The patient was saved, but the doctor said that he was not going to be saved.

In this case, they could only save him if they could. In the end, they could do nothing.

Listening to what Chen Fang said, Hu Kai nodded slowly.

After fainting once, his attitude obviously changed.

He was willing to cooperate with the treatment.

He agreed to whatever the doctor said.

"Okay, then don't move around, cooperate well, and I'll do hemodialysis for you right away."

At this time, the blood filter was also pushed down.

Pull up the partition curtain and connect the catheters on both sides.

Draw blood from the artery, filter it, and then flow it back from the vein.

This is the only way to save the lives of patients with acute poisoning.


Two hours later, hemodialysis ended.

Hu Kai's condition improved slightly.

But Zhang Yi was always frowning.

Because in Zhang Yi's sight, Hu Kai had not only kidney failure.

His entire lungs had begun to be affected, and local fibrosis had begun.

The main cause of death from paraquat is pulmonary fibrosis, progressive dyspnea, and finally respiratory failure.

Pulmonary fibrosis is an irreversible pathological change.

Once the tissue begins to fibrosis, it proves that the person will not survive.

Especially paraquat poisoning.

At first, Zhang Yi thought that if the toxins could be discharged earlier and blood replacement could be performed.

Maybe there would be a glimmer of hope.

However, the toxicity spread too quickly.

It was too late when he was doing dialysis.

On the bed, Hu Kai's breathing rate had gradually increased.

Chen Fang immediately arranged for the patient to do an HRCT.

That is, a high-resolution chest CT scan.

HRCT is a necessary means to diagnose whether the lungs are fibrotic.

There were fewer patients in the evening, and the film came out in less than ten minutes.

Chen Fang shook his head after taking a look.

Then he handed the film to Zhang Yi to see.

Zhang Yi's face was also full of regret.

The family members came to ask them:

"Doctor, what is the situation of our Hu Kai? Is there a high chance of survival?"

Zhang Yi and Chen Fang looked at each other, and their eyes were the same.

Zhang Yi sighed slightly and said:

"It is indeed possible to find a glimmer of life by doing hemodialysis.

But now, we found that his lungs have begun to fibrosis, which is irreversible.

We have cleared the toxins in his blood as much as possible.

But we really can't do anything about the toxins that have spread to the body and organs.

Now we can only take it one step at a time.

But I hope you will be mentally prepared.

The lethal dose of paraquat is 5 ml, which means that drinking a small sip can basically kill you.

And Hu Kai drank a whole bottle!

Now... we have done what we should do.

I hope you won't be too sad in the end."

Paraquat, what can we do about it.

And at the beginning, the patient was unwilling to cooperate with the rescue.

It's too late now.

Hemodialysis can only be said to have alleviated the spread of toxicity.


Zhang Yi thought, this should be the first patient who died in his hands...

Hearing Zhang Yi say this.

The family members fell into silence.

Finally, Hu Kai's wife asked again, crying:

"Doctor... is there really no way? What about another hemodialysis? We still have money, and we can still do it."

"The lungs are already fibrotic, and the result of another hemodialysis will be the same.

There is currently no specific medicine for paraquat.

Once its toxicity spreads to the whole body, it is basically irreversible and death is inevitable.

Many TV news reports of people who drank paraquat and survived either drank a very small amount and were rescued.

Or they drank fake paraquat, which is not so toxic.

But Hu Kai is different. He did everything he could to buy the discontinued paraquat and drank a bottle.

Alas, there is really no way. Now we can only use drugs to delay the progression of his condition, but the final result will not change."

When Hu Kai's wife heard this, she immediately broke down and cried in the emergency room.

She walked to the bedside and scolded Hu Kai while crying.

She cursed all kinds of ugly words.

Although Hu Kai was in extreme pain, he was still conscious.

Looking at the collapse on his wife's face.

He opened his mouth and called softly:

"Doctor... Doctor..."

When Zhang Yi heard this, he hurried to his side and asked:

"What's wrong?"

"Doctor... Can I still be saved? I... I don't want to die anymore..."

The doctors and nurses who heard this frowned and looked


Do you regret it now?

It's too late!

"Why don't you want to die again?" Zhang Yi asked.

Hu Kai pointed at his wife and said:

"What will happen to her if I die... I still have children... I... I don't want to die, doctor, can you save me?"

I'm really impressed!

You just remembered that you still have a wife and children? !

Zhang Yi shook his head and took a deep breath.

How should he answer this?

If you can save them, save them earlier!

Oh! What a sin!

Suddenly, Zhang Yi thought of his system.

Although the system can only reward clinical knowledge and surgery...

But what if?

"System, are you there?"

[Sorry, the patient has entered the terminal stage of the disease and can no longer be treated. ]

Zhang Yi was stunned.

You know what I'm going to say before I say it? !

But the system has said so, Hu Kai can only wait to die.

"I'm sorry, the poison in your body is too strong, and we can't do anything about it at the moment. Use the remaining time to talk to the family members."

Zhang Yi answered truthfully.

Hu Kai looked at Zhang Yi blankly.

There was a little light flashing in his dry eyes.

I don't know if he wants to cry.

But what's the use of crying now.

You should never drink this pesticide...


7:30 in the morning.

As the morning shift approached, the old lady with heart failure in the emergency room suddenly became worse.

She didn't respond to calls, her blood pressure dropped, and her carotid artery pulse disappeared.

Zhang Yi, who hadn't slept all night, immediately stood by the bed and performed cardiopulmonary resuscitation on the old lady.

The family members were also watching.

After all, she was old and had stage three heart failure.

The family members were also mentally prepared.

After more than ten minutes of rescue, there was still no improvement on the ECG monitor.

The family members were relieved.

While crying, he thanked the doctors and nurses.

The emergency department recorded the time of death, and then the nurse helped put the patient into the body bag.

Half an hour later, the body was taken away by the family.

The quilt was changed and disinfected.

The bed was brand new again.

Staring at the rescue bed where someone had just died, Zhang Yi was a little dazed.

Chen Fang pushed him: "What are you thinking about, Assistant Zhang? Have you never seen a dead person?"

"Of course I haven't seen one. I saw one four times a month when I was interning in the ICU."

"That's right, where else can people die if they don't die in the hospital?"

Zhang Yi turned his head and glanced at Chen Fang.

Oh, that makes sense.

The hospital is not only a place to welcome new life, but also a transit station for bidding farewell to the dead.

It was 8:30 in the morning.

The colleagues on the day shift of the emergency department were basically all there, and the shift handover began.

The night shift handover is to tell the day shift medical staff everything about the patients in the department at night, so that they can understand the patients' conditions.

After the handover, the ward rounds began.

Just as a group of doctors walked into the emergency room.

Hu Kai's condition suddenly became worse.

Zhang Yi approached and saw that there was a large area of ​​fibrosis in the lungs!

It was already a state of respiratory failure!

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