When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1324: Murong Tian is about to cry

Murong Tian was stunned by Murong Fu's positivity, and then he frowned slightly.

It seemed that his attitude towards Chen Ping'an was too obvious after coming all the way, and Murong Fu had already seen the clues and felt that it would be beneficial to compliment Chen Ping'an.

There is nothing wrong with complimenting Chen Ping'an, but there is something wrong with this act of rushing to stuff money, brother.

If you talk about first come, first come, I have to be first!

I can also get the 100 million avenue stone.

Chen Ping'an looked at Murong Fu, nodded and smiled, and said, "Thank you, fellow Daoist."

There is no reason not to, not to mention that he is short of money now, at most he will return it to Murong Fu after he has earned it.

Murong Fu laughed, "You're welcome, fellow Daoist."

Chen Ping'an nodded, and began to operate as Murong Tian did not long ago, learning how to draw a gourd.

As for the people around, they were all staring at him, and they were even more curious about Chen Ping'an's identity under Murong Fu who actively gave away the 100 million avenue stone.

Both Murong Tian and Murong Fu were courting this seemingly ordinary man.

Who is this person to enjoy this kind of treatment?

After the palm-sized entrance to the void on the side of the stone platform disappeared, Chen Pingan felt that he had found a medium to communicate with the Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda through the contact between his palm and the stone platform.

He closed his eyes, and in an instant he caught the point of connection, and in a short while, he appeared in a world of consciousness.

it's here.

He saw a picture that Murong Tian couldn't see not long ago.

The starry sky above his head was bright, and the stars of different sizes were shining brightly.

Looking at this scene, Chen Ping'an knew that his start was not the worst, at least here, he could see stars the size of his fist.

Murong Tian said just now that if he perceives that after entering the Ten Thousand Spirit Pagoda, all he sees are shimmering stars, it means that the 100 million avenue stone is almost gone, and he has entered the super **** level difficulty for the first time.

If you want to elicit a spiritual body in this situation, you have to be super lucky.

As for Chen Pingan's current situation, he felt that it should be considered a medium difficulty, neither too high nor too low. If luck is not too bad, he should be able to draw out a spirit body of not too low level from those shining stars.

As for what level of spiritual body it is, he doesn't know.

Chen Ping'an turned his gaze to some stars that were too faint to be seen without looking carefully, and muttered, "These stars should correspond to the spirit bodies of nine or ten stars. Listening to Murong Tian, ​​actually try to draw out these spirit bodies. There is also a chance, but the chance is much lower than that of eliciting a star-sized spiritual body, about one in billions of possibilities..."

He just looked at these stars for a while, and then his eyes returned to the stars that he could see. The size and brightness were ranked in the middle of the starlight.

The brightness is too high, the size of those stars is too large, the corresponding tower layer is low, and the level of the spirit body is too low, he can draw out the stone of the avenue.

"Try it." Targeting a medium-bright, ping-pong ball-sized star, he began to elicit it.

Murong Tian said that there is only one way to lead it out, that is, let the perception lock onto a star, and the lock will not be changed. When the final time is up, if it succeeds, the spiritual body will also be pulled out.

Chen Ping'an did as Murong Tian said, and locked his perception to the medium-bright star he had set.

In this way, he waited for about three breaths, and a force popped up his perception.

At the same time, he felt that a ray of light flew out with his perception.

Chen Pingan quickly opened his eyes.

He looked at the palm-sized entrance to the void that reappeared on the side of the stone platform.

A light flashed from within.

At the same time, the fifth floor of the golden pagoda also flickered.

Chen Ping'an saw a thumb-sized porcelain bottle flying out from the entrance of the void, and immediately reached out to take it.

Looking at the porcelain bottle in his hand, the corner of Chen Ping's mouth gradually turned up.


There is a word written on the vase.

It is the word "five".

It indicates that the spirit body in this porcelain bottle is a five-star spirit body.

Many people around have been staring at Chen Ping'an. At this moment, they were all surprised when they saw that Chen Ping'an drew out the spiritual body for the first time, and they also found that a light flashed on the fifth floor of Wanling Pagoda.

"Five-star spirit body!"

"My good fellow, this luck is also very good, as soon as you get started, you can lead out the five-star spirit body?! The brother who led out the six-star spirit body just used a billion stone to lead it out!"

"Five-star spiritual body, this is the lowest value of six billion avenue stones!"


Murong Tian looked at Chen Ping'an blankly, and deeply realized the meaning of the sentence.

People are more mad than people!

He doesn't even have hair. Chen Pingan became the most beautiful boy in the audience for the first time?

Murong Fu was also stunned for a moment, then smiled and said, "Fellow Daoist, you're lucky!"

Chen Pingan smiled and nodded, then looked around and asked, "Who wants to buy this thing? The price is easy to negotiate."

Many people dare not approach Murong Tian. After all, Murong Tian's identity is there, so after discovering that Chen Ping'an had brought out the five-star spirit body, these people did not directly say that they wanted to acquire the six-star spirit body as they did not long ago. .

But when Chen Ping'an asked this, many people who were interested in the five-star spiritual body couldn't hold back and offered prices.

"I will give out 6.5 billion avenue stones!"

"I will give out 6.6 billion avenue stones!"

"I will give out seven billion avenue stones!"


Many people asked for a price, but when the price rose to 7.5 billion, there was no sound.

Chen Pingan decisively sold it and earned 7.5 billion avenue stones.

And the person who bought the five-star spirit body was also satisfied.

Chen Ping'an took out the 100 million avenue stones and returned them to Murong Fu, saying, "Thank you for the 100 million avenue stones given by fellow Daoists. I'll invite you this time."

Murong Fu had already shown his sincerity and friendliness, and Chen Ping'an also accepted it at the time, so even if Chen Ping'an gave him the Stone of the Great Way now, the friendship in the middle was also there, and he didn't mind accepting it.

After Murong Fu took the 100,000,000 Dao Stone, at the urging of Chen Ping'an, he also tried to draw out the spiritual body.

I don't know if it was because of Chen Ping's good luck, he also led out a spiritual body, but the level is not high, only three stars.

But also made a small profit of a billion avenue stones.

Murong Tian on the side was hurt again.

He didn't believe in evil either. After Murong Fu drew out his spirit body, he stepped forward and tried again with the 100 million avenue stone.

The answer is ruthless.

Murong Tian was stunned, but he gritted his teeth and took out the Stone of the Great Way again.

In this way, after "throwing" the 500 million avenue stone, he stopped.

"You can't go up! At my age, it's hard to come back after the thousand essences are gone!"

Murong Tian resisted the impulse and suppressed the original impulse.

Murong Tian looked at Chen Ping'an and said, "Fellow Daoist, do you still want to try?"

Chen Pingan nodded.

More than seven billion avenue stones are not enough to buy too much land.

Chen Pingan continued to try.

After throwing in the 100 million avenue stones, his perception entered the golden tower again.

Just after entering, he was a little dazed.

"My luck is really out of the question!"

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