It's the Bone Demon King!"

The people behind the Tianxuan Sect monks couldn't help but tremble, and their hearts were deeply shocked.

Although the Bone Demons were pouring in like a tide, they seemed to be in a daze and couldn't come back to their senses for a long time.

"Senior Brother Lei, should we fight or retreat?"

A disciple of Tianxuan Sect turned to Lei Xiao with a firm look, asking and expecting.

Lei Xiao turned his eyes to the disciples of Tianxuan Sect gathered here, smiled faintly, and said slowly:

"I know your nature, you crave challenges and adventures."

"Even if you are facing a Death Bone Demon King at the initial stage of the Dao, it will be easy for you to defeat it."

"In that case, you go ahead. There is only one Dead Bone Demon King. You can do whatever you want."

When the disciples heard this, they were delighted and their expressions were full of joy. They all rushed to speak

"I’m going! I’m going!"

"Junior brother, let me go!"

"Brother, I have just broken through the initial stage of the Dao, let me give it a try!"

""Junior brother, I haven't really tried my skills yet after reaching the third level of the Dao. It was really not fun to kill those dead bone monsters before!"

Just as the disciples of Tianxuan Sect were arguing, a bright stream of light streaked across the night sky, rushing over and hovering over the Dead Bone Monster King.

When the stream of light faded, everyone could see the whole picture. It turned out to be a man.

The man gently raised his palm, swung it suddenly, and slapped out a thunderous palm wind.

The fierce palm wind went straight to the Dead Bone Monster King, and the monster king, who had not yet fully formed, instantly turned into flying ash all over the sky, floating in the air.

Many cultivators witnessed this scene and were deeply shocked again.

"Discussing the advanced level of the Tao realm!"

"Anyone who can kill the Bone Demon King in such a way must be at a high level in the Dao Realm!"

"Who is he?"

When the man made his move, many disciples of Tianxuan Sect stopped arguing and looked at him with slightly frowned brows.

Even Lei Xiao looked solemn at the man.

After defeating the Bone Demon King, the man walked towards Miao Lingyi without hesitation.

With a wave of his hand, an empty space appeared in the group of Bone Demons. The man walked towards Miao Lingyi calmly.

He looked at Miao Lingyi, a hint of lust flashed in his eyes, and he said lightly:

"Hand over the Imperial Divine Weapon in your hand to me and become my personal servant, or else, you will die!"

Miao Lingyi stared at the man with a cold gaze and said in a low and firm voice:

"Why should I listen to you!"

""Haha, Miao Lingyi, you don't even know the young master?" A female voice came.

Miao Lingyi slightly turned sideways, and as her eyes moved, she saw a woman walking towards her. It was Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan and everyone from Ziwei Pavilion came to the man's side and cast her eyes on Miao Lingyi.

The man quietly raised one hand and moved it up and down behind Liu Ruyan.

Liu Ruyan's body trembled slightly at first, and a hint of coldness flashed in her eyes, but this hint of coldness was fleeting and was soon replaced by her usual gentle smile.

"Miao Lingyi, the young master is from the upper sect!"When many cultivators heard the name of the upper sect, some frowned, while others looked terrified.

"Daoist friend, what kind of sect is the upper sect?" A cultivator asked in confusion.

"The Shangzong is a sect that is superior to the five super powers!"

"What!? There is a sect more terrifying than the five major forces!!?"

"I am also very puzzled. Most of the disciples of the Upper Sect are over a hundred years old. There are people from the Upper Sect participating in this Saint Secret Realm. If I had known this, I would not have come."

When Miao Lingyi heard about the Upper Sect, a look of surprise flashed across her eyes, and then she slowly said:

"My Frost Sect has nothing to do with your sect!"

Upon hearing this, the man smiled faintly and said:

"You may not know who I am yet, so it's okay to tell you. I am the son of the Grand Elder of Lingyun Sect! Lin Feng!"

Hearing the name Lin Feng, everyone couldn't help but widen their eyes again, their faces full of astonishment.

"He...he is Raymond Lam!"

"Lin Feng from Lingyun Sect!"

"I heard that he entered the realm of Taoism sixty years ago when he was less than fifty years old!"

"Such a monstrous genius actually came to compete with us for the inheritance of the saint!"

Lin Feng smiled and continued:

"Miao Lingyi, right? You are as beautiful as your name. I am the only one who deserves you."

"Hand over the imperial divine weapon and follow me obediently, otherwise, I will make you live a life worse than death!"


A strong feeling of disgust suddenly surged in Miao Lingyi's heart. She tightly grasped the Frost Sword in her hand, with a resolute light flashing in her eyes, and slashed at Lin Feng fiercely.

Before she had the chance to swing the sword, Lin Feng had already slapped it out with his palm, and the long sword flew out of his hand in an instant. She spit out a touch of bright red, flew backwards, and rushed straight towards the surging group of dead bone monsters.

Lin Feng held the Frost Sword and swung it at Miao Lingyi.

Miao Lingyi witnessed the sharp sword light rushing towards her, her heart tightened, and she instinctively closed her eyes.

However, the imagined impact did not come, she slowly opened her eyes, only to see that the sword light had swept away the group of dead bone monsters gathered behind her.

"Hahaha, don't worry, I'm still reluctant to let you die."

Lin Feng carefully observed the Frost Sword in his hand. Its shape and quality revealed its extraordinary temperament. He couldn't help but feel happy and nodded with satisfaction.

"The Emperor's first-level divine weapon! It's mine, hahahahahaha."

Miao Lingyi quickly stood up and rushed towards Lin Feng like an arrow.

"Return the inherited magic weapon to me!!"

Miao Lingyi rushed to Lin Feng, but was instantly grabbed by Lin Feng’s neck. The whole person was lifted up and hung in the air, unable to move.

Miao Lingyi’s face was pale, and the pain was beyond words. She held Lin Feng’s hand tightly, but no matter how hard she tried, Lin Feng’s hand seemed to have an invisible force and never loosened half an inch.

The disciples of Tianxuan Sect witnessed this scene, and they were all filled with indignation.

"Brother! I can't stand it anymore, I'm going to beat him up!"

"This Lin Feng is really not a man!"

"Senior Brother, let me go!"

The disciples were clamoring, vying to punish Lin Feng.

Lei Xiao looked solemn, and his eyes focused on the disciples present, and said in a deep voice:

"Don't be impulsive, this guy is quite powerful, you are no match for him in a one-on-one fight!" When the disciples heard this, they were instantly filled with indignation, and their anger was difficult to calm down.

"Brother, let’s all go together!"

"Yes, let's go together!"

Lei Xiao couldn't help but twitch his mouth when he heard this, thinking to himself.

Hundreds of people fighting against one?

Isn't this going to turn people into scum as soon as they make a move?

""Alas, fellow disciples, let me go!"

Upon hearing this, a sharp light flashed in the eyes of the disciples. They were full of anticipation and curiosity, and wanted to see the true strength of this fellow disciple.

"Since you are leaving, we will not argue any more."

"Brother, you must give him a good beating!"

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