After the fall of the Shadow Gate, the Tianxuan Sect's entrance test was held for half a month before it came to an end.

However, despite the huge crowd of people who came to take the test throughout the border area, only a quarter of the lucky ones were able to pass the test in the end.

Although it only accounts for a quarter of the talented children in the entire border area, such a large number base should not be underestimated, as there are millions of people.

The crowd that failed the test slowly retreated, and they all carried a sense of loss and regret.

Ye Mochen had no sympathy for these people. They were not strong enough, but they had decent potential. For those who couldn't even pass the third level of the actual combat tower, their potential was right in front of them. No matter how many resources the sect invested in them, they would not achieve much in their lives.

Such people were of no help to Ye Mochen. Although the Tianxuan Sect had a lot of resources, it would be better to use these resources on people with decent potential.

「Ding! Congratulations to the host for completing the system task! Develop Tianxuan Sect into the number one sect in the border area!"」

「Reward: Immortal Weapon X1!」

「Reward Emperor Deadpool X10」

「Reward: 1 Universal Realm Upgrade Card (Using the Universal Realm Upgrade Card can directly upgrade anyone to a higher realm!)」

「A jar of spiritual nourishment liquid as a reward!」

「Reward: Emperor Talisman x10 (one-time consumable!)」

「Reward: Supreme Talisman x100 (one-time consumable!)」

「Reward: Imperial Soldier X10」

「Reward: Supreme Weapon X100」


Ye Mochen returned to the top of the main peak. Wherever he looked, a series of system rewards came into his sight. He couldn't help but have a gleam of brilliance in his eyes, and his heart was filled with joy.

"Hahaha, I didn't expect that completing a system task would give me such a generous reward!"

Ye Mochen's delighted eyes were on the column of immortal weapons, and he said excitedly:"The legendary immortal weapon! Let me see what it looks like!"

His mind moved, and an immortal weapon suddenly appeared in his hand. Seeing this, Ye Mochen was stunned.

He saw that the thing in his hand was no different from an ordinary folding fan, ordinary as it could be.

"System! You tell me this broken fan is a magical weapon! ?"Ye Mochen shouted immediately

「Ding! Back to the host! It is undoubtedly a fairy weapon!"

Ye Mochen stared at the folding fan in his hand, his eyes moving over it carefully, but no matter how he looked at it, the fan seemed to be just an ordinary object, nothing special at all.

Ye Mochen immediately shouted:"Fuck your fairy weapon! This is clearly a broken fan!"

Ye Mochen spread out the folding fan and waved it casually- instantly, a strong wind whistled up, like a thousand horses galloping, with the power to destroy everything.

Wherever the wind blade passed, the space seemed to be cut apart, making a sharp cry, which made people shudder.

As the fan was waved, a series of bright lights shot out like meteors, and the main peak was cut off in half in an instant.

The terrifying energy fluctuations spread around with the fan as the center, mountains and rivers collapsed, rivers flowed backwards, and bottomless cracks appeared on the earth, as if the end of the world had come.

Ye Mochen widened his eyes, looking at the scene in front of him, and a chill surged in his heart, and he felt terrified.

"This... this is too awesome!" Ye Mochen said in shock.

Such a shocking sound naturally alarmed the elders in the sect.

They were busy registering the new disciples and sorting out various materials.

However, at this moment, a deafening and huge noise suddenly came from the main peak of Ye Mochen.

Jiuyou's figure disappeared in an instant, and more than 10,000 elders followed and left quickly, leaving only millions of new disciples at a loss.

The disciples who were waiting in line had weak legs, were stunned, and their mouths were wide open.

"What happened?"

"Is there an enemy attack?!"

"I heard that's the main peak of the sect master! I hope nothing happened to the sect master!"

"Impossible! How could something go wrong with the clan leader?"

"But you see, that attack was even more powerful than the previous attacks by the two elders! ?"

"We just joined the Tianxuan Sect! Sect Master, please don't get into trouble!"

For a moment, the disciples of the entire sect were in a panic and prayed one after another.

After hearing the earth-shaking momentum, several disciples flew towards the main peak at a very fast speed.

Jiuyou arrived at Ye Mochen's main peak first, and the power of the emperor spread in an instant, like a surging river that could not be stopped.

In his opinion, the one who could sneak into the Tianxuan Sect silently and attack Ye Mochen must be a strong man with outstanding cultivation and super strength.

Therefore, he knew that he would face a fierce contest this time, and a hard battle that would test his own strength and will was about to take place.

But when he saw that Ye Mochen was playing with a folding fan happily at this time, just like nothing happened, Jiuyou was dumbfounded.

"Sect... Sect Master?" Jiuyou called out subconsciously.


At this moment, several disciples' anxious voices rang out!

Zhong Lixue rushed out first, and worriedly grabbed the corner of Ye Mochen's clothes to check

"Are you okay, Master?" Zhong Lixue's anxious voice followed.

Su Wuhen and several other disciples happened to rush behind Zhong Lixue, and they asked in unison:"Master, are you okay?"

Ye Mochen glanced at the anxious expressions on everyone's faces, and a warm feeling surged in his heart. He raised the corners of his mouth slightly, revealing a gentle smile, and said softly:

"I am fine, sorry to have worried you!"

Zhong Lixue's expression eased a little after hearing this, and she asked:

"Master, what happened! Why did your main peak become like this!"

Ye Mochen looked a little embarrassed, and said:"Master did not control his strength when practicing, so he accidentally became like this.""

Hiss! -

Accidentally!? -

Accidentally and so outrageous!?

How powerful is Master!

Several disciples couldn't help but take a breath of cold air in shock.

Jiuyou heard it, but it made sense.

It's normal to be careless.

After all, he is the sect master!

But I didn't expect that the sect master's casual attack would be so earth-shattering!

"Sect Master! Are you okay?"

At this moment, more than 10,000 Supreme Elders and Saint King Elders finally arrived.

""Master! What happened? We are late, please forgive us!" The leaders, Xiong Da and Xiong Er, saw that Ye Mochen was fine and said hurriedly.

Ye Mochen didn't expect that all the elders were alarmed. He thought about it and felt relieved.

The power of the immortal weapon shocked even him, not to mention that it was impossible to alarm the elders.

"I am fine!" Ye Mochen said seriously

""Everyone, go away, go away. The Sect Master just didn't hold back his strength while practicing, which caused such a shocking situation. It was our fault." Jiuyou waved his hands at the elders and said with a smile

"No... couldn’t control your strength?"

""Not... accidentally?"

The elders looked at the main peak where half of the mountaintop had been cut off, and then looked at the scene of the ground cracking outside the Tianxuan Sect.

They looked at each other in shock for a moment, and then they thought that if Ye Mochen didn't hold back his strength, he could really cause such a scene.

"Hahaha! So that's how it is. We were worrying too much. We'll take our leave now!"

After the elders said goodbye, they turned around and left, busy with their own affairs.

The new disciples who had just arrived had just started the reporting procedure, and there were still a lot of sect affairs waiting for the elders to do.

After the elders left, Ye Mochen informed his disciples and Jiuyou and others that a group of sect elders who had been away would be returning soon.

Jiuyou was overjoyed when he heard this. After all, the sect now has a huge base of disciples, and with more than 10,000 elders, they really can't handle it.

Now that he knew that the elders would be returning, he felt a lot more relieved.

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