Xingyu Pavilion was destroyed, and Shadow Gate also evacuated in a hurry, leaving only a few super powers in the field.

The people of several major forces were no match for the power of the law, and chose to evacuate outside the range of the power of the law.

After feeling that they were no match for the power of the law, many disciples of Tianxuan Sect also chose to evacuate outside the range.

For a time, there were only a few disciples of Tianxuan Sect left in the field, including Su Wuhen, Zhongli Xue, Yan Bin and Lei Xiao, who happened to be among them.

Seeing that there were still many people present, Ji Batian could not help but secretly increase the pressure of the law.

Suddenly, the remaining disciples of Tianxuan Sect chose to evacuate outside the boundary.

There were only four people left within the entire range of the law.

Su Wuhen turned his gaze to the three people, he looked solemn and said in a deep voice:

""Junior sister, you guys go ahead. As for this sage inheritance, I will do my best to get it for the sect."

The three of them nodded slightly to each other, and then slowly retreated outside the boundary.

As for the sage inheritance, everyone had unshakable confidence in Su Wuhen, and believed that he would be able to successfully obtain this inheritance.

Su Wuhen's footsteps were heavy and slow. He moved his steps with difficulty, as if he was carrying a heavy mountain on his back.

He moved forward step by step, and each step seemed extremely difficult, but he still firmly moved towards Ji Batian, with a firm light flashing in his eyes.

In a moment, Su Wuhen was in front of Ji Batian, and Ji Batian immediately put away the power of the law, a gentle smile appeared on his face, and his eyes looked at Su Wuhen softly.

"Well, you are indeed a rough diamond, quite malleable.

"I have nothing to say in my heart. Since fate has arranged it this way, this ring that symbolizes inheritance will be officially handed over to you at this moment."The inheritance ring in Ji Batian's hand floated up leisurely as if being pulled by a mysterious force, until it fell into Ye Mochen's hand.

Ye Mochen showed a look of joy and gratitude, wanting to express his gratitude to Ji Batian.

Ji Batian raised his hand slightly, interrupting the other party's words, and then slowly said in a calm tone

"The inheritor has been chosen, so you should evacuate this place immediately. Once you lose the protection of this inheritance ring, this world will quickly go to destruction and collapse."

"My wish has come true. I will disappear with this world and merge into the vast universe."

After hearing this, Su Wuhen bowed respectfully to Ji Batian and clasped his hands together.

"Thank you, senior!"

As soon as Su Wuhen finished speaking, he immediately led all the disciples of Tianxuan Sect and rushed towards the exit of the main world, striving to evacuate this place in the shortest time.

The disciples of the major sects also quickened their pace and evacuated quickly towards the exit.

Ji Batian stared at Su Wuhen's back as he walked away, and whispered

"Haha, he is a polite and good boy. I have no regrets in handing this inheritance to him."

As everyone left, this world began to collapse rapidly. Suddenly, a dull roar came from the secret realm, followed by a tremor. The sky began to collapse, large pieces of debris fell, and countless cracks appeared on the ground, spreading rapidly.

Mountains collapsed, and smoke and dust like the end of the world rolled up. The originally mysterious scene was shattered in the collapse, and chaos and fear shrouded every corner.

Ji Batian's figure flashed, and he slowly came to a temple.

"Little Chicken, are you done?" Gui Ling held a variety of fine wines in his hands, looked at Ji Batian, and asked softly.

Ji Batian turned his gaze to Gui Ling, and a trace of indescribable sadness flashed in his eyes.

"Mr. Turtle, I come here to say goodbye to you."

"The mission of inheritance has been handed over to the new bearer, and my fleeting soul will soon die and turn into nothingness."

"However, in this world, the legacy I left behind may be the only mark of my existence in this world."

"Haha, come to think of it, we can be said to have known each other through fighting. Now that my wish has been fulfilled, I will say goodbye. I hope that Grandpa Turtle will have a smooth journey."The tiger beasts and other beasts on the side had already filled their eyes with tears. Although they had not known Ji Batian for a long time, in this short time together, they had already regarded each other as friends.

Ji Batian witnessed this scene and was deeply moved.

Perhaps, this is the difference between monsters and humans. They are always so straightforward and honest, acting directly and not getting involved in complicated intrigues.

Ji Batian turned his gaze to the tiger beasts, the corners of his mouth slightly raised, revealing a gentle smile

"Xiaohu, you don't have to be so sad. All good things must come to an end. This separation is normal. We each have our own future."

"As we say goodbye today, you should remember to listen to Master Turtle's instructions and work diligently for him."

Xiao Bai walked slowly to Gui Ling's side with a sad face and said softly:

"Brother, is there really no other way?"

Gui Qi glanced at Xiao Bai, his eyes flashing with dissatisfaction, and then he slowly said:

"All right, all right! It's just bloodletting! At most, Master Gui can go back and soak in the spiritual liquid bath for two more years."

Gui Yan looked at Ji Batian and said sincerely:

"Little Chicken, Grandpa Turtle can save you, but you have to follow Grandpa Turtle! Do you understand?"

Ji Batian frowned, with a puzzled look in his eyes.

"Mr. Turtle, I am just a fleeting soul now. Is there really any way for me to continue to exist in this complicated world?"

"Stop talking so much nonsense, just tell me whether you want to hang out with me or not." Gui Ling said dissatisfiedly.

Ji Batian looked at Gui Ling with tears streaming down his face, already crying like a tearful man.

"Please save me, Mr. Turtle! I hope I can continue to survive in this world"

"From now on, I will follow Master Turtle wholeheartedly, and I will never betray him."

Turtle nodded helplessly, then slowly bit his claws, and a drop of blood containing infinite life slowly floated out. A stream of pure blood slowly rose and gathered towards Ji Batian's forehead. He suddenly felt an endless vitality pouring into himself, as if bathing in a rich source of life.

After a short silence, Ji Batian's illusory figure gradually condensed, and the originally empty outline was gradually filled with a mysterious force, and the surrounding air seemed to tremble.

Then, a surging vitality surged around the phantom, as if drawing endless energy from the deep void.

The flesh and blood began to flow at an astonishing speed. The speed was growing wildly around the phantom, transforming towards a perfect and true form every moment.

Finally, it gradually condensed into the image of a middle-aged man.

Ji Batian raised his hands, his eyes full of disbelief, and he felt all the changes in himself.

Examining his own cultivation, he has only entered the holy realm now, but he can still practice again.

Ji Batian's mood at this moment is almost difficult to conceal with words, his heart is full of uncontrollable excitement and joy.

He was about to express his heartfelt gratitude to Gui Lu, but found that Gui Lu's face was as pale as paper at this moment, as if he was about to collapse and fall to the ground.

Ji Batian carefully held Gui Lu in his hands, and asked anxiously:

"Mr. Turtle, what’s wrong with you?"

"It’s okay, I just consumed some of my life essence. Alas, Mr. Turtle’s damn sympathy!"

"Xiaobai, take Grandpa Turtle back to the clan. Grandpa Turtle is a little sleepy and wants to have a good sleep."


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