Ye Mochen looked at the busy Jiuyou and nodded secretly. He called Jiuyou to his side and said slowly:

"Jiuyou, I have seen all your efforts for the sect these days."

"I have always been clear about rewards and punishments. You are so dedicated and hardworking. It is a blessing for me and the Tianxuan Sect."

"Therefore, I will give you a little reward today to show my recognition and gratitude to you."

When Jiuyou heard this, he was moved indescribably.

The Sect Master actually saw everything!

How touched I am!

Jiuyou said excitedly:"Sect Master, this is my job, how dare I take credit for it!"

Ye Mochen smiled slightly, revealing a meaningful look, and lowered his voice and said:"This is what you deserve. Let me ask you, do you want to become an immortal?"

After hearing this, Jiuyou's eyes suddenly widened, and his pupils shrank rapidly as if being pulled by an invisible force. His expression showed an unprecedented astonishment!


Is it the legendary immortal?!

What does the Sect Master mean?!

Seeing Jiuyou's extreme shock at this moment, Ye Mochen had expected it. He whispered again:"Although I am not completely sure, it can also improve your strength a lot!"

Because after using several realm-enhancing cards, Ye Mochen is now only at the Quasi-Emperor level, so Ye Mochen did not say everything.

With such an opportunity in front of him, Jiuyou naturally did not want to miss it. He said with a little urgency:"Master, what should I do!"

Ye Mochen quietly turned a Great Emperor realm-enhancing card into a pill, and then took it out from the system space.

"This is the peerless elixir that I have refined with all my strength and brains. You can rest assured that this elixir has absolutely no side effects. Once you take it, you will see miraculous effects!"

"Immortal... Immortal Pill!" Jiuyou's voice trembled, and he couldn't help but screamed in shock, and his heart was already in turmoil.

Deep in his heart, he subconsciously felt that Ye Mochen was omnipotent, but when Ye Mochen mentioned the immortal pill, he still found it hard to believe.

After all, everything involving the mysterious word"immortal" showed a powerful power beyond the mundane world.

"You take this medicine immediately so that I can observe it carefully to see if there are any adjustments and improvements that need to be made."Ye Mochen's voice came again.

Jiuyou took the pill with joy, and his heart was full of excitement and expectation. He swallowed it without hesitation.

Silently, a magnificent and vast imperial breath suddenly emerged from Jiuyou's body. This imperial breath was generated from nothingness.

In an instant, it completely merged into Jiuyou's body, as if it had become one with it, indistinguishable from each other.

Jiuyou clearly felt that his realm had been significantly improved at this moment. He was pleasantly surprised to realize the new power emerging from his body, and couldn't help but secretly marvel in his heart.

Such a magical pill must be extremely difficult to refine, and it is by no means an easy task!

I am deeply honored that the sect master has so generously given me this pill!

From now on, I will definitely do my best to devote all my strength to the sect to repay the sect master's kindness!

"How is it?"

Ye Mochen looked at Jiuyou carefully and pleasantly, and found that his aura became more and more profound and restrained, which made it difficult for him to see through it.

"How could I be so worthy of such a precious elixir given by the Sect Master!" Jiuyou was flattered and said with great fear.

"No problem! This is what you deserve. I want to ask you, how do you feel now?"Ye Mochen didn't care much and asked.

Jiuyou saw Ye Mochen's attitude and couldn't help but admire that the sect master was indeed an extraordinary person. He gave such an elixir without hesitation!

Jiuyou said,"Sect Master! This elixir is so powerful, and its effect is really extraordinary. It has promoted my subordinate to a small realm! Now my subordinate is already in the late stage of the Great Emperor!"

"This advancement seemed to be natural, as if it was the result of practice, there was nothing abrupt about it, and it was extremely stable!"

""Great Emperor Late Stage! Hahaha, not bad!" Ye Mochen laughed heartily.

In Jiuyou's opinion, Ye Mochen must be very satisfied with the elixir he refined. Jiuyou immediately clasped his fists and said excitedly:"Sect Master, you generously gave me such a rare elixir. I am deeply grateful."

"From now on, I will go all out and devote myself to the great cause of the sect until my death!"

At this moment, Ye Mochen's mouth slightly raised, outlining a faint smile, and then he took out another elixir and said lightly:

"Don’t thank me too quickly. I still have some of these elixirs left. You can take one!"


Jiuyou was stunned, looking at the elixir in Ye Mochen's hand, with an indescribable shock in his heart, unbelievable

"Also… also… also give me one more!! ?"

"Take it." Ye Mochen hung the pill in front of Jiuyou and said

"Master! How can I be so worthy?……"

""Okay, take it quickly!" Ye Mochen glanced at Jiuyou and said indifferently.

Jiuyou was speechless and hurriedly took the pill, his thoughts in a mess.

Why does the sect master treat me so well?

Could it be that the sect master treats me...!

If the sect master really treats me... should I obey or not?

What should I do?! Urgent!

Ye Mochen's actions actually made Jiuyou, a man, have some strange thoughts.

Of course, he knew nothing about this. If he could peek into Jiuyou's true thoughts at the moment, he would probably want to beat him to death on the spot.

Jiuyou looked hesitant at the moment, struggling in his heart, and seemed to have difficulty making any decision.

"Why don't you accept it?" Ye Mochen frowned and said

"Lord, that……"Jiuyou hesitated, not knowing how to start.

"Speak!" Ye Mochen frowned and shouted

""Master, why are you so nice to your subordinates?" Jiuyou, a middle-aged man, blushed a little at this moment.

Ye Mochen just regarded it as an improvement in his cultivation, and was inevitably excited. He didn't care much and said:

"I have always been fair and impartial in my treatment of the elders of the sect."

"I have plenty of this elixir on hand, and I have prepared it carefully for the other elders. I am only letting you take it first today, so there is no need to be too grateful."

When Jiuyou heard this, he heaved a long sigh of relief, and his tense nerves relaxed a little.

Fortunately, fortunately!

The sect master is not... otherwise I really don't know what to do!

Jiuyou made up his mind, and without hesitation, he put the elixir into his mouth again, letting it slowly slide into his throat.

A more vast and majestic imperial breath seemed to be bred from the depths of the void, and then it merged into his body again quietly and silently.

Jiuyou was quite confused about this. After taking the previous elixir, his cultivation was advanced to the late stage of the emperor.

According to common sense, the late emperor should need a more powerful elixir to have the possibility of entering the peak realm of the emperor.

However, the elixir swallowed at this moment is clearly no different from the previous one, why is the effect more significant, allowing him to enter the peak of the emperor is puzzling!

Jiuyou no longer thought deeply, his eyes flashed with excitement, and he said in surprise:"Sect Master! Your subordinates have successfully entered the peak realm of the emperor!"

""Hahahaha! Very good! Take another one! I want to see if I can create an immortal!" Ye Mochen laughed.

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