"Look, there's another one coming!"

"Holy shit! Fairy!"

""So many fairies!!!"

Someone shouted first, and everyone quickly focused their eyes on the entrance. They were dazzled by the sight. They were all dressed in white long skirts, and each one was as beautiful as a fairy.

And without exception, they were all women, and there were thousands of them, which was spectacular!

For a moment, the monks seemed to be in the fairyland, and the scene in front of them was dazzling and overwhelming.

These thousands of women slowly walked into the vast venue and carefully searched for a quiet open space.

Then they devoted themselves to their own practice, concentrating their minds and energy, regulating their breathing and maintaining their health.

The monks were fascinated and couldn't help themselves, and couldn't take their eyes off for a long time.

"Daoist friend, why are there so many fairies? Who are they?"

Some foreign disciples with strong self-control asked.

Some local monks did not seem impatient. Instead, many monks patiently answered with good intentions.

"In my border area, the only force with such a large number of women is the Frost Sect!"

"The Frost Sect is one of the five super powers. Within the sect, from the sect master and elders to the disciples and servants, without exception, all are women!"

The cultivator who asked the question seemed to find it incredible and asked in confusion

"Daoist friend, in the cultivation world, aren't women often considered weak? Then how did the Frost Sect stand out and rise to become a super power?"

After hearing this, the local cultivator did not show any annoyance. He only glanced at the people of the Frost Sect, then lowered his voice and slowly said:

"Fellow Daoist, look at the woman in the lead, she is the leader of the Frost Sect, Han Ruoxue!"

"It is said that Sect Master Han hates men so much that no man is allowed to be a member of the Frost Sect she founded."

"Don't underestimate women. Although women are in a weaker position, the Frost Sect is not ordinary!"

"They are extremely united, and the entire sect is of one mind. If any man dares to set his sights on the female disciples of their sect, he will be hunted down to death by the entire Frost Sect!"

"In the cultivation world, it is difficult for weak women to gain a foothold, but the Frost Gate can provide shelter for these women."

"Such a large number of women gathered in one force is also a force that cannot be underestimated."

"Therefore, the Frost Sect became increasingly powerful and quickly rose to become a super power."

The monk who asked the question nodded repeatedly and couldn't help but secretly admire Han Ruoxue, thinking that she was also a female hero.

As a woman, she created a super power, which was really admirable.

"Daoist friend, please look at the beautiful girl next to Han Ruoxue."

The voice of the local cultivator sounded, and the foreign cultivator quickly turned his eyes to the girl next to Han Ruoxue.

He found that the girl had a refined temperament and a beautiful face like a fairy, but her face was as cold as ice.

She exuded a sense of alienation that made people unable to get close to her, as if she was thousands of miles away.

Before the foreign cultivator could ask, the voice of the local cultivator came

"That person is the direct disciple of Sect Master Han! The Saintess of the Frost Sect! Miao Lingyi! This girl is also a proud daughter of heaven!"

"She, like the Saintess of Ziwei Pavilion, Liu Ruyan, all entered the realm of supernatural powers before the age of 20!"

Before the foreign cultivator could sigh, a new round of noise rose up in the crowd.

The foreign cultivator hurriedly turned his eyes to the entrance.

He saw that all the visitors were wearing green robes. There were men and women, old and young.

As these people appeared, everyone's attention was once again attracted and focused on them.

"Daoist friend, who are these people?"

The foreign cultivator asked again.

"They are from Qingmu Hall, and Qingmu Hall is also one of the five powerful super forces!"

"Qingmutang is a family of alchemy, and its core lies in the profound art of alchemy."

"Don't underestimate them just because they focus on alchemy. You should know that as one of the super powers, Qingmu Hall's foundation and strength should not be underestimated."

"If anyone dares to offend such forces, they only need to issue a hunting order, which will trigger an endless hunting storm."

"By then, no matter where in the world, there will be countless pursuers following you, vowing to take the head of anyone who offended Qing Mu Tang."

"You must know that being able to gain the favor of an alchemist is already a rare opportunity!"

"What's more, this favor comes from a powerful super force that is feared by all - the entire Qingmu Hall. You can imagine the importance of this. It is undoubtedly an amazing fortune!"

"Some people get their heads broken and bleed in pursuit of a pill! Some people lose everything to save their lives! This is the horror of Qingmu Hall!"

"There is a saying circulating in my border area."

"I would rather enter the Frost Gate than the Green Wood Hall!"

Hearing this, the foreign cultivator was extremely shocked. However, his curiosity and doubts overwhelmed his shock, and he could not help but ask the other party

"Daoist friend! Why is that? Didn't they say that the Frost Sect should not be provoked?"

The local cultivator couldn't help but chuckle when he heard this, and then he answered leisurely.

"Haha, you have offended the Frost Sect. Although you are being hunted down by the entire sect, and these people are all women, you have tried your best to escape, and there is still a glimmer of hope."

"But what if you offend Qing Mu Tang?……"

At this point, the local monk paused and looked at the foreign monk meaningfully.

The foreign monk was sweating profusely and swallowed his saliva subconsciously. The local monk continued

"If you offend Qing Mu Tang, you will not only face the pursuit of Qing Mu Tang alone."

"But it is the entire vast border area and the endless crusade of hundreds of millions of monks!"

"Although the border is vast, you will have no place to hide, no place to escape, and no place to flee!"

The foreign monks were terrified, their hearts filled with fear and anxiety.

When they thought of the terrible consequences, they couldn't help but tremble all over.

A group of people from Qingmu Hall stepped into the field, and one of them was particularly eye-catching.

He led everyone and walked towards the crowd with firm steps, revealing a calm and majestic demeanor.

The old man walked towards the crowd with steady steps, then raised his weather-beaten hand, clasped his fists slightly and said,

"Fellow Taoists, as a force of alchemy, we, Qingmu Hall, will not participate in this secret realm."

At this time, the old man took out a portrait and spread it out to everyone.

Just when everyone was confused about the old man's intentions, the old man's voice once again clearly reached their ears.

"I beg all the talented people who have entered the secret realm to help Qingmu Hall find this magical fruit."

"Once you find this fruit, Qingmu Hall will give you a generous reward and promise to refine elixirs for you free of charge throughout your life!"

"What! Free for life!?"

"Oh my god!"

"Quick! Remember this portrait!"

Many monks have deeply engraved the portrait in their minds, making it an indelible part of their memory.

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