When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1305: Can't be the prettiest boy?

Somewhere in the hub, in a mansion, Murong Hua stopped practicing.

"Determine the territory today, and start building the chamber of commerce tomorrow."

She has already planned, and once the territory is determined, she will start to arrange for people to build the Chamber of Commerce, and in the next few days, she will start to order people to spread the news of the Chamber of Commerce in the Absolute Beginning Realm.

Within half a month, the business will be officially launched, and everything will be on the right track.

She walked out of the room, and the other two men who came to protect her quickly sensed that she was going out and appeared in front of her in the blink of an eye.

Keep guarding.

Murong Hua never questioned the professionalism of the two and began to try to contact Murong Tian.

Murong Tian is one of the people she can use now, and the Zhongtian Organization and the Taichu Sect are obviously closer to Murong Tian. She doesn't want to have too much contact with these two forces, so she can only let Murong Tian determine the separation between the two forces. territory.

And she can also go to the Hall of the Undead alone.

Anyway, the death emperor listened to her very much.

However, after contacting her for a while through the messenger baby, she still couldn't get in touch, as if the messenger baby that Murong Tian gave her was fake.

"What's going on?!" Murong Hua's face began to look ugly again.

She could only ask a man beside her to go to Murong Tian's residence to find Murong Tian.

Before long, the guard returned.

"He's not here," the guard said.

"What the **** is this guy doing?" Murong Hua frowned and asked the guards to find the housekeeper of the branch.

Soon after, the butler appeared in front of Murong's screen.

"Where did your master go?" Murong Hua asked in a deep voice.

The housekeeper smiled bitterly and said, "The owner didn't say it, can't you find him?"

"You try to contact him!" Murong Hua ordered in a deep voice.

The housekeeper nodded, but no matter how he contacted him, he couldn't get in touch.

"If something goes wrong, there must be a demon!" Murong Hua became serious and began to ask the housekeeper in front of him if Murong Tian had done anything special recently.

The housekeeper blinked, hesitating whether to take away all the property of the family, but this family was managed by their head, and even though this Murong Hua came from the head family, he had no right to intervene.

Finally he shook his head.

"Damn, keep trying to get in touch." Murong Hua felt that something was wrong.


Murong Tian had already found out that Murong Hua and the housekeeper were contacting him, but he ignored it at all, as if he didn't notice any reaction from the messenger tools in the treasure.

No matter who comes today, nothing can stop him from being the most beautiful boy in the family!

After a while, he finally stopped.

At this moment, he is already in the territory of the head of the chief family.

He flew to the ground. At this moment, in front of him, there was a formation covering the sky and the earth, and a certain range of areas were protected by the formation. If he wanted to advance one more point, he had to pass through an entrance.

He flew to the ground. At this moment, there was an entrance gate in front of him, and in front of the gate, a dozen people were guarding.

The strength of these people is very strong, and one of them is still at the 100th level.

"Who is coming?" The person who took the lead in guarding the gate was a middle-aged man dressed in brocade. He was tall and mighty, handsome and threatening, and he had an air of domineering.

Murong Tian stepped forward with a smile and showed his identity token as the head of the branch.

"I'm Murong Tian, ​​the head of the branch in the hub of the Absolute Beginning Realm. I have something important to report to the head of the family today, and I hope to inform the head of the family and let me in."

There was a smile on Murong Tian's face.

Don't look at the middle-aged man in front of him, who is guarding the gate here. In fact, his identity is not simple. He heard that this man is one of the nephews of the family owner and is trusted by the family owner.

He didn't know whether it was specific or not. He might not be able to offend the person who guarded the door for the head of the family, unless he was already the most beautiful cub in the family and was more optimistic about the family.

The handsome middle-aged man looked at Murong Tian and asked with a frown, "What's the matter? No one can come. If I see the Patriarch if something happens, I'll go and disturb the Patriarch."

He was also curious about what was going on. Taking advantage of this occupation, he could inquire about it by the way. In fact, he could go in and report directly, and he would not dare to disturb the head of the family because of any trivial matter.

Murong Tian accompanied him with a smile and said, "It's me Meng Lang, then tell the Patriarch that I have something that can change the family a lot, and I want to show it to the Patriarch."

The handsome middle-aged man continued to frown and asked, "What?"

Murong Tian felt that he couldn't say it, so he smiled bitterly: "I'm afraid I can't say this."

The handsome middle-aged man stared at Murong Tian for a while, but didn't say anything in the end, let Murong Tian wait outside the door for a while, and he disappeared in place and entered the formation.

After entering the formation, he suddenly thought of something and stopped for a while.

"By the way, didn't Xiao Hua just go to Taichu Realm? Isn't this branch of the family helping her to build a chamber of commerce?"

The handsome middle-aged man thought for a while, this Murong Tian came suddenly, and there was no Murong Hua around him, what happened in the middle?

He didn't report to the Patriarch immediately, he walked to a corner, took out a piece of messenger treasure, and tried to contact him.

Soon Unicom succeeded.

"Brother Zheng, is something wrong?" Murong Hua's voice came from the messenger baby.

"Sister Hua, you just went to the Absolute Beginning Realm? Now Murong Tian, ​​the head of the branch at the hub of the Absolute Beginning Realm, is here with me. He said he had something important to call the head of the family. Did something happen over your side?" Murong Zheng asked. .

Murong Hua, who was angry at the hub, listened to this, and the whole person was dazed for a while, then widened his eyes, and asked in a deep voice, "That guy went to see the owner?!"

She realized something was normal, and the whole face was even more ugly.

She was thinking, would this Murong Tian go to the head of the family to make a small report, tell the head of the family about what happened to her in the Zhongtian Organization not long ago, saying that she was incompetent?

"Has he seen the master now?!" Murong Hua asked coldly.

Murong Zheng said: "Not yet, I left him in front of the gate, and I haven't gone to tell the owner, did something unpleasant happen to you?"

Murong Zheng could hear that Murong Hua's emotions were very wrong now.

Murong Hua said in a deep voice, "Brother Zheng, do me a favor and delay for a while, I'll be there later!"

Murong Hua felt that she had to go back. She always felt that Murong Tian was going to do something unfavorable to her, so why would she suddenly leave the branch, rush to the chief clan, find the owner, and still not pick her up 's message!

Murong is nodding, and said very firmly: "Don't worry, the custody can be delayed until you arrive."

"Okay, thank you brother Zheng!" Murong Hua thanked him.

Murong Zheng smiled and said, "It's okay, who made you my painting sister?"

After that, the two disconnected.

Murong Zheng smiled, looking like an idiot.

He watched Murong Hua grow up, and he liked this little sister very much since he was a child. He used to do some little things that others could not think of. Now that he has grown up, he still likes this little sister very much and hopes to have more exchanges.

The most important thing is that Murong Hua's identity is very strong, and his grandfather is the great elder of the family.

After imagining that he would have the opportunity to communicate with Murong Hua in depth in the future, Murong Zheng straightened his face, walked out of the entrance, and appeared outside the gate.

He looked at Murong Tian and said, "The Patriarch is at the juncture of his cultivation now, and it will probably take a while before he can see you."

Murong Tian was startled for a moment, and quickly asked, "How long will it take?"

Murong Zheng said, "About three hours."

Murong Tian's mouth twitched.

After three hours, can I become the most beautiful boy in the family?

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