When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1258: Little girl, what do you think about every day?

When Chen Ping'an walked to the entrance, Zixia and others quickly approached the Emperor Mother of the beginning and asked in a low voice.

"Master! What kind of avenue is that!" Zixia rolled her throat for a while, staring at Chen Ping'an's back, as if she was looking at something terrifyingly huge.

Zi Yun and the others did not speak, waiting for the first emperor to answer.

They have never seen the mark of the Great Dao, or even heard of it, and only the Emperor Mother of the First Time, who has more knowledge than them, has a chance to know it.

The First Emperor also wanted to know the answer.

She didn't know either, she had never seen such a Great Dao mark.

But she had a guess.

Not long ago, there were more than 3,000 kinds of avenues in Chen Ping'an. Except for the avenues of life, almost all the mainstream avenues were collected!

But if you go out for a while, you will have this kind of avenue when you come back, and she also found that there are different energies circulating in the mark of this avenue, which is very likely to fuse all the avenues together!

A new avenue has been opened up!

"It is very likely that more than 3,000 mainstream avenues have been merged together to form a new avenue!" The Emperor Mother whispered in the beginning.

Zixia was stunned for a moment, and continued to ask: "Then what is this avenue? His attack is obviously much stronger than not long ago! I just stood by and my hair stood on end!"

Zi Yun and the others nodded, indicating that they were in the same situation, and they were still terrified.

The Emperor Mother shook her head and said: "I don't know what the avenue is, but if it is as I guessed, then he goes out. Logically speaking, he should have the avenue of life... ..However, how can you go out and let yourself have the way of life?"

After thinking about this question, she became even more confused.

As if she was the ignorant fruit under the ignorant tree.

But she can be sure of one thing.

Chen Pingan's ability to possess such a magical avenue must be given by the resignation boss of Wu!

After witnessing so many pictures that shattered the world view, she has fully believed that there are more terrifying existences in this world.

Just like what Chen Pingan said, she is very likely to be regarded as a small chess piece in the eyes of that person!

How strong is a person with strength, can a cultivated person have all the avenues?

Finally, let the other party synthesize a new and more terrifying avenue?

At the beginning of the emperor's mother really can't wait for the time to pass quickly, the alien plane closes quickly, and then she can follow Chen Pingan and the others to go to the Zhongtian organization and see that one!

But she is a little confused now. When she sees that person, what should she call him?

Are you calling the boss directly?

Or what is it called?

Under the watchful eyes of Emperor Mu and others, Chen Ping'an had already arrived at the entrance.

The fragile void in the middle was completely non-threatening to him.

He stood in front of the entrance like an unmoving mountain, and now he doesn't need to feel it carefully. After having the Avenue of Creation, he can feel at will that the energy of the Avenue of Creation is flowing in the entrance.

"How to do it to open this entrance?"

Chen Pingan stared at the entrance, thinking about how to make this entrance accessible to people.

Is it an attack to try to break through this entrance?

Or just input the energy of the Creation Avenue directly into it?

Or just scatter the Great Road Mark?

He decided to try them all.

Try the easiest first.

He once again made the mark of the Avenue of Creation appear behind him.

The entrance has not changed, and it is still shrinking one by one, very regular and fascinating.

Obviously not this.

Then he tried to input the Dao energy into it.

It's a pity that the energy of the Creation Avenue can't enter it at all.

In the end, he had no choice but to attack the entrance.

He stepped back a little, condensed the attack for a moment, and directly delivered his strongest blow.

The power of the attack was extremely terrifying, and with a single blow, the surrounding void shook a little.

The fragile void nearby collapsed directly.

However, what made Chen Pingan helpless was that the entrance had not changed at all!

"No! The Avenue of Creation cannot open this entrance?!"

Chen Pingan was dumbfounded.

That made him feel that there is the energy of the Great Way of Creation in this entrance, is it just confusing information?

Or has nothing to do with it?

At the beginning of the day, the Emperor Mother and others watched calmly behind him. Seeing that Chen Ping'an had stopped attacking, and the entrance had not been opened, they were all worried.

It's like there is a powerful weapon behind them that is going to attack them.

Can't open it? !

Chen Ping'an frowned for a while, and went to the kitchen knife and the others.

Ask them one by one which way they might open that entrance.

He felt that he still hadn't found the key step.

There are many people and great power. Maybe the kitchen knives and the others think about it and come up with an operation that can really open the entrance.

After the kitchen knife and others listened, they put forward their own suggestions one by one.

Chen Pingan wrote down everything he had not tried.

"No?" Chen Pingan asked again.

At this moment, Murong Xue said: "Senior, you can let the Great Dao Mark and the entrance have a close contact. Look at the entrance, doesn't it look like a mouth? Senior, your Great Dao Mark looks like a face. , this way, it's like kissing."

When she said this, Murong Xue showed an innocent and romantic smile.

Chen Pingan nodded and wrote it down together, but he felt that this method was a little unrealistic.

And kissing... This little girl doesn't know what to think every day.

Then he went back to the place and started trying.

In the beginning, the emperor and the others watched this scene not far away, and silently prayed again for Chen Ping'an to succeed.

At the beginning, the Emperor Mother was also comforting herself and lowering her expectations.

If not, there is no way.

They can only rely on this entrance to spray the source of the avenue to harvest the source of the avenue.

This is also profitable.

However, just at the very beginning of the emperor's mother thinking like this.

Chen Pingan used the last method of operation.

That's what Murong Xue said, he didn't think there was a way to do it.

"The last way..." Chen Pingan's mouth twitched.

If that doesn't work, he really can't think of any other way.

He revealed the mark of the avenue behind him, and after aligning with the location of the entrance, he turned around.

It happened that the mark of the avenue was completely aligned with the opening of the entrance.

Strange to say.

The size of the mark on the avenue also matched the size of the entrance.

With this contact together, the avenue mark just covers the entrance.

After completing this step, Chen Pingan carefully felt the situation behind him.


Suddenly, Chen Ping'an raised his brows and his eyes gradually widened.

He felt that the three thousand kinds of avenues in his avenue mark began to flow rapidly!

There is a change!

He waited quietly.

Three breaths have passed.

During this period, he discovered a miraculous thing, that is, the energy of the Avenue of Creation in the entrance was slowly drawn out by his imprint of the Avenue of Creation!

So that after the three breaths passed, a magical thing happened!

I saw the shrinking entrance and suddenly stopped!

It seems that the energy to keep it moving is gone!

Chen Ping'an's eyes glowed with intense light.

This is... done? ! !

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