At the entrance of the Saint's Secret Realm, time has passed quietly, and several hours have passed since everyone stepped into this mysterious realm.

However, Ye Mochen realized that the waiting time was a bit boring, so he revealed his plan to Qingyan, that is, to refine the Soul-Nourishing Pill for Qingmu Hall here.

Qingyan was naturally full of joy, and his joy was overflowing, but then he showed a little confusion and puzzlement.

There were not all kinds of materials needed for alchemy here, and there were crowds of people. Under the watchful eyes of the public, the noise was endless, which was really not suitable for alchemy.

In the world of alchemists, even a tiny distraction could become a fatal factor that led to the failure of alchemy and the loss of everything.

Therefore, they must always remain highly vigilant and focused to ensure the success of alchemy.

Qingyan secretly guessed that Ye Mochen either had extraordinary confidence in his alchemy skills; or he was too arrogant and overestimated his ability.

Just as Qing Yan was lost in thought, the void on one side seemed to be pulled by some force and began to slowly crack.

Then, the figure of a middle-aged man slowly emerged from it, with steady and powerful steps, as if he had walked out of endless nothingness.

The man slowly walked up to Ye Mochen, with a humble and respectful look, holding a rare fruit steadily in his hands.

The surface of the fruit exuded a faint purple glow, as dazzling as a star, obviously not an ordinary thing.

The man slowly presented the precious fruit to Ye Mochen.

Qing Yan caught a glimpse of this rare fruit, and suddenly an indescribable excitement surged in his heart, and he couldn't help but exclaimed

"This... This is the Fantasy Fruit!!"

Although Ye Mochen had mentioned to Qingyan before that he had the Fantasy Fruit, when Qingyan saw this magical fruit with his own eyes, he was still unable to suppress the excitement in his heart.

However, when Huoyun and Lei Sanqian's eyes touched the Fantasy Fruit, they just glanced at it lightly, without showing too much concern or excitement.

The two of them fixed their eyes on the big man holding the Fantasy Fruit in both hands, and their eyes revealed an extremely solemn look.

They seemed to be able to vaguely capture a trace of aura similar to Ye Mochen on the burly big man.

Although the two of them could not fully understand the depth of this big man, that aura gave them a heavy sense of oppression invisibly.

Ye Mochen took the Fantasy Fruit, and a trace of satisfaction appeared in his eyes, and then he nodded slightly to the big man.

"Thank you for your hard work."

After hearing this, the big man hurriedly bowed to Ye Mochen to show his respect.

"Master, this is what your subordinates should do!"

"Well, go back."

After hearing this, the big man slowly retreated behind Ye Mochen and stood shoulder to shoulder with the elders.

He did not forget to wink at one of the elders, with a smug smile on his face.

Facing the big man's wink, the elder just rolled his eyes lightly and said to himself.

Humph! Isn't it just that the sect master asked you to run an errand! Why are you so proud!

Huoyun and Lei Sanqian took advantage of the time when Ye Mochen and Qingyan were talking to come to the elders behind Ye Mochen.

When the two stepped into the arena, the eyes of the elders were focused, and some confusion and doubts were revealed on their faces.

Lei Sanqian and Huoyun bowed to the burly man, clasped their hands together, and were extremely respectful. Then they slowly spoke.

"This adult"

"I am Huoyun, the leader of the Holy Fire Sect."

"I am Lei Sanqian, the Lord of Thunder Palace"

"I haven't asked you all your names yet."

The elders all turned their eyes to the pair of figures. Although they realized that the two were quite weak, since they were able to walk side by side with the sect master, there must be an unusual reason.

Therefore, they did not dare to be negligent and clasped their fists in return to show their respect for the two.

The burly man spoke first and said in a loud voice:

"I am the elder of Tianxuan Sect, Xiong Da!"

The elder next to Xiong Da followed closely behind.

"I am the elder of Tianxuan Sect, Xiong Er!"

"I am the elder of Tianxuan Sect, Zhang San!"

"I am the elder of Tianxuan Sect.……"


After the detailed introductions by the elders, Huoyun and Lei Sanqian could not help but feel an indescribable sense of oppression coming from the elders of Tianxuan Sect.

The two hurried forward to communicate enthusiastically with the elders, and compliments were endless. There was laughter and joy between them. After a while, they got along well with the elders, as if they had become close friends for many years.

After Qing Yan saw Ye Mochen take over the Huanling Fruit, his heart was full of curiosity and expectation, wondering why he had not started the next step.

However, Ye Mochen's action was unexpected. He threw all the medicinal materials into the air in a straightforward manner, instantly causing a brilliant light and flying medicinal materials.

Ye Mochen closed his eyes, his expression was calm and focused, his hands danced slowly in front of him, and he did not need a furnace, but started the feat of refining the elixir directly in the air.

Seeing this scene, Qing Yan exclaimed in surprise

"This... this is actually a furnace-less alchemy method!"

"Sir, you can actually make alchemy without a furnace!"

Ye Mochen's action undoubtedly attracted the attention of most people present, and everyone turned their eyes to Ye Mochen.

Han Ruoxue and Ziying were both surprised when they saw this scene, and they couldn't help but guess in their hearts.

It seems that the reason why Huoyun and Lei Sanqian are so respectful to Ye Mochen must be because Ye Mochen has superb alchemy skills.

Ye Mochen's ten fingers moved flexibly, and mysterious spells were cast one after another, interweaving gorgeous light trajectories in the air, like a dreamlike painting.

Under his control, the spiritual fire was like a lively elf, Leaping in the air, he precisely roasted the various rare medicinal materials suspended in the air.

Surrounded by the spiritual fire, the medicinal materials slowly melted and merged, and everything seemed so natural and magical.

He looked calm, and was confident about every step, as if he had reached some kind of tacit understanding with the way of alchemy between heaven and earth.

The prototype of the elixir that gradually took shape in the air exuded a strange light and breath, making people feel the unfathomable depth of his skills.

Everyone present only knew that Ye Mochen's alchemy skills were outstanding, but only Qing Yan understood the secret. Ye Mochen Every step of Ye Mochen's operation was as if it had been precisely calculated, just right, and impeccable.

Qing Yan watched from the side and couldn't help but exclaimed, with a lot of emotion in his heart.

Witnessing Ye Mochen's superb alchemy skills, at this moment, he was deeply inspired and gained a lot.

The many doubts that had troubled him before, at this moment, seemed to be washed away by a stream of clear water, and instantly became clear.

He knew that Ye Mochen's attainments in alchemy had far surpassed his own, reaching a height that he could hardly reach.

In his eyes, Tang Lord Mufeng was no longer in danger of death, so the Five-Pattern Soul-Nourishing Pill was no longer a problem for Ye Mochen.

A moment later, a blinding light suddenly appeared, like a miniature sun rising. In the light, a round pill could be seen gradually taking shape.

Above the pill, a colorful glow was lingering, as gorgeous as a dream.

Qing Yan and a group of onlookers around him, seeing this sudden vision, could not help but widen their eyes, staring intently at the mysterious place shrouded in the gorgeous glow.

Qing Yan could not help but exclaimed:

"The elixir is done!"

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