The next day.

Today is the day when the Mu family decided on the division of labor for 100 million orders, all the personnel of the Mu family were present, and the Mu family

also invited Chu Lang.

"Chu Dong, do you want to take a seat?"

"No need, you yours, I'll accompany Qingyun."

Hearing this, Mu Qingyun's face turned red, and his heart surged infinitely.

she felt that Chu Lang really liked her, and did not waste herself to give him the most precious thing....

But this scene fell in Ye Junlin's eyes, and the green tendons on the back of his hand burst out.

"Then don't force Chu Dong, and then start arranging the work content."

The old lady nodded to Chu Lang and began to say,

"The overall control and design of the building are Mu Qingyun's responsibility; The rental of the tower crane and the excavation of the foundation will be handed over to Lao Sanmu to build..." After

a series of boring arrangements, it finally arrived at the decoration workers.

Chu Lang suddenly stood up and spoke, "Old lady! To decorate this piece, I recommend you someone! "

Chu Dong, please say."

As soon as these words were spoken, Ye Junlin, who was standing at the far edge of the corner of the hall, was shocked in his heart.

"I recommend Ye Junlin, yesterday my office was decorated, and he worked alone from noon to 11 pm, without drinking a sip of water in between, which greatly accelerated the process!" He is a talent who can endure hardships, and he must not be buried in your Mu family, so the old lady must be discerning!

"Yes, yes, yes!"

Mu Zihe also stood up at this time to invite credit, "Although I haven't done decoration, but under my surveillance yesterday, Ye Junlin's tile is simply a must!" He can top two by himself, no, no, no! More than three workers! If our renovation team works together under his leadership, the construction period will definitely be improved by a new level!

The old lady smiled happily and hurriedly asked the hall, "What about Ye Junlin?" Where is Ye Junlin? "

Ye Junlin almost spewed out a mouthful of old blood!

These two bastards boast of how well they put tiles?

I know you uncle!

I posted it well, don't I know it myself?

Need your boast?

"I'm here..." he walked out of the crowd somewhat dejected.

"The young man looks quite sturdy, and he really looks like he can work!" The old lady gave Chu Lang face, and also casually praised a few words.

Unexpectedly, the other Mu family people also echoed.

"I'll just say it! Our Mu family does not raise idlers! Xingming accepted him, he must have seen that he was so hardworking and capable!

"Xingming! I'll make an appointment with you first, my mother-in-law's house will also be decorated at the end of the year, and when this project is over, you must lend me this kid!

"Oops! My kitchen also wants to change, my project is small, the third brother is good, let me line up first! "



These people actually fought over?

Before he could speak, Chu Lang actually began to assert himself, "Okay, okay!" Good, good, good! No problem! Several, I will promise you this matter for King's Landing first!

Ye Junlin's face was already distorted.

Seeing that Chu Lang actually made his own claims, the construction period of this piece added up, and it would definitely not be finished without eating or drinking for a month!

Must stop!

Ye Junlin hurriedly diverted the topic, "I heard that the Xuanwu God General under the God of War seat will hold a 'Tianhai City Future Economic Development Conference' in Tianhai City this afternoon, do you know?"

As soon as these words came out, sure enough, all the people were successfully brought over by him.

Tianhai Future Economic Development Conference!

Xuanwu Shen will lead, the three major families of Tianhai City, the five major industry benchmarks, and the top ten enterprise alliances were invited to participate, talking about how the future economy of Tianhai City will break the situation and how to go to a higher level.

In addition, 30 large first-tier companies in Tianhai City were invited to observe as spectators.

As long as you can enter this venue, the company will definitely take a ride and soar all the way, and the future is limitless!

But this time it was only these leading enterprises that were invited, and his Mu family, as a small family that was not in the flow of Tianhai City, could not have the opportunity to go.

Of course, I also heard that in addition, the conference also secretly opened 30 seats, but the seat fee for each seat is as high as 10 million!

That's 10 million tickets!

It hurts to hear it!

The old lady sighed, "Alas, I also heard about this meeting, but they are all participated by super first-line enterprises in Tianhai City, what does it have to do with our Mu family?"

At this time, Ye Junlin smiled.

"I can let the Mu family participate!"

The old lady was stunned, "Ye Junlin, don't be kidding!"

"No kidding, I met a friend yesterday, he mixed well in Tianhai City, and he will send the invitation when he says it later."

Ye Junlin said resolutely as iron and imposing as if there could really be such a thing.

The Mu family's heart was shaken for a while.

Could it be that this tiled one really has great skills?

At this time, Chu Lang smiled heartily.

There is indeed this kind of rotten pretense in the original work.

But that was when no one stopped Dare Ye Junlin.

Now, can I get you to pretend like that?

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