Luo Heng was like a god of war, constantly waving his sword, and every swing would produce a terrifying sword light.

The disciples did not sit still and wait for death, and launched attacks on Luo Heng one after another. For a while, the attacks collided and produced a series of dazzling light curtains.

"This disciple is too terrifying! He is actually an extremely powerful emperor!"

"A powerful emperor can be the chief elder in the upper sect, but in this Tianxuan Sect, he is just a direct disciple!"

All the forces sighed and sighed at the horror of Tianxuan Sect.

Just as the disciples collided with Luo Heng's attack, Lei Xiao and Yan Bin had already rushed towards Luo Heng from the left and right.

The two had already accumulated their strongest attack and released it towards Luo Heng. Seeing that they were about to hit Luo Heng, the two couldn't help but feel happy in their hearts.

However, the two powerful attacks penetrated Luo Heng's body and flew out.

"It's an illusion! ?"Lei Xiao was surprised

"It's actually fake!" Yan Bin was also surprised.

While the two were surprised, the attacks they launched against each other went straight through Luo Heng's phantom and came towards each other.

They really hadn't expected this situation, nor did they expect that it was Luo Heng's phantom that was hit.

Caught off guard, the two could hardly dodge each other's attacks. After all, facing Luo Heng in the Imperial Realm, the two of them did not hold back at all!

"Shit! Lei Xiao! Why the hell are you using so much force! It’s over now!"Yan Bin looked at the attack that was rushing towards him in horror.

"Alas, I guess I won't be able to get up unless I lie down for half a month!"Lei Xiao closed his eyes and said helplessly.

Everyone present stared at this scene with their eyes wide open.

Just when the two were about to be hit by each other's attack, two sword beams flew out from nowhere and forcibly defeated the attack flying towards the two.

Yan Bin and Lei Xiao breathed a sigh of relief at the same time, and couldn't help but look up at Luo Heng hanging high in the sky.

"We lost, Brother Luo!"Lei Xiao was the first to admit defeat, saying helplessly

""Brother Luo, you won! You scared me to death!" Yan Bin also admitted defeat.

Luo Heng slowly landed on the square and laughed heartily:"Haha, my two brothers, I was taking advantage of the situation!"

""Brother, you are too kind. If it weren't for our safety, I'm afraid we wouldn't even have the chance to fight." Lei Xiao said sincerely. At this moment, he was convinced by Luo Heng.

Seeing that Yan Bin and Lei Xiao had admitted defeat, all the disciples also chose to admit defeat.

"Senior Brother Luo! We give up! Senior Brother is so powerful, it is us who are narrow-minded!"

"Senior brother, you are too strong. It was because of my poor eyesight that I said you were not worthy of the position of direct disciple!"

""Brother, I'm sorry, I shouldn't look down on you!"

All the disciples chose to admit defeat. At this moment, everyone expressed their deep admiration for Luo Heng.

"Haha, Senior Brother, why do you think the junior brothers want to challenge the strongest junior brother Luo?" Zhong Lixue said to Su Wuhen with a smile

"Junior Brother Luo is new here, so it is natural for the junior brothers to be dissatisfied, but now the junior brothers all respect him very much." Su Wuhen said slowly.

Ye Mochen suddenly turned around and smiled at Zhong Lixue and Su Wuhen:"Disciples, you see that your junior brother Luo is already at the third level of the Emperor Realm, shouldn't you hurry up and practice to break through the Emperor Realm as soon as possible?"

"Master, I will practice diligently again after I return, and strive to break through as soon as possible!"Su Wuhen said seriously

"Master, I have to practice hard when I go back. I must break through the Imperial Realm. After all, Junior Brother Luo is stronger than me, Senior Sister!" Zhong Lixue was very motivated.

Seeing this, Ye Mochen was delighted.

Hahaha, good disciples, practice hard and become stronger. Only when you become stronger, can your master become stronger.

After all the disciples admitted defeat, Jiuyou's voice sounded again.

"The competition is over! Luo Heng wins! One hundred core disciples will be able to follow the master to practice in the Ten Peaks of Tianxuan in the future! Ten people per peak!"

As soon as these words came out, the disciples were filled with irrepressible joy. They cheered and jumped for joy, their faces full of smiles.

"Hahaha, I can actually practice at the Ten Peaks of Tianxuan like a direct disciple! That’s great!"

"I want to go to Senior Brother Su’s First Peak!"

"Then I’ll go to Senior Brother Luo’s!"

"To be honest, I actually want to go to Senior Sister Zhong's Second Peak, haha!" A core disciple laughed

"I also want to go to Senior Sister Zhong's Second Peak, but this will definitely be inconvenient, so forget it."

Some inner disciples and many outer disciples looked at the many core disciples with great envy as they discussed which peak to go to.

You should know that the spiritual energy in the peak is more than a thousand times that of the outside world, and it is much richer than that in the sect.

Finally, everyone discussed the result. Yan Bin and the other nine core disciples went to Su Wuhen's First Peak to practice.

Lei Xiao and the other nine disciples followed Luo Heng to the third peak.

Because Zhong Lixue was a female disciple, the few nine female disciples among the core disciples all followed Zhong Lixue to the second peak.

The remaining core disciples were scattered in the other seven peaks.

Qingyun and Mu Yao looked at the core brothers with envy, and secretly made up their minds to be promoted to the core.

Jiuyou saw that everyone had discussed the result, and then he spoke again:

"The cultivation resources for outer disciples have increased by 50%, and we hope you will keep up the good work! The cultivation resources for inner disciples have doubled, and they can go to the eighth floor of the Sutra Library to freely choose their own techniques!"

"The core disciples’ cultivation resources have been tripled, and they can go to the ninth floor of the Sutra Library to freely choose their own skills!"

""Shit! The ninth floor! Doesn't that mean we can practice the Emperor... Emperor-level skills!" a core disciple said hesitantly.

"Haha, great! This way we can also practice the emperor-level skills!"

The core disciples were ecstatic for a moment, dancing and expressing their excitement and joy.

The inner disciples were also not to be outdone, and were very excited. The supreme skills they practiced were also not weak.

The outer disciples were not discouraged either.���After all, their cultivation resources have increased by 50%. If they work hard, they can stand out again!

Some foreign forces don't know what the Tianxuan Sect's Sutra Library represents. They just think there are some powerful techniques inside, so these disciples are so excited.

While everyone was confused, Jiuyou's voice exploded again.

"This time, the competition of our sect has come to a successful conclusion. Seven days later, our Tianxuan Sect will open its gates and recruit many disciples. I hope that all the sects will promote it on our behalf!"

As soon as these words came out, all the major forces surged, and a strong shock swept over them instantly.

"Tianxuan Sect is going to open a sect and recruit disciples!!"

"Hahaha, that's great! We will also have the opportunity to send our disciples to Tianxuan Sect for training!"

"Quick, quick, quick! Go back and prepare!"

Han Ruoxue's face flashed with surprise, and she turned her eyes to Miao Lingyi and said slowly:

"Disciple, are you willing to go to Tianxuan Sect to practice?"

Miao Lingyi's expression was particularly solemn. She said in a deep voice:"Master, I am willing to go to Tianxuan Sect to practice. I will go all out to improve my cultivation as soon as possible."

"The disciples knew that only by becoming stronger could they better contribute their strength to the Frost Sect and add more help to it."

While Miao Lingyi was speaking, she could not help but turn her gaze to a figure among the core disciples.

""Haha, very good! Disciple, let's go back and prepare!" Han Ruoxue said with a smile.

The major family forces hurriedly said goodbye and left, and hurriedly returned to their respective sects, and began to prepare for the relevant matters of the sect disciples.

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