"Xiao Tiance! Wait and see if you die or I die!! Duan Shuiliu walked away indignantly.

And the auction soon began.

Other things, although beautiful and rare, were not the goal, and after about half an hour, "Return to the Twilight Forest" finally came on.

The host sister seriously introduced: "This "Sunset Forest Return Map" is said to be written by a master of the Yuan Dynasty!

A simple woodcutter, a bleak residual sun, a looming mountain, some dead branches and weeds, and a few strokes can actually express a joyful mood like an arrow in the heart!

I never imagined that nearly 1,000 years ago, the ancients could draw such meaningful works through pen and ink! It's so wonderful, it's so meaningful!

The auction starts below, the starting price is 2 million, and each markup cannot be less than 500,000, and the auction begins! "

There were some people present who came to this painting, and as soon as the young lady's voice fell, someone was ready to shout a price.

But at this moment, a voice came from the corner.

"10 million!"

When this sound went down, it immediately poured cold water on those who did not know why they were eager to try.

Although the painting was collected by the chairman of the Chu Group, this price is too urgent!

Who is the landlord who throws bombs first!

That masked guy is also too much!

But Senior Brother Duan Shuiliu glanced at Xiao Tiance and raised the sign: "15 million!" "

18 million!"

The voice over there immediately responded.

It's reached its limit, can't wait any longer!

Xiao Tiance suddenly laughed at this time.

This laughter also successfully interrupted the auction, and everyone looked over.

"This gentleman, please observe the order of the guests!" The host's sister emphasized again.

"But don't you auction houses follow the order?" Xiao Tiance said coldly.

Then he stood up again and said loudly to the guests: "This painting is fake!" "

Now the whole scene is fried.

I didn't expect that there were fakes at the auction, and it was also something provided by the chairman of the Chu Group!

Duan Shuiliu also stood up anxiously: "The identification method of the "Twilight Forest Return Chart" is only known by the heirs of the Tianyin Temple, is there really something wrong with this painting?" No wonder Xiao Tiance didn't shout a single quote!

"This gentleman pay attention to your words! This painting was provided by the chairman of the Chu Group, one of the four major families in Tianhai City, and verified by our backstage master, it is indeed a painting of the Yuan Dynasty, there is no problem! The host sister immediately retorted.

"A painting from the Yuan Dynasty does not mean that it must be genuine!" Xiao Tiance said with a confident look

, "I have seen the true work of this painting before, and there is an inscription on it: Autumn grass and yellow flowers cover the ancient world, where the forest is inhabited, the mountain monk is alone in the mountain old, only Hansong sees the youth!"

It can be heard that the main theme of the painting is obviously to describe a lonely scene, and not only do you have no inscription on it, but even the artistic conception is completely different!

These are simply two pictures, not even imitations!

After listening to him say it like this, the audience was stunned.

Is this masked lad really knowledgeable? Otherwise, how did you even read the poem?

Is this painting really fake?

The scene was just fiercely auctioned and stopped, and even the host sister quickly turned around and discussed quietly with the experts.

Although Xiao Tiance stood straight and looked confident, his attention was all on the VIP seat upstairs.

Chu Lang, you are definitely not the kind of person who suffers losses!


Announce that Hong Credit 18 million will be photographed!

Chu Lang seemed to really seem to hear his heart's words, got up from the sofa and walked to the glass window, holding the microphone and said with a smile: "Host, my "Twilight Forest Return Diagram" is undoubtedly a genuine work of the Yuan Dynasty, and 18 million has shouted for so long and no one has raised the price, should you drop the hammer?" Hearing

Chu Lang say this, Xiao Tiance's heart began to pound.

Chu Lang, you will also have today!

On weekdays, I am arrogant and arrogant for the rich, but I didn't expect that now I will be smart and mistaken by my cleverness!

When I get the "Twilight Forest Return Chart", you, and Duan Shuiliu, will have to die!"

Host, drop the hammer!

And at this moment, the sound of the scene became louder.

Why is the chairman of the Chu Group like this?

Obviously it is a fake painting, but you also want others to take it?

This is also too overbearing!

The host sister frowned and looked up at Chu Lang, who nodded to her and smiled gently.

Only then did she say a little awkwardly: "18 million for the first time!" 18 million for the second time, congratulations to this gentleman!

Xiao Tiance almost laughed out loud when he heard this.

He clenched his fist excitedly, and the big stone in his heart finally landed.

It's finally here!

"Twilight Forest Return to the Tree" has finally arrived!

Plan a success!!

But he couldn't be too obvious, and looked at the senior brother in the distance and shook his head helplessly, meaning that both of them ran for nothing.

But at this time, the door of the auction site suddenly opened, and I saw the butler Lao Wang and a shriveled and thin old man walking in with a group of heavily armed official personnel.

The official captain held a gun in one hand, looked down at his mobile phone, and shouted in a loud voice: "Xiao Tiance, Hong Xin, according to the monitoring of the two of you are suspected of robbery, please speed back with us to cooperate with the investigation!" Han

Shuya and An Yiqing, who were in the VIP seat, panicked when they heard this.

"What was the official captain downstairs talking about just now? Tiance suspected of robbery? Was he also on the scene?

"Big sister, hurry, let's go down and take a look!"

After that, the two went downstairs with Chu Lang.

And at this time, the faces of Xiao Tiance and Hong Xin were simply like eating!

What's going on?

Shi Tao, a person from the Second Stage Dongming Realm, went to rob, how could someone find out so quickly?

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