When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1337: I step on tons of **** a day

The eyes of the two fell on Chen Ping'an one after another.

Staring at Chen Ping'an for a while, both of them showed puzzled eyes at the same time.

Liu Xi looked at Chen Ji and asked, "Is that him? But why do I feel like he doesn't seem to be strong? Could it be that there is some hidden treasure?"

Chen Ji shook his head: "I've only heard of the other party, I haven't seen him in person, and I don't know if this person is the arrogance of the Murong family. But I do know the two Murong family members, Murong Fu. And Murong Tian, ​​who has been in the limelight recently."

Liu Xi also knew about Murong Fu and Murong Tian.

When the two were discussing Chen Ping'an, Liu Xiaoxiao stared at Chen Ping'an with a burning gaze.

She felt that Chen Ping'an came here, and she had too much fate. If she didn't make some more watermelons from Chen Ping'an, she was so sorry for God's arrangement!

"If you have a chance, you must use my sister to earn watermelon from him!"

Liu Xiaoxiao thought so.

She even flashed an idea of ​​selling her sister.

Below, Chen Ping'an and several others are still unpacking the blind box.

Chen Ping'an specially selected the boxes that didn't have any good things to open, and he gave the boxes with good things to the three mature women.

So after removing a few, he still found nothing.

At this time, Murong Tian and Murong Fu had already dismantled the box they had purchased, and returned the black box to the staff of the Qing Dynasty Tower.

It's not that they didn't take out anything, but three of the boxes were empty, and the things they took out were not good things.

Pure loss.

They also know that it is unrealistic to rely on this to make money, so they didn't have much expectations at the beginning, and they didn't have much emotion when they were disappointed.

They looked at Chen Ping'an, saw that Chen Ping'an opened several boxes in a row, all of them were exactly like them, and smiled.

It seems that Chen Pingan has really used up all his luck.

That's right, no one can be so lucky all the time. If they can earn the stone of the avenue by good luck, others will not cry with envy.

Just when the two had this idea at the same time, reality gave them a hammer.

"This!" The mature woman called out first.

Murong Fu and Murong Tian quickly looked over.

There are also some people around who do not play by themselves, mainly to watch others play. They are not able to afford it, but they have bought it before. They feel that the probability of driving good things is too low. It is better to watch others play.

Everyone looked over.

At this time, the mature woman picked up the contents of the unpacked box.

"A million-year-old jade! Earned! Great profit!" The mature woman picked up a piece of jade-green ancient jade, full of tadpole runes lingering on it, which looked very complicated.

Seeing the things in the hands of the mature woman, the eyes of the people around the Qing court suddenly widened.

Chen Ping'an didn't know what this thing was, and he had never seen it before, so he asked, "How much is the stone of the avenue worth?"

In fact, many people don't know what jade this jade is, maybe only the people in the Qing Dynasty's building know.

This piece of jade is what was in the box that contained the most energy that he took down not long ago.

The mature woman gestured with three fingers, her face still full of surprises, and she looked very shocked: "Three hundred billion!!"

As soon as the number was said, the surroundings became silent in an instant, as if it was late at night and everyone fell asleep.

Not a single sound came out.

Chen Ping'an nodded: "Then I am lucky."

After hearing this, the mature woman realized that this box is not hers!


What a shame!

She didn't know where the idea came from. It was obvious that the money for the box was given by Chen Ping'an, and she didn't give the box directly to her, but just asked her to open it.

Chen Pingan took the ancient jade and said, "Continue to dismantle it."

The mature woman swallowed her saliva and nodded with a wry smile.

Others have already reacted at this time, and their eyes have changed when they look at Chen Ping'an.

Xiang Meiqing looked at Chen Ping'an for a while, and then continued to unpack the box.

300 billion is a lot, but for a person like Chen Ping'an, it should be nothing.

After all, he is the president of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce.

The chairman of the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce can just throw out a few trillions.

Murong Fu and Murong Tian have not reacted until now.

The people around may not know what happened to Chen Ping'an not long ago, but they do.

When you went out today, how much **** did you step on? Don't be too lucky!

It looks like we are all in pain!

The two were secretly hurt and continued to follow Chen Pingan, fearing that they would suffer internal injuries.

This obviously did nothing, and earned so many avenues of stone in one day!

They want it too!

And the removal of the ancient jade was not finished yet. The three women removed it for a while, and the voices of exclamations could not be stopped.

The items removed later are not as expensive as the ancient jade, but the value is not low. There is one stone that is worth about 50 billion avenues, and the others are generally about one billion avenues.

Of course, there are also many empty boxes.

After dismantling all the boxes, the mature woman carefully calculated the stone of the avenue that Chen Pingan earned by opening the boxes.

It turned out to be a full 400 billion!

good guy!

Can you make money like this? !

Murong Fu and Murong Tian were already numb.

I don't know what to say.

With Chen Pingan today, they only learned two life principles.

People should never be compared.

And the joys and sorrows of human beings are incompatible.

Inside a box on the third floor.

Liu Xi and Chen Ji watched what was happening below, and were quiet for a while.

Chen Ji frowned and said, "Will this luck be too good?"

He has also played with this kind of blind box, and tried to buy so many boxes at once with Chen Ping'an.

However, he couldn't even earn 10 billion avenue stones, but now Chen Ping'an has earned 400 billion avenue stones all at once?


Liu Xi said: "He can't be cheating, he can only be lucky, which shows that he is a person of great luck."

Chen Ji nodded, he also knew that no one could see the inside of this kind of box.

Liu Xiaoxiao said: "He is so strange."

Below, Murong Fu and Murong Tian couldn't help asking after Chen Ping'an had finished dismantling the box, "Daoist friend, do you want to continue?"

They have thrown one thought out of the way.

They always feel that Chen Ping's luck is running out, and now they don't think so anymore.

This guy's luck may regenerate!

If you continue to open the blind box, you may still make a lot of money.

Chen Ping'an shook his head and said, "No, let's go after you earn."

Earning too much is not good, don't let others find his difference.

He didn't want to put his own safety in a bad position.

Seeing that Chen Ping'an knew how to stop at the right time, the two of them didn't say anything, nodded, and followed Chen Ping'an back to the box.

At this time, the answer to the poetry competition has already come out.

Three poems are listed on the high list.

As soon as these three poems came out, there was an instant uproar.

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