Inside the cave.

There is a formation here that completely isolates the environment inside and outside the cave.

No matter how intense things happen inside, there will be no awareness outside.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body looked at Duan Xinxin and said, "Xinxin, you should spread out all your avenues first, and then when I enter that state, if there is no response, try to merge all the avenues into that A magical avenue?"

Duan Xinxin nodded neatly: "Okay."

Duan Xinxin also sometimes eats jealousy at the Chaos Orb Spirit Body. In fact, she has no resentment towards the Chaos Orb Spirit Body.

And she also knows that if the Chaos Pearl spirit body can have all the mainstream avenues like them, it will also be a help for their revenge.

So she quickly scatters all the mainstream avenues.

In an instant, a wall appeared behind Duan Xinxin, and all the marks of the Great Dao appeared on the wall. This scene was very gorgeous.

Seeing this scene, the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body took a deep breath.

Seriously, she really hopes that she can have as many avenues as Duan Xinxin!

This scene is so beautiful!

With such a beauty, she can pat her chest and say with certainty that any man who sees a woman like Duan Xinxin with so many avenues behind her will definitely fall in love with her.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body took out a leaf, but said nothing, looked serious, and put the leaf into his mouth.

She swallowed the leaves.

After a short while, that feeling appeared.

Her face turned red instantly, looking at Duan Xinxin in front of her, she still couldn't help showing that expression.

Duan Xinxin has deeply experienced that feeling, but she has never seen her expression at the time, she only knows the feeling, so now she looks at the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body, and when she sees her expression, her face turns red.

good guy!

Feeling just now, she has always been like this expression!


After that feeling, the Chaos Pearl spirit body quickly entered the state she said.

At this moment, everything in front of her became as if it had entered a time-stop state.

Time and space seem to be no longer changing at this moment.

Everything is silent.

The world has entered an endless cycle.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body's gaze fell on the avenue behind Duan Xinxin.

Looking at those avenues, she was looking at something desperately desired.

It is also because of this eager expression, coupled with her current state of expression, that Duan Xinxin is stupid.

good guy!

Wouldn't this look like what I looked like when I looked at my husband in those nights!

This is too...what!

Imagining that she might have been like this back then, her face became even more embarrassed.

Ten breath time passed quickly.

In this short ten-breath time, Duan Xinxin's face turned even redder, as if he was drunk.

She has scattered all the avenues as the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said, and then merged all the avenues into the Creation Avenue in front of the Chaos Bead Spirit Body.

The Chaos Orb spirit body withdraws from that serious state.

The moment she exited, she let out a long sigh.

Duan Xinxin frowned and asked, "No?"

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body shook his head: "It's not impossible, but it's not enough."

"Then how many great roads have you understood?" Duan Xinxin was a little curious.

Now that you understand it, how much did you understand?

Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said: "I understand one third of it."

Duan Xinxin was startled.

one third? !

"More than a thousand?!" Duan Xinxin blinked and asked dumbly.

To be honest, when she first heard from Chen Ping'an that the Chaos Pearl spirit body ate leaves and could comprehend a lot of avenues, she didn't doubt anything, but she also didn't believe that the other party could comprehend the three thousand mainstreams by relying on two leaves. avenue.

Thinking about being able to comprehend hundreds of kinds is probably the limit.

After all, she only realized all the mainstream avenues by relying on more than 3,000 leaves.

Now that she heard the words of the Chaos Pearl Spirit Body, she was very shocked.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body nodded, and by the way, he also scattered the Dao he had understood.

In an instant, a lot of Great Dao marks appeared behind the Chaos Pearl spirit body.

Of course, compared to the avenue mark behind Duan Xinxin just now, it is still a lot less.

Only one third of it.

Duan Xinxin smiled bitterly.

Why is the gap between people so big!

"There are quite a lot of people who comprehend the avenues, but I don't think it's possible to comprehend all the mainstream avenues like you." The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body said with a pity and a wry smile.

When she looked at Duan Xinxin, her eyes were full of envy.

Hearing this, Duan Xinxin came back to her senses when she saw the appearance of the Chaos Pearl spirit body, and then encouraged: "Isn't there a leaf left, try again, you have to believe in yourself, believe in miracles!"

Although she felt that the Chaos Orb Spirit Body was so powerful that she was terrified, she did not feel oppressed or had any unpleasant thoughts.

On the contrary, she also hoped that the Chaos Orb Spirit Body would be stronger.

Because for her, even if the Chaos Pearl spirit body is free to play with her husband, in her heart, the other party is already her family.

Everyone in the yard is a family.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body took a deep breath and nodded with a smile: "Okay, I'll try again!"

Duan Xinxin also smiled and nodded, but this time she did not scatter the avenue, and when she watched the Chaos Pearl spirit body prepare to swallow the last leaf, she interrupted the other party.

"Wait a while, I'll call my husband in."

The Chaos Pearl spirit body froze for a moment, and then quickly said: "This is not good..."

Duan Xinxin smiled and said: "To be honest, if I can make you understand all the great ways, I will definitely not let my husband in, but there is no way, maybe the avenues he radiates can make you understand the avenues better? So we have to try and not miss the last chance."

The Chaos Pearl spirit body stared at Duan Xinxin without speaking.

At this moment, she finally knew why Chen Pingan liked Duan Xinxin so much.

This woman is really attractive.

Duan Xinxin called Chen Pingan back.

Chen Ping'an said with a strange expression, "Have you comprehended more than a thousand avenues?"

Chaos Orb Spirit Body nodded.

Duan Xinxin said: "Let's two of us come together, you first spread out all the avenues, and then merge all the avenues into the creation avenue, and I will use the creation avenue to condense the attack! Success is benevolence!"

Seeing his daughter-in-law waving her arms firmly and encouragingly, Chen Ping'an's expression became even more strange.

Is this still my little vinegar jar daughter-in-law?

"Okay, let's start!" Duan Xinxin said.

Chen Pingan took a deep breath and revealed all the avenues.

Duan Xinxin did the same, showing the Great Way of Creation, and then condensed the attack in his hand.

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body nodded, picked up the golden leaf, and stuffed it into his mouth.

The next moment, she couldn't help but make that sound, but this time there was nothing wrong with the atmosphere.

Everyone is serious.

The Chaos Pearl spirit body quickly entered the state of ethereal silence, staring at Chen Ping'an and Duan Xinxin.

Soon, the ten breath time passed.

When everything was over, Duan Xinxin hurriedly asked, "How?"

The Chaos Pearl Spirit Body stood up, looked at Duan Xinxin with a smile, and said, "Thank you."

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