Position No. 3 on the Eastern Front.

Except for a small mound on high ground, there are flat rivers everywhere.

The whole position can be said to be clear at a glance.

Liu Ruobing and Xia Ying looked around and couldn't help but feel a little worried.

The whole regiment had a total of 90 people, and it was very difficult to deploy a defensive line in this terrain.

The two spread their hands and simply looked at Du Fei together.

Du Fei knew in his heart that the enemy on this kind of battlefield was a beast, and it was not a regular battlefield where the two armies were fighting.

Trenches will not work, and the only way to build a solid line of defense is to use favorable terrain.

The only thing that is advantageous now is that little mound.

However, for Du Fei, this is more than enough.

"Heh, what's there to worry about, don't forget that we're Mithril ammunition, and the soldiers will cover the water.

Du Fei smiled and personally deployed: "Order, set up the garrison behind the mound." "

Song Jia, sort out the placement points of machine guns and howitzers on the mound. "

On the right side of the mound, with the Land King Chariot as the head and the ammunition cart as the tail, the five chariots are arranged in a V-shape. "

Don't worry in the air, there are the Iron Blood Brigade in the south, and the two legions of Sky Wolf and Flying Fish in the north, we just need to hold the west."

"The buffer zone between us and the beasts is 500 meters, and I would like to see the Great Wall of flesh and blood made up of mutants and timebeasts 500 meters away. "

Yes, Commander

!" and "Take action!"

As Liu Ruobing and Xia Ying led the female soldiers to get busy, Du Fei turned on the encrypted communication on the headset.

"Gan Ting. "

Gan Ting received!" "

Tell me about the deployment of the 48th Division and the entire hunting ground." "


The 48th Division's three mobile brigades, Hurricane, Thunder, and Lightning, were deployed in the south, west, and north positions.

"There are three to five supernumerary corps in each position to fight together, and although we have the iron-blooded brigades of the Jihadist Military Region on the Eastern Front, the terrain of the other three positions is superior to ours. "

The command center of the 48th Division headquarters is located in the northwest, in the middle of the two mobile brigades of Thunder and Lightning. Gan Ting reported.

"What about the inside of the Qingchuan Ruins?" Du Fei asked.

"Most of the time beasts in the Qingchuan ruins are Lv3 and Lv4, and they may have sensed danger, and now the entrenched time beasts and mutant beasts have been in turmoil.

"Well, I know, from now on, the No. 1 drone will monitor and listen to the command center of the 48th Division at all times, and when the battle starts, it will proceed as originally planned. "

Also, pay attention to the timely replenishment of drone ammunition. "

Yes!" Gan Ting replied.

The Predator stealth drone, although powerful, has the only drawback of being a limited amount of ammunition it carries.

At present, it is only suitable for airspace defense, detection and surveillance, and precise decapitation operations.

"The Commander... A strange phenomenon has just been discovered. Sun

Xiaoqian's report came from the earphones.

"What phenomenon?"

"When the Predator 2 stealth drone approached the interior of the Qingchuan ruins, there was a brief signal interruption, and I suspect some kind of potential energy interference. "

Are you sure?"

"OK!" The signal is interrupted twice, at 0.3 and 0.6 seconds.

"Withdraw first and take charge of our airspace defense." "


Du Fei frowned, what is it that can interfere with the central system of the predator?

It seems that the interior of the Qingchuan site is not simple, so you have to be careful...


The night was dark.

From time to time, a sharp and piercing beast roar came out from the direction of the Qingchuan ruins, echoing in the night sky, which was terrifying.

The four major fronts of east, west, south and north are encircled, enclosing the Qingchuan ruins in the middle.

The three brigades of the 48th Division and nearly 20 non-staff regiments listened to the terrifying beast roar, and they were all nervous and ready for battle.

It was the first night before the battle began, and it was destined to be a sleepless night.

Because, after tonight, it is not clear who will die or who will live...

Position No. 1 on the Eastern Front, Iron Brigade.

More than a dozen drones hovered overhead.

Between the mountains and rocks on the ground, tanks, tracked combat vehicles, artillery, infantry, etc. are densely packed and have a strong lineup.

Chu Zhengxiong stood beside the ravine, looking in the direction of the Qingchuan ruins.

After a long time, he muttered, "This is going to be a tough battle

...", "Brigade seat..."

, at this time, the young adjutant walked up to his side, also looking in the direction of the Qingchuan ruins.

"Brigade seat, do you think the 48th Division of the Fuxing Military Region will be able to win a complete victory tomorrow?"

"It's hard to say, the situation on the battlefield is changing rapidly, there is no fixed number, and no one dares to say that they are the ones who have the last laugh until the battle is over.

Chu Zhengxiong's eyes were deep, and then he said solemnly: "There are not a few Lv4 level time beasts in the Qingchuan ruins, they have not been cleared for hundreds of years, maybe there are big guys entrenched in them..."

He also graduated from the Commander Academy and was parachuted into the Iron Brigade not long after.

He had grown so big, and he had never encountered a Time Beast above Lv4.

"Brigade seat, I heard that the reputation of the 48th Division of the Fuxing Military Region is not very good, and since you know the situation of the Qingchuan ruins, why do you still take over their mission?"

the young adjutant was a little puzzled and asked again.

"Hehe, you'll know when you get married. Chu Zhengxiong shook his head and smiled bitterly.

How did the young adjutant know that their brigade commander was too burdened.

Chu Zhengxiong's daughter is about to turn 18 years old, and she has to pay 30 years, right

? Five wives

in the family have to be supported, right? Two of them are about to give birth, and they have to earn money for milk powder, right?

It stands to reason that Chu Zhengxiong, as the supreme commander of the Iron and Blood Brigade, can embezzle a part of the federal appropriations, deduct military salaries, and engage in some exploitation from the soldiers.

However, he is not such a person.

Therefore, don't look at Chu Zhengxiong's high position, but it is not ordinarily difficult, and he also needs to earn money to support his family.

"By the way, where is the team we met today?" asked Chu Zhengxiong.

"Position No. 3 on our right, ten kilometers away. "

Well, I think that young man is very energetic and has a future.

Chu Zhengxiong nodded, and then said, "That's it, pass on my orders."

"When the battle starts tomorrow, the fire will be biased to the right and block for them. "

Yes, I'll arrange it right away!"

The No. 1 Land King Chariot is in a separate control room.

Du Fei, Liu Ruobing, Gan Ting, and Sun Xiaoqian were wearing headphones, staring intently at the console screen.

Everything in the command center of the 48th Division is displayed on it, and the video and audio transmitted by the drone are very clear.

To the northwest of the Qingchuan site, an abandoned power station is located between the Thunder Brigade and the Lightning Brigade.

After radiation-neutralization and cleaning, the power station became the divisional command center of the 48th Division.

Division Commander Diao Dekui was very satisfied with the personally selected headquarters.

At this moment, he is drinking red wine while watching the seven-figure time beating on his wrist, which is very pleasant.

This mission not only allows you to hunt down a large number of timebeasts, but also gain a lot of time.

And it can also clear the remnants of the women's field regiment and get the peak reward.

When the time comes, the time he has will most likely break through to eight figures.

That's tens of millions of hours, which is equivalent to more than 1,100 years.

These times were all obtained by him through years of wanton embezzlement and exploitation.

He knew in his heart that although he was a division commander, he was just a chess piece in the hands of Wu Dagui.

One day, he will eventually become an outcast.

Therefore, Diao Dekui is always planning for his future.

As long as you have enough time, then you can buy an official in the Federation, and even buy a position equal to Wu Dagui.

But even with an eight-figure time, he wasn't quite satisfied.

Don't look at Diao Dekui's low position in the federal government, but he has a big appetite.

He set himself a small goal, at least 100 million.

"Roar, roar

, roar..."At this time, the sharp and piercing beast roar resounded in the night sky.

"Listen, what a beautiful sound!" Diao

Dekui raised his red wine glass, squinted and took a sip: "The remnants of the Women's Field Regiment and the genius of the Senior Commander Academy will be buried in the belly of the beast tomorrow under the witness of the eye of heaven."

"Such a perfect plan, but it is used to deal with a group of ants, thinking about it, it is really wronged by the division commander. "

Master, do you want to add more?" the adjutant asked flatteringly, taking the empty wine glass.

"This kind of red wine grade of 100,000 hours a bottle is still too low.

Diao Dekui waved his hand, and then said: "Order, the main attack will be launched at 12 o'clock tomorrow, and the Thunder Brigade and the Lightning Brigade will not move." "

Ordered the Hurricane Brigade to attack the east of the Qingchuan site first, and after opening the gap, the rest of the 2nd Brigade concentrated its firepower to force the Time Beast to the position on the eastern front..."

"Heh, have you seen it all?" Du Fei said with a smile.

"Despicable and shameless

!" "It's too vicious

!" "Commander, we must retaliate with a

tooth for a tooth!" Liu Ruobing, Gan Ting, and Sun Xiaoqian gritted their teeth with hatred.

"Rest assured, we're in control.

After Du Fei finished speaking, he said to Gan Ting: "Save the video." "


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