When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1265: A tree that can help people understand the Dao

The Death Emperor successfully subdued more than a hundred groups of black smoke with strong avenues, which also made him swell again.

At this moment, the largest group of black smoke was in front of many black smoke, and a perfect army appeared.

The Father of Death thought that the black smoke could follow him out, and he would have the ability of immortality after he went out. It is best that these levels can be raised slowly. At that time, relying on this army, he ruled the Absolute Beginning Realm. , as simple as drinking water.

After controlling the black smoke, the Death Emperor glanced at the top of the mountain.

The black smoke surrounds this place, and there must be something precious around here.

Glancing around, he quickly noticed a location.

Somewhere on the top of the mountain, there is a tree as tall as one person.

He really didn't know what kind of tree this tree was, he had never seen it before, and this tree was very ordinary, there was no strange light lingering, and it didn't even have a little Dao energy, just like a mortal tree.

You know, in the alien plane, even the most common trees have Dao energy lingering around, but this tree has nothing, and it is too ordinary.

This tree must be tricky.

Father Death flew off the top of the mountain and stood in front of the unremarkable tree.

After scrutinizing it carefully, he started to check, and first picked a leaf.

This branch is prosperous with leaves, and picking a leaf has no effect at all.

At this moment, something miraculous happened.

I saw that the leaf was still ordinary when it was not free from the shackles of the branches. At this moment, it was picked off by the death emperor, and after holding it in his hand, it turned golden in the blink of an eye.

Like gilded leaves, and in the sunlight, it will reflect the rays of the sun!


Father Death stayed for a moment.

He squinted at the leaves in his hands.

The moment the leaf was freed from the shackles of the branches, it kept changing. When he looked at it carefully, he also found a more magical scene on the leaf.

Also watching this scene, an extremely absurd idea popped up in his mind.

He came up with an idea of ​​the specific function of this leaf.

This leaf, won't help people comprehend the Dao? ! !

He found that a mark slowly appeared on the golden leaf in his hand when he looked at it.

It is the mark of the avenue!

This avenue mark is still the mark of the avenue of life! ! !

Father Death stared blankly.

Then, with this kind of guess in mind, he turned his attention to the very ordinary looking little tree.

He sensed it and counted the specific number of leaves on this tree.

"This is definitely not a coincidence! There are more than 3,000 mainstream avenues, and the number of these leaves is exactly the same!!!"

The eyes of Father Death were already full of light, like the two brightest stars in the dark night.

"That kid has so many avenues. At first I thought he realized it by himself. Now it seems that this kid has encountered this kind of treasure tree earlier?!!"

The death emperor was so excited that his hands trembled a little.

In order to verify his guess, he took a deep breath and reached out to pick another leaf.

The leaves of this tree are oval in shape, and this time he picked the leaves at random.

After the leaves were freed from the shackles of the branches, they changed again. First, they changed from ordinary green to golden, just like before.

Then, a pattern began to appear on the leaves.

This time the pattern is the mark of the Fire Road! !

"Hahaha!!! That's true!"

Everything is as he imagined!

Each leaf represents a different avenue!

However, in the end, he is not sure whether this leaf can really help people understand the great way.

Because he can only prove that these leaves may correspond to more than 3,000 kinds of avenues.

But it is not clear whether these leaves can help people comprehend the Dao.

The easiest way to prove it is to just get someone to try it out.

His current body can no longer comprehend the Dao.

So he can only find someone to try with a certain leaf.

"Find a disciple of the Hall of the Dead first!"

The Emperor of Death put away the leaf with the imprint of the Avenue of Fire at will. As for the leaf of the Avenue of Life, he carefully put it away for fear of loss and damage.

If everything is as he guessed, the function of the leaves of this tree can really help people comprehend the corresponding avenues, then the leaves of the avenues of life are definitely the greatest chance for him to gain in this life! ! !

It is an iron law that the entire Absolute Beginning Realm knows. Those who understand the way of life cannot comprehend the way of death, and vice versa.

A person who has comprehended both Dao and cultivated to the extreme will eventually become an immortal existence! ! !

If this leaf can really help him understand the way of birth, then his strength will be greatly improved! ! !

And if these leaves really have these effects, then he will have all the avenues!

Just like the kid I met not long ago!

Invincible, will be synonymous with him alone!

After collecting the two leaves, the Death Emperor still looked at the tree full of leaves with excitement.

Do you want to keep this tree?

Is it to pluck off all the leaves and leave the branches behind?

After thinking about it, the death emperor snorted coldly: "I want the whole tree!"

He doesn't know if the tree can be transplanted, and he doesn't know if the leaves will grow again after the leaves are picked. Although the time dimension may take a long time, as long as there is hope that the leaves will continue to grow, it will also give him another terror. genius.

He tried to dig up the tree with its roots in it.

After a while, he dug out the entire tree, with a large mass of dirt underneath.

Seeing that the tree had not changed, Father Death carefully put away the tree.

After getting everything done, his next step is not to find other black smoke first, but can't wait to find someone first, let that person try it out, and see if he can comprehend the avenue by relying on the leaves!

He glanced around, the neighborhood was deep in the inner circle, few people came, and he could only fly in the outer direction.

Because he gave an order to let all the people in the Hall of the Undead stay outside as much as possible.

He can only fly out to find someone first.

Just flying for a while, when he gritted his teeth, he could only suppress the desire in his heart.

He still felt it was safer to get enough black smoke first.

Don't wait to meet Chen Pingan.

So he held back his desire and continued to look for the remaining black smoke.

After two hours, he laughed out loud.

At this moment, behind him, the number of black smoke has reached 2,000 groups.

That scale gives people a feeling that the city is about to be destroyed by a black cloud.

"Now, let me see who dares to fight me!"

Father Death began to fly in one direction with black smoke.

The direction he flew in was exactly the outer periphery of the alien plane.

Compared with killing Chen Ping'an, he still wanted to verify the role of the leaf.

However, he didn't need to go out. After just flying for a while, he discovered a genius of his own undead hall on the way.

This genius is also reckless, and he actually stayed in the inner circle to explore by himself.

He stopped the person and asked the other party to help him verify the role of the leaves.

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