The dark clouds gradually approached, and everyone was able to take a closer look and found that it was actually a dense crowd of people.

"Isn’t that someone from the Shadow Gate?"

"What's going on with Shadow Sect? Are they also here to send their disciples for testing?"

Just as everyone was puzzled, Shadow Sect's leader, Shadow, looked at the densely packed crowd of Tianxuan Sect and said:

"What a huge force of blood and energy! If we can absorb all the blood and energy of these people, the adults will definitely be very satisfied!"

Shadow led the Shadow Gate army and flew directly above the crowd, facing the people of Tianxuan Sect from a distance.

Luo Heng hurried to Ye Mochen and said,"Master, the aura of this person is very similar to that of the people in Shadow Palace!"

Ye Mochen said nothing and nodded slightly.

At this moment, Shadow looked at Ye Mochen and asked,"Are you the master of Tianxuan Sect?"

Ye Mochen turned a deaf ear to Shadow. His eyes were always focused on the actual combat tower, secretly hoping in his heart whether he could discover more disciples with outstanding potential.

Seeing the aggressive momentum of the Shadow Gate, the crowd couldn't help but whispered

"The Lingyun Sect was destroyed by the Tianxuan Sect! The Shadow Sect actually dared to cause trouble for the Tianxuan Sect!"

"How could the Shadow Gate be so stupid? Did they think they were dying too slowly?"

"We should not talk nonsense. Although the Shadow Sect is not as good as the Tianxuan Sect, we cannot afford to offend it!"

Seeing that Ye Mochen completely ignored him, Shadow was not angry and continued:"Where is the Saint who killed Lingyun Sect? Stand out!"

The people of Tianxuan Sect seemed to ignore the people of Shadow Sect. They talked about their own topics. Only Luo Heng stared at Shadow.

However, when Shadow's words echoed in the crowd, everyone's eyes instantly focused on Ji Batian who was not far from Ye Mochen.

Shadow saw everyone's reaction and understood everything. Then he turned his sight to Ji Batian and said disdainfully:

"So what if you have entered the Saint Realm? Come out and die!"

When Ji Batian heard this, a fierce look flashed in his eyes. He had never seen a younger generation of the Emperor dare to speak so rudely to him.

"Is the leader of the Shadow Sect not smart? How dare he say such a thing?"A monk in the crowd said disdainfully

"Knowing that the other person is a powerful saint, he still dares to speak so arrogantly. I really don’t know what this person from the Shadow Gate is thinking!"

"Isn't he courting death by angering that senior like this?"

""Look! That senior has made a move!" a cultivator said anxiously.

Ji Batian carefully observed the expressions and attitudes of Ye Mochen and the elders, and he immediately understood in his heart that this group of trash were insignificant in the eyes of the big guys, and were not worthy of their move.

So Ji Batian raised his hand and casually swung at Shadow.

Although it was a casual attack, it was able to destroy Shadow's soul and body.

Shadow did not have any fear. He looked at Ji Batian with a raised corner of his mouth and said,"Do you think that only your Tianxuan Sect has a saintly strongman?"

Then his face condensed and shouted,"Come out! Five guardians!"

Just when Ji Batian's casual attack was about to hit Shadow, five black shadows suddenly appeared in front of Shadow, and the black shadow raised his hand to offset Ji Batian's attack.

Seeing this, Ji Batian looked at the five black shadows that appeared out of thin air with a little surprise.


The black shadow laughed evilly and stared at Ji Batian.

"Do you think you are the only one who has entered the Saint Realm?"

Shadow said to the five guardians flatteringly:"Five guardians, take down this Saint Realm expert. Even if the leader of Tianxuan Sect takes action, the two commanders will naturally not stand idly by!"

"By then, wouldn't this huge amount of Qi and blood power be easily obtained? Hahaha!"

The five guardians looked at the shadow and couldn't help but chuckled,"Hehehe, let alone one saint, even if there are two more, the five of us are not afraid!"

"He...the five of them are not powerful saints!" A monk in the crowd said in horror

"Five Saint-level masters! Where on earth did the Shadow Sect find these masters?"

"These five people are all evil cultivators. The Shadow Sect is actually colluding with evil cultivators!" A cultivator in the crowd said indignantly

"Alas, so what if they are evil cultivators? This world is ruled by the strong!"

"But they made a wrong calculation. Tianxuan Sect is an existence comparable to a holy land in my border area. There must be a saint in the sect! And the leader of Tianxuan Sect must be a saint!"

"That's true, you see, the leader of Tianxuan Sect looks fearless, it's clear that he doesn't take these five powerful saints seriously!"

After a while of analysis, everyone felt relieved when they saw Ye Mochen's calm demeanor.

Just when the five Shadow Palace guardians showed up and spoke, Xiong Er hurried to Ji Batian and said,"Little Ji, you step back first. It's quite difficult for you to deal with these five people alone."

Hearing this, Ji Batian hurriedly clasped his fists and stepped back, and he couldn't help but start to look forward to it.

Is Elder Xiong finally going to make a move!

He is the one who chats and laughs with the emperor!

Ji Batian couldn't help but slightly sideways glance at Jiuyou, and found that he was just like Ye Mochen, concentrating on watching the fierce battle in the tower, and seemed to be oblivious to everything happening around him.

Xiong Er slowly flew into the air and stood in the air with the five guardians.

Seeing that Xiong Er was about to make a move, several of the direct disciples and core disciples turned their eyes to Xiong Er.

Zhong Lixue said to Yingmu and Li Dicheng in surprise:"Look, two junior brothers! Elder Xiong Er is going to make a move!"

The two had never looked away from the beginning to the end. Seeing Zhong Lixue's appearance at this moment, they couldn't help but lock their eyes on Xiong Er more intently.

Since breaking through the Supreme Realm, Xiong Er has not tried his skills properly, and now is a rare opportunity.

Xiong Er looked at the five guardians, clenched his fists, and said lightly:"You five come together, don't waste the time of those present!"

The five guardians were immediately displeased when they saw Xiong Er being so arrogant and domineering.

"Hehehe, you think you are a saint? You speak so arrogantly!"

"Do you think saints are all cabbages? Do you really think we are afraid of you?"

"Humph! Bluffing! Four guardians, follow me!"

As the five guardians spoke, they quickly rushed towards Xiong Er, raising their hands to kill.

Everyone was in disbelief when they saw this scene.

"Does this elder of Tianxuan Sect really want to fight five people alone?"

Xiong Er had no expression on his face. He clenched his fist and suddenly swung it out.

This punch seemed simple and unpretentious, but it seemed to have condensed the most violent power in the world.

The fist wind whistled up, like a torrent that destroyed the world, rushing forward with the momentum of crushing everything.


With a loud noise, the space seemed to be torn apart at this moment, and the violent energy spread like ripples.

The five guardians didn't even have time to react before they were instantly submerged by the surging power.

Under this terrifying impact, their bodies were easily torn into pieces like fragile pieces of paper, turning into a blood mist floating in the air.

However, Xiong Er's fist continued to move forward, blasting straight into the distance, leaving a bottomless and terrifying gully on the ground. The surrounding landslides and rocks Flying everywhere, dust filled the whole scene, as if the end of the world is coming, which is frightening.

The two commanders of the Shadow Palace who were hiding in the void, witnessed this thrilling scene, and were already terrified and their livers and gallbladders were broken.

Everyone who saw this scene was shocked, their eyes were wide open, and they couldn't believe it.

Their faces were pale, sweat rolled down, their bodies trembled, and they were stunned. Some were not only terrified but also full of awe. The scene fell into a dead silence.

The direct descendants of the Tianxuan Sect and others couldn't help but be solemn, their eyes were wide open, and their mood was excited.

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