When Did I Become Invincible?

Chapter 1398: The Father of Death is overjoyed

Chen Ji was stared at by a group of elders, and he had no choice but to defend himself.

He knew that there was a high probability of such a scene, so he thought about his speech in advance.

He looked directly at the elders, not showing the appearance of doing something wrong, but doing good things.

"Since the elders have not made it clear to everyone about the formation, I will say it again."

Chen Ji straightened his back and said, "I heard President Liu Xi say that Wudimen is interested in our consignment formation, so as an informant, I told the family. You all know about this, but also Everyone let the elders go."

"As for when I got there, I didn't say much, because my status was much worse than they were there. Everyone knows that the situation of Wudimen is different now, how much Murong Patriarch is to Wudimen. Well, it's obvious to all. It's all because the invincible sect master has a very high personal charisma."

"When the first elder was discussing the formation with the invincible sect master, he was directly amazed by the invincible sect master, and the relationship between the two of them became very good."

"In the end, the great elder changed his mind and sold the formation with 40 trillion avenue stones. I couldn't make a decision. I also persuaded me, but the elder told me to use a formation to deal with this invincible gate. It's worth it, too."

Chen Ji told what happened yesterday and put all the blame on Chen Anni.

At the same time, Chen Pingan's high personal charm was brought up.

"As for the powerful effect that the formation suddenly played, I don't know very well. Everyone knows the situation of the formation better than me. It is really strange that this formation can hurt a person with a hundred will. Come to think of it, this should be the masterpiece of the invincible sect master. After all, he is a magical man. And I also thought of a detail point. When he saw the formation, he seemed to have thought of something, and he was overjoyed. That smile, I was still a little confused at the time."

"In my opinion, it's actually worth using this formation to make good friends with him. Soon, the business jointly done by Wudimen and Murong's family will come into existence. Maybe we can also benefit from our good relationship with them."

Chen Ji finally expressed his opinion.

This is the truest thought in his heart.

He still doesn't know what that business is, but the Murong family supports Wudimen so much, and Liu Xi is so optimistic about Wudimen, he believes that both parties are not fools.

That business definitely has a big head start.

The elders looked at Chen Ji as if he had done nothing wrong, but after speaking clearly, no one spoke.

In fact, Annie Chen had already told them everything yesterday, just like Chen Ji, and there was not much difference.

They didn't dare to provoke Chen Anni, even if the owner of the house saw Chen Anni, he had to call her eldest miss.

And they only looked for Chen Ji today, also because Chen Anni went out today...

The head of the Chen family asked in a deep voice: "The invincible gate master is really so strange? I heard that he is just an ordinary person. How much do you know about him? Tell me about it."

Chen Ji said: "I think his identity must not be simple, otherwise the Murong family would not cooperate with them, but his strength is really not strong."

This is what he knew about Chen Ping'an.

It can be said to be ridiculously small.

But Chen Ping'an has such a strange charm.

Makes it seem like everything he does is worth paying attention to.

"Then do you know what business they are going to do with the Murong family?" The head of the Chen family asked again.

Chen Ji shook his head.

"Then can you invite him to come to us? I want to see how holy he is to allow you to give such a great evaluation." The head of the Chen family asked again.

Now Chen Ji's praise for Chen Ping'an here is relatively general. Yesterday, Chen Anni blew Chen Ping'an into the sky directly in front of their group of elders.

It is said that their Chen family has climbed the invincible gate, and they will definitely reap great benefits in the future, and even become a family that is only a little worse than the Murong family.

You must know that with the current ranking of power and strength, their Chen family is still behind several families.

In addition to the Murong family, there are also the Zhang family, the Long family and the Wang family.

They were barely fifth.

It's not that their ancestors are not strong enough for other clan ancestors, it's just that their business layout is not as good as other clans.

Chen Ji said: "I can try to ask, just say Patriarch, you want to see him."

The head of the Chen family nodded: "Okay, you can go back."

When the other elders saw that the head of the family asked Chen Ji to leave, they all wanted to stop him.

Didn't they come to criticize Chen Ji?

Did that let him go?

Is that formation really sold like this? !

They came to Chen Ji today for another purpose.

That is to see if Chen Ji has a way to take back the formation.

Chen Ji nodded, bowed his hands, and left.

Walking out of the range that the elders could perceive, Chen Ji exhaled.

Afterwards, he sent a letter to Liu Xi and asked, "Xiao Xi, help me ask if Brother Chen is free to come to my Chen house as a guest recently. Our master wants to see him."

After listening, Liu Xi said that she would ask later.

After Chen Ji left, a group of elders quickly asked: "Patriarch, we won't let that Chen Ji get the formation back?"

The other elders also spoke up.

The head of the Chen family pondered: "Invite the invincible sect master directly. I'll see what his situation is first, and then make a decision."

Hearing this, the other elders did not speak.


On the other end far away from Chen's house.

in a dimly lit area.

At this moment, there was also a group of people in black gathered together to discuss things.

The strength of this group of men in black is terrifying.

One hundred full-level avenues are the lowest cultivation base here.

In the depths of the hall, on a luxurious bench, sat a very strong old man.

This old man is the head of the Anti-Mu Hall.

Next to the temple master was a freshly dressed woman lying reclining.

"Both of them are dead?" The head of the Anti-Mu Hall said in a deep voice.

No one else dared to speak.

I thought that sending out a person with two hundred full-level avenues would be able to destroy the invincible gate, kill the prestige of the Murong family, and interrupt the layout of the Murong family.

Unexpectedly, stealing chickens will not lose rice.

None of the two people sent came back!

This is simply a big loss!

A high-level anti-Mudian said solemnly: "Palace Master, this invincible door can escape this catastrophe entirely because they have a strange formation."

"Yes, I heard the report from the subordinate over there, saying that the formation was very strange. Not to mention that it could block a hundred full-level avenue attacks, and finally turned into a green light screen, which reversed the attack. This led to Our mission failed!"

"I've never heard of this level of formation! This should have been given to them by the Murong Clan! Damn, this Murong Clan really cares about the life and death of this Invincible Clan!"

"The more they care, the more we should be wiped out!"

A group of strong people said a word one by one, and the hall seemed a little noisy.

The head of the Anti-Mu Hall said solemnly: "The Murong family protects the invincible gate so well, which means that their cooperation will definitely bring great benefits to the Murong family! Therefore, we must remove this invincible gate! But we can't send it rashly. People go! Who has a good plan?"

They can no longer easily lose the powerful combat power.

Now they are against Mudian, and there are only less than six people who have 200 full-level avenues!

Hearing this, those high-level executives fell silent.

No one spoke.

"Brother-in-law, I actually have a plan, I don't know if I should talk about it or not?" Just when everyone was silent, a voice sounded not far from the master of the Anti-Mu Hall.

There stood a middle-aged man with a smile on his face.

If Chen Ping'an was here, he would definitely grit his teeth and kill him when he saw this middle-aged man.

This man is the Father of Death.

The master of the Anti-Mu Hall looked at the death emperor and said, "Speak."

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