After putting down the cruel words, you have to start grabbing them.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Qian did not panic at all, but pulled the collar and threw the life rough stone along the neckline into the underwear: "If you don't give it, don't give it!" "

You this?!" Looking at her scoundrel appearance, Lin Fan even had a killing intent.

But as the protagonist of the original work, he is still a decent character after all, and this Xiaoqian is his high school classmate, how can he not be killed because of this matter.

Feeling his helpless gaze, Xiao Qian was not ashamed at all, and actually straightened her chest forward, and her voice became more and more provocative and ambiguous: "Hee-hee, I changed my mind now, I gave it to you, you can take it yourself!"

"Good! That's what you said! Lin Fan really had no other way and didn't want to entangle with her more, looking at no one around, he rolled up his sleeves and really reached into her neckline.

"Oops, tickle! Hahaha, Lin Fan, are you a junior brother? It's lighter, it hurts me~

" "Shut up!"

Xiao Qian's ambiguous words made Lin Fan's face red, but for the sake of the original stone of life and for his own world alliance, even if it was something that made people blush, he had to do it.

But it certainly won't be that simple.

"Lin Fan, what are you doing!!"

Suddenly, an icy voice sounded behind him, making him shiver from top to bottom.

He turned back with difficulty and saw an extremely angry Li Xihuang.

With a sudden, Lin Fan's face turned completely white.

Half an hour ago, Li Xiwei received a text message from Chu Lang knowing that the matter was important, and came over according to the instructions without saying a word.

When she came to the third road of development, she felt a slight energy fluctuation, and she couldn't help but get excited in her heart.

What Chu Lang said was actually true!

The rough stone of life is on the opposite side of this dirt slope!

She hurriedly quickened her pace and crossed the dirt slope, thinking that she could see the original stone of life, but saw a scene that shattered her three views.

Lin Fan?

He actually did such a shameful thing to Xiao Qian in this barren mountain?!

Lin Fan hurriedly defended: "Xi Wei, you listen to my explanation, things are not what you think..."

However, before he finished speaking, he fell silent again.


How can this be explained?

Her own hands are still in Xiaoqian's clothes!

He hurriedly withdrew his hand, and his face suddenly collapsed with a bitter face: "Xi Wei, this is really a misunderstanding, it's Xiao Qian, she..."

Unexpectedly, Xiao Qian behind her suddenly roared out angrily,

"Are you managing too broadly?" Obviously he has a fiancé, but he still occupies another man, what do you want to do?!

Although Li Xishu was angry in his heart, he couldn't help but be slightly shocked after listening to her words: "Huh? How do you know I have a fiancé?

"Don't admit it, Chu Dong told me everything!" You obviously have a marriage contract with him, and now you are still unclear with Lin Fan, what does it mean?

I'll give you two choices, either turn around and leave, or you will automatically repent of marriage and give Chu Dong to me!" Hearing

Xiao Qian's angry, although Li Xishu was very angry, for some reason, she had an inexplicable sweet feeling in her heart.


Chu Lang?

He is actually still a knife-mouthed tofu heart?!

On the surface, he is very cold to himself, but in front of other women, he actually generously admits his marriage contract with himself?

That's right!

He did the same thing at the General Assembly of the Alien Bureau!

Isn't this Treasure Boy?

"You hurry up and find Chu Lang, it's impossible for me and you to do it at all!" Lin Fan angrily scolded Xiao Qian, turned his head and smiled bitterly

, "Xi Wei, the thing is that Xiao Qian got the original life stone, I asked her not to give it, but hid it in her clothes, that's why you just saw the scene!"

Li Xiwei's eyes narrowed slightly, and he looked at Lin Fan coldly.

Compared to Chu Lang, this man was completely the opposite.

He says he likes me and loves me, but he steals where I can't see!

Well-known emotional mentors on the Internet have said that cheating is only once and countless times!

Lin Fan, would he really be such a scumbag?

Li Xiwan did not continue to think about it, as soon as the jade hand was raised, a whip made of water appeared out of thin air, tightly binding Xiao Qian, and in her scream, she took the original stone of life.

Then said coldly: "Thank you for your help, the Extraordinary Energy Bureau will give you 5 million and pennants, remember to get it!"

Then, she glared at Lin Fan fiercely again and turned to leave.

"Xi Wei, Xi Wei, you must believe me!"

Lin Fan never expected that the rough stone did not get it, but added a layer of misunderstanding that was difficult to clear, and now his face was even more bitter.


The conference room of the Bureau of Abnormal Energy.

"That's what happened!" After listening to Chu Lang's report on being assassinated, Li Jingchuan looked solemn.

After thinking for a long time, he sighed and said, "Virtuous nephew, it is still very dangerous for you to have no powers in the Magical Bureau!"

So, next Monday there happens to be an officially organized ordinary Psychic Awakening event, so get ready to participate! "

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