When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1219: Everyone enters the alien plane

After separating the last avatar, Chen Pingan looked for a disguise mask for the avatar.

After searching for a while, I found that the disguise mask in my inventory was gone, and it was troublesome to think about finding it, and this avatar entered the alien plane, and it should soon be integrated into another avatar.

He said: "You become a woman."

If you become a woman, you don't need a disguise mask, and they won't find anything in front of Emperor Hongtian and others.

The clone nodded and began to transform into a woman.

Chen Ping'an looked at the beautiful girl in front of him and sighed again. He never imagined that he would be so beautiful after becoming a woman.

That's right, when he looked at his own woman's body, he was a little tempted, not to mention other people.

Chen Pingan took his clone back to Shiting.

At this moment, Emperor Hongtian and others have already discussed who will enter the alien plane.

The ten people are all ninety-nine Italian-level bosses.

Emperor Hongtian, Emperor Fuyin, Emperor Zhangtian, Emperor Leiyu, Emperor Futian, Emperor Yanlong, Emperor Henggu, Emperor Tongyou and so on.

This can be said to be very powerful.

And they are also afraid that this is a conspiracy. Some people from the Death Emperor or the Emperor Mother take advantage of their control of the body to enter the different plane, and thus attack their headquarters, so there are also several ninety-nine Italian-level bigwigs sitting here at the headquarters. .

The other esteemed masters of the Zhongtian Organization who were still outside were also called back by Emperor Hongtian to protect the safety of the headquarters.

When Emperor Hongtian and the others were all ready.

Chen Ping'an came back with his avatar, and Emperor Hongtian and others looked at the two of them. After seeing the female avatar, they all stayed for a while.

What a nice view!

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "This is a subordinate I trained, and I will follow you in later."

The bodies of Emperor Hongtian and others were all sitting cross-legged, with their eyes closed, and the bodies they controlled were looking at Chen Ping'an, the female avatar.

They were not only amazed by the appearance and temperament of this female avatar, but also attracted attention by the cultivation base on the avatar.

The road to life at the sixty level!

Can't imagine that there is such a genius in their organization?

It is quite normal for such a genius to exist on the Emperor Mother's side in the beginning, but there is no such talent in their Zhongtian organization.

Some have also exceeded the 60 Italian level.

Chen Pingan said: "Okay, let's get started! Death Father and the others should have already gone in!"

Emperor Hongtian and others nodded and started flying towards the entrance of the alien plane.

Then, under the watchful eyes of Chen Ping'an and some of the lords guarding the headquarters, they plunged into the alien plane in turn.


On the side of the Death Father.

The death emperor controlled his body not long ago and led nine people into the alien plane.

There are not many ninety-nine-level powerhouses on the Death Emperor’s side, and there are not ten at all, but they don’t need such strong people, even top-level geniuses at the ninety-level. After all, this level of genius has become Level 60 is also an incomprehensible existence.

He took a group of people into the alien plane.

When he reappeared in the alien plane, looking at this unfamiliar and somewhat familiar land, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but curl up.

"From now on, this land will be dominated by me for a short time!" He was full of confidence, as if he was invincible.

He can be sure of one thing, even if the Taichu Emperor came in here, the 60th grade Taichu Emperor would not be enough for him to fight.

At the level of 100 intentions, he can overwhelm the Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning. Back at the level of 60 intentions, the Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning did not even have the ability to pull him to the end!

In other words, here, in terms of single-player strength, he is already invincible!

"Let's go, fly to the depths, I have to see if that place is still there!" After so many years, he couldn't forget the picture of a place in the alien plane.

There was the starting point for him and the Emperor Mother of the Beginning to become the strongest in the Beginning Realm.

A group of people started flying over there.

at the same time.

Murong Tian had already arrived at the Taichu Sect and met the Taichu Emperor.

He used those words not long ago to talk to the Emperor Mother in the beginning.

And showed the role of the body, and explained the side effects.

At the beginning of the emperor, after knowing the function of the body, she began to feel melancholy.

Now that she and the Death Father have broken up, even if she obtains these bodies, she has to find a way to enter the alien plane.

They don't have an xenoplane entrance here, which is the most annoying thing...

It is also for this reason that when discussing the price, the Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning just pressed the price to the stone of the 700 million avenues.

Murong Tian thought of a way to raise the price, but seeing the appearance of the emperor at the beginning that he didn't want it to be more expensive, he finally gave in.

He took the Stone of the Great Dao from the Emperor Mother of the First Time, gave his body to the Emperor Mother of the First Time, and then left the First Teaching.

He was very emotional when he came out of the Taichu Teaching.

Tripartite forces.

Originally, he thought that the easiest thing to figure out was the Zhongtian Organization, which had a relatively weak overall strength, followed by the Taichu Sect, and the most difficult one was the Hall of the Undead.

So he challenged the most difficult hall of the dead from the very beginning.

Unexpectedly, he thought that the death emperor who was the most difficult to handle was just as hard to handle. On the contrary, the other two were more difficult to handle than the other.

When he went to the Zhongtian Organization, he was pinched to the death!

This is simply too unexpected.

"It can be seen from this incident that the future is likely to change..." Murong Tian pondered.

But it doesn't matter to them, they just make enough money.

He started flying in one direction.

In the end, he went to a corner of the Absolute Beginning Realm.


It's an extremely cold place.

There was almost no trace of anyone nearby.

He came to a cliff.

After confirming that no one was following him, he used a secret technique to open a passage and plunged into it.


After the clones followed Emperor Hongtian and the others into the alien plane, they began to find a way to separate from Emperor Hongtian and the others.

Emperor Hongtian and the others were going to find ten teams, while he was going to find another clone.

After he came here, he could contact another clone through mind communication. Now that he has been contacted, he knows the approximate location of the other party and can go directly to find it.

Emperor Hongtian and others took out the messenger treasures that contacted Zhou Dao and Li Hao, the top geniuses, and began to inquire about their locations. The last ten people were ready to fly in one direction.

Chen Ping'an looked at Emperor Hongtian and the others, and said, "Honored lords, I may have to separate from you."

Emperor Hongtian and others were startled for a moment, looking at Chen Pingan's clone.

"Where are you going alone? It's too dangerous to do it alone, so just follow us." Emperor Hongtian reminded that this person was Chen Ping'an's subordinate, and he had to protect him no matter what.

Chen Pingan said: "I came here with a mission entrusted by Wu Zunzhu, and Wu Zunzhu asked me to complete a secret mission."

Emperor Hongtian and the others looked at each other in dismay, and finally did not interfere with Chen Ping'an's actions. After instructing him to pay attention to safety, he also left.

They are also full of expectations for the alien plane, and they have not come back here for many years!

Chen Pingan waited for the ten people of Hongtian Great to fly away before they started to fly in one direction.

That direction is exactly where the other avatar is.

What he didn't know was that this direction would pass by a place.

In that place, there is a colorful stone gate.

It is the entrance to another heteroplane.

When Chen Ping'an was looking for another avatar, the Emperor Mother also took ten bodies to the Hall of the Undead at this time, and found the Emperor of Death to negotiate.

In the end, after another round of threats, the death emperor considered that he had already controlled his body to enter the other plane, and the reason why his body did not owe him could only promise the emperor mother of the beginning and give them ten more places to enter the other plane.

In the early days, the Emperor Mother successfully brought Zixia and the others into the alien plane.

However, not long after entering the alien plane, they suddenly discovered that a person was approaching them quickly.

And when they saw this man, they were all stunned.

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