When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1315: another foodie

Especially since this person is only a little girl.

Of course, it is also possible that she is not well developed, or other reasons may cause such a figure, but if this girl-like woman is really young, it will be too appalling.

Chen Pingan felt that since he met such a person, he had to get to know him.

A person of this strength becomes a friend, and it is definitely only good for him who has just arrived in this world and is ready to seek development.

Chen Pingan was ready to step forward.

At this moment, the little girl suddenly stopped. The watermelon she was eating was not accurate when she spit out the watermelon seeds in her hands, and a small black watermelon seed fell on the ground.

She looked at the watermelon seeds on the ground, Xiao Liu frowned, and an uncomfortable look flashed in her eyes.

Then she took another bite of the watermelon, kept a watermelon seed in her small mouth, and spit it out while staring at the symmetrical place on the ground.

The black watermelon seeds fell on the ground, which happened to be symmetrical with the previously dropped watermelon seeds.

The corners of her mouth dipped in watermelon juice cocked up, looking like she was finally relaxed.

It was just that she was relieved for a while, and a passerby who passed by kicked the watermelon seed, and the two watermelon seeds were no longer symmetrical in an instant.

"Damn it!" The girl let out a loud coquettish cry, startling the passerby.

The girl narrowed her eyes and directly lifted her feet to grind the watermelon seeds on the ground, crushing the two watermelon seeds into powder. After they disappeared, she exhaled and continued to eat the watermelon.

Chen Ping'an looked at this scene with a strange expression.

Does this little girl have obsessive-compulsive disorder?

The little girl continued to walk forward. At this time, she also glanced at Chen Ping'an and pouted, "You kept looking at me just now, did you look good?"

Chen Ping'an knew that the other party was a little unhappy, but he misheard it and said with a smile: "You really look good, just take a look."

No one hates being complimented by others.

The little girl raised her eyebrows after hearing this, and then ignored Chen Ping'an, ready to do her own business.

She still has to help her aunt, and now she has only left half of the shops, and there are still many cities to go.

She quickly nibbled the watermelon in her hand and ate it cleanly, with no red flesh left. After eating, she didn't throw the watermelon rind on the ground, she put away the watermelon rind and prepared to fly away.

But at this moment, Chen Ping'an's voice sounded from behind her.

"Actually, some watermelons have no seeds."

"Huh?!" The little girl's already big eyes got bigger, as if she had heard something of great interest, she quickly turned her head to look at the speaker.

"Is there such a watermelon?" The little girl stared at Chen Ping'an and asked.

Chen Ping'an smiled and looked at the petite and cute little girl with a pair of ponytails and a face like a porcelain doll. He nodded and said, "Of course there is, I have one in my hand."

The little girl with two ponytails rolled her eyes and tried: "How much? I can buy it."

Chen Pingan shook his head and said that he would not sell.

Is this guy just trying to tease this girl? ...The little girl frowned, no one told others that there was such a thing, and then she hung up her appetite and refused to give it.

"How about 100 million avenue stones?" The little girl said domineeringly.

Murong Tian and Murong Fu, who were on the side, didn't speak for a while. When they saw Chen Ping'an talking to a little girl, they were still thinking, what is Chen Ping'an doing?

Even Murong Fu thought of an evil idea.

He knew, however, that some people had unique tastes.

Specializing in catching people of this age, those who want to be convex or not, want to be concave or not.

Until now, when they heard this little girl say such a sentence, both of them couldn't react.

One hundred million avenues of stone is not a lot, they can all come up with it, but these words come from the mouth of a little girl, and the meaning is different.

And buy a watermelon with 100 million avenue stones?

Seedless watermelon, even if it is a holy medicine, is not worth the price.

Of course, the most important thing is how this little girl can get so much money.

Chen Pingan still shook his head.

The little girl with two ponytails snorted: "Damn, if you don't sell it, you won't sell it."

Said to be ready to leave.

However, Chen Ping'an suddenly said: "This watermelon is worthless, I'll just give it to you, you don't need to buy it."

"Oh?" The little girl with two ponytails turned around again, showing a surprised expression.

"Bring it here! Talking doesn't matter, you will never grow up! It's not that you're not big, it's the place you know!" She added.

Chen Ping'an and Murong Tian were stunned.

What the hell, little girl, you're wrong!

Chen Pingan had secretly communicated with Xiaolinger, and when he flipped over his hand, a watermelon appeared in his hand.

"Here, it's absolutely delicious." Chen Ping'an showed a strange smile and handed the watermelon to the other party.

This watermelon is the most delicious variety that Xiaolinger, a foodie, combined with the cultivation of seedless watermelon.

He believed that the little girl in front of him would also like the watermelon that Xiao Linger liked.

The little girl with two ponytails stared at the watermelons that looked no different from her own, and couldn't wait to open them.

When she saw that there were really no watermelon seeds in it and it was red, her eyes shone brightly.

"Really! But you have to eat it before you know if it's delicious!" She broke apart a small piece, and she carefully put away the other watermelons, and then put the watermelons in her hands into her mouth.

After a short while, her beautiful eyes widened.


She exclaimed, her jaws wriggled quickly, and she chewed hard.

In the blink of an eye, she ate a piece of watermelon.

She stopped there, and decided not to eat the remaining watermelon.

Such a good thing, be sure to keep it well, go back and taste it slowly!

Chen Ping'an smiled and said, "That's right. Haha, don't say it anymore, I still have things to do. Next time I see you again, I'll give you another one."

After all, Chen Ping'an turned around and took Murong Tian and the others to the chamber of commerce, looking ruthless after the incident.


The little girl's voice sounded again.

Chen Ping'an stopped, controlled the corners of his mouth so as not to raise the corners of his mouth, and turned around with a curious look on his face: "What, is there something else?"

"Didn't you say there is only one, and there is? Sell me if you have one! A 200 million avenue stone!" As if in the eyes of the little girl, the avenue stone is like a useless sandstone by the sea, and the price is 200 million.

Murong Tian and Murong Fu were a little confused.

A watermelon like this, the stone of 200 million avenues? !

Just kidding! !

Can you make a fortune selling watermelons?

Chen Ping'an shook his head: "I'll talk about it next time, I have to go in there, okay, goodbye."

This time, no matter what the other party said, Chen Pingan didn't stop, and walked straight into the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce.

The little girl with double ponytails pouted when she saw that Chen Ping'an should not respond to her, and then she ignored her own business and quickly followed.

Watermelon is important!

Perceiving the little girl behind him coming in, Chen Pingan finally showed a smile of successful conspiracy.

It's easy to deceive this little girl.

"This little girl's identity is definitely not simple, she still came out of this chamber of commerce, and maybe has some relationship with a certain high-level executive of this billion yuan chamber of commerce."

Chen Pingan thought to himself.

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