Since you have already recognized me as your master, I will naturally consider you."

Ye Mochen grabbed Kameda in his hand, and he reappeared in the hall with a thought.

Ye Mochen looked at Su Wuhen. He didn't know when Su Wuhen had fainted.

He came to Su Wuhen, checked him, and found that he was fine, so he was relieved.

Ye Mochen calmly injected a gentle spiritual power into Su Wuhen's body to help nourish his soul.

After a few breaths, Su Wuhen woke up slowly, only to feel a splitting headache and soreness all over his body.

He opened his eyes and saw Ye Mochen standing in front of him, his eyes full of concern.

"Master……"Su Wuhen called out weakly.

Ye Mochen nodded and said

"How do you feel?"

Su Wuhen shook his head.

"I'm fine, just a little dizzy"

"You just fainted, and I have treated your wounds. Your body is still very weak, and you need to rest well."

"Thank you, Master"

""You try to operate the spiritual energy." Ye Mochen reminded.

Su Wuhen tried to operate his own cultivation, and he found that a little spiritual energy appeared in his body.

The spiritual energy that had been exhausted for many years was nourishing Su Wuhen's tendons and veins like nectar, making him feel extremely comfortable.

And as time went by, the spiritual energy in his body gathered more and more. His own cultivation also began to slowly loosen.

After a few moments.

Su Wuhen succeeded in guiding the qi and finally entered the realm of body refining. He calmly felt the spiritual energy coming from his body, and his face showed joy.

This feeling was so wonderful. Not only could he practice again now, but his cultivation became more and more solid and mellow, just like a cultivator who had been in body refining for many years.

Su Wuhen had already entered the realm of supernatural powers seven years ago, but the lack of spiritual energy nourishment in his body caused his cultivation to continuously regress.

Now that he is practicing again, his cultivation is naturally very solid.

Ye Mochen nodded with satisfaction, very pleased.

Su Wuhen immediately knelt down to Ye Mochen and kowtowed three times

"Thank you, Master!"

Su Wuhen was so grateful to Ye Mochen that he could not express it in words. Unconsciously, his eyes were covered by misty water.

Just like the surface of a lake in the morning, a few crystal tears quietly slid down his face like ripe fruits.

Ye Mochen looked at Su Wuhen, this always strong man, and the grievances of many years poured down like a tide at this moment.

Ye Mochen could not help but be moved. He slowly raised his hand, and a gentle force gently lifted Su Wuhen up.

"Disciple, there is no need to do this. I know you have been wronged these years, and I am only doing what a master should do."

"Men don't shed tears easily. It's not like a real man to cry."

Ye Mochen smiled slightly and patted Su Wuhen's shoulder lovingly.

Su Wuhen wiped his tears immediately. In his heart, Ye Mochen was the person closest to him at this moment.

Even if he had to pay the price of his life, he would not hesitate at this moment.

Master's words are heaven. I will do whatever Master tells me to do. Master is definitely not harming me when he tells me to die.

Ye Mochen waved his arm, and time and space suddenly twisted. The surrounding environment changed drastically in an instant, and the scene teleported. The two appeared on the top of a mountain.

When Su Wuhen just arrived at a place, he immediately felt a strong spiritual energy coming towards him.

This spiritual energy is more dense than that in the sect. , which made him feel extremely shocked.

Su Wuhen became excited, and he began to feel that his body and mind were changing.

His senses became more acute, and he could feel all the subtle changes around him.

His thinking became clearer, and he was able to think about problems more deeply.

Su Wuhen took a steady breath, feeling the strong spiritual energy flowing through his body. His originally exhausted sea of consciousness was also accumulating spiritual energy at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Su Wuhen only felt that his body was full of power at this time. While his heart was surging, he couldn't help but be shocked by the strength of the sect.

Anything in the sect, even if it was slightly outflowed, would probably trigger a fight among the major forces.

"This is one of the eleven main peaks. You should practice well here. If you have any questions, you can go to the main peak to find me."

Ye Mochen said while pointing to a more magnificent mountain a few hundred meters away.

"In addition, you can watch the various cultivation methods in the sect at will."

"If you are not satisfied with the sword I gave you before, you can go to the Treasure Pavilion and choose a weapon you like."

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