When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1232: The Phantom Array takes the blame again

In the sky in front of the clone.

The Death Emperor was still staring at a cloud of black smoke lingering behind a mountain a kilometer away in front of him.

After he knew that there was a cloud of 65-level black smoke here, he flew here with Qingshuang and the others.

When he came here, he felt it from a distance, and he didn't need to approach the past to know that the black smoke over there had his death avenue, because he felt some familiar aura on the black smoke.

After many explorations, he also knew the law of his own control of black smoke.

For example, the five clouds of black smoke flying behind him were all collected and controlled by him not long ago, and he could feel the breath of his death avenue in these black smoke.

After he kills the black smoke again, he can control them.

Determined that the black smoke not far away has something to do with him, he is going to attack and control the black smoke.

But at this moment, he and Qingshuang turned their heads and looked behind them at the same time.

The purpose of entry is Chen Ping'an's avatar.

When they saw someone flying over there, and it was a person, the first thing they thought was whether this person would be like a flower.

If it was really like a flower, they would turn around and leave without saying a word.

The Emperor of Death has figured out that he has absolutely no need to fight with the Emperor Mother in the beginning. Even if he catches Ruhua, what if it proves that the Emperor Mother in the beginning had trapped him?

At the beginning of the day, the emperor was a crazy woman, and he had no choice but to drag him to death.

Then grit your teeth and accept that you have been tricked, quickly dominate the alien plane, improve the strength of your own forces, and finally destroy the Zhongtian organization. In this way, then is the real time for revenge.

At that time, the mad woman who wanted to drag him to the end of the first emperor's mother couldn't do it, he and Qingshuang would consume her to death!

But after seeing that the people over there were not like flowers, he calmed down.

Yep, calm.

And from a distance, he could see the person's situation instantly.

The avenue of life is sixty-level, and it is not a person from their undead hall.

That is the people from the Taichu Realm or the Zhongtian Organization!

The death emperor snorted coldly, turned his head to look at one of his subordinates, and said, "He is the only one, you kill him in the past, and your hands and feet are neat."

The person who was watched by the death emperor was actually a ninety-nine-level powerhouse, with the same strength as Qingshuang.

He is fast.

Because he also has a 20-level space-time avenue on his body.

After Chen Pingan saw the people over there, he immediately turned around and flew away in one direction.

After seeing the situation of the people over there, he thought to himself, could the people over there be Father Death and the others.

If it is, then his luck is really bad.

Fortunately, under his suspicious flight, he soon discovered that there was only one person chasing him.

Immediately, he relaxed his vigilance.

If one comes after him, it will be fine.

Whether they are the death emperor or not, they are the same.

Of course, he didn't stop, and quickly got a long distance from the large army over there. Even if he was stopped by the person who was chasing after him, the other party's purpose was not pure, and if he killed the other party, the people there would not chase him. .

He was reckless and quickly flew out of the distance that the Death Emperor and the others could not see. At this time, the big stone in his heart was completely put down.

And at this moment, the man who had been chasing him also caught up with him.

Chen Ping'an stopped, looked at the other party in the air, and asked, "What's the matter with you chasing me?"

The man looked at Chen Ping'an with contempt, and said, "Come to claim your life."

After he finished speaking, he actually started directly, explaining what it means to be nonchalant.

Chen Pingan frowned.

Murder at every turn?

His face started to look weird.

The people over there, aren't they really the Father of Death? !

But fortunately, only one person came after!

If it is really the death father and the others, then this disguise mask will play a great role!

Watching the opponent kill, Chen Ping'an also moved, facing the opponent's attack.

The man looked at Chen Ping'an like this, and the disdain on his face became several times stronger.

He is a person of the ninety-nine will, and his strength is almost comparable to that of Zhangtian the Great and the others in the Zhongtian organization. Although he is only sixty-level now, he can kill a person of the same realm, even if the opponent is a genius, it is a blow thing.

Dare to attack head-on, I really don't know how high the sky is, and I don't know the power.



The man had just finished thinking about it, but the next moment, he was dumbfounded.

I saw that his whole person was smashed into scum by Chen Ping'an's punch!

At the moment of death, he did not respond.

Chen Ping'an looked indifferent, and after killing the man, he flew quickly in one direction.

He had already escaped such a long distance that it was difficult for the people over there to track him.

And at the same time.

In the Hall of the Undead, an old man who was sitting cross-legged with Qingshuang suddenly opened his eyes with a shocked expression on his face.

"Impossible! How could this be!"

The old man's voice made Qingshuang, who was controlling the body, open their eyes.

Father Death glanced at the ninety-nine-level old man, and asked in a deep voice, "What's going on? Didn't you chase over there, why did you suddenly cut off the control?"

The old man's face was pale, and he said with apathy: "I... the body I controlled is dead..."


Father Death and others were startled.

"I was punched to death by that kid..." The ninety-nine-level old man added weakly.

Father Death and others were speechless.

what happened!

The Emperor of Death was really dumbfounded.

Can't imagine it would turn out like this.

That person is obviously a man, not Ruhua. If Ruhua, it would be normal for this person to be killed, because Ruhua is so strange and powerful!

"That's not right! The road to life is sixty-level, he won't be that guy from the Emperor Mother!" After the death emperor had this thought, anger instantly rose in his eyes.

He didn't see what the body controlled by the Emperor Mother of Absolute Beginning looked like in the alien plane. Maybe the Emperor Mother of the First Time acted alone and met them!

However, the ninety-nine-level old man shook his head: "It doesn't seem to be, his attack is not like the emperor's mother in the beginning, and I didn't feel the breath of those bodies on him..."

The bodies they control are a little different from normal people. Those bodies are actually dead people. You can feel a sense of death lingering at close range, but just looking at Chen Ping'an from a close distance, he didn't feel a trace of Chen Ping'an's body. Deadly, this shows that Chen Ping'an is not a body controlled by others.

Is a real flesh and blood.

"Then who is he?! This strength is only possessed by the Emperor Mother!" Qingshuang frowned.

That's right, the person who can kill the body controlled by the old man with one punch will not have a third person in the entire Absolute Beginning Realm.


One more person!

Qingshuang quickly asked: "Does he have that flower-like aura?!"

The old man was stunned.

That crazy woman who keeps blowing herself up?

"If you say that, it seems that there really is! His avenue is exactly the same as that of the mad woman, by the way, the attack method is also very similar! However, he is obviously a man!" The ninety-nine-level old man looked suspicious. the way of life.

Qingshuang heard this and thought of a possibility.

Will Ruhua be able to switch between males and females? !

Moreover, judging from what they have encountered now, it is clear that they can know their position. This man suddenly appeared, induced them to make mistakes, and only sent one person to chase. No matter how you look at it, there are traces of conspiracy!

Father Death looked at Qingshuang: "You mean that the person I saw just now is probably the crazy woman Ruhua?!"

Qingshuang nodded: "Probably yes..."

The whole face of the Death Emperor was stiff.

So, this crazy woman has killed the three of them by now? !

"Damn!!!" Father Death yelled.

Broken again.

He was starting to feel awkward.

What the **** is going on with this crazy woman, if they continue like this, they can't keep dying? !

"From now on! Before I can control twenty clouds of black smoke, we will turn around and leave once we see the person on the road to life!" The Death Emperor said painfully.

What can be done?

If you can beat it, you will be replaced by another person, you can only hide!

When the death emperor and others were extremely annoyed, Chu Lian and others who stayed in place for a while were ready to continue their journey.

They decided to continue flying inwards.

It's just that they were just about to leave when they found ten people flying close behind them.

After the ten people got closer, their eyes brightened.

Among these ten people, a few of them have a very strong way of life!

"It seems to be the Emperor Mother and the others!" Chu Lian exclaimed in surprise.

Zhao Lili said, "Go, go and ask!"

The six people quickly approached the ten emperors and mothers in the early days, and quickly determined the identity of each other, and the six people saluted.

At the beginning of the emperor's mother said: "This emperor has seen from there that you have been standing here all the time. Is there something here?"

Zhao Lili shook her head, and at this time, she quickly told the Emperor Mother of the beginning of the scene she had just seen.

When the Emperor Mother and the others heard it, they were all stunned.

Immediately, Zixia said speechlessly: "Are you confused by the illusion array?"

Hearing these familiar words, Zhao Lili's cheeks flushed.

Well, as expected, she is normal, no one would believe that such a thing would happen...

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