As time passed, some monks gradually gathered, and the night was approaching inadvertently.

It was already evening, and dusk was falling.

Among the scattered people, groups of three or five people could be seen gathering together from time to time, whispering, as if they were discussing a topic enthusiastically.

"Have you heard? Those white-robed monks!"A monk in the crowd said

"Fellow Daoist, may I ask what white-robed monk is?"

"Haven't you encountered it? No wonder you don't know"

"If you didn't meet the white-robed monk, you must have met the dead bone demon, right?"

"I have naturally encountered this terrifying dead bone monster before."

"The white-robed monk killed these dead bone monsters like butchering dogs!"

"Hiss! Daoist friend, are you serious?"

"You'll know when you meet him."

""The Bone Demons are coming!!" A monk suddenly shouted anxiously.

Just as several monks were discussing, countless Bone Demons suddenly crawled out from the sand, as if a strange power had quietly awakened.

In just a blink of an eye, the land was already covered with dead bone demons, and groups of dead bone demons emerged like mushrooms after a spring rain.

With their appearance, the night also quietly fell, shrouding the entire land in thick darkness.

Many monks cast their eyes on the densely packed dead bone demons, and a deep fear surged in their hearts, making them unable to control themselves.

"It's over! It's over!"

"How could such a huge group of dead bone monsters appear! The number is simply astonishing! ?"

"What should I do? Am I going to die?

Just as everyone was discussing, a loud shout suddenly came from the depths of the crowd, attracting everyone's attention.

"Don't panic, everyone!"

Everyone turned their attention to the person who spoke, and after a closer look, they couldn't help but feel a little surprised.

"It’s Chen Hong!"

"It’s Chen Hong, the Holy Son of the Holy Fire Sect!"

"Chen Hong is actually with us?"

Chen Hong saw that everyone's eyes were focused on him, so he took a deep breath and spoke slowly, his voice sounding steady and powerful.

"Everyone, listen to me. We will work together to resist these monsters! If we scatter, we will all die!"

"The formation must be stable, and these dead bone monsters must not be allowed to find a chance to break through!"

"At this moment, only if we grit our teeth and resist tenaciously can we win a glimmer of hope."

As soon as Chen Hong's words came out, they immediately resonated with the people present, and they all expressed their agreement

"Fellow Daoist Chen, given the current situation, we can only work together to fight against these evil dead bone monsters!"

"Fellow Daoist Chen, you can’t escape now. Let’s resist together!"

"Yes, Chen Daoyou!"

""Okay, senior brother!"

As he was speaking, a large number of dead bone monsters were approaching, and Chen Hong immediately led the disciples of the Holy Fire Sect to attack.

After a long and difficult resistance, everyone was surprised to find that although these dead bone monsters were smashed to pieces, they were able to recover quickly in a very short time.

Seeing this scene, everyone fell into deep despair.

They tried their best to resist, but now half of them have fallen on this land, and the light of life has dimmed.

Chen Hong was also in despair at this moment. Although he successfully entered the realm of magical powers, every dead bone monster here was in the realm of magical powers.

Although he had the confidence to fight several of them alone, the numerous dead bone monsters in front of him made him feel desperate.

Chen Hong couldn't help but smile bitterly, and his expression looked extremely bleak.

I am still too weak. Am I going to die?

Well, let it be.

""Look! Someone is coming!"

Hearing this, everyone raised their heads and looked at the periphery of the dead bone monster.

They saw a group of monks in purple robes passing by quickly, so fast that it seemed like they were traveling a thousand miles in an instant.

Among them, the first one was a woman.

"It’s someone from Ziwei Pavilion!"

"Great! We are saved!"

The monks who were surrounded by the dead bone monsters couldn't help but cheer and jump for joy. Their voices were full of excitement and excitement. Just when everyone accidentally discovered the people from Ziwei Pavilion, the people from Ziwei Pavilion also discovered them.

""Senior sister, look! There's someone over there!" In Ziwei Pavilion, a disciple spotted a figure in the distance and couldn't help but exclaimed to everyone.

Upon hearing this, Liu Ruyan quickly cast her eyes towards the group of people surrounded by the dead bone monsters, and a look of joy appeared on her face.

Then she opened her red lips and said,"Great! Follow me to lead the group of dead bone monsters behind you over there!"

After hearing his words, the disciples of Ziwei Pavilion showed hesitant expressions on their faces.

"Senior sister, this... this is not good! ?"

Liu Ruyan looked at the disciple who was speaking with sharp eyes and said coldly:

"If you want to accompany that group of people, just go ahead!"

Upon hearing this, all the Ziwei disciples shuddered.

They looked at the group of monks surrounded by the dead bone monsters, and seemed to have made some kind of decision in their hearts.

"Senior sister! We all listen to you!"

Liu Ruyan led the disciples of Ziwei Pavilion and rushed towards Chen Hong and others as fast as the wind. For a moment, they were so powerful that no one could stop them.

On Chen Hong's side, a group of cultivators were overjoyed when they saw the people from Ziwei Pavilion rushing towards them, and cheered loudly.

"Haha, great! We are saved! The people from Ziwei Pavilion are coming!"

"There is help! There is help!"

"The people of Ziwei Pavilion are so righteous! I didn't expect that there are such righteous people in the cultivation world!"

""Wow, fellow Taoist, I'm crying, they moved me so much!"

Just as everyone was admiring the righteous behavior of the people in Ziwei Pavilion, the people in Ziwei Pavilion rushed to the periphery of the Dead Bone Demon at lightning speed.

Chen Hong was also slightly surprised by the scene in front of him. He didn't expect that the people in Ziwei Pavilion were so kind.

Then, everyone witnessed a jaw-dropping scene, which was completely beyond their expectations.

The people of Ziwei Pavilion hurried to the periphery, and just when everyone was looking forward to it, thinking that they would stand up and show their chivalrous demeanor.

But they saw that the people in Ziwei Pavilion suddenly burst out with all their cultivation, and fled away at a lightning speed.

A group of cultivators stood there, as if they were caught off guard by the sudden change.


"What do these people from Ziwei Pavilion mean?"

"What happened to the promise to help others?"

"Why did you rush over so quickly if you didn't want to take action? I was so moved!"

"Alas, we can only rely on ourselves now."

Just when everyone was surprised by Ziwei Pavilion's actions, they heard someone in the crowd exclaim:

""Shit! Shit! Bone demons! So many bone demons!"

Hearing this, everyone concentrated their minds and tried their best to resist the endless stream of bone demons. At the same time, they all looked at the periphery of the encirclement. They saw a group of bone demons that far outnumbered them, making deafening roars and rushing towards them at an alarming speed.

"Holy crap!!"

"Why are there so many dead bone monsters! ?"


"It's someone from Ziwei Pavilion!!"

"Ziwei Pavilion! I will kill your grandmother!!"

At this moment, how could everyone not know what Ziwei Pavilion's previous actions meant.

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