Time flies, and in a blink of an eye, the important moment of the Tianxuan Sect's disciples' competition has arrived.

The square of the Tianxuan Sect is already bustling with people and bustling.

New disciples and old disciples gathered together, everyone had a calm face and a firm look in their eyes. They were all ready and eager to show their talents in this competition.

Many forces heard the news and rushed to come, eager to see the style of the Tianxuan Sect with their own eyes.

Ye Mochen did not refuse these uninvited forces.

After careful consideration, he thought that perhaps this was a rare opportunity to make the reputation of the Tianxuan Sect spread far and wide and inject new vitality into the development of the sect.

These various foreign forces, like carefully arranged VIPs, sat one by one on both sides of the wide steps of the square.

Huoyun and Lei Sanqian were among them, and beside them were Han Ruoxue and Miao Lingyi who always kept a distance from them.

Chen Hong sat beside Huoyun, while other forces led some disciples from their sects to varying degrees.

Relying on the dignified and beautiful looks of Han Ruoxue and Miao Lingyi, they stood out among the crowd and instantly became the focus of many eyes.

The two turned a deaf ear to the gazes of the crowd, as if they had not seen them and did not care.

Many elders from the sects of foreign forces looked around at everything in Tianxuan Sect as if they had never seen the world.

When everyone initially felt the vast and boundless spiritual energy inside Tianxuan Sect, they all secretly sighed that they had really come to the right place this time.

Their sight finally fixed on the disciples from Tianxuan Sect, many of whom were like peerless monsters in their eyes. What was even more shocking was that among the disciples of Tianxuan Sect, many people exuded a breath that was far more powerful than them.

Now these monsters have all emerged at once, and this scene made them feel panic and shock in their hearts, secretly sighing that the strength of Tianxuan Sect was so strong that it was beyond imagination.

Just as everyone was amazed at the strength of the Tianxuan Sect, Jiuyou calmly walked to the front of the square and went straight to the neatly arranged tables. When the disciples present saw Jiuyou walking out, they all consciously restrained their voices and looked at Jiuyou in a quiet manner.

Some forces could not help but whispered

"Who is this person? I can't see through his cultivation at all!"

"Hush! Speak softly, I heard that this is the great elder Jiuyou of Tianxuan Sect. All the elders of Tianxuan Sect who destroyed Lingyun Sect before were respectful to him!"

"Isn't he stronger than those elders! ? Isn't he a saint! Or a Saint King! ?"

While everyone was discussing, Jiuyou's voice slowly rang out.

"Today, the sect competition grand event opens as scheduled. This event will be presided over by me personally to ensure fairness and justice."

"Next, let us welcome the Sect Master!"

As soon as Jiuyou finished speaking, Ye Mochen walked calmly to the first seat of the table, and behind him followed three of his disciples, Su Wuhen, Zhong Lixue, and Luo Heng.

When the disciples saw Ye Mochen personally watching the battle, they immediately felt a strong desire to fight, and their emotions were ignited, and they were determined to show off.

""I haven't seen you for a long time, and I feel that you are becoming more and more difficult to understand!" Huoyun sighed.

Lei Sanqian glanced at Huoyun with disdain and said lightly:"You seem to be able to see through the senior before!"

Han Ruoxue locked her eyes on Ye Mochen the moment he appeared, thinking in her heart, what kind of person are you, why are you so powerful.

Miao Lingyi's eyes moved around among the disciples of Tianxuan Sect, and finally stopped on one of the leading disciples.

Other forces looked at Ye Mochen one after another.

"Is this person the leader of Tianxuan Sect? He is so young!"

"Why do the three disciples beside him give me the same feeling as elders!"

"Why does this person look like an ordinary person, without any cultivation?"

An elder from an outside force said anxiously:"Are you really going to die? That person can destroy the upper sect with just one sentence! It's okay to just take a look, but you are still discussing it?"

The elders of all the forces seemed to recall something, shuddered, and hurriedly shut their mouths, not daring to talk nonsense.

And the disciples of the Tianxuan Sect, under Jiuyou's signal, walked to their own arenas in the order of the draw and started the fight.

The wide square instantly turned into a place of countless fierce battles, each of which was filled with a strong and majestic atmosphere of magic, and the brilliant sword beams intertwined in the air, shining with dazzling light.

The continuous sound of metal collisions and the occasional thunder made all the forces tremble with fear.

"This...are these disciples? I would believe you if you said you were elders!"

""Fuck!" These disciples of Tianxuan Sect are too strong. Many of them exude a stronger aura than us! For example, look over there!"

Everyone hurriedly cast their eyes on Lei Xiao and Yan Bin on a battlefield.

They saw that the two of them were at ease, defeating disciples one after another, and seemed to be very relaxed.

"Hahaha, that's Yan Bin from the Holy Fire Sect!" Huoyun said proudly

"That one over there is my Thunder Palace Saint Son Lei Xiao!" Lei Sanqian said the same thing.

Miao Lingyi's eyes were fixed on Lei Xiao, scrutinizing his every move in great detail.

"Hahaha, Fellow Daoist Huo and Fellow Daoist Lei, the two disciples of our sect are really young and promising!" complimented an elder of a force.

Seeing this, everyone stepped forward quickly, praising the two and complimenting them.

The two were overjoyed by the treatment like the stars in the sky, laughing so hard that they seemed to be completely immersed in this sudden praise.

Seeing that the two were in a good mood, everyone couldn't help but say,"Fellow Daoists, I wonder if we, the disciples of our sect, also have the opportunity to study in the Tianxuan Sect?"

Even Han Ruoxue and Miao Lingyi couldn't help but turn their eyes to the two of them after hearing these words, looking forward to it.

Huoyun and Lei Sanqian immediately frowned and kept silent, saying with disdain in their hearts.

Humph, so they were waiting here!

While the forces were testing the two, Lei Xiao and Yan Bin's rankings had already jumped to the front and successfully ranked among the top 100.

Ye Mochen couldn't help but take a closer look at the two and nodded secretly.

"These should be considered the two most outstanding disciples in this group, having attained the ninth level of enlightenment. If the sect had more disciples like them, wouldn’t I be invincible!"

Lei Xiao and Yan Bin noticed that Ye Mochen nodded to them, and they were instantly like chicken blood, fighting at full strength.

Some disciples who had just entered the realm of enlightenment saw that the two were in full momentum, and they couldn't help but choose to admit defeat and complain.

No way! I'm sparring with you, you are going to fight with me!

In the end, both of them were extremely powerful and started a fierce battle, and it was difficult to tell the winner. In the end, Yan Bin defeated one more person and became the first core person!

The sect competition lasted for several days, and finally the result was obtained.

The first 10,000 disciples who joined, without exception, were all promoted to the ranks of inner disciples! They all stepped into the realm of enlightenment! Almost all new disciples are outer disciples.

Although Mu Yao and Qing Yun joined Tianxuan Sect for a short time, they still broke through the realm of enlightenment and became inner disciples!

The elders of the foreign forces were already stunned and felt the strong pressure from these 10,000 inner disciples.

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