When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1387: prostitute an enemy

After Murong Hongyun appeared, he flew towards the three with thunder.

Blinking to the side of the three, an extremely terrifying aura emerged from him.

He waved one hand toward the front, and just shaking it forward made the world vibrate.

When the three men in black with five full-level avenues saw Murong Hongyun, their eyes were as wide as bull's eyes.

I never thought that a Murong patriarch with more than 200 full-level avenues would appear here!


Murong Hongyun made one move, and before the three men in black had time to respond, they were already bombarded with scum.

Seeing that the three pieces of trash had been resolved, Murong Hongyun looked down at the big formation.

His eyes met with Chen Ping'an.

The serious and strong face disappeared in an instant, accompanied by a smile on his face, flew down, landed next to Chen Pingan, and said with a smile: "Fellow Daoist Wu, you are shocked."

Chen Pingan really didn't expect Murong Hongyun to appear at such a critical time.

Otherwise, he would really have to fight with the three of them.

He doesn't know how strong his full blow is now.

After all, it has been a long time since he fought a powerful enemy.

Especially when the avenue of creation is slowly mutating, and coming to this kind of powerful world with several full-level avenues can only be regarded as ordinary.

Chen Ping'an cupped his hands and smiled: "Thank you Elder Hongyun for taking action, otherwise we will definitely not be able to handle it."

He also did not show a gesture of gratitude, and his identity still had to be maintained.

How could he be the husband of the future God of Creation?

Murong Hongyun looked like she helped Chen Ping'an to do a little thing, and said, "You don't need to worry about this kind of trivial matter. In the future, there will be people around in our Murong family all the year round, so you don't need to be afraid of what will happen."

Murong Hongyun felt that she had been favored by the family owner, otherwise she would not have sent him here to lead some people to protect Wudimen.

In this way, he can also use official business to build a good relationship with Chen Ping'an.

Chen Ping'an's eyes lit up, but now he wants to know more about what happened.

Obviously, he has not been in the Yiyuan world for a long time, how can he have an enemy?

The Murong family had obviously long thought of sending someone to protect their Invincible Sect.

It is highly probable that the three men in black did not come because of their invincibility.

Perhaps their Invincible Sect was implicated by the Murong family.

Murong Hongyun was not afraid to explain the current situation to Chen Ping'an.

Tell Anti-Mudian and Chen Ping'an again.

"Anti-Mudian?" Chen Ping'an frowned.

He really was implicated.

The Murong family's way of protecting their invincible door is also appropriate.

It's just that this anti-mudian is so strong.

As strong as the Murong family, they can't even eradicate them all?

He also thought that he was leaning on the big tree of the Murong family, and all his worries were gone.

"The anti-Mudian should be just a test this time, mainly to see if our Murong family has sent someone to protect you, or if we want to test your situation, so we only sent three people with five kinds of avenues to come. The next time may be to send stronger people, so you have to be careful yourself, Daoyou Wu."

Murong Hongyun's expression became serious and warned Chen Pingan.

Chen Ping'an frowned a little deeper.

Well, I haven't made any money yet, and I have attracted an enemy to myself.

And this enemy can't even handle the Murong family!

Maybe it was some old silver coin creation **** who came up with the tool power of the Murong family?

Chen Ping'an's face became ugly.

Can't you be rude when you go out in the future?

He can be sure that this anti-Mudian will try his best to kill their Invincible Sect first in order to engage the Murong family.

And he is the invincible sect master, not the biggest kill target.

After all, he will bring wealth to the Murong family in the future.

Grandma Li, don't dare to wave.

Moreover, he suspects that the invincible gate is not very safe. Who knows if the person who comes next time will be a top expert in the Anti-Mu Hall, stronger than Murong Hongyun.

"They shouldn't come again in a short time. Then, Daoyou Wu, I will withdraw first."

Murong Hongyun said with a smile.

Chen Ping'an nodded and sent the other party away.

At this time, the Great Emperor Hongtian Taichu Emperor Mother and others also came to Chen Ping'an one after another.

They all saw the scene just now, and they all looked like they were after the catastrophe.

Chen Pingan reassured them, saying that the Murong family was secretly protecting them.

After appeasing everyone, he looked at the formation in the sky and felt that this formation was not powerful enough, so he had to find a stronger formation to ensure his safety.

Take this time as an example, if Murong Hongyun came a little late, they might have been wiped out.

But there is a powerful formation that can at least delay them some time to escape or wait for the rescuers to come.

The chances of surviving will also be greater.

"Looking for the Murong family, or the Yiyuan Chamber of Commerce to borrow one?"

When they reach their realm, they have dabble in the knowledge of formation, and can arrange formations by themselves.

But if you want to arrange a formation that resists stronger attacks, what you need is no longer the ability of the formation, but time and more treasures.

The condition of treasure directly stifled Chen Pingan's idea of ​​creating his own formation.

Chen Ping'an thought about it and thought that he could try to ask the Murong family.

Because his question was given by the Murong family.

He took out the messenger treasure that contacted the Murong family head.

When he left last time, the Murong family master gave him a piece of messenger treasure.

It is easier for the two to communicate.

Tried to connect for a while.

Patriarch Murong only got in touch.

"Senior, there were a few people who opposed Mudian here at our Invincible Gate just now. Fortunately, Elder Hongyun appeared and solved them. But from this, I found that our Invincible Gate defense work is not good, so I want to ask , Does your family have a better formation that can be used by our Invincible Gate for a while?"

Can only be borrowed.

Taking it directly is too much.

And taking it directly is a favor.

It's a bit of a favor to borrow, but it's fine to pay it back later.

The head of the Murong family preached: "Yes, but it can only withstand the full force of the twenty full-level Daoists."

Chen Ping'an refused to come and said with a smile: "That's fine. When I find a better formation, I will definitely return it."

Patriarch Murong smiled and said no, and finally ordered the formation to be sent to Lingyuan City.

After cutting off the contact, Chen Ping'an took out the treasure of the messenger that contacted Liu Xi, and sent a message to Liu Xi.

This time it was very quick to connect.

Chen Ping'an was the same as just now, explained the reason again, and asked Liu Xi if he could borrow a defensive formation.

Liu Xi said directly: "It's a coincidence, I happen to have a defensive formation on my side that can resist the full blow of a hundred full-level avenues, but this formation is not ours, it is a force placed there. What we sell here on consignment, the reserve price for consignment is one hundred trillion avenue stones."

Hearing this, Chen Pingan was thoughtful.

He was thinking about the truth of what Liu Xi said.

He didn't doubt whether Liu Xi had such a formation, but was wondering if this formation could be Liu Xi's, but Liu Xi knew that he borrowed it, but he didn't want to borrow it. to buy.

It's just that he just finished thinking about it, and Liu Xi's words let him know that he was thinking too much.

"If Young Master Chen needs it, I can buy it first and lend it to you." Liu Xi said.

Hearing this, Chen Pingan now has two choices.

The first is to take over this help, but the debt he owes will be very large, many times greater than the formation of the Murong family.

The second is to find a way to get this formation from the consignment forces.

Chen Pingan felt that he could try the second option.

"I don't know which force is selling this formation on consignment?" Chen Pingan tried to ask.

Liu Xi said, "Chen family."

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