With the respectful farewell voices of Huoyun and the great elder, he just embarked on the journey to Tianxuan Sect, and walked further and further away.

Tianxuan Sect.

In front of the mountain gate.

The space quietly tore open a tiny crack, and as time passed.

This crack seemed to be pulled by some mysterious force, gradually expanding, forming an increasingly obvious crack.

It was like a gluttonous mouth, quietly opening in the silent air, swallowing everything around, revealing an indescribable weirdness and mystery.

A large group of people walked out of the crack, and the two people in the lead were Ye Mochen and Zhong Lixue.

"Master, this... this is the Tianxuan Sect!?"

Zhong Lixue looked at the huge mountain gate of Tianxuan Sect and opened her mouth slightly in shock.

She had never seen such a magnificent mountain gate before, and she couldn't help but marvel in her heart.

Even the mountain gate of the famous Lingyun Sect seemed insignificant compared to the Tianxuan Sect.

It can be said that the small witch meets the big witch, and they can't be compared.

Many disciples of Lei Ting Mansion and Huoyun Sect witnessed this scene. They couldn't help but feel a deep awe in their hearts, and they all admired the powerful power of Tianxuan Sect!

Ye Mochen swept his eyes over the tens of thousands of disciples in front of him and said solemnly:

"From today on, you have entered the glorious gate of our Tianxuan Sect and become a part of the sect!"

Thousands of disciples turned their attention and stared at Ye Mochen.

They listened to his speech attentively, with solemn and focused expressions.

"As disciples of the Tianxuan Sect, you should remember the sect's teachings, abide by the Dao heart, uphold justice, and never bully the weak."

"If anyone dares to go against this, they will offend the sect rules. At that time, our Tianxuan Sect will punish them severely and will never tolerate them!"

Ye Mochen paused for a moment, and his eyes slowly moved among the crowd.

The disciples felt Ye Mochen's sharp gaze, and they all lowered their heads involuntarily, not daring to look at him. They secretly sighed in their hearts that the rules of the Tianxuan Sect were so strict that they were daunting.

Ye Mochen glanced at the disciples who bowed their heads in silence, so he continued:

"Furthermore, if anyone in the world dares to inflict any harm on my disciples,!……"

When the disciples heard this, they all raised their heads.

Their expressions were full of excitement and expectation, and their eyes were fixed on Ye Mochen.

"No matter how powerful the power behind them is, or how prominent their status is,"

"Our Tianxuan Sect will fight to the death with them, and will pursue them relentlessly until they are completely eradicated. We will never show mercy!"

"What you are relying on is the Tianxuan Sect, which is as vast and bright as the stars. In the Tianxuan Sect, there are countless devout and determined disciples.!"

"Therefore, you should be fearless and move forward courageously."

"Don't be afraid of the enemy, just fight! For those who disrespect our sect and our disciples, we must strike them mercilessly."

"Show the demeanor and strength of our Tianxuan Sect disciples! Defend the glory of the sect to the death!"

Ye Mochen said, swallowing his saliva lightly, his expression solemn.


"Well said by the Lord!!"

"We will keep the sect rules in mind.!"

"Be fearless and move forward!!!"

"Be fearless and move forward!!!"

"Swear to defend the glory of the sect!!!"

"Swear to defend the glory of the sect!!!"

"Swear to defend the glory of the sect!!!"


Ten thousand disciples shouted in unison, shaking the world.

The sound was as powerful as a mountain torrent or a tsunami, and it was impossible to ignore it.

Before the disciples could ponder the truth of Ye Mochen's words, they regarded him as the pillar and leader in their hearts, and the backbone of the disciples, just based on his passionate speech.

Ye Mochen witnessed the disciples' passionate shouts, and their passion seemed to turn into invisible power, which infected him and moved him.

Ye Mochen waved his hand.

"Follow me!!"

"Hui Zong!!!"



What responded to Ye Mochen was a shout like a mountain torrent and tsunami.

As soon as they entered the sect, the disciples felt a huge spiritual energy rushing towards them.

Everyone was shocked again, thinking that Tianxuan Sect was really a very powerful sect.

After Ye Mochen left the disciples behind, he brought Zhong Lixue to the First Peak.

The moment Zhong Lixue stepped into the First Peak, she was immediately deeply shocked by the spiritual power that filled the world and far exceeded the outside world.

The spiritual power was as rich as fine wine, a thousand times richer than that of the outside world.

Her little mouth opened involuntarily, her eyes full of shock and amazement.

It was as if she was pulled by this power and couldn't come back to her senses for a long time.

Su Wuhen saw Ye Mochen returning to the sect and hurriedly ran out of the hall, and ran towards Ye Mochen with a look of joy.

""Master! You're back!"

Ye Mochen looked at Su Wuhen carefully, and couldn't help but admire him secretly.

He had only been out for a day, and this kid had already jumped from the realm of body refining to the realm of supernatural powers.

This speed was really amazing.

He was indeed a man with a natural talent for the immortal body.

"Disciple, let me introduce you to this person. This person is my new disciple and also your junior sister."

Zhongli Xue stepped forward, her manners revealing a bit of gentleness, and then bowed and said:

"Junior sister Zhong Lixue, nice to meet you, senior brother."

Zhong Lixue did not use a pseudonym, but frankly revealed her real name to Su Wuhen.

Ever since she witnessed the various clever tricks used by Ye Mochen, she has made up her mind to show her real name to others to show her sincerity and honesty.

After hearing this, Su Wuhen also responded with extremely decent etiquette:"Junior sister, you are polite. I am Su Wuhen."

Zhong Lixue looked at Su Wuhen, and saw that Su Wuhen's eyes were flashing with clear and passionate light.

There was not a trace of impurities.

He couldn't help but sighed that he was worthy of being the first disciple of the master.

After the two got to know each other, Ye Mochen took Zhong Lixue to the second peak.

After settling her on the second peak, he flew to the back mountain of the sect.

Zhong Lixue cast her eyes on the second peak and found that its layout was surprisingly similar to that of the first peak.

Not only was the overall structure similar, but the richness of the spiritual energy in the air was exactly the same.

After Ye Mochen left the sect and came to the back mountain, he called out the system


「Ding! The system is here. What instructions does the host have?」

"Use a Deadpool and disassemble it"

「Ding! Emperor Deadpool is decomposing. The host can choose from the following options to decompose.

Supreme Deadpool X1000.

Holy King Deadpool X10000.

Saint Deadpool X100000."

Ye Mochen stared at it, his eyes fell on the system panel, and he couldn't help but exclaimed.




One Great Emperor is actually equal to 100,000 Saints!

10,000 Saint Kings!?

When I thought about myself, I had just reached the Great Perfection of Saint Realm.

This Great Emperor is actually equal to 100,000 of myself!? How strong is this Great Emperor!?

Alas! I am still too weak. Fortunately, I still have one Great Emperor after decomposing myself. It seems that I have to take this top bodyguard with me when I go out in the future!

Ye Mochen thought about the 10,000 disciples he had just accepted. If they were decomposed into 10,000 Saint Kings, one-on-one guidance would be just right.

Thinking of this, Ye Mochen immediately said:

"System! Use one Great Emperor Deadpool and split another Great Emperor Deadpool into 10,000 Saint King Deadpools"

「Ding! Emperor Deadpool is being generated!」

「Ding! Emperor Deadpool is decomposing!」

「"Host, please wait for a moment!"

Ye Mochen looked at the system panel with excitement.

In a moment, the dark clouds on the top of the back mountain of Tianxuan Sect were rolling like huge waves.

It covered the originally bright sky tightly, as if it was going to completely swallow up the vast sky.

The entire sky was shrouded by this thick dark cloud.

It was like a huge black curtain, swallowing up all the light between heaven and earth.

The thunder kept rumbling in the depths of the clouds, deafening.

It was as if the gods were roaring angrily, wanting to pour their anger on the world.

The shocking sound echoed between the whole world.

It seemed to shake the whole world.

In this deafening thunder.

A vague figure gradually condensed in front of Ye Mochen's eyes and gradually became clear.

He seemed like a ghost quietly walking out of the endless darkness, with an indescribable weirdness and deep mystery.

An indescribable aura permeated his body, as if it contained endless vicissitudes and depth.

It made people hold their breath, and an inexplicable sense of oppression surged in their hearts.

Ye Mochen was stunned by this sudden change, and his teeth trembled in the cold wind.

His eyes were filled with unbelievable astonishment, staring straight at everything happening in front of him.

"Great Great Great Emperor!?"

A middle-aged man slowly opened his eyes. His eyes were as vast as the deep starry sky, and seemed to contain endless mysteries and stories.

He took a step forward, and this step seemed to break through the boundaries of the nine heavens and ten earths, shocking people.

The face of the middle-aged man gradually became clear.

His facial lines were firm and deep, and his sharp edges and corners portrayed his tenacity and fortitude, exuding a masculine charm that could not be ignored. The terrifying aura on him also slowly converged, and he walked to Ye Mochen with steady steps.

He knelt on one knee, clasped his hands and said:

""I am Jiuyou, your subordinate, and I pay my respects to my master!"

Jiuyou's voice was deep and powerful, showing his unique charm.

Ye Mochen stared at Jiuyou in front of him, and an indescribable fear surged in his heart, and his teeth trembled because of nervousness. The aura that Jiuyou exuded invisibly was as turbulent as a surging river, making people irresistible.

This... This is the Great Emperor! The Supreme Great Emperor Realm!!!

Ye Mochen looked at Jiuyou, feeling extremely lucky that this was a great emperor who would absolutely obey his orders.

Before Ye Mochen could pause for a moment, the system's voice sounded.

「Ding! Emperor Deadpool used successfully!」

「Ding! Emperor Deadpool was decomposed successfully!」

「Ding! Holy King X10000 is being generated!"

Before the thick dark clouds completely dissipated, the sky suddenly exploded with continuous muffled thunder again.

Although it lacked the thrilling momentum of the previous one, its coverage was more than ten times larger than the previous one.

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