Her presence was like an iceberg, silent but emitting a chill that made one's heart palpitate.

The disciples of the sect raised their heads and looked at Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue. Seeing that they were young but had extraordinary bearings, they could not help but discuss.

"Who are these two people?"

"I don't know, these two have been following the master from beginning to end."

"Could it be the clan leader’s descendant?"

"It is possible. Brothers, you can see that these two have extraordinary auras and sharp eyes. You can vaguely see that they are talented disciples."

"With such an imposing manner, if he is really the descendant of the clan leader, he must be incomparable to us."


Before Ye Mochen opened his mouth, he saw the disciples of the sect began to talk about it. Especially when they heard that it was his offspring, their faces darkened and they fell into self-doubt.

Am I that old? I'm not even married yet!

Ye Mochen said in a deep voice:

"These two people are my personal disciples."

Su Wuhen took the lead and stepped forward, smiling slightly, and then said:

""My fellow disciples, I am our master's eldest disciple, Su Wuhen. I hope you will give me more guidance in the future."

Su Wuhen was gentle and well-mannered. His smile was warm and friendly, making people happy. His every move exuded charming charm, like a well-trained gentleman.

Many of the female disciples spoke up.

"It turned out to be the eldest brother!"

"No wonder he is so handsome!"

"Big brother is so handsome!"

"Brother, brother, look at me!"

"Senior Brother! Look here!"

Many male disciples looked at this scene, quite envious, and only regretted that they were not taught directly by the master.

A female disciple in the crowd suddenly shouted:

"Senior Brother! I want to give birth to a baby for you!"

Many male disciples heard this and turned their eyes to the female disciple who spoke.

Too much!

It's really too much.

A male disciple said:

"Junior sister, how can you be so frivolous?"

The female disciple said disdainfully:

""What do you care?"

Hearing this, the male disciple no longer wanted to make trouble and walked away in disgrace.

Many male disciples saw this scene and couldn't help but feel envious. They all sighed that this was the extraordinary influence of the direct disciples.

The elders looked at the disciples around them with interest, and did not stop them, allowing them to make trouble.


Facing this scene, Su Wuhen's innocent face turned red, and his heart was suddenly filled with panic and helplessness.

He sighed secretly.

The junior sisters are so... so enthusiastic!

Zhong Lixue was watching quietly from the side, and when she saw Su Wuhen's slightly embarrassed look, she was secretly happy and couldn't help laughing secretly.

Senior brother is in such an embarrassing state?

Seeing that the junior sisters had calmed down, Zhong Lixue stepped forward and said:

"Junior brothers and sisters, I am also the master's disciple. My name is Zhongli Xue. I hope you can give me more guidance in the future."

Zhongli Xue's originally cold face actually bloomed into a warm smile when she opened her mouth.

Her beautiful face was like a sculpture of ice and snow, but it also revealed a kind of intoxicating tenderness, making her smile even more moving and unforgettable.

For a moment, the crowd was boiling in an instant, and the male disciples were fascinated by her.

A shout that was even louder than the shouts of the female disciples suddenly sounded!

"Senior sister!"

"Sister! So beautiful!"

"Senior sister is like a fairy!"


Zhong Lixue saw this scene, and her face could not help but blush. This shy look was even more charming than Su Wuhen's embarrassment.

The male disciples became more excited when they saw this scene, and a louder and more powerful voice rang out.


"Ah, senior sister!"

"Senior Sister"

"Damn it, my young heart, which has been silent for more than sixty years, is actually starting to stir!"

"Senior sister! I love you!"

"How dare you blaspheme Senior Sister! ?"

"I don't!"

"Stop talking nonsense and watch the fight!"

""Fuck! Are you serious!?"

Many female disciples sneered at this scene.

"Men are really bad!"

The scene was out of control for a while, and many Saint King elders stepped forward to stop it, and then gradually restored order.

Ye Mochen looked at the scene in front of him, and an inexplicable helplessness surged in his heart, and he couldn't help laughing.

My two disciples are really amazing! They are so charming!

Although they are slightly inferior to me, they are enough to make people look at them with new eyes.

Ye Mochen glanced at the disciples present with a serious look, and said in a solemn tone:

""Be patient!"

After hearing the Sect Master's words, the disciples calmed down and raised their heads, looking at

"Although Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue are my personal disciples, you don't have to be discouraged."

"The sect competition will be held in one month, and those who perform outstandingly will be promoted to inner disciples!"

"According to the ranking, 100 are core disciples."

"You can challenge the disciple within the 100. If the battle ends in a tie, I will accept him as my disciple."

"The treatment and rewards for the inner gate core members are different. As for what kind of achievements they make, it all depends on their own abilities!"

"There is only one requirement for inner disciples, and that is to achieve the Dao Realm!"

The disciples were excited when they heard that they could challenge the direct disciple and have the opportunity to become the direct disciple.

But when they heard that the requirement for promotion to the inner sect was to achieve the Dao Realm, they couldn't help but exclaimed.


"The realm of enlightenment!!"

"The leader is talking about discussing the Tao, not proving the Tao, right?"

"Did we hear it wrong?"

"How is it possible to cultivate to the state of enlightenment in just one month!"

"Impossible, absolutely impossible!"

"Let alone one month, even if I were given a hundred years, I might not be able to cultivate to the point of enlightenment!"

"The leader must be joking!"

"But looking at the sect leader's expression, it doesn't seem like he's joking!"

"Oh! I don't want to work hard anymore. Destroy it! The world!"

"I don’t want to work hard anymore!"


When they heard about the sect competition, they were all eager to try and couldn't wait to start practicing.

But when they heard later that the requirement for promotion to inner sect disciples was to reach the realm of enlightenment, the disciples couldn't help but fall into self-doubt.

They were all inner sect disciples of the two super powers. Although there were many saints among them, they were all in the realm of supernatural powers!

The disciples thought that if it was the realm of enlightenment, they could still give it a try with the spiritual energy of the Tianxuan Sect which was a hundred times richer.

But reaching the realm of enlightenment was absolutely impossible!

In their sect, reaching the realm of enlightenment was already a level of the sect master or elder, but in the Tianxuan Sect, it was just a condition for entering the inner sect.

Ye Mochen witnessed the negative emotions revealed by the disciples, but he didn't care much and spoke slowly:

"Since I can say this, how can I make things difficult for you?"

Ye Mochen waved his hand solemnly, and two simple and solemn black tokens appeared in his hand.

"This is the identity token of my direct disciple. It contains the mysterious power I have set up."

"Once you get the token, you only need to absorb its mysterious power, and your cultivation speed will increase by more than a thousand times!"Ye Mochen said:


"The speed of cultivation increased a thousand times! ?"

"This... this can't be true?"

"Mysterious power? What is this!?"

"Unheard of!"

"The sect leader said that this was set up by him. If it could really increase people's cultivation speed by a thousand times, what kind of existence is the sect leader!"

"If it can be improved a thousand times, the realm of enlightenment is just around the corner!"

The disciples looked incredulous, doubting whether what Ye Mochen said was true.

Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue also looked at Ye Mochen in shock, and Su Wuhen believed it without a doubt.

Zhong Lixue didn't disbelieve Ye Mochen, but this thousand-fold cultivation speed was indeed incredible and unheard of.

Ye Mochen quietly engraved"Cultivation Speed" into the token. As long as a disciple of Tianxuan Sect comes into contact with"Cultivation Speed", it will be automatically attached, and the attachment will always exist!

Then Ye Mochen handed the token to Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue.

After the two took the token, they felt the"mysterious power" that Ye Mochen said, and then Su Wuhen and Zhong Lixue felt that the power disappeared.

At the same time, they seemed to feel that there seemed to be something strange on their bodies.

The two immediately meditated and practiced, and found that the originally extremely slow cultivation was improving at a speed visible to the naked eye.

The two were extremely shocked.

The speed of cultivation has really increased by a thousand times.

This... This is actually true!

A moment later, the two broke through a small realm one after another. The two were overjoyed and then walked towards Ye Mochen.

Su Wuhen:"Master! Disciple has been promoted to a small realm!"

Zhongli Xue:"Master, I have also reached a higher realm. My cultivation speed has really increased a thousand times!"

Ye Mochen smiled and looked at the two of them. He was very satisfied with this.

The disciples were shocked again when they heard this.

"This... this is actually true!"

"Senior Brother and Sister have really reached a higher level just now!"

Ye Mochen said again:

"Afterwards, you can go to the Great Elder Jiuyou to get the disciple token."

"Sect elders can also go and claim it!"

All the 10,000 Saint King elders were filled with excitement and joy, with endless excitement surging in their heads.

I didn't expect that elders like us could also use it!

"Although this token has a mysterious power set by me, I have also imposed restrictions on it."

"If the token is obtained by someone else, people other than the Tianxuan Sect cannot trigger the mysterious power."

"Please remember to use the token as soon as you get it to avoid any trouble."

"After using it, the mysterious power will bless you for life!"

"If you lose it before using it, you will miss the opportunity and you will be responsible for it."

"Do you understand?"

The disciples and elders shouted in succession:

"The disciples understand"

""I understand!"

It's not that Ye Mochen doesn't want to reissue the tokens to these disciples.

The token is just a cover. Even if it is lost, he can cancel the"speed of cultivation" at any time. If he can't use this as a small punishment, how can he manage the sect?

What's more, the identity token is a symbol of the sect's disciples' identity, how can it be lost at will?


Afterwards, Ye Mochen threw all the affairs of the sect to Jiuyou, and asked him to make the disciple identity token and the elder identity token.

Jiuyou had no complaints about this and carried out Ye Mochen's orders unconditionally.

Ye Mochen was quite impressed by this. The system's product was really a masterpiece! A supreme emperor was so loyal to him!

The appearance of the token was actually a replica of the sect master's order given to Ye Mochen by Taoist Zemu.

After handing over all the Saint King elders to Jiuyou for management, Ye Mochen became a hands-off boss!

After everything was explained, Ye Mochen returned to the main peak. As soon as he arrived at the main peak���Ye Mochen opened the system panel to check

「Host: Ye Mochen.

Sect: Tianxuan Sect.

Cultivation: Great Perfection of the Ninth Layer of the Saint Realm.

Apprentices: Su Wuhen, Zhongli Xue.

Weapon: God-Slaying Sword. Constitution: Innate Holy Body. Mount: Polar Ice Bear (with ancient blood), Black Shadow Turtle (divine beast blood) Special skills: God-level alchemy level, rapid cultivation. System mission: Develop Tianxuan Sect into the number one sect in the border area!"

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